예제 #1
 def __reduce__(self):
     if not self.name:
         raise PickleError("Variables without names cannot be pickled")
     __dict__ = dict(self.__dict__)
     return (make_variable, (self.__class__, self._compute_value, self.name,
                             self.values), __dict__)
예제 #2
    def __reduce__(self):
        if not self.name:
            raise PickleError("Variables without names cannot be pickled")

        # Use make to unpickle variables.
        return make_variable, (self.__class__, self._compute_value,
                               self.name), self.__dict__
예제 #3
 def __reduce__(self):
     if not self.name:
         raise PickleError("Variables without names cannot be pickled")
     __dict__ = dict(self.__dict__)
     return make_variable, (self.__class__, self._compute_value, self.name,
                            self.values, self.ordered, self.base_value), \
예제 #4
    def __reduce__(self):
        if not self.name:
            raise PickleError("Variables without names cannot be pickled")

        # Use make to unpickle variables.
        # "master" attribute is removed from the dict since make will point
        # it to the correct variable. If we did not remove it, the (pickled)
        # value would replace the one set by make.
        __dict__ = dict(self.__dict__)
        __dict__.pop("master", None)
        return make_variable, (self.__class__, self._compute_value, self.name), __dict__
예제 #5
    def __getstate__(self):
        if self.conn:
            raise PickleError("already has been pickled once")

        conn_p, conn_c = ctx.Pipe(True)

        self._conn_p = conn_p
        self._conn_c = conn_c

        self.conn = conn_p
        pipe_id = id(conn_p)
        self.id = ("s", pipe_id)

        return ("r", pipe_id), conn_c, PICKLE_PROTOCOL_MAX
예제 #6
 def __reduce__(self):
     if not self.name:
         raise PickleError("Variables without names cannot be pickled")
     return (
예제 #7
    def __getstate__(self):
        "Experimental pickling support."
        if self.__dict__['_parent']:
            raise PickleError(
                "Only root instances of %s can currently be pickled." % \
        tmp_filename = os.path.join(
            gettempdir(), "mlab_pickle_%s.mat" % self._mlabwrap._session)
            mlab.save(tmp_filename, self._name)
            mlab_contents = slurp(tmp_filename, binary=1)
            if os.path.exists(tmp_filename): os.remove(tmp_filename)

        return {'mlab_contents': mlab_contents, 'name': self._name}
def load_classifier(dss_model, version_id=None):
    logging.info("Trying to load model from {0}, version: {1}".format(
        dss_model, version_id))
        clf = dss_model.get_predictor(version_id=version_id)._clf
    except Exception as e:
        raise PickleError(
                'Failed to load the saved model. The visual Machine Learning '
                'code environment needs to be compatible with the code environment of this plugin.'
            ) + prettify_error('Original error is {}'.format(e)))

    logging.info("Checking that model {0} is a classifier".format(dss_model))
    if len(dss_model.get_predictor(version_id=version_id).classes) == 0:
        raise TypeError(
                'Saved model {} seems to be a regressor and not a classifier.'.
                format(saved_model_id) +
                'Active learning in regression context is not supported yet.'))
    return clf
예제 #9
 def __getstate__(self):
     raise PickleError(
         "There is no pickling support for JiTC*DE objects and there likely never will be. Take a look at save_compiled instead."
예제 #10
 def __reduce__(self):
     raise PickleError('Dysco cannot be pickled.')
예제 #11
파일: component.py 프로젝트: knut0815/pyomo
    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        # The problem we are addressing is when we want to clone a
        # sub-block in a model.  In that case, the block can have
        # references to both child components and to external
        # ComponentData (mostly through expressions pointing to Vars
        # and Params outside this block).  For everything stored beneath
        # this block, we want to clone the Component (and all
        # corresponding ComponentData objects).  But for everything
        # stored outside this Block, we want to do a simple shallow
        # copy.
        # Nominally, expressions only point to ComponentData
        # derivatives.  However, with the developemtn of Expression
        # Templates (and the corresponding _GetItemExpression object),
        # expressions can refer to container (non-Simple) components, so
        # we need to override __deepcopy__ for both Component and
        # ComponentData.

