예제 #1
 def create_tv(self):
     o = self.origin
     self.world.blocks[o:o + self.size + 1] = Block('#ffffff')
     self.world.blocks[o + V(0, 1, 1):o + self.size - V(0, 1, 1) +
                       1] = Block('#000000')
     self.button_vec = o + V(z=2)
     self.world.blocks[self.button_vec] = Block('#800000')
예제 #2
def make_it_rain(event):
    rain = Vector(p.x + randint(-10, 10), p.y + 20, p.z + randint(-10, 10))
    rain_end = world.height[rain]
    world.blocks[rain] = Block('wool', randint(1, 15))
    while rain != rain_end:
        with world.connection.batch_start():
            world.blocks[rain] = Block('air')
            rain -= Y
            world.blocks[rain] = Block('wool', randint(1, 15))
예제 #3
파일: tv.py 프로젝트: ruitaomu/picraft
 def create_tv(self):
     o = self.origin
     self.world.blocks[o:o + self.size + 1] = Block('#ffffff')
     self.world.blocks[o + V(0, 1, 1):o + self.size - V(0, 2, 2) +
                       1] = Block('#000000')
     self.button_pos = o + V(z=3)
     self.quit_pos = o + V(z=1)
     self.world.blocks[self.button_pos] = Block('#0080ff')
     self.world.blocks[self.quit_pos] = Block('#800000')
     self.world.say('Behold the Minecraft TV!')
예제 #4
def operation(world, position, data):
    #center block
    world.blocks[position] = Block(53, data)

    #left block
    new_position = translate_left(position, data)
    new_data = rotate_clockwise(data)

    world.blocks[new_position] = Block(53, new_data)

    #right block
    new_position = translate_right(position, data)
    new_data = rotate_anticlockwise(data)

    world.blocks[new_position] = Block(53, new_data)
예제 #5
    def annihilateEverything(self):
        x = w.player.pos.x
        y = w.player.pos.y - 1
        z = w.player.pos.z
        repoX = 0
        repoY = 0
        repoZ = 0
        fieldWidth = 14  #must be an even number

        #repo to ground level -1
        w.player.pos = Vector(x, 0, z)

        for iy1 in range(0, fieldWidth / 2):
            for ix1 in range(0, fieldWidth):
                for iz1 in range(0, fieldWidth):
                    if iz1 == fieldWidth / 2 and ix1 == fieldWidth / 2 and iy1 == 0:
                        #at the midpoint
                        repoX = x + ix1
                        repoY = 0
                        repoZ = z + iz1
                    w.blocks[Vector(x + ix1, y + iy1,
                                    z + iz1)] = Block(block.AIR.id, 0)

        #repo to center of the field we just cleared
        w.player.pos = Vector(repoX, repoY - 1, repoZ)
예제 #6
def test_blocks_set_sequence_same():
    conn = mock.MagicMock()
    l = list(line(O, 4 * X))
    picraft.block.Blocks(conn)[l] = Block(0, 0)
    for v in l:
        conn.send.assert_any_call('world.setBlock(%d,%d,%d,0,0)' %
                                  (v.x, v.y, v.z))
예제 #7
def test_blocks_set_none():
    conn = mock.MagicMock()
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        with pytest.raises(EmptySliceWarning):
                conn)[Vector(1, 1, 1):Vector(3, 3, -1)] = Block(0, 0)
예제 #8
def test_model_render_groups():
    m = Model(
usemtl brick_block

