def __init__(self): rospy.logwarn("Init line Follower") self.bridge_object = CvBridge() self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/image_raw", Image, self.camera_callback) self.movekobuki_object = MoveKobuki() # We set init values to ideal case where we detect it just ahead setPoint_value = 0.0 state_value = 0.0 self.pid_object = PID(init_setPoint_value=setPoint_value, init_state=state_value)
def __init__(self, robot, kp, kd, ki, axes, error_thres, pose_tracker): #initialise pid controller #axes = list [0,1,0] #list of size 3 (x,y,z) representing axes along which control is required self.robot = robot = PID(kp, kd, ki) self.pid_param = PidParam(kp, ki, kd) self.pose_tracker = pose_tracker self.axes = axes self.error_thresh = error_thres self.jac_step = 0.002 self.pid_update_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_tracking/pid_update_log', PidUpdate, queue_size=10)
def test_pid(P=0.2, I=0.0, D=0.0, L=100): """Self-test PID class .. note:: ... for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1/i)) if i>9: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) --- """ pid = PID(P, I, D) pid.SetPoint = 0.0 pid.setSampleTime(0.01) END = L feedback = 0 feedback_list = [] time_list = [] setpoint_list = [] for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output print output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += output # (output - (1/i))控制系统的函数 if i > 9: pid.SetPoint = 10 time.sleep(0.01) feedback_list.append(feedback) setpoint_list.append(pid.SetPoint) time_list.append(i) time_sm = np.array(time_list) time_smooth = np.linspace(time_sm.min(), time_sm.max(), 300) feedback_smooth = spline(time_list, feedback_list, time_smooth) plt.figure(0) plt.plot(time_smooth, feedback_smooth) plt.plot(time_list, setpoint_list) plt.xlim((0, L)) plt.ylim((min(feedback_list) - 0.5, max(feedback_list) + 0.5)) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('PID (PV)') plt.title('TEST PID') plt.ylim((1 - 10.5, 1 + 10.5)) # plt.ylim((1-0.5, 1+0.5)) plt.grid(True)
import time import kinematic import simulator from pid_control import PID #joystick process # joy.setup() stop_threading = 0 rTime = time.time() mutex = Lock() #JOYSTICK thread_joy = Thread(target=joy.loop, args=(lambda:stop_threading,mutex)) thread_joy.start() pitch_PID = PID(Kp=0.8,Ki=0.1,Kd=0.2,iMin=-0.1,iMax=0.1,anti_windup=True) roll_PID = PID(Kp=0.8,Ki=0.1,Kd=0.2,iMin=-0.1,iMax=0.1,anti_windup=True) yaw_PID = PID(Kp=0.8,Ki=0.1,Kd=0.2,iMin=-0.1,iMax=0.1,anti_windup=True) def update_to_simulator(stop): while not stop(): simulator.ROLL = pitch_PID.control(joy.joy_axis[0],reference=0.0) simulator.PITCH = pitch_PID.control(joy.joy_axis[1],reference=0.0) simulator.YAW = pitch_PID.control(joy.joy_axis[2 ],reference=0.0) print(simulator.ROLL, joy.joy_axis[0]) # simulator.ROLL = joy.joy_axis[0] # simulator.PITCH = joy.joy_axis[1] # simulator.YAW = joy.joy_axis[2] time.sleep(0.01)
# Attach the Ctrl+C signal interrupt signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrlC) # Setup encoder encoder = Encoder() encoder.initEncoders() # Setup motor control motorControl = MotorControl(encoder) orientation = Orientation(encoder, motorControl) tof = TOF() pid = PID(0.5, -6, 6) try: with open('calibratedSpeeds.json') as json_file: motorControl.speedMap = json.load(json_file) except IOError: input("You must calibrate speeds first. Press enter to continue") motorControl.calibrateSpeeds() while True: print("\n(1) Calibrate speeds") print("(2) Test distance sensors") print("(3) Move forward until 12\" from wall") print("(4) Follow center between walls") print("(5) Follow wall")
import b0RemoteApi import math import time from kalmanfilter import AccelGyro from pid_control import PID accel_gyro = AccelGyro() pid = PID() with b0RemoteApi.RemoteApiClient('b0RemoteApi_pythonClient', 'b0RemoteApi') as client: # synchronous functions client.doNextStep = True client.gyro_signal = 0.0 client.accel_signal = [0.0, 0.0] client.tilt_angle = 0.0 client.list_gyro_signal = list() client.list_accel_signal = list() client.u = 0.0 def simulationStepStarted(msg): simTime = msg[1][b'simulationTime'] def simulationStepDone(msg): simTime = msg[1][b'simulationTime'] client.doNextStep = True def gyro_signal_callback(msg): if type(msg) == bytes: msg[1] = msg[1].decode('ascii')
