예제 #1
    def _from_pil_image(cls, *, pdf, page, name, image):  # pragma: no cover
        """Insert a PIL image into a PDF (rudimentary)

            pdf (pikepdf.Pdf): the PDF to attach the image to
            page (pikepdf.Object): the page to attach the image to
            name (str or pikepdf.Name): the name to set the image
            image (PIL.Image.Image): the image to insert

        data = image.tobytes()

        imstream = Stream(pdf, data)
        imstream.Type = Name('/XObject')
        imstream.Subtype = Name('/Image')
        if image.mode == 'RGB':
            imstream.ColorSpace = Name('/DeviceRGB')
        elif image.mode in ('1', 'L'):
            imstream.ColorSpace = Name('/DeviceGray')
        imstream.BitsPerComponent = 1 if image.mode == '1' else 8
        imstream.Width = image.width
        imstream.Height = image.height

        page.Resources.XObject[name] = imstream

        return cls(imstream)
예제 #2
def test_image_roundtrip(outdir, w, h, pixeldata, cs, bpc):
    pdf = Pdf.new()

    image_data = pixeldata * (w * h)

    image = Stream(pdf, image_data)
    image.Type = Name('/XObject')
    image.Subtype = Name('/Image')
    image.ColorSpace = Name(cs)
    image.BitsPerComponent = bpc
    image.Width = w
    image.Height = h

    xobj = {'/Im1': image}
    resources = {'/XObject': xobj}
    mediabox = [0, 0, 100, 100]
    stream = b'q 100 0 0 100 0 0 cm /Im1 Do Q'
    contents = Stream(pdf, stream)

    page_dict = {
        '/Type': Name('/Page'),
        '/MediaBox': mediabox,
        '/Contents': contents,
        '/Resources': resources,
    page = pdf.make_indirect(page_dict)

    outfile = outdir / f'test{w}{h}{cs[1:]}{bpc}.pdf'
        outfile, compress_streams=False, stream_decode_level=StreamDecodeLevel.none

    with Pdf.open(outfile) as p2:
        pim = PdfImage(p2.pages[0].Resources.XObject['/Im1'])

        assert pim.bits_per_component == bpc
        assert pim.colorspace == cs
        assert pim.width == w
        assert pim.height == h
        if cs == '/DeviceRGB':
            assert pim.mode == 'RGB'
        elif cs == '/DeviceGray' and bpc == 8:
            assert pim.mode == 'L'
        elif cs == '/DeviceCMYK':
            assert pim.mode == 'CMYK'
        elif bpc == 1:
            assert pim.mode == '1'
        assert not pim.palette

        assert pim.filters == []
        assert pim.read_bytes() == pixeldata

        outstream = BytesIO()
        im = Image.open(outstream)
        assert pim.mode == im.mode