def save_simulation_data(self, attribute=None): data_file = os.path.join(self.data_loc, "npred_"+str(self.N_pred)+"_nwords_"+str(self.num_words_total)+"_lcon_" +str(int(self.lm_left_context))+"_wdiff_"+str(round(np.exp(self.win_diff_base))) +"_rot_"+str(self.rotate_index)+"_cor_"+str(self.easy_phrase)+"_fp_" +str(self.false_positive_rate)+".p") data_handel = PickleUtil(data_file) dist_id_file = os.path.join(self.data_loc, "dist_id.p") dist_id_handel = PickleUtil(dist_id_file) dist_id_handel.safe_save(self.click_dist) data_dict = dict() data_dict["N_pred"] = self.N_pred data_dict["prob_thresh"] = self.prob_thres data_dict["win_diff"] = self.win_diff_base data_dict["num_words"] = self.num_words_total data_dict["time_rotate"] = self.time_rotate data_dict["false_positive"] = self.false_positive_rate data_dict["errors"] = self.error_rate_avg data_dict["selections"] = self.sel_per_min data_dict["characters"] = self.char_per_min data_dict["presses_sel"] = self.press_per_sel data_dict["presses_char"] = self.press_per_char data_dict["presses_word"] = self.press_per_word data_dict["kde_mses"] = self.kde_errors_avg data_dict["kde"] = self.bc.get_histogram() data_dict["kde"] = self.bc.get_histogram() if attribute is not None: data_dict["attribute"] = attribute data_handel.safe_save(data_dict)
def save_simulation_data(self, attribute=None): if attribute is not None: data_file = os.path.join( self.data_loc, "sorted_" + str(int(self.key_config == "sorted")) + "_nwords_" + str(self.num_word_preds) + "_wf_" + str(int(self.words_first)) + "_delay_" + str(round(self.start_scan_delay, 2)) + "_scan_" + str(self.scanning_delay) + "_atr_" + str(attribute) + "_fp_" + str(self.false_positive_rate) + ".p") else: data_file = os.path.join( self.data_loc, "sorted_" + str(int(self.key_config == "sorted")) + "_nwords_" + str(self.num_word_preds) + "_wf_" + str(int(self.words_first)) + "_delay_" + str(round(self.start_scan_delay, 2)) + "_cor_" + str(self.easy_phrase) + "_scan_" + str(self.scanning_delay) + "_fp_" + str(self.false_positive_rate) + ".p") data_handel = PickleUtil(data_file) data_dict = dict() data_dict["order"] = self.key_config data_dict["words_first"] = self.words_first data_dict["num_words"] = self.num_word_preds data_dict["delay"] = self.start_scan_delay data_dict["scan_delay"] = self.scanning_delay data_dict["easy_corpus"] = self.easy_phrase data_dict["false_positive"] = self.false_positive_rate data_dict["errors"] = self.error_rate_avg data_dict["selections"] = self.sel_per_min data_dict["characters"] = self.char_per_min data_dict["presses_char"] = self.press_per_char data_dict["presses_word"] = self.press_per_word if attribute is not None: data_dict["attribute"] = attribute data_handel.safe_save(data_dict)
class App(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.user_num = 0 self.gen_handle() self.press_hold = True self.num_presses = 2 self.presses_remaining = int(self.num_presses) self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.active_color = QColor(70, 200, 255) self.inactive_color = QColor(240, 240, 240) self.reaction_timer = QTimer() self.reaction_timer.singleShot(np.random.randint(2000, 6000), self.start_reaction) self.square = QFrame(self) self.square_x, self.square_y = np.random.random_integers( 200, 800, (2)).tolist() self.square.setGeometry(self.square_x, self.square_y, 100, 100) self.square.setStyleSheet("QWidget { background-color: %s }" % self.setWindowTitle('Reaction Time Measuring') self.setGeometry(800, 300, 1000, 1000) def gen_handle(self): handle_name = "data\\" + str(self.user_num) if 'data' not in os.listdir(): os.mkdir("data") os.mkdir(handle_name) if str(self.user_num) not in os.listdir("data"): os.mkdir(handle_name) self.data_handel_rxn = PickleUtil(handle_name + "\\rxn_times.p") self.data_handel_dpt = PickleUtil(handle_name + "\\dp_times.p") self.reaction_times = self.data_handel_rxn.safe_load() if self.reaction_times is None: self.reaction_times = [] print("Loaded ", len(self.reaction_times), "rxn clicks") self.double_press_times = self.data_handel_dpt.safe_load() if self.double_press_times is None: self.double_press_times = [] print("Loaded ", len(self.double_press_times), "dpt clicks") def start_reaction(self): self.square.setStyleSheet("QFrame { background-color: %s }" % self.square_x, self.square_y = np.random.random_integers( 200, 800, (2)).tolist() self.square.setGeometry(self.square_x, self.square_y, 100, 100) self.start_time = time() def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_Space: if self.press_hold: self.on_press() self.press_hold = True if e.key() == Qt.Key_Control: self.press_hold = True def on_press(self): # self.reaction_timer.singleShot(1000, self.end_reaction) self.presses_remaining -= 1 if self.presses_remaining == self.num_presses - 1: reaction_time = time() - self.start_time self.reaction_times.append(reaction_time) if self.presses_remaining == 0: self.presses_remaining = int(self.num_presses) double_press_time = time( ) - self.reaction_times[-1] - self.start_time self.double_press_times.append(double_press_time) self.end_reaction() self.reaction_timer.singleShot(np.random.randint(2000, 4000), self.start_reaction) def end_reaction(self): self.square.setStyleSheet("QFrame { background-color: %s }" % def closeEvent(self, event): print("CLOSING THRU CLOSEEVENT") self.quit(event) # self.deleteLater() def quit(self, event=None): self.data_handel_rxn.safe_save(self.reaction_times) print("Saving ", len(self.reaction_times), " rxn clicks") self.data_handel_dpt.safe_save(self.double_press_times) print("Saving ", len(self.double_press_times), " dpt clicks") self.close()
def gen_kernel(self): kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(self.rel_click_data) kernel_handle = PickleUtil("resources\\kde_kernel.p") kernel_handle.safe_save(kernel)