g group1
v 0 0 0
v 4 0 0
v 4 0 4
v 0 0 4
f -1 -2 -3 -4

g group2
v 0 1 0
v 4 1 0
v 4 1 4
v 0 1 4
f -1 -2 -3 -4
    b = Block('brick_block')
    assert m.render(groups='group1') == {
        v: b
        for v in vector_range(O, 4 * X + 4 * Z + 1)
    assert m.render(groups=b'group1') == {
        v: b
        for v in vector_range(O, 4 * X + 4 * Z + 1)
    assert m.render(groups={'group1'}) == {
        v: b
        for v in vector_range(O, 4 * X + 4 * Z + 1)
예제 #9
def animation_frames(count):
    cube_range = vector_range(Vector() - 2, Vector() + 2 + 1)
    for frame in range(count):
        yield {
            v.rotate(15 * frame, about=X).round() + (5 * Y): Block('stone')
            for v in cube_range
예제 #10
def test_block_from_color():
    assert Block.from_color(b'#ffffff') == Block(35, 0)
    assert Block.from_color('#ffffff') == Block(35, 0)
    assert Block.from_color((255, 255, 255)) == Block(35, 0)
    assert Block.from_color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) == Block(35, 15)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Block.from_color((1, 2))
예제 #11
    def makeBrickSampler(self):
        x = w.player.pos.x
        y = w.player.pos.y
        z = w.player.pos.z
        blockIndex = 0

        for iy1 in range(0, 20):
            for ix1 in range(0, 20):
                blockIndex += 1

                #filter out water, lava and sands
                if blockIndex >= 8 and blockIndex <= 12:
                    w.blocks[Vector(ix1 + x, iy1 + y, z)] = Block(1, 0)
                    w.blocks[Vector(ix1 + x, iy1 + y,
                                    z)] = Block(blockIndex, 0)
예제 #12
def test_blocks_set_sequence_different():
    conn = mock.MagicMock()
    l = list(line(O, 4 * X))
    blocks = [Block(1, 1) for v in l]
    picraft.block.Blocks(conn)[l] = blocks
    for v in l:
        conn.send.assert_any_call('world.setBlock(%d,%d,%d,1,1)' %
                                  (v.x, v.y, v.z))
예제 #13
def test_blocks_get_sequence():
    l = list(line(O, 4 * X))
    conn = mock.MagicMock()
    conn.transact.return_value = '1,1'
    assert picraft.block.Blocks(conn)[l] == [Block(1, 1) for v in l]
    for v in l:
        conn.transact.assert_any_call('world.getBlockWithData(%d,%d,%d)' %
                                      (v.x, v.y, v.z))
예제 #14
def animation_frames(count):
    cube_range = vector_range(Vector() - 2, Vector() + 2 + 1)
    for frame in range(count):
        state = {}
        for v in cube_range:
            state[v.rotate(15 * frame, about=X).round() +
                  (5 * Y)] = Block('stone')
        yield state
예제 #15
def test_block_init():
    assert Block(1, 1) == Block.from_id(1, 1)
    assert Block(b'stone') == Block.from_name('stone')
    assert Block('stone') == Block.from_name('stone')
    assert Block('air', 1) == Block.from_name('air', 1)
    assert Block('#ffffff') == Block.from_color('#ffffff')
    assert Block((0, 0, 0)) == Block.from_color((0, 0, 0))
    assert Block(id=1) == Block.from_id(1)
    assert Block(name='grass') == Block.from_name('grass')
    assert Block(color='#ffffff', exact=False) == Block.from_color('#ffffff')
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Block(1, 2, 3)
예제 #16
def test_blocks_set_vrange_different():
    conn = mock.MagicMock()
    v_from = Vector(1, 2, 3)
    v_to = Vector(2, 3, 5)
    blocks = [Block(1, 1) for v in vector_range(v_from, v_to)]
    picraft.block.Blocks(conn)[v_from:v_to] = blocks
    for v in vector_range(v_from, v_to):
        conn.send.assert_any_call('world.setBlock(%d,%d,%d,1,1)' %
                                  (v.x, v.y, v.z))
예제 #17
 def render(self, jpeg):
     o = self.origin
     img = Image.open(jpeg)
     img = img.resize(self.size, Image.BILINEAR)
     img = img.quantize(self.palette_len, palette=self.palette)
     with self.world.connection.batch_start():
         for x in range(img.size[0]):
             for y in range(img.size[1]):
                 self.world.blocks[o + V(0, y, x)] = Block.from_id(35, img.getpixel((x, y)))
예제 #18
def test_blocks_set_vrange_same_stepped():
    conn = mock.MagicMock()
    v_from = Vector(1, 2, 3)
    v_to = Vector(2, 3, 5)
    v_step = Vector(2, 2, 2)
    picraft.block.Blocks(conn)[v_from:v_to:v_step] = Block(0, 0)
    for v in vector_range(v_from, v_to, v_step):
        conn.send.assert_any_call('world.setBlock(%d,%d,%d,0,0)' %
                                  (v.x, v.y, v.z))
예제 #19
 def render(self, jpeg):
     o = self.origin
     img = Image.open(jpeg)
     img = img.resize(self.size, Image.BILINEAR)
     img = img.quantize(self.palette_len, palette=self.palette)
     with self.world.connection.batch_start():
         for x in range(img.size[0]):
             for y in range(img.size[1]):
                 self.world.blocks[o + V(0, y, x)] = Block.from_id(
                     35, img.getpixel((x, y)))
예제 #20
def test_blocks_get_vrange():
    v_from = Vector(1, 2, 3)
    v_to = Vector(2, 3, 5)
    conn = mock.MagicMock()
    conn.transact.return_value = '1,1'
    assert picraft.block.Blocks(conn)[v_from:v_to] == [
        Block(1, 1) for v in vector_range(v_from, v_to)
    for v in vector_range(v_from, v_to):
        conn.transact.assert_any_call('world.getBlockWithData(%d,%d,%d)' %
                                      (v.x, v.y, v.z))
예제 #21
    def simulateEarthquake(self):

