예제 #1
 def _get_time(self, i):
     """Call _read_timestamp() for a given frame."""
     with FileLocker(self._file_lock):
         self._file.seek(self._image_offset + self._image_block_size * i
                         + self._image_bytes)
         return self._read_timestamp()
예제 #2
 def get_frame(self, i):
     with FileLocker(self._file_lock):
         self._file.seek(self._image_offset + self._image_block_size * i)
         imdata = np.fromfile(self._file, self.pixel_type, self._pixel_count
         # Timestamp immediately follows
         tfloat, ts = self._read_timestamp()
         md = {'time': ts, 'time_float': tfloat,
               'gamut': self.metadata['gamut']}
         return Frame(imdata, frame_no=i, metadata=md)
예제 #3
파일: cine.py 프로젝트: thanujadax/pims
    def _read_tag_block(self, off_set, accum_dict):
        Internal helper-function for reading the tagged blocks.
        with FileLocker(self.file_lock):
            self.f.seek(self.off_setup + self.setup_length + off_set)
            block_size = self.unpack(DWORD)
            b_type = self.unpack(WORD)
            more_tags = self.unpack(WORD)

            if b_type == 1004:
                # docs say to ignore range data it seems to be a poison flag,
                # if see this, give up tag parsing
                return block_size, 0

                d_name, d_type = TAGGED_FIELDS[b_type]

            except KeyError:
                return block_size, more_tags

            if d_type == '':
                # print "can't deal with  <" + d_name + "> tagged data"
                return block_size, more_tags

            s_tmp = _build_struct(d_type)
            if (block_size - 8) % s_tmp.size != 0:
                #            print 'something is wrong with your data types'
                return block_size, more_tags

            d_count = (block_size - 8) // (s_tmp.size)

            data = self.unpack('%d' % d_count + d_type)
            if not isinstance(data, tuple):
                # fix up data due to design choice in self.unpack
                data = (data, )

            # parse time
            if b_type == 1002 or b_type == 1001:
                data = [(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(d >> 32),
                         (FRACTION_MASK & d) / MAX_INT) for d in data]
            # convert exposure to seconds
            if b_type == 1003:
                data = [d / (MAX_INT) for d in data]

            accum_dict[d_name] = data

        return block_size, more_tags
예제 #4
파일: cine.py 프로젝트: zhouy5/pims
    def _hash_fun(self):
        """Generates the md5 hash of the header of the file.  Here the
        header is defined as everything before the first image starts.

        This includes all of the meta-data (including the plethora of
        time stamps) so this will be unique.
        # get the file lock (so we don't screw up any other reads)
        with FileLocker(self.file_lock):

            max_loc = self.image_locations[0]
            md5 = hashlib.md5()

            chunk_size = 128 * md5.block_size
            chunk_count = (max_loc // chunk_size) + 1

            for j in range(chunk_count):
                md5.update(self.f.read(128 * md5.block_size))

            self._hash = md5.hexdigest()
예제 #5
파일: cine.py 프로젝트: thanujadax/pims
    def _get_frame(self, number):
        with FileLocker(self.file_lock):
            # get basic information about the frame we want
            image_start = self.image_locations[number]
            annotation_size = self.unpack(DWORD, image_start)
            # this is not used, but is needed to advance the point in the file
            annotation = self.unpack('%db' % (annotation_size - 8))
            image_size = self.unpack(DWORD)

            cfa = self.cfa
            compression = self.compression

            # sort out data type looking at the cached version
            data_type = self._data_type

            # actual bit per pixel
            actual_bits = image_size * 8 // (self._pixel_count)

            # so this seem wrong as 10 or 12 bits won't fit in 'u1'
            # but I (TAC) may not understand and don't have a packed file
            # (which the docs seem to imply don't exist) to test on so
            # I am leaving it.  good luck.
            if actual_bits in (10, 12):
                data_type = 'u1'

            # move the file to the right point in the file
            self.f.seek(image_start + annotation_size)

            # suck the data out of the file and shove into linear
            # numpy array
            frame = frombuffer(self.f.read(image_size), data_type)

            # if mono-camera
            if cfa == CFA_NONE:
                if compression != 0:
                    raise ValueError("Can not deal with compressed files\n" +
                                     "compression level: " +
                # we are working with a monochrome camera
                # un-pack packed data
                if (actual_bits == 10):
                    frame = _ten2sixteen(frame)
                elif (actual_bits == 12):
                    frame = _twelve2sixteen(frame)
                elif (actual_bits % 8):
                    raise ValueError('Data should be byte aligned, ' +
                                     'or 10 or 12 bit packed (appears to be' +
                                     ' %dbits/pixel?!)' % actual_bits)

                # re-shape to an array
                # flip the rows
                # and the cast to proper type
                frame = frame.reshape(self._height,

                if actual_bits in (10, 12):
                    frame = frame[::-1, :]
                    # Don't know why it works this way, but it does...
            # else, some sort of color layout
                if compression == 0:
                    # and re-order so color is RGB (naively saves as BGR)
                    frame = frame.reshape(self._height, self._width,
                                          3)[::-1, :, ::-1].astype(self._dtype)
                elif compression == 2:
                    raise ValueError("Can not process un-interpolated movies")
                    raise ValueError("Should never hit this, " +
                                     "you have an un-documented file\n" +
                                     "compression level: " +

        return frame