class Keyboard(MainWindow): def __init__(self, screen_res, app): super(Keyboard, self).__init__(screen_res) = app self.font_scale = 1 self.key_chars = kconfig.key_chars self.key_chars_sorted = kconfig.key_chars_sorted self.key_config = "sorted" # self.key_config = "default" self.num_words = 7 self.words_first = True # self.words_first = False self.sound_set = True self.pause_set = True self.lm_prefix = "" self.left_context = "" self.typed_versions = [""] self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.gen_data_handel() self.up_handel = PickleUtil( os.path.join(self.user_handel, 'user_preferences.p')) user_preferences = self.up_handel.safe_load() if user_preferences is None: user_preferences = [ 'sorted', config.default_rotate_ind, config.default_pause_ind, True ] self.up_handel.safe_save(user_preferences) self.key_config, self.speed, self.pause_index, self.is_write_data = user_preferences self.scanning_delay = config.period_li[self.speed] self.extra_delay = config.pause_li[self.pause_index] self.params_handle_dict = { 'speed': [], 'extra_delay': [], 'params': [], 'start': [], 'press': [], 'choice': [] } self.num_presses = 0 self.last_press_time = time.time() self.last_update_time = time.time() self.next_frame_time = time.time() self.params_handle_dict['params'].append( [config.period_li[config.default_rotate_ind], config.theta0]) self.params_handle_dict['start'].append(time.time()) self.click_time_list = [] lm_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'resources'), 'lm_word_medium.kenlm') vocab_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'resources'), 'vocab_100k') self.lm = LanguageModel(lm_path, vocab_path) self.phrase_prompts = False if self.phrase_prompts: self.phrases = Phrases("resources/") else: self.phrases = None # determine keyboard positions # set up file handle for printing useful stuff # set up "typed" text self.typed = "" self.context = "" self.old_context_li = [""] self.last_add_li = [0] # set up "talked" text # check for speech # talk_fid = open(self.talk_file, 'wb') # write words self.generate_layout() self.draw_words() self.wpm_data = [] self.decay_avg_wpm = 0 self.wpm_time = 0 self.error_data = [] self.decay_avg_error = 1 self.row_scan = True self.row_scan_num = -2 self.col_scan = False self.col_scan_num = -1 self.init_ui() # animate self.on_timer() def gen_data_handel(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.data_path = user_data_dir('data', 'RowCol') if os.path.exists(self.data_path): user_files = list(os.walk(self.data_path)) users = user_files[0][1] else: pathlib.Path(self.data_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # os.mkdir(data_path) user_files = None users = [] input_method = 'text' if user_files is not None and len(users) != 0: message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox( QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information, "Load User Data", "You can either create a new user profile or " "load an existing user profile.") message.addButton(QtWidgets.QPushButton('Create New User'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.YesRole) message.addButton(QtWidgets.QPushButton('Load Previous User'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.NoRole) message.setDefaultButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes) response = message.exec_() if response == 0: input_method = 'text' else: input_method = 'list' if input_method == 'text': valid_user_id = False input_text = "Please input a Number that will be used to save your user information" while not valid_user_id: num, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getInt( self, "User ID Number Input", input_text) if str(num) not in users: valid_user_id = True else: input_text = "The user ID you inputed already exists! \n please input a valid user ID or press " \ "\"cancel\" to choose an existing one from a list" if ok == 0: input_method = 'list' break if input_method == 'text': self.user_id = num user_id_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, str(self.user_id)) os.mkdir(user_id_path) if input_method == 'list': item, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Select User ID", "List of save User IDs:", users, 0, False) self.user_id = item self.user_handel = os.path.join(self.data_path, str(self.user_id)) user_id_files = list(os.walk(self.user_handel)) user_id_calibrations = user_id_files[0][1] if len(user_id_calibrations) == 0: self.data_handel = os.path.join(self.user_handel, 'cal0') os.mkdir(self.data_handel) user_id_cal_files = None self.user_cal_num = 0 else: user_id_cal_files = user_id_files[-1][2] self.data_handel = user_id_files[-1][0] self.user_cal_num = len(user_id_calibrations) - 1 if user_id_cal_files is not None: self.use_num = sum([ 1 if 'params_data' in file_name else 0 for file_name in user_id_cal_files ]) else: self.use_num = 0 print(self.data_handel) def generate_layout(self): if self.key_config == "sorted": self.keys_list = np.array(self.key_chars_sorted) closest_square = int( np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(self.keys_list) + self.num_words))) self.key_freq_map = np.zeros((closest_square, closest_square)) for row_num, row in enumerate(self.key_freq_map): for col_num, _ in enumerate(row): self.key_freq_map[row_num][col_num] = row_num + col_num else: self.keys_list = np.array(self.key_chars) closest_square = int( np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(self.keys_list) + self.num_words))) self.key_freq_map = np.zeros((closest_square, closest_square)) for row_num, row in enumerate(self.key_freq_map): for col_num, _ in enumerate(row): self.key_freq_map[row_num][ col_num] = row_num * closest_square + col_num self.key_layout = np.empty((closest_square, closest_square), dtype=str) for word in range(self.num_words): # fill words first if self.words_first: word_index = np.unravel_index(word, (closest_square, closest_square)) else: word_index = np.unravel_index( closest_square**2 - self.num_words + word, (closest_square, closest_square)) self.key_layout[word_index] = kconfig.word_char self.key_freq_map[word_index] = float("inf") sorted_indicies = [] for i in range(len(self.keys_list)): arg_min_index = np.unravel_index(self.key_freq_map.argmin(), self.key_freq_map.shape) sorted_indicies += [arg_min_index] self.key_freq_map[arg_min_index] = float("inf") sorted_indicies.reverse() for key in self.keys_list: lowest_index = sorted_indicies.pop() self.key_layout[lowest_index] = key print(self.key_layout) empty_row_counts = np.sum(np.where(self.key_layout != '', 1, 0), axis=1).tolist() if 0 in empty_row_counts: empty_index = empty_row_counts.index(0) self.key_layout = np.delete(self.key_layout, (empty_index), axis=0) self.key_rows_num = len(self.key_layout) self.key_cols_nums = np.sum(np.where(self.key_layout != '', 1, 0), axis=1).tolist() # shift empty cells for row_num, row in enumerate(self.key_layout): if "" in row: row_list = row.tolist() row_list.sort(key=lambda x: 2 if x == "" else 1) self.key_layout[row_num] = np.array(row_list) def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Space: self.last_gap_time = time.time() - self.last_update_time self.last_press_time = time.time() self.save_click_time(self.last_press_time, self.last_gap_time, (self.row_scan_num, self.col_scan_num)) self.on_press() def change_speed(self, value): old_rotate = config.period_li[self.speed] self.speed = value self.time_rotate = config.period_li[self.speed] self.params_handle_dict['speed'].append( [time.time(), old_rotate, self.scanning_delay]) def change_extra_delay(self, value): old_pause_length = config.pause_li[self.pause_index] self.pause_index = value self.extra_delay = config.pause_li[self.pause_index] self.params_handle_dict['extra_delay'].append( [time.time(), old_pause_length, self.extra_delay]) def toggle_sound_button(self, value): self.sound_set = value self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setFocus() def toggle_pause_button(self, value): self.pause_set = value self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setFocus() def draw_words(self): self.words_li = self.lm.get_words(self.left_context, self.lm_prefix, self.num_words) def on_timer(self): if self.focusWidget() == self.mainWidget.text_box: self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setFocus( ) # focus on not toggle-able widget to allow keypress event cur_time = time.time() if cur_time >= self.next_frame_time: self.update_frame() def update_frame(self): self.last_update_time = time.time() if self.row_scan: self.row_scan_num += 1 if self.row_scan_num >= self.key_rows_num: self.row_scan_num = 0 if self.row_scan_num == 0 and self.pause_set: self.next_frame_time += (config.period_li[self.speed] + self.extra_delay) else: self.next_frame_time += config.period_li[self.speed] elif self.col_scan: self.next_frame_time += config.period_li[self.speed] self.col_scan_num += 1 if self.col_scan_num >= self.key_cols_nums[self.row_scan_num]: self.col_scan_num = 0 self.mainWidget.highlight_grid() def on_press(self): if self.wpm_time == 0: self.wpm_time = time.time() if self.phrase_prompts: self.mainWidget.speed_slider.setEnabled(False) self.mainWidget.extra_delay_slider.setEnabled(False) self.mainWidget.speed_slider_label.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: grey }') self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setStyleSheet('QLabel { color: grey }') self.mainWidget.extra_delay_label.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: grey }') self.mainWidget.extra_sldLabel.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: grey }') if self.sound_set: if self.row_scan: self.row_scan = False self.col_scan = True self.next_frame_time = time.time() self.on_timer() elif self.col_scan: self.make_selection() self.num_presses += 1 def save_click_time(self, last_press_time, last_gap_time, index): self.params_handle_dict['press'].append([last_press_time]) self.click_time_list.append((last_gap_time, index)) def make_selection(self): self.winner = self.key_layout[max(0, self.row_scan_num)][max( 0, self.col_scan_num)] self.draw_typed() self.draw_words() self.mainWidget.update_grid() print(self.winner) self.col_scan = False self.row_scan = True self.row_scan_num = -1 self.col_scan_num = -1 self.next_frame_time = time.time() self.on_timer() def draw_typed(self): if len(self.typed_versions) > 0: previous_text = self.typed_versions[-1] else: previous_text = "" if "_" in previous_text: previous_text = previous_text.replace("_", " ") if self.winner == kconfig.word_char: new_text = self.mainWidget.labels_by_row[self.row_scan_num][ self.col_scan_num].text()[1:] + ' ' new_text = new_text[len(self.lm_prefix):] else: new_text = self.winner if self.winner == kconfig.back_char: # self.prefix = self.prefix[:-1] if self.typed_versions[-1] != '': self.typed_versions += [previous_text[:-1]] input_text = "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + self.typed_versions[ -1] + "</span>" self.mainWidget.text_box.setText( "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + self.typed_versions[-1] + "</span>") else: input_text = "" elif self.winner == kconfig.mybad_char: if len(self.typed_versions) > 1: self.typed_versions = self.typed_versions[:-1] input_text = "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + self.typed_versions[ -1] + "</span>" self.mainWidget.text_box.setText( "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + self.typed_versions[-1] + "</span>") else: input_text = "" elif self.winner == kconfig.clear_char: if len(self.typed_versions) > 1: self.typed_versions += [" "] self.mainWidget.text_box.setText("") input_text = "" else: self.typed_versions += [previous_text + new_text] if new_text in kconfig.break_chars: new_text = new_text + ' ' if previous_text[-1] == " ": previous_text = previous_text[:-1] if len(new_text) > 0 and new_text[-1] == " ": new_text = new_text[:-1] + "_" new_text = new_text[:-1] + "_" input_text = "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + previous_text + "</span><span style='color:#0000dd;'>" \ + new_text + "</span>" self.mainWidget.text_box.setText( "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + previous_text + "</span><span style='color:#0000dd;'>" + new_text + "</span>") self.mainWidget.text_box.update() self.update_prefixes() # write output if self.is_write_data: choice_dict = { "time": time.time(), "undo": self.winner == kconfig.mybad_char, "backspace": self.winner == kconfig.back_char, "typed": self.typed_versions[-1] } if self.phrase_prompts: choice_dict["target"] = self.phrases.cur_phrase self.params_handle_dict['choice'].append(choice_dict) if self.phrase_prompts: self.update_phrases(self.typed_versions[-1], input_text) def text_stat_update(self, phrase, typed): _, cur_error = calc_MSD(phrase, typed) self.error_data = [cur_error] + self.error_data decaying_weights = np.power(0.8, np.arange(len(self.error_data))) decaying_weights /= np.sum(decaying_weights) decay_avg_error = sum(np.array(self.error_data) * decaying_weights) error_delta = decay_avg_error / (self.decay_avg_error + 0.000001) self.decay_avg_error = decay_avg_error self.wpm_data = [(len(typed.split(" ")) - 1) / (time.time() - self.wpm_time) * 60] + self.wpm_data self.wpm_time = 0 decaying_weights = np.power(0.8, np.arange(len(self.wpm_data))) decaying_weights /= np.sum(decaying_weights) decay_avg_wpm = sum(np.array(self.wpm_data) * decaying_weights) wpm_delta = decay_avg_wpm / (self.decay_avg_wpm + 0.000001) self.decay_avg_wpm = decay_avg_wpm if error_delta > 1: error_red = int(min(4, error_delta) * 63) error_green = 0 else: error_green = int(min(4, 1 / error_delta) * 63) error_red = 0 if wpm_delta < 1: wpm_red = int(min(4, wpm_delta) * 63) wpm_green = 0 else: wpm_green = int(min(4, 1 / wpm_delta) * 63) wpm_red = 0 self.mainWidget.error_label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(" + str(error_red) + ", " + str(error_green) + ", 0);") self.mainWidget.wpm_label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(" + str(wpm_red) + ", " + str(wpm_green) + ", 0);") self.mainWidget.error_label.setText("Error Rate: " + str(round(decay_avg_error, 2))) self.mainWidget.wpm_label.setText("Words/Min: " + str(round(decay_avg_wpm, 2))) def reset_context(self): self.left_context = "" self.context = "" self.typed = "" self.lm_prefix = "" def update_phrases(self, cur_text, input_text): cur_phrase_typed, next_phrase = cur_phrase_highlighted = self.phrases.highlight(cur_text) if next_phrase: self.text_stat_update(self.phrases.cur_phrase, self.typed_versions[-1]) self.typed_versions = [''] self.mainWidget.text_box.setText('') self.mainWidget.speed_slider.setEnabled(True) self.mainWidget.speed_slider_label.