def get_pinned_piece(self, dir): "A piece has been pinned in direction dir. Get that piece." from pieces.black_funcs import Black_Funcs Black_ = Black_Funcs(None) for i in range(2): if self.in_path[i] == 0 or self.alive[i] == 0: continue if dir == "UL": row = self.row[i] col = self.col[i] while row >= 0 and col >= 0: if Black.blocks[row][col] == 1 and ( row, col) != Black_.get_pos("K"): return Black_.get_piece(row, col) row -= 1 col -= 1 elif dir == "UR": row = self.row[i] col = self.col[i] while row >= 0 and col <= 7: if Black.blocks[row][col] == 1 and ( row, col) != Black_.get_pos("K"): return Black_.get_piece(row, col) row -= 1 col += 1 elif dir == "LR": row = self.row[i] col = self.col[i] while row <= 7 and col <= 7: if Black.blocks[row][col] == 1 and ( row, col) != Black_.get_pos("K"): return Black_.get_piece(row, col) row += 1 col += 1 elif dir == "LL": row = self.row[i] col = self.col[i] while row <= 7 and col >= 0: if Black.blocks[row][col] == 1 and ( row, col) != Black_.get_pos("K"): return Black_.get_piece(row, col) row += 1 col -= 1
class White_Funcs(object): "Methods relating to white pieces." def __init__(self): self.Black_ = Black_Funcs(self) self.piece = "" def play(self): if Board.stalemate or Board.checkmate or Board.insufficient_mat or Board.tfr: return if from white_ai import White_AI AI = White_AI() AI.generate_move() Board.save_img = True White.turn = False Black.turn = True else: if White.blocks[Queue.row[-1]][Queue.col[-1]] == 1: self.piece = self.get_piece(Queue.row[-1], Queue.col[-1]) # regular move if len(Queue.col) >= 2 and White.blocks[Queue.row[0]][Queue.col[0]] == 1 \ and White.blocks[Queue.row[1]][Queue.col[1]] == 0: self.move_piece(self.piece, Queue.row[-1], Queue.col[-1], True) Board.ai_move = True # queen side castle elif len(Queue.col) >= 2 and (Queue.row[0], Queue.col[0]) == (WhiteKing.row, WhiteKing.col) \ and (Queue.row[1], Queue.col[1]) == (WhiteRook.row[0], WhiteRook.col[0]) and \ self.castle_criteria_queen(): self.castle_queen(True) # king side castle elif len(Queue.col) >= 2 and (Queue.row[0], Queue.col[0]) == (WhiteKing.row, WhiteKing.col) \ and (Queue.row[1], Queue.col[1]) == (WhiteRook.row[1], WhiteRook.col[1]) and \ self.castle_criteria_king(): self.castle_king(True) def filter(self, piece, pinned_movelist): """Helper function which removes any coordinates in a white piece's movelist which is not contained in pinned_movelist. Used to assign pinned movelists to pieces. """ new_movelist = [] for i in range(White.num_queens): if piece == "Q" + str(i): for k in WhiteQueen.movelist[i]: if not (k not in pinned_movelist): new_movelist.append(k) WhiteQueen.movelist[i] = new_movelist.copy() for i in range(8): new_movelist.clear() if piece == "P" + str(i): for k in WhitePawn.movelist[i]: if not (k not in pinned_movelist): new_movelist.append(k) WhitePawn.movelist[i] = new_movelist.copy() for i in range(2): new_movelist.clear() if piece == "R" + str(i): for k in WhiteRook.movelist[i]: if not (k not in pinned_movelist): new_movelist.append(k) WhiteRook.movelist[i] = new_movelist.copy() elif piece == "B" + str(i): for k in WhiteBishop.movelist[i]: if not (k not in pinned_movelist): new_movelist.append(k) WhiteBishop.movelist[i] = new_movelist.copy() elif piece == "N" + str(i): for k in WhiteKnight.movelist[i]: if not (k not in