        blockType = block.STONE.id

        for iy1 in range(0, 4):
            for ix1 in range(0, 6):
                for iz1 in range(0, 6):
                    # first build a dict of the building blueprint

                    w.blocks[Vector(self.storedX + ix1, self.storedY + iy1, self.storedZ + iz1)] = \
                    Block(blockType, 0)
예제 #22
def test_blocks_get_vrange_fast():
    v_from = Vector(1, 2, 3)
    v_to = Vector(2, 3, 5)
    conn = mock.MagicMock()
    conn.server_version = 'raspberry-juice'
    conn.transact.return_value = '1,1'
    picraft.block.Blocks(conn)[v_from:v_to] == [
        Block(1, 0) for v in vector_range(v_from, v_to)
    conn.transact.assert_called_once_with('world.getBlocks(%s,%s)' %
                                          (v_from, v_to - 1))
예제 #23
def track_changes(states, default=Block('air')):
    old_state = None
    for state in states:
        # Assume the initial state of the blocks is the default ('air')
        if old_state is None:
            old_state = {v: default for v in state}
        # Build a dict of those blocks which changed from old_state to state
        changes = {v: b for v, b in state.items() if old_state.get(v) != b}
        # Blank out blocks which were in old_state but aren't in state
        changes.update({v: default for v in old_state if v not in state})
        yield changes
        old_state = state
예제 #24
def test_model_render_defaults():
    m = Model(
usemtl brick_block

v 0 0 0
v 4 0 0
v 4 0 4
v 0 0 4
f -1 -2 -3 -4"""))
    b = Block('brick_block')
    assert m.render() == {v: b for v in vector_range(O, 4 * X + 4 * Z + 1)}
예제 #25
    def buildGenericFloor(self, pIndex, pX, pY, pZ):
        x = w.player.pos.x
        y = w.player.pos.y
        z = w.player.pos.z

        newX = pX
        newY = pY
        newZ = pZ

        floorWidth = 4
        blockType = block.IRON_BLOCK.id
        offset = 1

        for iy1 in range(0, 2):
            if iy1 == 1:
                offset = 0
                floorWidth = 6

            for ix1 in range(0, floorWidth):
                for iz1 in range(0, floorWidth):