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: blue }') self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setStyleSheet('QLabel { color: blue }') self.mainWidget.extra_delay_slider.setEnabled(True) self.mainWidget.extra_delay_label.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: blue }') self.mainWidget.extra_sldLabel.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: blue }') self.clear_text = False undo_text = 'Clear' self.phrases.sample() input_text = "" cur_phrase_highlighted = self.phrases.highlight("") self.reset_context() if self.is_write_data: choice_dict = { "time": time.time(), "undo": False, "backspace": False, "typed": "", "target": self.phrases.cur_phrase } self.params_handle_dict['choice'].append(choice_dict) self.mainWidget.text_box.setText("<p>" + cur_phrase_highlighted + "<\p><p>" + input_text + "</span><\p>") def update_prefixes(self): cur_text = self.typed_versions[-1] for bc in kconfig.break_chars: if bc in cur_text: cur_text = cur_text.split(bc)[-1] cur_text_words = cur_text.split(" ") print(cur_text_words) if cur_text_words[-1] == '' or cur_text_words[ -1] in kconfig.break_chars: self.lm_prefix = "" self.left_context = cur_text else: self.lm_prefix = cur_text_words[-1] self.left_context = cur_text[:(-len(self.lm_prefix) - 1)] def play(self): sound_file = "icons/bell.wav" def data_auto_save(self): if len(self.click_time_list) > 0: print("auto saving data") self.save_data() def closeEvent(self, event): print("CLOSING THRU CLOSEEVENT") self.quit(event) # self.deleteLater() def quit(self, event=None): self.save_data() self.close() def save_data(self): user_preferences = [ self.key_config, self.speed, self.pause_index, self.is_write_data ] self.up_handel.safe_save(user_preferences) self.click_data_path = os.path.join( self.data_handel, 'click_time_log_' + str(self.use_num) + '.p') self.params_data_path = os.path.join( self.data_handel, 'params_data_use_num' + str(self.use_num) + '.p') print(self.params_data_path) PickleUtil(self.click_data_path).safe_save({ 'user id': self.user_id, 'use_num': self.use_num, 'click time list': self.click_time_list, 'rotate index': self.speed }) PickleUtil(self.params_data_path).safe_save(self.params_handle_dict)
class Keyboard(MainWindow): def __init__(self, screen_res, app): super(Keyboard, self).__init__(screen_res) = app self.is_simulation = False self.pretrain_window = False # 2 is turn fully on, 1 is turn on but reduce, 0 is turn off self.word_pred_on = 2 # Number of word clocks to display in case word prediction == 1 (reduced) self.reduce_display = 5 # get user data before initialization self.gen_data_handel() self.up_handel = PickleUtil( os.path.join(self.user_handel, 'user_preferences.p')) user_preferences = self.up_handel.safe_load() if user_preferences is None: first_load = True user_preferences = [ 'default', 1, False, 'alpha', 'off', config.default_rotate_ind, True ] self.up_handel.safe_save(user_preferences) else: first_load = False self.clock_type, self.font_scale, self.high_contrast, self.layout_preference, self.pf_preference, \ self.start_speed, self.is_write_data = user_preferences self.phrase_prompts = False # set to true for data collection mode if self.phrase_prompts: self.phrases = Phrases( "resources/twitter-phrases/watch-combined.txt") else: self.phrases = None if self.layout_preference == 'alpha': self.target_layout = kconfig.alpha_target_layout self.key_chars = kconfig.key_chars elif self.layout_preference == 'qwerty': self.target_layout = kconfig.qwerty_target_layout self.key_chars = kconfig.key_chars elif self.layout_preference == 'emoji': self.target_layout = kconfig.emoji_target_layout self.key_chars = kconfig.emoji_keys self.word_pred_on = 0 # set up dictionary tree # splash = StartWindow(screen_res, True) self.pause_animation = False self.output_manager = outputManager() self.is_output_text = False self.lm_prefix = "" self.left_context = "" self.cwd = os.getcwd() word_lm_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.cwd, 'resources'), 'mix4_opt_min_lower_100k_4gram_2.5e-9_prob8_bo4_compress255.kenlm') char_lm_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.cwd, 'resources'), 'mix4_opt_min_lower_12gram_6e-9_prob9_bo4_compress255.kenlm') vocab_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'resources'), 'vocab_lower_100k.txt') char_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'resources'), 'char_set.txt') self.lm = LanguageModel(word_lm_path, char_lm_path, vocab_path, char_path) # initialize pygame and joystick if kconfig.target_evt is kconfig.joy_evt: pygame.init() if pygame.joystick.get_count() < 1: # no joysticks found print("Please connect a joystick.\n") self.quit(None) else: # create a new joystick object from # ---the first joystick in the list of joysticks Joy0 = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) # tell pygame to record joystick events Joy0.init() # start looking for events self.parent.after(0, self.find_events) # not in selection pause self.in_pause = False # determine keyboard positions self.init_locs() # get old data if there is such # Just for default. Loaded again when bc initializes self.rotate_index = config.default_rotate_ind # set up file handle for printing useful stuff self.undefined = False self.params_handle_dict = { 'speed': [], 'params': [], 'start': [], 'press': [], 'choice': [] } self.num_presses = 0 self.params_handle_dict['params'].append( [config.period_li[config.default_rotate_ind], config.theta0]) self.params_handle_dict['start'].append(time.time()) self.gen_scale() self.pause_set = True # set up "typed" text self.typed = "" self.btyped = "" self.context = "" self.old_context_li = [""] self.last_add_li = [0] # set up "talked" text # self.talk_file = "talk.txt" self.sound_set = True self.press_lock = False self.press_lock_status = False # check for speech # talk_fid = open(self.talk_file, 'wb') # write words self.init_words() self.bars = kconfig.bars self.bc_init = False self.previous_undo_text = '' self.previous_winner = 0 self.wpm_data = [] self.decay_avg_wpm = 0 self.wpm_time = 0 self.error_data = [] self.decay_avg_error = 1 self.clear_text = False self.pretrain = False self.emoji_box_highlight = [-1, -1] self.init_ui() self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.update_word_clocks(self.words_li) sound_file = "icons/bell.wav" self.sound_player = QtMultimedia.QSound(sound_file) self.time_rotate = config.period_li[self.start_speed] # get language model results self.gen_word_prior(False) self.clock_spaces = np.zeros((len(self.clock_centers), 2)) self.bc = BroderClocks(self) self.mainWidget.change_value(self.start_speed) self.bc.init_follow_up(self.word_score_prior) # draw histogram self.init_histogram() self.save_environment() self.consent = False if first_load: self.pretrain = True self.welcome = Pretraining(self, screen_res) # animate # record to prevent double tap self.last_key_press_time = time.time() self.last_release_time = time.time() self.update_radii = False self.on_timer() def gen_data_handel(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.data_path = user_data_dir('data', 'Nomon') if os.path.exists(self.data_path): user_files = list(os.walk(self.data_path)) users = user_files[0][1] else: pathlib.Path(self.data_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) user_files = None users = [] input_method = 'text' if user_files is not None and len(users) != 0: message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() message.setText("You can either create a new user profile or " "load an existing user profile.") message.setWindowTitle("Load User") message.addButton('Create New User', QtWidgets.QMessageBox.YesRole) message.addButton('Load Previous User', QtWidgets.QMessageBox.NoRole) message.setDefaultButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes) response = message.exec_() if response == 0: input_method = 'text' else: input_method = 'list' if input_method == 'text': valid_user_id = False input_text = "Please input a Number that will be used to save your user information" while not valid_user_id: num, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getInt( self, "User ID Number Input", input_text) if str(num) not in users: valid_user_id = True else: input_text = "The user ID you inputed already exists! \n please input a valid user ID or press " \ "\"cancel\" to choose an existing one from a list" if ok == 0: input_method = 'list' break if input_method == 'text': self.user_id = num user_id_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, str(self.user_id)) os.mkdir(user_id_path) if input_method == 'list': item, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Select User ID", "List of save User IDs:", users, 0, False) self.user_id = item self.user_handel = os.path.join(self.data_path, str(self.user_id)) user_id_files = list(os.walk(self.user_handel)) user_id_calibrations = user_id_files[0][1] if len(user_id_calibrations) == 0: self.data_handel = os.path.join(self.user_handel, 'cal0') os.mkdir(self.data_handel) user_id_cal_files = None self.user_cal_num = 0 else: user_id_cal_files = user_id_files[-1][2] self.data_handel = user_id_files[-1][0] self.user_cal_num = len(user_id_calibrations) - 1 if user_id_cal_files is not None: self.use_num = sum([ 1 if 'params_data' in file_name else 0 for file_name in user_id_cal_files ]) else: self.use_num = 0 print(self.data_handel) def save_environment(self): self.rotate_index_past = self.rotate_index self.window_size_past = self.frameGeometry() self.clock_type_past = self.clock_type self.layout_preference_past = self.layout_preference self.high_contrast_past = self.high_contrast def data_auto_save(self): if len(self.bc.click_time_list) > 0: print("auto saving data") self.bc.save_when_quit() def find_events(self): # check everything in the queue of pygame events events = pygame.event.get() for event in events: # event type for pressing any of the joystick buttons down if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: # generate the event I've defined self.canvas.event_generate(kconfig.joy_evt) # return to check for more events in a moment self.parent.after(20, self.find_events) def keyPressEvent(self, e): # if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Space: # if self.press_lock: # if not self.press_lock_status: # self.on_press() # self.press_lock_status = True # else: # self.on_press() if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Control: if self.press_lock: if self.press_lock_status: self.press_lock_status = False if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return: if self.phrase_prompts: if len(self.typed_versions) > 0: self.update_phrases(self.typed_versions[-1], "", next_phrase=True) else: self.update_phrases("", "", next_phrase=True) def init_locs(self): # size of keyboard key_chars = kconfig.key_chars self.N_rows = len(key_chars) self.N_keys_row = [] self.N_keys = 0 self.N_alpha_keys = 0 for row in range(self.N_rows): n_keys = len(key_chars[row]) for col in range(n_keys): if not isinstance(key_chars[row], list): if (key_chars[row][col] in kconfig.main_chars and (len(key_chars[row]) == 1)): self.N_alpha_keys = self.N_alpha_keys + 1 elif ((key_chars[row] == kconfig.space_char) and (len(key_chars[row]) == 1)): self.N_alpha_keys = self.N_alpha_keys + 1 elif (key_chars[row] == kconfig.break_chars[1] and (len(key_chars[row]) == 1)): self.N_alpha_keys = self.N_alpha_keys + 1 self.N_keys_row.append(n_keys) self.N_keys += n_keys # print "NKEYS is " + str(self.N_keys) # print "And N_alpha_keys is " + str(self.N_alpha_keys) # width difference when include letter word_clock_offset = 7 * kconfig.clock_rad rect_offset = word_clock_offset - kconfig.clock_rad word_offset = 8.5 * kconfig.clock_rad rect_end = rect_offset + kconfig.word_w # clock, key, word locations self.clock_centers = [] self.win_diffs = [] self.word_locs = [] self.char_locs = [] self.rect_locs = [] self.keys_li = [] self.keys_ref = [] index = 0 # how far into the clock_centers matrix word = 0 # word index key = 0 # key index # kconfig.N_pred = 2 # number of words per key self.key_height = 6.5 * kconfig.clock_rad self.w_canvas = 0 self.index_to_wk = [] # overall index to word or key index for row in range(0, self.N_rows): y = row * self.key_height self.w_canvas = max( self.w_canvas, self.N_keys_row[row] * (6 * kconfig.clock_rad + kconfig.word_w)) for col in range(0, self.N_keys_row[row]): x = col * (6 * kconfig.clock_rad + kconfig.word_w) # predictive words self.clock_centers.append( [x + word_clock_offset, y + 1 * kconfig.clock_rad]) self.clock_centers.append( [x + word_clock_offset, y + 3 * kconfig.clock_rad]) self.clock_centers.append( [x + word_clock_offset, y + 5 * kconfig.clock_rad]) # win diffs self.win_diffs.extend([ config.win_diff_base, config.win_diff_base, config.win_diff_base ]) # word position self.word_locs.append( [x + word_offset, y + 1 * kconfig.clock_rad]) self.word_locs.append( [x + word_offset, y + 3 * kconfig.clock_rad]) self.word_locs.append( [x + word_offset, y + 5 * kconfig.clock_rad]) # rectangles self.rect_locs.append([ x + rect_offset, y, x + rect_end, y + 2 * kconfig.clock_rad ]) self.rect_locs.append([ x + rect_offset, y + 2 * kconfig.clock_rad, x + rect_end, y + 4 * kconfig.clock_rad ]) self.rect_locs.append([ x + rect_offset, y + 4 * kconfig.clock_rad, x + rect_end, y + 6 * kconfig.clock_rad ]) # indices self.index_to_wk.append(word) self.index_to_wk.append(word + 1) self.index_to_wk.append(word + 2) index += 3 word += 3 ## key character # reference to index of key character key_char = key_chars[row][col] self.keys_li.append(key_chars[row][col]) self.keys_ref.append(index) self.index_to_wk.append(key) # key