pinned_movelist): new_movelist.append(k) WhiteKnight.movelist[i] = new_movelist.copy() def get_pos(self, piece): """Getter for accessing white piece positions. Return coordinates of white piece. """ if piece == "K": return (WhiteKing.row, WhiteKing.col) for i in range(8): if piece == "P" + str(i): return (WhitePawn.row[i], WhitePawn.col[i]) def get_movelist(self, piece): """Getter for accessing white piece movelist. Return movelist of white piece. """ if piece == "K": return WhiteKing.movelist for i in range(White.num_queens): if piece == "Q" + str(i): return WhiteQueen.movelist[i] for i in range(2): if piece == "B" + str(i): return WhiteBishop.movelist[i] elif piece == "N" + str(i): return WhiteKnight.movelist[i] elif piece == "R" + str(i): return WhiteRook.movelist[i] for i in range(8): if piece == "P" + str(i): return WhitePawn.movelist[i] def get_piece(self, row, col): "Get piece (as a string) at (row, col)." piece = "" # King if WhiteKing.row == row and WhiteKing.col == col: piece = "K" # Queen for i in range(White.num_queens): if WhiteQueen.row[i] == row and WhiteQueen.col[i] == col: piece = "Q" + str(i) # Bishop, knight, rook for i in range(2): if WhiteBishop.row[i] == row and WhiteBishop.col[i] == col: piece = "B" + str(i) if WhiteKnight.row[i] == row and WhiteKnight.col[i] == col: piece = "N" + str(i) if WhiteRook.row[i] == row and WhiteRook.col[i] == col: piece = "R" + str(i) # Pawn for i in range(8): if WhitePawn.row[i] == row and WhitePawn.col[i] == col: piece = "P" + str(i) return piece if not None else None def move_piece(self, piece, row, col, sound): "Move piece to position (row, col)." moved = False killed = False self.reset_enpassant() if row > 7 or col > 7 or row < 0 or col < 0: print("(row, col) bad numbers!") return # King if piece == "K" and (row, col) in WhiteKing.movelist: killed = self.check_kill(row, col, sound) Board.moves["pos"].append((WhiteKing.row, WhiteKing.col)) WhiteKing.Move(row, col) Board.moves["piece"].append("K") moved = True elif piece == "K" and (row, col) not in WhiteKing.movelist and sound: # Queen for i in range(White.num_queens): if piece == "Q" + str(i) and (row, col) in WhiteQueen.movelist[i]: killed = self.check_kill(row, col, sound) Board.moves["pos"].append( (WhiteQueen.row[i], WhiteQueen.col[i])) WhiteQueen.Move(i, row, col) Board.moves["piece"].append("Q" + str(i)) moved = True elif piece == "Q" + str(i) and ( row, col) not in WhiteQueen.movelist[i] and sound: # Pawn for i in range(8): if piece == "P" + str(i) and (row, col) in WhitePawn.movelist[i]: if Black.en_passant[col] == 1 and WhitePawn.row[i] == 3: killed = self.check_kill(row + 1, col, sound) else: killed = self.check_kill(row, col, sound) Board.moves["pos"].append((WhitePawn.row[i], WhitePawn.col[i])) WhitePawn.Move(i, row, col) Board.moves["piece"].append("P" + str(i)) moved = True if row == 0: self.promote(i) elif piece == "P" + str(i) and ( row, col) not in WhitePawn.movelist[i] and sound: # Knight, bishop, rook for i in range(2): if piece == "N" + str(i) and (row, col) in WhiteKnight.movelist[i]: killed = self.check_kill(row, col, sound) Board.moves["pos"].append( (WhiteKnight.row[i], WhiteKnight.col[i])) WhiteKnight.Move(i, row, col) Board.moves["piece"].append("N" + str(i)) moved = True elif piece == "N" + str(i) and ( row, col) not in WhiteKnight.movelist[i] and sound: if piece == "B" + str(i) and (row, col) in