                    if floorWidth == 4:
                        if ((iz1 == 0 or iz1 == 3) and (ix1 == 1 or ix1 == 2)):
                            blockType = block.GLASS_PANE.id
                        elif ((ix1 == 0 or ix1 == 3)
                              and (iz1 == 1 or iz1 == 2)):
                            blockType = block.GLASS_PANE.id
                            blockType = block.DIAMOND_BLOCK.id

                    if floorWidth == 6:
                        if ((iz1 == 0 or iz1 == 5) and (ix1 == 2 or ix1 == 3)):
                            blockType = block.STONE_SLAB.id
                        elif ((ix1 == 0 or ix1 == 5)
                              and (iz1 == 2 or iz1 == 3)):
                            blockType = block.STONE_SLAB.id
                            blockType = block.DIAMOND_BLOCK.id
                    if floorWidth == 6:
                        if ((iz1 == 0 or iz1 == 5) and (ix1 > 0 and ix1 < 5)):
                            blockType = block.STONE_SLAB.id
                        elif ((ix1 == 0 or ix1 == 5) and (iz1 > 0 and iz1 < 5)):
                            blockType = block.STONE_SLAB.id
                            blockType = block.LAPIS_LAZULI_BLOCK.id                    

                    w.blocks[Vector(newX + ix1 + offset, newY + iy1,
                                    newZ + iz1 + offset)] = Block(
                                        blockType, 0)
예제 #26
파일: tv.py 프로젝트: waveform80/picraft
 def render(self, jpeg):
     o = self.origin
     img = Image.open(jpeg)
     img = img.resize(self.size, Image.BILINEAR)
     img = img.quantize(len(self.palette), palette=self.palette_img)
     new_state = {
         o + V(0, y, x): Block.from_color(self.palette[img.getpixel((x, y))], exact=True)
         for x in range(img.size[0])
         for y in range(img.size[1])
     with self.world.connection.batch_start():
         for v, b in track_changes(self.state, new_state).items():
             self.world.blocks[v] = b
     self.state = new_state
예제 #27
def test_model_render_materials_dict():
    m = Model(
usemtl brick

v 0 0 0
v 4 0 0
v 4 0 4
v 0 0 4
f -1 -2 -3 -4"""))
    b = Block('brick_block')
    assert m.render(materials={'brick': b}) == {
        v: b
        for v in vector_range(O, 4 * X + 4 * Z + 1)
예제 #28
파일: tv.py 프로젝트: ruitaomu/picraft
 def render(self, jpeg):
     o = self.origin
     img = Image.open(jpeg)
     img = img.resize(self.size, Image.BILINEAR)
     img = img.quantize(len(self.palette), palette=self.palette_img)
     new_state = {
         o + V(0, y, x): Block.from_color(self.palette[img.getpixel(
             (x, y))],
         for x in range(img.size[0]) for y in range(img.size[1])
     with self.world.connection.batch_start():
         for v, b in track_changes(self.state, new_state).items():
             self.world.blocks[v] = b
     self.state = new_state
예제 #29
from random import randint
from picraft import World, X, Y, Z, Vector, Block

world = World()

p = world.player.tile_pos
white_pos = p - 2 * X
black_pos = p - 3 * X

world.blocks[white_pos] = Block('#ffffff')
world.blocks[black_pos] = Block('#000000')

running = True
while running:
    for event in world.events.poll():
        if event.pos == white_pos:
            rain = Vector(p.x + randint(-10, 10), p.y + 20, p.z + randint(-10, 10))
            rain_end = world.height[rain]
            world.blocks[rain] = Block('wool', randint(1, 15))
            while rain != rain_end:
                with world.connection.batch_start():
                    world.blocks[rain] = Block('air')
                    rain -= Y
                    world.blocks[rain] = Block('wool', randint(1, 15))
        elif event.pos == black_pos:
            running = False
예제 #30
def test_block_from_string():
    assert Block.from_string('1,1') == Block(1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #31
def test_block_platforms():
    assert Block.from_name('air').pi
    assert Block.from_name('air').pocket
    assert not Block.from_name('piston').pi
    assert not Block.from_name('piston').pocket
예제 #32
from time import sleep
from picraft import World, Vector, X, Y, Z, vector_range, Block