character position self.char_locs.append( [x + 2 * kconfig.clock_rad, y + 3 * kconfig.clock_rad]) # clock position for key character self.clock_centers.append( [x + 1 * kconfig.clock_rad, y + 3 * kconfig.clock_rad]) # rectangles self.rect_locs.append( [x, y, x + rect_offset, y + 6 * kconfig.clock_rad]) # win diffs if (key_char == kconfig.mybad_char) or ( key_char == kconfig.yourbad_char) or ( key_char == kconfig.back_char ): # or (key_char == kconfig.break_char) self.win_diffs.append(config.win_diff_high) else: self.win_diffs.append(config.win_diff_base) index += 1 key += 1 def gen_scale(self): scale_length = self.w_canvas / 2 # (len(kconfig.key_chars[0])-1)*kconfig.word_w tick_int = int((len(config.period_li) - 1) * kconfig.word_pt * 3 / (1.0 * scale_length)) + 1 self.time_rotate = config.period_li[self.rotate_index] def toggle_pause_button(self, value): self.pause_set = value self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setFocus() def toggle_sound_button(self, value): self.sound_set = value self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setFocus() def toggle_talk_button(self, value): self.talk_set = value self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setFocus( ) # focus on not toggle-able widget to allow keypress event def toggle_learn_button(self, value): config.is_learning = value self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setFocus( ) # focus on not toggle-able widget to allow keypress event def change_speed(self, index): # speed (as shown on scale) speed_index = int(index) # period (as stored in self.rotate_index = speed_index old_rotate = self.time_rotate self.time_rotate = config.period_li[self.rotate_index] self.bc.clock_inf.clock_util.change_period(self.time_rotate) # note period change in log file self.params_handle_dict['speed'].append( [time.time(), old_rotate, self.time_rotate]) # update the histogram self.draw_histogram() def init_histogram(self): # histogram bars = self.bc.get_histogram() self.bars = bars # undo_text self.undo_loc = [ (self.N_keys_row[self.N_rows - 1] - 1) * (6 * kconfig.clock_rad + kconfig.word_w) - self.w_canvas / 2, 2 * kconfig.clock_rad ] def draw_histogram(self, bars=None): if bars == None: bars = self.bc.get_histogram() # bars = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.bars = bars self.mainWidget.histogram.update() def init_words(self): if self.word_pred_on == 1: num_words_total = 5 elif self.word_pred_on == 0: num_words_total = 0 else: num_words_total = kconfig.num_words_total (self.words_li, self.word_freq_li, self.key_freq_li) = self.lm.get_words(self.left_context, self.context, self.keys_li, num_words_total=num_words_total) if self.layout_preference == "emoji": self.key_freq_li = np.array([ np.log(1 / len(self.key_chars)) for i in range(len(self.key_chars)) ]) self.word_id = [] self.word_pair = [] word = 0 index = 0 windex = 0 self.words_on = [] self.words_off = [] self.word_list = [] # self.flag_args = [] temp_word_list = [ word_item for sublist in self.words_li for word_item in sublist ] for word_item in temp_word_list: if word_item != '': self.word_list.append(word_item) # print "TURNED ON AND WORD LIST IS" + str(self.word_list) len_con = len(self.context) for key in range(0, self.N_alpha_keys): for pred in range(0, kconfig.N_pred): word_str = self.words_li[key][pred] len_word = len(word_str) if (len_con > 1) and (len_word > kconfig.max_chars_display): word_str = "+" + word_str[len_con:len_word] self.word_pair.append((key, pred)) if word_str == '': self.words_off.append(index) else: self.words_on.append(index) windex += 1 word += 1 index += 1 self.words_on.append(index) self.word_pair.append((key, )) index += 1 for key in range(self.N_alpha_keys, self.N_keys): for pred in range(0, kconfig.N_pred): word_str = self.words_li[key][pred] self.word_pair.append((key, pred)) self.words_off.append(index) index += 1 self.words_on.append(index) self.word_pair.append((key, )) index += 1 self.typed_versions = [''] def draw_words(self): if self.word_pred_on == 1: num_words_total = 5 elif self.word_pred_on == 0: num_words_total = 0 else: num_words_total = kconfig.num_words_total (self.words_li, self.word_freq_li, self.key_freq_li) = self.lm.get_words(self.left_context, self.context, self.keys_li, num_words_total=num_words_total) self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.update_word_clocks(self.words_li) if self.layout_preference == "emoji": self.key_freq_li = np.array([ np.log(1 / len(self.key_chars)) for i in range(len(self.key_chars)) ]) word = 0 index = 0 self.words_on = [] self.words_off = [] self.word_list = [] temp_word_list = [ word_item for sublist in self.words_li for word_item in sublist ] for word_item in temp_word_list: if word_item != '' and all(c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\' " for c in word_item): self.word_list.append(word_item) len_con = len(self.context) windex = 0 for key in range(0, self.N_alpha_keys): for pred in range(0, kconfig.N_pred): word_str = self.words_li[key][pred] len_word = len(word_str) if len_con > 1 and len_word > kconfig.max_chars_display: word_str = "+" + word_str[len_con:len_word] if word_str == '': self.words_off.append(index) else: self.words_on.append(index) windex += 1 word += 1 index += 1 self.words_on.append(index) self.word_pair.append((key, )) index += 1 for key in range(self.N_alpha_keys, self.N_keys): for pred in range(0, kconfig.N_pred): self.word_pair.append((key, pred)) self.words_off.append(index) index += 1 self.words_on.append(index) self.word_pair.append((key, )) index += 1 def gen_word_prior(self, is_undo): self.word_score_prior = [] N_on = len(self.words_on) if not is_undo: for index in self.words_on: pair = self.word_pair[index] # word case if len(pair) == 2: (key, pred) = pair prob = self.word_freq_li[key][pred] + np.log( kconfig.rem_prob) self.word_score_prior.append(prob) else: key = pair[0] prob = self.key_freq_li[key] prob = prob + np.log(kconfig.rem_prob) if self.keys_li[key] == kconfig.mybad_char or self.keys_li[ key] == kconfig.yourbad_char: prob = np.log(kconfig.undo_prob) # if self.keys_li[key] in kconfig.break_chars: # prob = np.log(kconfig.break_prob) if self.keys_li[key] == kconfig.back_char: prob = np.log(kconfig.back_prob) if self.keys_li[key] == kconfig.clear_char: prob = np.log(kconfig.undo_prob) if self.keys_li[key] == kconfig.speak_char: prob = np.log(kconfig.undo_prob) self.word_score_prior.append(prob) else: for index in self.words_on: pair = self.word_pair[index] if len(pair) == 1: key = pair[0] if (self.keys_li[key] == kconfig.mybad_char) or ( self.keys_li[key] == kconfig.yourbad_char): prob = kconfig.undo_prob self.word_score_prior.append(np.log(prob)) else: self.word_score_prior.append(-float("inf")) else: self.word_score_prior.append(-float("inf")) def reset_context(self): self.left_context = "" self.context = "" self.typed = "" self.lm_prefix = "" self.draw_words() def update_phrases(self, cur_text, input_text, next_phrase=False): cur_phrase_typed, _ = cur_phrase_highlighted = self.phrases.highlight(cur_text) if next_phrase: if len(cur_text + input_text) > 0: self.text_stat_update(self.phrases.cur_phrase, self.typed_versions[-1]) self.typed_versions = [''] self.mainWidget.text_box.setText('') self.mainWidget.speed_slider.setEnabled(True) self.mainWidget.speed_slider_label.