class ArmPID(object): def __init__(self, robot, kp, kd, ki, axes, error_thres, pose_tracker): #initialise pid controller #axes = list [0,1,0] #list of size 3 (x,y,z) representing axes along which control is required self.robot = robot = PID(kp, kd, ki) self.pid_param = PidParam(kp, ki, kd) self.pose_tracker = pose_tracker self.axes = axes self.error_thresh = error_thres self.jac_step = 0.002 self.pid_update_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_tracking/pid_update_log', PidUpdate, queue_size=10) #execute pid for # def trajectory_pid(self,target_trajectory): # for target in target_trajectory: # waypoints=[] ## waypoints.append(( # waypoints.append((self.robot.get_end_effector_pose())) # waypoints.append(target) # #first move from current pos to the target pos along a straight line # pre_plan = self.robot.get_plan_move_along_line(waypoints) # self.robot.execute_trajectory(pre_plan) # #execute pid control to exactly reach target ## self.point_pid_jacobian(target) # self.point_pid_cartesian(target) #move to point 1, perform pid at point 1 #do repeat: #find (dx,dy,dz) = point (j+1) - point j #move current_pos + (dx,dy,dz) #do pid for point (j+1) def trajectory_point_wise_pid(self, target_trajectory, end_effector_orientation, first_point_rframe): #first move from current pos to the first point along a straight line target = target_trajectory[0] rospy.loginfo(target) target_pose = list(first_point_rframe) + end_effector_orientation plan = self.robot.get_plan_move_to_goal(target_pose) self.robot.execute_trajectory(plan) time.sleep(1) #do pid control to reach the first point self.point_pid_cartesian(target) prev_target = target for target in target_trajectory[1:]: rospy.loginfo(target) delta_trans = target - prev_target current_pose = deepcopy(self.robot.get_end_effector_pose()) target_pose = deepcopy(current_pose) target_pose.position.x += delta_trans[0] target_pose.position.y += delta_trans[1] target_pose.position.z += delta_trans[2] for i in range(1): current_pose = deepcopy(self.robot.get_end_effector_pose()) pre_plan = self.robot.get_plan_move_along_line( [current_pose, target_pose]) self.robot.execute_trajectory(pre_plan) time.sleep(1) #execute pid control to exactly reach target # self.point_pid_jacobian(target) self.point_pid_cartesian(target) prev_target = target # do pid control for point based on jacobian # def point_pid_jacobian(self,target): # # error_trans = self.get_error(target) # # while(np.linalg.norm(error_trans) > self.error_thresh): ## delta_trans = # delta_trans = error_trans # joint_angle = # # jacob =[:3] # delta_angle = np.linalg.lstsq( jacob, delta_trans, rcond = None )[0] # org_joint_angle = joint_angle[:] # for i,ang in enumerate(joint_angle): # joint_angle[i] = ang + self.jac_step*delta_angle[i] # print(org_joint_angle,joint_angle) # plan = self.robot.get_plan_move_to_joint(joint_angle) # # self.robot.execute_trajectory(plan,True) # error_trans = self.get_error(target) # do pid control for point based on cartesian control def point_pid_cartesian(self, target): error_trans = self.get_error(target) next_pose = '' while (np.linalg.norm(error_trans) > self.error_thresh): pid_update = delta_trans = pid_update[0] # current_pose, next_pose = Pose(),Pose() ## current_pose = # current_pose.position = self.robot.get_end_effector_pose().position # current_pose.orientation = self.robot.get_end_effector_pose().orientation # next_pose.orientation = self.robot.get_end_effector_pose().orientation # next_pose.position.x += self.robot.get_end_effector_pose().position.x + delta_trans[0] # next_pose.position.y += self.robot.get_end_effector_pose().position.y + delta_trans[1] # next_pose.position.z += self.robot.get_end_effector_pose().position.z + delta_trans[2] # current_pose = deepcopy(self.robot.get_end_effector_pose()) next_pose = deepcopy(current_pose) next_pose.position.x += delta_trans[0] next_pose.position.y += delta_trans[1] next_pose.position.z += delta_trans[2] # print(current_pose) # print(next_pose) plan = self.robot.get_plan_move_along_line( [current_pose, next_pose]) # self.robot.display_trajectory(plan) # time.sleep(0.5) self.robot.execute_trajectory(plan, True) time.sleep(1) # self.publish_pid_update_msg(pid_update) error_trans = self.get_error(target) print("doing pid") # rospy.loginfo(error_trans) pid_update = self.publish_pid_update_msg(pid_update) rospy.loginfo("Completed PiD for this point. Final Error ", ) error_trans = self.get_error(target) rospy.loginfo(error_trans) # str(next_pose.position.x)next_pose.position.y,next_pose.position.z)) #perform for movement along the trajectory def trajectory_continuous_pid(self, target_trajectory, end_effector_orientation, first_point_rframe): #first move from current pos to the first point along a straight line target = target_trajectory[0] rospy.loginfo(target) #get robot somehwere near first pose,to get in camera target_pose = list(first_point_rframe) + end_effector_orientation plan = self.robot.get_plan_move_to_goal(target_pose) self.robot.execute_trajectory(plan) time.sleep(1) error_trans = self.get_error(target) prev_target = target # i = 0 for target in target_trajectory: rospy.loginfo(target) pid_update = self.publish_pid_update_msg(pid_update) pid_trans = pid_update[0] # if i >0: pid_trans = 0 #next movement=planned diff + f(error) delta_trans = (target - prev_target) + pid_trans current_pose = deepcopy(self.robot.get_end_effector_pose()) target_pose = deepcopy(self.robot.get_end_effector_pose()) target_pose.position.x += delta_trans[0] target_pose.position.y += delta_trans[1] target_pose.position.z += delta_trans[2] # current_pose = deepcopy(self.robot.get_end_effector_pose()) pre_plan = self.robot.get_plan_move_along_line( [current_pose, target_pose]) self.robot.execute_trajectory(pre_plan) time.sleep(1) prev_target = target rospy.loginfo("Completed PiD for this point. Final Error ", ) error_trans = self.get_error(target) rospy.loginfo(error_trans) # rospy.loginfo("target_pose_") # rospy.loginfo(target_pose) # i +=1 #publishing the error at the last point pid_update = self.publish_pid_update_msg(pid_update) #returns 3d vector showing error along each axes def get_error(self, target, robot=None): #get pose as array if self.robot.virtual_or_real == "real": robot = self.pose_tracker.get_robot_ef_position() elif self.robot.virtual_or_real == "virtual": robot = self.pose_tracker.get_robot_pose() # robot = self.pose_tracker.get_robot_pose() error = target - robot for index, axis in enumerate(self.axes): if axis == 0: error[index] = 0 return error #generates and publishes the pid_update message def publish_pid_update_msg(self, pid_update_output): update_msg = PidUpdate() h = std_msgs.msg.Header() h.stamp = update_msg.header = h update_msg.pid_param = self.pid_param update_msg.error = pid_update_output[1] update_msg.integ_error = pid_update_output[2] update_msg.delta_error = pid_update_output[3] update_msg.response = pid_update_output[0] self.pid_update_pub.publish(update_msg)