def animation_frames(count):
    cube_range = vector_range(Vector() - 2, Vector() + 2 + 1)
    for frame in range(count):
        state = {}
        for v in cube_range:
            state[v.rotate(15 * frame, about=X).round() +
                  (5 * Y)] = Block('stone')
        yield state

world = World()
    for frame in animation_frames(10):
        # Draw frame
        with world.connection.batch_start():
            for v, b in frame.items():
                world.blocks[v] = b
        # Wipe frame
        with world.connection.batch_start():
            for v, b in frame.items():
                world.blocks[v] = Block('air')
예제 #33
from picraft import World, Model, Block

print('Loading model airboat.obj')
m = Model('airboat.obj')
print('Model has the following materials:')
print('\n'.join(s or '<None>' for s in m.materials))

materials_map = {
    None:       Block('stone'),
    'bluteal':  Block('diamond_block'),
    'bronze':   Block('gold_block'),
    'dkdkgrey': Block('#404040'),
    'dkteal':   Block('#000080'),
    'red':      Block('#ff0000'),
    'silver':   Block('#ffffff'),
    'black':    Block('#000000'),

with World() as w:
    with w.connection.batch_start():
        for v, b in m.render(materials=materials_map).items():
            w.blocks[v] = b

예제 #34
from picraft import World, Vector, Block, O, X, Y, Z, lines

def polygon(sides, center=O, radius=5):
    angle = 2 * math.pi / sides
    for side in range(sides):
        yield Vector(center.x + radius * math.cos(side * angle),
                     center.y + radius * math.sin(side * angle),

def shapes(center=O):
    for sides in range(3, 9):
        yield lines(polygon(sides, center=center))

w = World()
for shape in shapes(w.player.tile_pos + 15 * Y + 10 * Z):
    # Copy the generator into a list so we can re-use
    # the coordinates
    shape = list(shape)
    # Draw the shape
    with w.connection.batch_start():
        for p in shape:
            w.blocks[p] = Block('gold_block')
    # Wipe the shape
    with w.connection.batch_start():
        for p in shape:
            w.blocks[p] = Block('air')
예제 #35
def test_block_from_color_exact():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Block.from_color(b'#ffffff', exact=True)
예제 #36
#Load the picraft API
from picraft import World, Block, Vector

#Connect API to the world
world = World()

############ Write your program below #############

while True:
    #Get the player position
    position = world.player.tile_pos

    #lower the position below the player
    position -= Vector(y=1)

    #place a block there
    world.blocks[position] = Block('gold_block')

예제 #37
from picraft import World, Vector, Block
from collections import deque

world = World(ignore_errors=True)
world.say('Auto-bridge active')
    bridge = deque()
    last_pos = None
    while True:
        this_pos = world.player.pos
        if last_pos is not None:
            # Has the player moved more than 0.1 units in a horizontal direction?
            movement = (this_pos - last_pos).replace(y=0.0)
            if movement.magnitude > 0.1:
                # Find the next tile they're going to step on
                next_pos = (this_pos + movement.unit).floor() - Vector(y=1)
                if world.blocks[next_pos] == Block('air'):
                    with world.connection.batch_start():
                        world.blocks[next_pos] = Block('diamond_block')
                        while len(bridge) > 10:
                            world.blocks[bridge.popleft()] = Block('air')
        last_pos = this_pos
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    world.say('Auto-bridge deactivated')
    with world.connection.batch_start():
        while bridge:
            world.blocks[bridge.popleft()] = Block('air')

예제 #38
def test_block_from_name():
    assert Block.from_name(b'air') == Block(0, 0)
    assert Block.from_name('air') == Block(0, 0)
    assert Block.from_name('stone') == Block(1, 0)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):