WhiteBishop.movelist[i]: killed = self.check_kill(row, col, sound) Board.moves["pos"].append( (WhiteBishop.row[i], WhiteBishop.col[i])) WhiteBishop.Move(i, row, col) Board.moves["piece"].append("B" + str(i)) moved = True elif piece == "B" + str(i) and ( row, col) not in WhiteBishop.movelist[i] and sound: if piece == "R" + str(i) and (row, col) in WhiteRook.movelist[i]: killed = self.check_kill(row, col, sound) Board.moves["pos"].append((WhiteRook.row[i], WhiteRook.col[i])) WhiteRook.Move(i, row, col) Board.moves["piece"].append("R" + str(i)) moved = True elif piece == "R" + str(i) and ( row, col) not in WhiteRook.movelist[i] and sound: if moved: self.valid_move(killed, sound) def valid_move(self, killed, sound): """A valid move has been made. Update the board, check for pins, checkmate, stalemate,...etc. """ Board.update_all_moves() self.check_black_pin() # check if black has been checked if self.check_black_check(): if sound: self.Black_.update_check_movelists() # check if it is also a checkmate if self.Black_.check_no_moves_left(): Board.checkmate = True Black.lose = True elif self.check_black_check() == False and not killed: if sound: # check if moving caused a stalemate if self.Black_.check_no_moves_left(): Board.stalemate = True Board.check_draw() self.reset_enpassant() White.turn = False Black.turn = True Board.moves["color"].append("W") if Board.freeze != True: Board.total_moves += 1 if testing: White.turn = True Black.turn = True def destroy(self, piece): "Destroy a piece." if piece == "K": WhiteKing.alive = 0 WhiteKing.col = -1 WhiteKing.row = -1 WhiteKing.x = -1 WhiteKing.y = -1 WhiteKing.movelist.clear() # queen for i in range(White.num_queens): if piece == "Q" + str(i): WhiteQueen.alive[i] = 0 WhiteQueen.col[i] = -1 WhiteQueen.row[i] = -1 WhiteQueen.x[i] = -1 WhiteQueen.y[i] = -1 WhiteQueen.movelist[i].clear() WhiteQueen.protecting_movelist[i].clear() WhiteQueen.pinned_movelist[i].clear() WhiteQueen.in_path[i] = 0 # pawn for i in range(8): if piece == "P" + str(i): WhitePawn.alive[i] = 0 WhitePawn.col[i] = -1 WhitePawn.row[i] = -1 WhitePawn.x[i] = -1 WhitePawn.y[i] = -1 WhitePawn.movelist[i].clear() WhitePawn.hit_movelist[i].clear() # bishop, rook, knight for i in range(2): if piece == "B" + str(i): WhiteBishop.alive[i] = 0 WhiteBishop.col[i] = -1 WhiteBishop.row[i] = -1 WhiteBishop.x[i] = -1 WhiteBishop.y[i] = -1 WhiteBishop.movelist[i].clear() WhiteBishop.protecting_movelist[i].clear() WhiteBishop.pinned_movelist[i].clear() WhiteBishop.in_path[i] = 0 if piece == "R" + str(i): WhiteRook.alive[i] = 0 WhiteRook.col[i] = -1 WhiteRook.row[i] = -1 WhiteRook.x[i] = -1 WhiteRook.y[i] = -1 WhiteRook.movelist[i].clear() WhiteRook.protecting_movelist[i].clear() WhiteRook.pinned_movelist[i].clear() WhiteRook.in_path[i] = 0 if piece == "N" + str(i): WhiteKnight.alive[i] = 0 WhiteKnight.col[i] = -1 WhiteKnight.row[i] = -1 WhiteKnight.x[i] = -1 WhiteKnight.y[i] = -1 WhiteKnight.movelist[i].clear() WhiteKnight.protecting_movelist[i].clear() def check_kill(self, row, col, sound): """Once a white piece has moved to a new position, check if a black piece is already there. If so, kill it. """ if Black.blocks[row][col] == 1: Black.blocks[row][col] = 0 killed_piece = self.Black_.get_piece(row, col) # King if killed_piece == "K": Board.moves["killed"].append(True) Board.killed["piece"].append("K") Board.killed["pos"].append((BlackKing.row, BlackKing.col)) BlackKing.alive = 0 BlackKing.col = -1 BlackKing.row = -1 BlackKing.x = -1 BlackKing.y = -1 BlackKing.movelist.clear() if sound: return True # queen for i in range(Black.num_queens): if killed_piece == "Q" + str(i): Board.moves["killed"].append(True) Board.killed["piece"].append("Q" + str(i)) Board.killed["pos"].append( (BlackQueen.row[i], BlackQueen.col[i])) BlackQueen.alive[i] = 0 BlackQueen.col[i] = -1 BlackQueen.row[i] = -1 BlackQueen.x[i] = -1 BlackQueen.y[i] = -1 BlackQueen.movelist[i].clear() BlackQueen.protecting_movelist[i].clear() BlackQueen.pinned_movelist[i].clear() BlackQueen.in_path[i] = 0 if sound: return True # pawn for i in range(8): if killed_piece == "P" + str(i): Board.moves["killed"].append(True) Board.killed["piece"].append("P" + str(i)) Board.killed["pos"].append( (BlackPawn.row[i], BlackPawn.col[i])) BlackPawn.alive[i] = 0 BlackPawn.col[i] = -1 BlackPawn.row[i] = -1 BlackPawn.x[i] = -1 BlackPawn.y[i] = -1 BlackPawn.movelist[i].clear() BlackPawn.hit_movelist[i].clear() if sound: return True # bishop, rook, knight for i in range(2): if killed_piece == "B" + str(i): Board.moves["killed"].append(True) Board.killed["piece"].append("B" + str(i)) Board.killed["pos"].append( (BlackBishop.row[i], BlackBishop.col[i])) BlackBishop.alive[i] = 0 BlackBishop.col[i] = -1 BlackBishop.row[i] = -1 BlackBishop.x[i] = -1 BlackBishop.y[i] = -1 BlackBishop.movelist[i].clear() BlackBishop.protecting_movelist[i].clear() BlackBishop.pinned_movelist[i].clear() BlackBishop.in_path[i] = 0 if sound: return True if killed_piece == "R" + str(i): Board.moves["killed"].append(True) Board.killed["piece"].append("R" + str(i)) Board.killed["pos"].append( (BlackRook.row[i], BlackRook.col[i])) BlackRook.alive[i] = 0 BlackRook.col[i] = -1 BlackRook.row[i] = -1 BlackRook.x[i] = -1 BlackRook.y[i] = -1 BlackRook.movelist[i].clear() BlackRook.protecting_movelist[i].clear() BlackRook.pinned_movelist[i].clear() BlackRook.in_path[i] = 0 if sound: return True if killed_piece == "N" + str(i): Board.moves["killed"].append(True) Board.killed["piece"].append("N" + str(i)) Board.killed["pos"].append( (BlackKnight.row[i], BlackKnight.col[i])) BlackKnight.alive[i] = 0 BlackKnight.col[i] = -1 BlackKnight.row[i] = -1 BlackKnight.x[i] = -1 BlackKnight.y[i] = -1 BlackKnight.movelist[i].clear() BlackKnight.protecting_movelist[i].clear() if sound: return True Board.moves["killed"].append(False) return False def check_black_check(self): """Check detection. If the black king's position is in the movelist of any white piece, then it is checked. """ pos = (BlackKing.row, BlackKing.col) for i in range(White.num_queens): if pos in WhiteQueen.movelist[i]: White.checker = "Q" + str(i) return 1 for i in range(8): if pos in WhitePawn.hit_movelist[i]: White.checker = "P" + str(i) return 1 for i in range(2): if pos in WhiteBishop.movelist[i]: White.checker = "B" + str(i) return 1 if pos in WhiteRook.movelist[i]: White.checker = "R" + str(i) return 1 if pos in WhiteKnight.movelist[i]: White.checker = "N" + str(i) return 1 White.checker = "" return 0 def update_check_movelists(self): """White has been checked. Replace all white piece moves (except king) with moves such that white is not checked anymore. """ # build check movelist from the white piece that is checking the black king