class LineFollower(object): def __init__(self): rospy.logwarn("Init line Follower") self.bridge_object = CvBridge() self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/image_raw", Image, self.camera_callback) self.movekobuki_object = MoveKobuki() # We set init values to ideal case where we detect it just ahead setPoint_value = 0.0 state_value = 0.0 self.pid_object = PID(init_setPoint_value=setPoint_value, init_state=state_value) def camera_callback(self, data): try: # We select bgr8 because its the OpneCV encoding by default cv_image = self.bridge_object.imgmsg_to_cv2( data, desired_encoding="bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) # We get image dimensions and crop the parts of the image we dont need # Bare in mind that because its image matrix first value is start and second value is down limit. # Select the limits so that it gets the line not too close, not too far and the minimum portion possible # To make process faster. height, width, channels = cv_image.shape descentre = 160 rows_to_watch = 20 crop_img = cv_image[(height) / 2 + descentre:(height) / 2 + (descentre + rows_to_watch)][1:width] # Convert from RGB to HSV hsv = cv2.cvtColor(crop_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # Define the Yellow Colour in HSV #[[[ 30 196 235]]] """ To know which color to track in HSV, Put in BGR. Use ColorZilla to get the color registered by the camera >>> yellow = np.uint8([[[B,G,R ]]]) >>> hsv_yellow = cv2.cvtColor(yellow,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) >>> print( hsv_yellow ) [[[ 60 255 255]]] """ lower_yellow = np.array([20, 100, 100]) upper_yellow = np.array([50, 255, 255]) # Threshold the HSV image to get only yellow colors mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_yellow, upper_yellow) # Calculate centroid of the blob of binary image using ImageMoments m = cv2.moments(mask, False) try: cx, cy = m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00'] except ZeroDivisionError: cy, cx = height / 2, width / 2 # Bitwise-AND mask and original image res = cv2.bitwise_and(crop_img, crop_img, mask=mask) # Draw the centroid in the resultut image, (int(cx), int(cy)), 10, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.imshow("RES", res) cv2.waitKey(1) # Move the Robot , center it in the middle of the witdth 640 => 320: setPoint_value = width / 2 self.pid_object.setpoint_update(value=setPoint_value) twist_object = Twist() twist_object.linear.x = 0.1 # Make it start turning self.pid_object.state_update(value=cx) effort_value = self.pid_object.get_control_effort() # We divide the effort to map it to the normal values for angular speed in the turtlebot rospy.logwarn("Set Value==" + str(setPoint_value)) rospy.logwarn("State Value==" + str(cx)) rospy.logwarn("Effort Value==" + str(effort_value)) angular_effort_value = effort_value / 1000.0 twist_object.angular.z = angular_effort_value rospy.logwarn("TWist ==" + str(twist_object.angular.z)) self.movekobuki_object.move_robot(twist_object) def clean_up(self): self.movekobuki_object.clean_class() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
if __name__ == '__main__': #Listener rospy.init_node('laserListener', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, goalCB) #in odom frame tflistener = tf.TransformListener() #Publishers: pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop', Twist, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(60) # 60hz # PID Terms: P I D I_max angle_pid = PID(7.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.2) #Tuned Parameters #angle_pid = PID(7.0,0.0,0.0,0.2) #Undamped Parameters #angle_pid = PID(7.0,0.0,1.0,0.2) #Underdamped Parameters #angle_pid = PID(1.0,0.0,25.0,0.2) #Overdamped Parameters t_last = 0. while not rospy.is_shutdown(): v = 0. phi = 0. try: t_now = rospy.get_rostime( ) #Update the goal so it's relative to the current robot position goal.header.stamp = t_now tflistener.waitForTransform( 'odom', 'base_link', t_now, rospy.Duration( 4.0)) #Make sure we have tf data before doing this localGoal = tflistener.transformPose(
def __init__(self): self.bridge_object = CvBridge() self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/image_raw",Image,self.camera_callback) self.movekobuki_object = MoveKobuki() self.pid_object = PID()
def init_pid_controller(): pid_object = PID()