camera = camera.orthographic(0, scnx, 0, scny) while True: display.clear() for b in range (0, maxballs): # Draw ball (tex,x,y,z,width,height,rotation) pi3d.sprite(ball[bi[b]],bx[b],by[b],-1,bs[b],bs[b]) # Increment ball positions bx[b]=bx[b]+dx[b] by[b]=by[b]+dy[b] # X coords outside of drawing area? Then invert X direction if bx[b]>scnx or bx[b]<0: dx[b]=-dx[b] # Y coords outside of drawing area? Then invert Y direction if by[b]>scny or by[b]<0: dy[b]=-dy[b] #draw a bar at the top of the screen pi3d.rectangle(bar,0,scny-32,scnx,32) pi3d.rectangle(bbtitle,5,scny-32,256,32) display.swap_buffers()
omx,omy=mx,my # turns player tank turret towards center of screen which will have a crosshairs if turrot+2.0 < mouserot: turrot+=2.0 if turrot-2.0 > mouserot: turrot-=2.0 # switch to 2D orthographic rendering display.setOrthographic() # Draw Frames Per Second info pi3d.drawString2D(arialFont,"FPS:"+str(fps.count()),10,50,20) # Draw targetting cross pi3d.rectangle(target,display.win_width*.5-64,display.win_height*.5+64,128,128) # Draw map and tank positions mx = display.win_width-smaps pi3d.rectangle(grndot,mx+(xm/mapwidth)*smaps+smph-doth,smph+doth-(zm/mapdepth)*smaps,dotsize,dotsize) pi3d.rectangle(reddot,mx+(-etx/mapwidth)*smaps+smph-doth,smph+doth-(-etz/mapdepth)*smaps,dotsize,dotsize) pi3d.rectangle(mountimg1,mx,smaps,smaps,smaps) # If in sniper mode, then display sniper overlay if smode==True: pi3d.rectangle(sniper,0,display.win_height,display.win_width,display.win_height) display.swapBuffers() # Handle window events # Press ESCAPE to terminate win.update()
pi3d.sprite(ball[bi[b]], bx[b], by[b], -2.0, bs[b], bs[b]) # Increment ball positions bx[b] = bx[b] + dx[b] by[b] = by[b] + dy[b] # X coords outside of drawing area? Then invert X direction if bx[b] > scnx or bx[b] < 0: dx[b] = -dx[b] # Y coords outside of drawing area? Then invert Y direction if by[b] > scny or by[b] < 0: dy[b] = -dy[b] #draw a bar at the top of the screen pi3d.rectangle(bar, 0, scny, scnx, 32) pi3d.rectangle(bbtitle, 5, scny, 256 + 5, 32) k = if k > -1: if k == 112: display.screenshot("screen3D" + str(scshots) + ".jpg") scshots += 1 if k == 27: mykeys.close() texs.deleteAll() display.destroy() break display.swapBuffers()
camera = camera.orthographic(0, scnx, 0, scny) while True: display.clear() for b in range(0, maxballs): # Draw ball (tex,x,y,z,width,height,rotation) pi3d.sprite(ball[bi[b]], bx[b], by[b], -1, bs[b], bs[b]) # Increment ball positions bx[b] = bx[b] + dx[b] by[b] = by[b] + dy[b] # X coords outside of drawing area? Then invert X direction if bx[b] > scnx or bx[b] < 0: dx[b] = -dx[b] # Y coords outside of drawing area? Then invert Y direction if by[b] > scny or by[b] < 0: dy[b] = -dy[b] #draw a bar at the top of the screen pi3d.rectangle(bar, 0, scny - 32, scnx, 32) pi3d.rectangle(bbtitle, 5, scny - 32, 256, 32) display.swap_buffers()
# Increment ball positions bx[b]=bx[b]+dx[b] by[b]=by[b]+dy[b] # X coords outside of drawing area? Then invert X direction if bx[b]>scnx or bx[b]<0: dx[b]=-dx[b] # Y coords outside of drawing area? Then invert Y direction if by[b]>scny or by[b]<0: dy[b]=-dy[b] pi3d.drawString2D(arialFont,"Raspberry Pi ROCKS!",100,300,80) #draw a bar at the top of the screen pi3d.rectangle(bar,0,scny,scnx,32) pi3d.rectangle(bbtitle,5,scny,256+5,32) k = if k >-1: if k==112: display.screenshot("screen3D"+str(scshots)+".jpg") scshots += 1 if k==27: mykeys.close() texs.deleteAll() display.destroy() break display.swapBuffers()
scny=1024 display = pi3d.display() display.create2D(0,0,scnx,scny,0) # Set last value (alpha) to zero for a transparent background! display.setBackColour(0,0.2,0.6,0.8) # Ball parameters arialFont = pi3d.font("MicrosoftSansSerif","#ffffff") #load AR_CENA font and set the font colour to 'raspberry' bar = pi3d.loadTexture("textures/bar.png") bbtitle = pi3d.loadTextureAlpha("textures/pi3dbbd.png",True) coffee = pi3d.loadTexture("textures/COFFEE.PNG") # Fetch key presses mykeys = pi3d.key() scshots = 1 while True: display.clear() #draw a bar at the top of the screen pi3d.rectangle(bar,0,scny,scnx,32) pi3d.rectangle(bbtitle,5,scny,256+5,32) pi3d.rectangle(coffee,200,600,400,400) pi3d.drawString(arialFont, "`Test arial font!", 300, 300, 0, 0.0, 1.0,1.0) display.swapBuffers()