movelist = [] for i in range(Black.num_queens): if Black.checker == "Q" + str(i): movelist = BlackQueen.build_check_movelist().copy() for i in range(2): if Black.checker == "B" + str(i): movelist = BlackBishop.build_check_movelist().copy() elif Black.checker == "R" + str(i): movelist = BlackRook.build_check_movelist().copy() elif Black.checker == "N" + str(i): movelist = [(BlackKnight.row[i], BlackKnight.col[i])] for i in range(8): if Black.checker == "P" + str(i): movelist = [(BlackPawn.row[i], BlackPawn.col[i])] # now filter all white piece movelists with the new check movelist for i in range(White.num_queens): self.filter("Q" + str(i), movelist) for i in range(2): self.filter("B" + str(i), movelist) self.filter("R" + str(i), movelist) self.filter("N" + str(i), movelist) for i in range(8): self.filter("P" + str(i), movelist) def check_no_moves_left(self): "Returns true if White has no moves left to play." if WhiteKing.movelist != []: return 0 for i in range(White.num_queens): if WhiteQueen.movelist[i] != []: return 0 for i in range(2): if WhiteBishop.movelist[i] != [] or WhiteRook.movelist[i] != [] or \ WhiteKnight.movelist[i] != []: return 0 for i in range(8): if WhitePawn.movelist[i] != []: return 0 return 1 def check_black_pin(self): "Check if any black piece is pinned by a white bishop, rook, or queen." WhiteBishop.check_pin() WhiteQueen.check_pin() WhiteRook.check_pin() def reset_enpassant(self): "Reset opposite side's pawn en passant flags." for i in range(8): White.en_passant[i] = 0 def promote(self, i): "Promote white pawn i to queen." White.num_queens += 1 WhiteQueen.row.append(WhitePawn.row[i]) WhiteQueen.col.append(WhitePawn.col[i]) WhiteQueen.x.append(Piece.paddingx + WhitePawn.col[i] * UNIT) WhiteQueen.y.append(Piece.paddingy + WhitePawn.row[i] * UNIT) WhiteQueen.img.append( pg.image.load('../assets/sprites/whiteQueen.png')) WhiteQueen.img[-1] = pg.transform.scale(WhiteQueen.img[-1], (Piece.scale, Piece.scale)) WhiteQueen.movelist.append([]) WhiteQueen.protecting_movelist.append([]) WhiteQueen.pinned_movelist.append([]) WhiteQueen.alive.append(1) WhiteQueen.in_path.append(0) WhitePawn.alive[i] = 0 WhitePawn.col[i] = -1 WhitePawn.row[i] = -1 WhitePawn.x[i] = -1 WhitePawn.y[i] = -1 WhitePawn.movelist[i].clear() def unpromote(self, i, row, col): # kill last queen White.num_queens -= 1 WhiteQueen.row.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.col.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.x.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.y.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.img.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.movelist.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.protecting_movelist.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.pinned_movelist.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.alive.pop(-1) WhiteQueen.in_path.pop(-1) # revive last pawn WhitePawn.alive[i] = 1 WhitePawn.col[i] = col WhitePawn.row[i] = row WhitePawn.x[i] = Piece.paddingx + col * UNIT WhitePawn.y[i] = Piece.paddingy + row * UNIT WhitePawn.movelist[i].clear() White.blocks[row][col] = 1 def in_movelist(self, row, col): """Helper function which returns true if position (row, col) is in the movelist of any Black piece. """ for i in BlackKing.movelist: if i == (row, col): return True for i in range(Black.num_queens): for k in BlackQueen.movelist[i]: if k == (row, col): return True for i in range(8): for k in BlackPawn.movelist[i]: if k == (row, col): return True for i in range(2): for k in BlackBishop.movelist[i]: if k == (row, col): return True for k in BlackRook.movelist[i]: if k == (row, col): return True for k in BlackKnight.movelist[i]: if k == (row, col): return True return False def castle_criteria_king(self): """Return true if king-side castling is allowed. i.e: - King & rook 1 have not moved - No pieces (white or black) between king and rook 1 - King is not checked - Squares between rook 1 & king are not attacked - King does not end up in check """ if WhiteKing.moved == True or WhiteRook.moved[1] == True: return False if Black.blocks[7][6] == 1 or Black.blocks[7][5] == 1 or White.blocks[7][6] == 1 \ or White.blocks[7][5] == 1: return False if Black.checker != "": return False if self.in_movelist(7, 6) == True or self.in_movelist(7, 5) == True: return False return True def castle_criteria_queen(self): "Same as above but for queen-side castle (& rook 0)." if WhiteKing.moved == True or WhiteRook.moved[0] == True: return False if Black.blocks[7][1] == 1 or Black.blocks[7][2] == 1 or Black.blocks[7][3] == 1 \ or White.blocks[7][1] == 1 or White.blocks[7][2] == 1 or White.blocks[7][3] == 1: return False if Black.checker != "": return False if self.in_movelist(7, 1) == True or self.in_movelist( 7, 2) == True or self.in_movelist(7, 3): return False return True def castle_queen(self, sound): "Queen-side castle." Board.moves["pos"].append("CQ") WhiteKing.Move(7, 2) WhiteRook.Move(0, 7, 3) self.valid_move(False, sound) White.castled = 1 Board.moves["piece"].append("CQ") Board.moves["killed"].append(False) def castle_king(self, sound): "King-side castle." Board.moves["pos"].append("CK") WhiteKing.Move(7, 6) WhiteRook.Move(1, 7, 5) self.valid_move(False, sound) White.castled = 1 Board.moves["piece"].append("CK") Board.moves["killed"].append(False) def two_knights(self): "Below functions are used for draw by insufficient material." for i in range(White.num_queens): if WhiteQueen.alive[i] == 1: return False for i in range(8): if WhitePawn.alive[i] == 1: return False for i in range(2): if WhiteBishop.alive[i] == 1: return False if WhiteRook.alive[i] == 1: return False if WhiteKnight.alive[0] == 1 and WhiteKnight.alive[1] == 1: return True return False def one_knight(self): for i in range(White.num_queens): if WhiteQueen.alive[i] == 1: return False for i in range(8): if WhitePawn.alive[i] == 1: return False for i in range(2): if WhiteBishop.alive[i] == 1: return False if WhiteRook.alive[i] == 1: return False if WhiteKnight.alive[0] != WhiteKnight.alive[1]: return True return False def lone_king(self): for i in range(White.num_queens): if WhiteQueen.alive[i] == 1: return False for i in range(8): if WhitePawn.alive[i] == 1: return False for i in range(2): if WhiteBishop.alive[i] == 1: return False if WhiteRook.alive[i] == 1: return False if WhiteKnight.alive[i] == 1: return False return True def one_bishop(self): for i in range(White.num_queens): if WhiteQueen.alive[i] == 1: return False for i in range(8): if WhitePawn.alive[i] == 1: return False for i in range(2): if WhiteRook.alive[i] == 1: return False if WhiteKnight.alive[i] == 1: return False if WhiteBishop.alive[0] != WhiteBishop.alive[1]: return True return False