def maskVideo_rect(videoPath, outputFolder, reader='ImageIO'): """Function containing a pipeline which masks a desired ROI in a given video (provided by the maskROIs.csv file) and saves the result""" # get the maskCoords from the csv file df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.split(videoPath)[0], "maskROIs.csv"), index_col=0) maskCoords = tuple(df.loc[os.path.split(videoPath)[-1]]) # reader if reader == 'ImageIO': video = pims.ImageIOReader(videoPath) elif reader == 'PyAV': video = pims.Video(videoPath) fps = video.frame_rate # pipeline r = maskCoords masking_pipeline = pims.pipeline(maskFrame_rect) kwargs = dict(maskCoords=r) processed_video = masking_pipeline(video, **kwargs) # writing to disk try: os.mkdir(outputFolder) except OSError: print( outputFolder, "already exists! Continuing with the process without creating it.") outputFilename = os.path.join( outputFolder, os.path.split(videoPath)[-1].strip(".mp4") + "_masked.mp4") imageio.mimwrite(outputFilename, processed_video, fps=fps)
def processVideo(videoPath, outputFolder, shape='circle'): """ Pipeline containing function to trim, mask and crop a video (provided by the process.csv file) shape: 'circle' or 'polygon' """ print('processVideo called with: ', videoPath, outputFolder) outputFilename = os.path.join( outputFolder, os.path.split(videoPath)[-1].strip(".mp4") + "_processed.mp4") if os.path.exists(outputFilename): print(outputFilename, "already exists. Terminating!") return None # get the required data from the process.csv file df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.split(videoPath)[0], "process.csv"), index_col=0) start = df.loc[os.path.split(videoPath)[-1], 'start'] end = df.loc[os.path.split(videoPath)[-1], 'end'] # Shorten processed videos to 1h if end - start > 3600: end = 3600 + start if shape == 'circle': circle = literal_eval(df.loc[os.path.split(videoPath)[-1], 'circle']) # elif shape == 'polygon': # vertices = np.array(literal_eval(df.loc[os.path.split(videoPath)[-1], 'vertices'])) crop = literal_eval(df.loc[os.path.split(videoPath)[-1], 'crop']) video = pims.ImageIOReader(videoPath) fps = video.frame_rate # pipelines # masking pipeline masking_pipeline = pims.pipeline(maskFrame_circle) masking_kwargs = dict(circle=circle) masked_video = masking_pipeline(video, **masking_kwargs) # cropping pipeline cropping_pipeline = pims.pipeline(crop_frame) cropping_kwargs = dict(crop=crop) cropped_video = cropping_pipeline(masked_video, **cropping_kwargs) # writing to disk try: os.mkdir(outputFolder) except OSError: print( outputFolder, "already exists! Continuing with the process without creating it.") start_frame = int(start * fps) end_frame = int(end * fps) imageio.mimwrite(outputFilename, cropped_video[start_frame:end_frame], fps=fps) print('Completed: processVideo with parameters: ', videoPath, outputFolder)
def process_chunk(filename, start, stop, reference, save_name, ds_factor=4, correct_motion=True, thresh=1.8, cutoff=0.05, clean_pixels=False, pixel_thresh=1.1, format='tiff'): ''' Process one chunk of a video read in from pims and save as .tiff Input: - filename: video path - start: start frame - stop: stop frame - reference: reference frame - ds_factor: int, downsample factor, default=4 - correct_motion: bool, correct motion, default=True - thresh: flt, threshold for motion correction, default=1.0 - cutoff: flt, cutoff for motion correction, default=0.05 Output: - None, saves processed chunk as .tiff or .avi ''' chunk = stop / (stop - start) video = pims.ImageIOReader(filename) frame_rate = video.frame_rate video_chunk = video[start:stop] print("Processing frames {} to {} of {}".format(start, stop, len(video))) video_chunk_ds = downsample(video_chunk, ds_factor) #in order to have 01, 02 for file sorting and concatenation of chunks if chunk < 10: chunk = '0' + str(chunk) if clean_pixels: remove_dead_pixels(video_chunk_ds, pixel_thresh) if correct_motion: video_chunk_ds = align_video(video_chunk_ds, reference, thresh, cutoff) if format == 'tiff': + '_temp_{}.tiff'.format(chunk), img_as_uint(video_chunk_ds / 2**16)) elif format == 'avi': save_to_avi(video_chunk_ds, fps=frame_rate / ds_factor, filename=save_name + '_temp_{}.avi'.format(chunk))
def trimVideo(videoPath, outputFolder, use_imageio=True): print('trimVideo called with: ', videoPath, outputFolder) outputFilename = os.path.join( outputFolder, os.path.split(videoPath)[-1].strip(".mp4") + "_trimmed.mp4") if os.path.exists(outputFilename): print(outputFilename, "already exists. Terminating!") return None # get the required data from the process.csv file df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.split(videoPath)[0], "trims.csv"), index_col=0) start = df.loc[os.path.split(videoPath)[-1], 'start'] end = df.loc[os.path.split(videoPath)[-1], 'end'] # Shorten processed videos to 1h if end - start > 3600: end = 3600 + start if use_imageio: video = pims.ImageIOReader(videoPath) else: video = pims.Video(videoPath) fps = video.frame_rate # writing to disk try: os.mkdir(outputFolder) except OSError: print( outputFolder, "already exists! Continuing with the process without creating it.") start_frame = int(start * fps) end_frame = int(end * fps) imageio.mimwrite(outputFilename, video[start_frame:end_frame], fps=fps) print('Completed: processVideo with parameters: ', videoPath, outputFolder)
if __name__ == '__main__': args = get_args() if args.merge: assert args.output != None, "Please provide an output filename if using --merge" directory = path.dirname(args.input[0]) args.output = directory + '/' + args.output files = ' + '.join(args.input) print(files) system("mkvmerge -o {} {}".format(args.output, files)) filename = args.output print("Processing {}".format(filename)) directory = path.dirname(filename) vid = pims.ImageIOReader(filename) reference = np.round(np.mean(np.array(vid[args.target_frame:args.downsample])[:,:,:,0], axis=0)) save_name = filename.replace('.mkv', '_proc') if len(vid) % args.chunk_size < 10: args.chunk_size += 5 starts = np.arange(0,len(vid),args.chunk_size) stops = starts+args.chunk_size frames = list(zip(starts, stops)) Parallel(n_jobs=args.cores)(delayed(process_chunk)(filename=filename, start=start, stop=stop, reference=reference, save_name=save_name, format=args.format, ds_factor=args.downsample, correct_motion=args.correct_motion, thresh=args.threshold) for start, stop in frames) if args.format == 'tiff': if args.bigtiff: system("tiffcp -8 {}/*_temp_* {}.tiff".format(directory, save_name)) else: