예제 #1
def test_units_3():
    p = phys.light.PhotonObject(E=phys.Measurement(5, "J**1"),
                                v=phys.Measurement([phys.light.c, 0, 0],
                                                   "m**1 s**-1"))
    assert p.E.units == {"L": 2, "T": -2, "M": 1}
    assert p.v.units == {"L": 1, "T": -1}
    assert lin.norm(p.v) == phys.light.c
예제 #2
def test_units_5():
    E_g = phys.Measurement(0, "J**1") + phys.Measurement(13.6, "eV**1")
    f = E_g / phys.light.h
    l = phys.light.c / f
    assert E_g == 1.602176634e-19 * 13.6
    assert dict_equiv(E_g.units, {"L": 2, "T": -2, "M": 1})
    assert f == (1.602176634e-19 * 13.6) / 6.62607015e-34
    assert dict_equiv(f.units, {"T": -1})
    assert l == 299792458 / ((1.602176634e-19 * 13.6) / 6.62607015e-34)
    assert dict_equiv(l.units, {"L": 1})
예제 #3
def test_units_6():
    a = phys.Measurement(5, "kg**1 m**1 s**-2")
    l = phys.Measurement(5, "au**1")
    t = phys.Measurement(10, "min**2")
    assert a * t == 50
    assert phys.Measurement(0, "kg**1 m**1") + (a * t) == (60**2) * 10 * 5
    assert a * l == 25
    assert (a / l).flat[0] == 5 / (5 * 149597870700)
    assert a**2 == 25
    assert dict_equiv((a**2).units, {"M": 2, "L": 2, "S": -4})
    assert np.sqrt(l) == np.sqrt(5)
    assert phys.Measurement(0, "m**1") + np.sqrt(l) == np.sqrt(149597870700 *
예제 #4
def planck_phot_distribution(E_min, E_max, T, bins=1000):
    # Generate the bins.
    global last_planck_params
    global last_planck_gamma_norm
    global last_planck_cdf
    params = [
        x.__unscaled__() if isinstance(x, physicl.Measurement) else x
        for x in [E_min, E_max, T, bins]
    E_min, E_max, T, bins = tuple(params)
    gamma_norm = []
    gamma_cdf = []
    E = np.linspace(E_min, E_max, bins)
    if last_planck_params != params:
        gamma = []
        for x in range(len(E) - 1):
            gamma.append(planck_probability(E[x], E[x + 1], T)[0])
        # Sum and normalize each bin
        tot_area = sum(gamma)
        gamma_norm = [x / tot_area for x in gamma]
        # Pick a random position along the curve.
        gamma_cdf = [gamma_norm[0]]
        for x in range(1, len(gamma_norm)):
            gamma_cdf.append(gamma_cdf[-1] + gamma_norm[x])
        last_planck_params = params
        last_planck_gamma_norm = gamma_norm
        last_planck_cdf = gamma_cdf
        gamma_norm = last_planck_gamma_norm
        gamma_cdf = last_planck_cdf

    rand = np.random.rand()
    for x in range(1, len(gamma_cdf)):
        if gamma_cdf[x] >= rand and rand >= gamma_cdf[x - 1]:
            return physicl.Measurement(E[x], "J**1")
예제 #5
def test_units_4():
    E = phys.light.E_from_wavelength(phys.Measurement(633e-9, "m**1"))
    assert E == (299792458 * 6.62607015e-34) / (633e-9)
    assert E.units == {"L": 2, "T": -2, "M": 1}
    wv = phys.light.wavelength_from_E(E)
    assert wv == 633e-9
    assert dict_equiv(wv.units, {"L": 1})
예제 #6
def planck_distribution(E, T):
    E_conv = E.__unscaled__() if isinstance(E, physicl.Measurement) else E
    T_conv = T.__unscaled__() if isinstance(T, physicl.Measurement) else T
    kB_conv = kB.__unscaled__()
    coef1 = 15 / (np.pi**4 * kB_conv * T_conv)  # J ** -1
    coef2 = E_conv / (kB_conv * T_conv)  # unitless
    coef3 = 1 / (np.e**(E_conv / (kB_conv * T_conv)))  # unitless
    return physicl.Measurement(coef1 * (coef2**3) * coef3, "J**-1")
예제 #7
def generate_photons(n, fn=lambda: np.random.power(3), min=0, max=0, bins=-1):
	Generates a collection of rays according to a distribution. Works by taking n samples of fn and then using min + (max - min) * fn() to generate the photon. By default this is numpy's power distribution.
    # log N = log lambda
    # lambda = hc/E
    # log N = log (hc/E)^c
    # N = (hc/E)^c

    # fn: x is position in dist => dist count less-than-equal-to-1
    # min_fn x is miniumum => min in distribution generator
    # max_fn analagous to min_fn
    out = []
    for i in range(int(n)):
        Eo = min + (max - min) * fn()
            PhotonObject(E=Eo, v=physicl.Measurement([c, 0, 0], "m**1 s**-1")))
    return out
예제 #8
import physicl
import pyopencl as cl
import pyopencl.array as cl_array
import numpy.linalg as np_lin
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
import scipy.integrate
import copy
SI definition for speed of light
c = physicl.Measurement(
    "m**1 s**-1")  # Defined here: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/17/1/
h = physicl.Measurement(
    np.double(6.62607015e-34), "J**1 s**1"
)  # Defined here: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM-2018/26th-CGPM-Resolutions.pdf
kB = physicl.Measurement(
    np.double(1.380649e-23), "J**1 K**-1"
)  # Boltzmann constant, defined here: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si-brochure/SI-Brochure-9.pdf

class PhotonObject(physicl.Object):
	Represents a simple photon.
	Constrained to require an energy (E) and a velocity whose Euclidean norm is the speed of light.

    # Make it so we can have light that's slower than this?
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
예제 #9
def test_units_2():
    x = phys.Measurement(1, "au**1")
    y = phys.Measurement(149597870700 * 1, "m**1")
    assert x + y == phys.Measurement(2, "au**1")
    assert y + x == phys.Measurement(149597870700 * 2, "m**1")
예제 #10
def test_units_1():
    x = phys.Measurement(5, "kg**1 m**1 s**-2")
    y = phys.Measurement(5, "N**1")
    assert x == y
    assert x.scale == x.scale
    assert x.units == x.units