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: blue }') self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setStyleSheet('QLabel { color: blue }') self.clear_text = False undo_text = 'Clear' self.phrases.sample() input_text = "" cur_phrase_highlighted = self.phrases.highlight("") self.reset_context() if self.is_write_data: choice_dict = { "time": time.time(), "undo": False, "backspace": False, "typed": "", "target": self.phrases.cur_phrase } self.params_handle_dict['choice'].append(choice_dict) self.mainWidget.text_box.setText("<p>" + cur_phrase_highlighted + "<\p><p>" + input_text + "</span><\p>") if self.layout_preference == 'emoji': if len(self.phrases.cur_phrase) > len(cur_text): target_emoji = self.phrases.cur_phrase[len(cur_text)] self.emoji_box_highlight = np.where( np.array(self.target_layout[:-1]) == target_emoji) else: self.emoji_box_highlight = [-1, -1] self.mainWidget.update() # next_emoji_clock = self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.clocks[4*key_index+3] def draw_typed(self): new_text = '' redraw_words = False # phrases delete = False undo = False undo_text = "" if self.phrase_prompts: previous_text = self.mainWidget.text_box.toPlainText().split( "\n")[-1] else: previous_text = self.mainWidget.text_box.toPlainText() if len(previous_text) > 0 and previous_text[-1] == "_": previous_text = previous_text[:-1] + " " if len(self.last_add_li) > 1: last_add = self.last_add_li[-1] if last_add > 0: # typed something new_text = self.typed[-last_add:len(self.typed)] undo_text = new_text elif last_add == -1: # backspace new_text = '' delete = True undo_text = kconfig.back_char else: new_text = '' undo_text = new_text if new_text in [". ", ", ", "? ", "! "]: previous_text = previous_text[:-1] redraw_words = True index = self.previous_winner if self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.clocks[index] != '': if self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.clocks[index].text in [ kconfig.mybad_char, 'Undo' ]: undo = True delete = False if self.typed_versions[-1] == '' and len(self.typed_versions) > 1: undo_text = 'Clear' if self.clear_text: if self.is_output_text: self.output_manager.remove_text(len(self.typed_versions[-1])) self.typed_versions += [''] input_text = "" self.lm_prefix = "" self.mainWidget.text_box.setText('') self.clear_text = False undo_text = 'Clear' elif delete: # self.prefix = self.prefix[:-1] if self.typed_versions[-1] != '': self.typed_versions += [previous_text[:-1]] new_text = self.typed_versions[-1] if len(new_text) > 0 and new_text[-1] == " ": new_text = new_text[:-1] + "_" input_text = "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + new_text + "</span>" self.mainWidget.text_box.setText( "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + new_text + "</span>") if self.is_output_text: self.output_manager.type_text(kconfig.back_char) else: input_text = "" elif undo: if len(self.typed_versions) > 1: if self.is_output_text: cur_length = len(self.typed_versions[-1]) prev_length = len(self.typed_versions[-2]) if prev_length > cur_length: text_diff_length = prev_length - cur_length text_diff = self.typed_versions[-2][-text_diff_length:] self.output_manager.type_text(text_diff) else: if cur_length >= 2 and self.typed_versions[-1][ -2:] in ["? ", "! ", ", ", ". "]: self.output_manager.type_text(kconfig.back_char + kconfig.back_char + " ") else: self.output_manager.remove_text(cur_length - prev_length) self.typed_versions = self.typed_versions[:-1] new_text = self.typed_versions[-1] if len(new_text) > 0 and new_text[-1] == " ": new_text = new_text[:-1] + "_" input_text = "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + new_text + "</span>" self.mainWidget.text_box.setText( "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + new_text + "</span>") else: input_text = "" else: self.typed_versions += [previous_text + new_text] if self.is_output_text: text_to_output = new_text for break_char in kconfig.break_chars: text_to_output = text_to_output.replace( break_char + " ", kconfig.back_char + break_char + " ") self.output_manager.type_text(text_to_output) if len(new_text) > 0 and new_text[-1] == " ": new_text = new_text[:-1] + "_" input_text = "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + previous_text + "</span><span style='color:#0000dd;'>"\ + new_text + "</span>" self.mainWidget.text_box.setText( "<span style='color:#000000;'>" + previous_text + "</span><span style='color:#0000dd;'>" + new_text + "</span>") if undo_text == kconfig.mybad_char: undo_text = "Undo" elif undo_text == kconfig.back_char: undo_text = "Backspace" elif undo_text == kconfig.clear_char: undo_text = "Clear" self.previous_undo_text = undo_text self.mainWidget.undo_label.setText("<font color='green'>" + undo_text + "</font>") if self.phrase_prompts: self.update_phrases(self.typed_versions[-1], input_text) def text_stat_update(self, phrase, typed): _, cur_error = calc_MSD(phrase, typed) self.error_data = [cur_error] + self.error_data decaying_weights = np.power(0.8, np.arange(len(self.error_data))) decaying_weights /= np.sum(decaying_weights) decay_avg_error = sum(np.array(self.error_data) * decaying_weights) error_delta = decay_avg_error / (self.decay_avg_error + 0.000001) self.decay_avg_error = decay_avg_error self.wpm_data = [(len(typed.split(" ")) - 1) / (time.time() - self.wpm_time) * 60] + self.wpm_data self.wpm_time = 0 decaying_weights = np.power(0.8, np.arange(len(self.wpm_data))) decaying_weights /= np.sum(decaying_weights) decay_avg_wpm = sum(np.array(self.wpm_data) * decaying_weights) wpm_delta = decay_avg_wpm / (self.decay_avg_wpm + 0.000001) self.decay_avg_wpm = decay_avg_wpm if error_delta > 1: error_red = int(min(4, error_delta) * 63) error_green = 0 else: error_green = int(min(4, 1 / error_delta) * 63) error_red = 0 if wpm_delta < 1: wpm_red = int(min(4, wpm_delta) * 63) wpm_green = 0 else: wpm_green = int(min(4, 1 / wpm_delta) * 63) wpm_red = 0 self.mainWidget.error_label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(" + str(error_red) + ", " + str(error_green) + ", 0);") self.mainWidget.wpm_label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(" + str(wpm_red) + ", " + str(wpm_green) + ", 0);") self.mainWidget.error_label.setText("Error Rate: " + str(round(decay_avg_error, 2))) self.mainWidget.wpm_label.setText("Words/Min: " + str(round(decay_avg_wpm, 2))) def on_pause(self): self.mainWidget.pause_timer.start(kconfig.pause_length) self.in_pause = True self.mainWidget.keygrid_widget.highlight = True self.mainWidget.keygrid_widget.update() def end_pause(self): self.mainWidget.pause_timer.stop() self.in_pause = False self.mainWidget.keygrid_widget.highlight = False self.mainWidget.keygrid_widget.update() self.on_timer() def on_timer(self): if self.focusWidget() == self.mainWidget.text_box: self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setFocus( ) # focus on not toggle-able widget to allow keypress event if self.bc_init: self.bc.clock_inf.clock_util.increment(self.words_on) is_input = win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(win32con.VK_SPACE) if is_input: if not self.output_manager.ignore_keyevent: win32api.keybd_event(0x20, 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) if self.is_output_text: win32api.keybd_event(0x08, 0, 0, 0) win32api.keybd_event(0x08, 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) if not self.pretrain: self.on_press() else: self.output_manager.ignore_keyevent = False def on_press(self): if time.time() - self.last_key_press_time > 1: self.last_key_press_time = time.time() # self.canvas.focus_set() if self.wpm_time == 0: self.wpm_time = time.time() if self.sound_set: if self.phrase_prompts: self.mainWidget.speed_slider.setEnabled(False) self.mainWidget.speed_slider_label.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: grey }') self.mainWidget.sldLabel.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color: grey }') if self.is_write_data: self.num_presses += 1 def play(self): def highlight_winner(self, index): if self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.clocks[index] != '': self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.clocks[index].selected = True self.mainWidget.highlight_timer.start(kconfig.pause_length) def end_highlight(self): index = self.previous_winner if self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.clocks[index] != '': self.mainWidget.clockgrid_widget.clocks[index].selected = False self.mainWidget.highlight_timer.stop() def talk_winner(self, talk_string): pass def make_choice(self, index): is_undo = False is_equalize = False is_backspace = False # now pause (if desired) if self.pause_set == 1: self.on_pause() self.mainWidget.pause_timer.start(kconfig.pause_length) # highlight winner self.previous_winner = index self.highlight_winner(index) # initialize talk string talk_string = "" # if selected a key if (index - kconfig.N_pred) % (kconfig.N_pred + 1) == 0: new_char = self.keys_li[self.index_to_wk[index]] # special characters if new_char == kconfig.speak_char: new_char = "" if len(self.typed_versions) > 0: text_to_speak = self.typed_versions[-1] text_to_speak = text_to_speak.replace("_", " ") else: text_to_speak = "" self.output_manager.speak_text(text_to_speak) self.old_context_li.append(self.context) self.context = "" self.last_add_li.append(0) elif new_char == kconfig.space_char: if len(self.context) > 1: talk_string = self.context else: talk_string = "space" new_char = ' ' self.old_context_li.append(self.context) self.context = "" self.last_add_li.append(1) elif new_char == kconfig.mybad_char or new_char == kconfig.yourbad_char: talk_string = new_char # if added characters that turn if len(self.last_add_li) > 1: last_add = self.last_add_li.pop() self.context = self.old_context_li.pop() if last_add > 0: # if added text that turn self.typed = self.typed[0:-last_add] elif last_add == -1: # if backspaced that turn letter = self.btyped[-1] self.btyped = self.btyped[0:-1] self.typed += letter if new_char == kconfig.yourbad_char: is_equalize = True new_char = '' is_undo = True elif new_char == kconfig.back_char: talk_string = new_char is_backspace = True # if delete the last character that turn self.old_context_li.append(self.context) print(self.context) lt = len(self.typed) if lt > 0: # typed anything yet? self.btyped += self.typed[-1] self.last_add_li.append(-1) self.typed = self.typed[0:-1] lt -= 1 if lt == 0: self.context = "" elif len(self.context) > 0: self.context = self.context[0:-1] elif not (self.typed[-1]).isalpha(): self.context = "" else: i = -1 while (i >= -lt) and (self.typed[i].isalpha()): i -= 1 self.context = self.typed[i + 1:lt] new_char = '' elif new_char == kconfig.clear_char: talk_string = 'clear' new_char = '_' self.old_context_li.append(self.context) self.context = "" self.last_add_li.append(1) self.reset_context() self.clear_text = True elif new_char.isalpha( ) or new_char == "'" or new_char in kconfig.emoji_keys: talk_string = new_char self.old_context_li.append(self.context) self.context += new_char self.last_add_li.append(1) if new_char in [".", ",", "?", "!"]: talk_string = "Full stop" self.old_context_li.append(self.context) self.context = "" self.typed += new_char if " " + new_char in self.typed: self.last_add_li.append(2) self.typed = self.typed.replace(" " + new_char, new_char + " ") else: self.typed += new_char # if selected a word else: key = self.index_to_wk[index] // kconfig.N_pred pred = self.index_to_wk[index] % kconfig.N_pred new_word = self.words_li[key][pred] new_selection = new_word length = len(self.context) talk_string = new_word.rstrip(kconfig.space_char) # talk string if length > 0: self.typed = self.typed[0:-length] self.typed += new_word self.last_add_li.append(len(new_word) - len(self.context)) self.old_context_li.append(self.context) self.context = "" # update the screen if self.context != "": self.left_context = self.typed[:-len(self.context)] else: self.left_context = self.typed # write output if self.is_write_data: choice_dict = { "time": time.time(), "undo": is_undo, "backspace": is_backspace, "typed": self.typed } if self.phrase_prompts: choice_dict["target"] = self.phrases.cur_phrase self.params_handle_dict['choice'].append(choice_dict) self.draw_words() self.draw_typed() # update the word prior self.gen_word_prior(is_undo) # # talk the string # if self.talk_set.get() == 1: # self.talk_winner(talk_string) return self.words_on, self.words_off, self.word_score_prior, is_undo, is_equalize def present_choice(self): self.draw_histogram() # self.canvas.update_idletasks() def closeEvent(self, event): print("CLOSING THRU CLOSEEVENT") self.quit(event) # self.deleteLater() def quit(self, event=None): self.bc.quit_bc() self.close() def launch_help(self): help_window = Pretraining(self, self.mainWidget.screen_res, help_screen=True) self.pretrain = True self.mainWidget.repaint() def launch_retrain(self): retrain_window = Pretraining(self, self.mainWidget.screen_res) retrain_window.screen_num = 3 retrain_window.next_screen() # retrain_window.setCentralWidget(retrain_window.mainWidget) retrain_window.retrain = True self.pretrain = True self.mainWidget.update()