        #    print("Component: %s" % (self.name,))
        #    print("DANGLING ComponentData: %s on %s" % (
        #        type(self),self.parent_component()))

        # Note: there is an edge case when cloning a block: the initial
        # call to deepcopy (on the target block) has __block_scope__
        # defined, however, the parent block of self is either None, or
        # is (by definition) out of scope.  So we will check that
        # id(self) is not in __block_scope__: if it is, then this is the
        # top-level block and we need to do the normal deepcopy.
        if '__block_scope__' in memo and \
                id(self) not in memo['__block_scope__']:
            _known = memo['__block_scope__']
            _new = []
            tmp = self.parent_block()
            tmpId = id(tmp)
            # Note: normally we would need to check that tmp does not
            # end up being None.  However, since clone() inserts
            # id(None) into the __block_scope__ dictionary, we are safe
            while tmpId not in _known:
                tmp = tmp.parent_block()
                tmpId = id(tmp)

            # Remember whether all newly-encountered blocks are in or
            # out of scope (prevent duplicate work)
            for _id in _new:
                _known[_id] = _known[tmpId]

            if not _known[tmpId]:
                # component is out-of-scope.  shallow copy only
                ans = memo[id(self)] = self
                return ans

        # There is a particularly subtle bug with 'uncopyable'
        # attributes: if the exception is thrown while copying a complex
        # data structure, we can be in a state where objects have been
        # created and assigned to the memo in the try block, but they
        # haven't had their state set yet.  When the exception moves us
        # into the except block, we need to effectively "undo" those
        # partially copied classes.  The only way is to restore the memo
        # to the state it was in before we started.  Right now, our
        # solution is to make a (shallow) copy of the memo before each
        # operation and restoring it in the case of exception.
        # Unfortunately that is a lot of usually unnecessary work.
        # Since *most* classes are copyable, we will avoid that
        # "paranoia" unless the naive clone generated an error - in
        # which case Block.clone() will switch over to the more
        # "paranoid" mode.
        paranoid = memo.get('__paranoid__', None)

        ans = memo[id(self)] = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
        # We can't do the "obvious", since this is a (partially)
        # slot-ized class and the __dict__ structure is
        # nonauthoritative:
        # for key, val in self.__dict__.iteritems():
        #     object.__setattr__(ans, key, deepcopy(val, memo))
        # Further, __slots__ is also nonauthoritative (this may be a
        # singleton component -- in which case it also has a __dict__).
        # Plus, as this may be a derived class with several layers of
        # slots.  So, we will resort to partially "pickling" the object,
        # deepcopying the state dict, and then restoring the copy into
        # the new instance.
        # [JDS 7/7/14] I worry about the efficiency of using both
        # getstate/setstate *and* deepcopy, but we need deepcopy to
        # update the _parent refs appropriately, and since this is a
        # slot-ized class, we cannot overwrite the __deepcopy__
        # attribute to prevent infinite recursion.
        state = self.__getstate__()
            if paranoid:
                saved_memo = dict(memo)
            new_state = deepcopy(state, memo)
            if paranoid:
                # Note: memo is intentionally pass-by-reference.  We
                # need to clear and reset the object we were handed (and
                # not overwrite it)
            elif paranoid is not None:
                raise PickleError()
            new_state = {}
            for k, v in iteritems(state):
                    if paranoid:
                        saved_memo = dict(memo)
                    new_state[k] = deepcopy(v, memo)
                    if paranoid:
                    elif paranoid is None:
                            Uncopyable field encountered when deep
                            copying outside the scope of Block.clone().
                            There is a distinct possibility that the new
                            copy is not complete.  To avoid this
                            situation, either use Block.clone() or set
                            'paranoid' mode by adding '__paranoid__' ==
                            True to the memo before calling
                        "Unable to clone Pyomo component attribute.\n"
                        "Component '%s' contains an uncopyable field '%s' (%s)"
                        % (self.name, k, type(v)))
        return ans
예제 #12
 def __setstate__(self, memo=None):
     raise PickleError(
         "Trying to pickle Cacher object with function {}, pickling functions not possible."
예제 #13
 def test_overwrite_pickle_error(self, mock_storage):
     mock_storage.saver.put.side_effect = PickleError()
     mock_logger = mock.Mock()
     mock_storage.log = mock_logger
예제 #14
 def test_read_by_key_key_doesnt_exist(self, mock_storage):
     mock_storage.retriever.get.side_effect = PickleError()
     assert mock_storage.read_by_key('test') is None
예제 #15
 def test_read_all_could_not_read(self, mock_storage):
     mock_storage.retriever.get.side_effect = PickleError()
     assert mock_storage.read_all(None) is None
예제 #16
파일: variable.py 프로젝트: chkothe/orange3
 def __reduce__(self):
     if not self.name:
         raise PickleError("Variables without names cannot be pickled")
     return make_variable, (self.__class__, self.name), self.__dict__