"""ping sweep usage: ping_sweep.py [-h] -n <netcidr> options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n <netcidr> ping_sweep target range (require) """ from docopt import docopt from netaddr import IPNetwork import pings if __name__ == '__main__': args = docopt(__doc__) for ip in IPNetwork(args["-n"]).iter_hosts(): p = pings.Ping() res = p.ping(str(ip)) if res.is_reached(): print '%s' % ip
def set_unv_cloud(): while True: try: a = int(input("Podsieć: 192.168.")) x = int(input("Zakres hostów od: 192.168." + str(a) + ".")) y = int(input("Zakres hostów do: 192.168." + str(a) + ".")) + 1 except ValueError: print('Wprowadzona została niepoprawna wartość.') continue login = WordCompleter(['admin', 'admin1', 'user']) login = prompt('Podaj login: '******'admin123', 'admin', 'Niedzmin1']) passw = prompt('Podaj hasło: ', completer=passw) passw_ac = str(passw) http = "http://" ip_uniview = "192.168." + str(a) + "." static = "/LAPI/V1.0/" static2 = "/cgi-bin/main-cgi/" cloud_nvr_unv = "Network/Cloud" p = pings.Ping() for i in range(x, y): ip_rest = str(i) ping_ip = str(ip_uniview + ip_rest) response = p.ping(ping_ip) print(ping_ip) if (response.is_reached()): info_nvr_unv = "System/DeviceInfo" info_nvr_unv_x = requests.get( http + ip_uniview + str(ip_rest) + str(static) + info_nvr_unv, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(login_ac, passw_ac)) x = json.loads(info_nvr_unv_x.text) firmwareversion = (x['Response']['Data']['FirmwareVersion']) firmsubstr = int(firmwareversion[3:5]) fw = "D" + str(firmsubstr) print("Wersja firmware: " + fw) if (firmsubstr > 22): cloud_nvr_unv_x = requests.get( http + ip_uniview + str(ip_rest) + str(static) + cloud_nvr_unv, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(login, passw)) cloudname = WordCompleter([ 'p2pdevice.bcscctv.pl', 'p2p.bcscctv.pl', 'test', 'nic' ]) prompt('Podaj adres chmury lub wybierz z listy: ', completer=cloudname) cloudname = str(cloudname) cloudstatus = int( input("Czy włączamy chmurę? 0 - NIE, 1 - TAK: ")) data = { "Enabled": cloudstatus, "Domain": "" + cloudname + "", "DeviceName": "UNIVIEW" } r = requests.put(cloud_nvr_unv_x.url, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(login, passw), json=data) if (r.status_code != 200): print( "Wystąpił nieznany problem, chmura niustawiona. Kod błędu: " + r.status_code) else: print( "Adres chmury zmieniony a status chmury ustawiony na " + str(cloudstatus)) else: cloudname = WordCompleter([ 'p2pdevice.bcscctv.pl', 'p2p.bcscctv.pl', 'test', 'nic' ]) prompt('Podaj adres chmury lub wybierz z listy: ', completer=cloudname) cloudname = str(cloudname) cloudstatus = str( input("Czy włączamy chmurę? 0 - NIE, 1 - TAK: ")) # hashowanie hasła do MD5 passwencode = str(passw_ac).encode('utf-8') md5pass = (hashlib.md5(passwencode).hexdigest()) datamd5 = { 'szUserName': str(login_ac), 'szUserLoginCert': md5pass } # zapis do pliku JSON z logowania responsemd5 = requests.post(http + ping_ip + static2, data=datamd5) filepath = "LOGIN/JSON_" + ping_ip + ".html" os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True) with open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as j: JSON = re.compile('GLOBAL_INFO = ({.*?});', re.DOTALL) matches = JSON.search(responsemd5.text) completejson = matches.group(1) jsonx = json.loads(completejson) session_handler = jsonx['stUserInfo'][ 'u32UserLoginHandle'] string_session_handler = str(session_handler) data = '{"cmd":149,"bIsEnable":' + cloudstatus + ',"u8DdnsType":"0","szDdnsDomain":"' + cloudname + '","szDeviceName":"","szDdnsUserName":"","szDdnsPassword":"","szUserName":"******","u32UserLoginHandle":' + string_session_handler + '}' response = requests.post(responsemd5.url, data=data) if (response.status_code != 200): print( "Wystąpił nieznany problem, chmura nieustawiona. Kod błędu: " + r.status_code) else: print( "Adres chmury został zmieniony a status ustawiono na " + str(cloudstatus)) else: print("OFFLINE") break
def login(mid): # 外部との疎通が確認できた場合は何もしない p = pings.Ping() address00 = "" # 自分で用意したサーバ if p.ping(address00).is_reached(): logger.info("[%s] 外部(%s)との疎通を確認しました" % (datetime.datetime.now(), address00)) return address01 = "" if p.ping(address01).is_reached(): logger.info("[%s] 外部(%s)との疎通を確認しました" % (datetime.datetime.now(), address01)) return address02 = "" if p.ping(address02).is_reached(): logger.info("[%s] 外部(%s)との疎通を確認しました" % (datetime.datetime.now(), address02)) return logger.info("[%s] 外部との疎通を確認することができませんでした" % (datetime.datetime.now())) if keyring.get_password('keyring_selenium', mid) is None: logger.error("Please store your login info!", ) logger.error("Run script in terminal: pipenv python save_pass.py") return # WebDriverのパスを指定してChromeを起動 os_name = platform.system() if os_name == "Darwin": driver_path = "bin/chromedriver_mac_v2_41" elif os_name == "Linux": driver_path = "bin/chromedriver_linux_v2_41" elif os_name == "Windows": driver_path = "bin/chromedriver_win32_v2_41.exe" else: logger.error("Unknown System. Please send Issue.") return driver = webdriver.Chrome(driver_path) # 宮大ネットワーク認証画面を開く miyadai_url = "http://midp.cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp" driver.get(miyadai_url) logger.info(driver.current_url) try: WebDriverWait( driver, 10).until(lambda driver: driver.current_url != miyadai_url) login_url = driver.current_url logger.info(login_url) input_mid = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "login-username"))) logger.info(driver.current_url) except TimeoutException: logger.error("Already login or don't connecting.") driver.quit() return input_mid.send_keys(mid) input_pass = driver.find_element_by_id("login-password") input_pass.send_keys(keyring.get_password('keyring_selenium', mid)) # 検索ボタン要素の取得 button_login = driver.find_element_by_id("btn-login") # 検索ボタンをクリックする button_login.click() try: WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(lambda driver: driver.current_url != login_url) logger.info(driver.current_url) except TimeoutException: logger.error("Failed login. Please check MID or password.") driver.quit() logger.info("[%s] 自動ログインを終了します" % (datetime.datetime.now())) return
elif (10 < x < 180): servo = 1000 elif (-180 < x < -10): servo = 2000 elif (180 <= x < 350): servo = 2000 else: servo = 1500 #距離threshold以下(到着判定) else: ecs = 1500 servo = 1500 #ネットワーク判定 p = pings.Ping() # Pingオブジェクト作成 res = p.ping("www.yahoo.co.jp") # yahoo.co.jpへPing #接続OK if res.is_reached(): pingres = 'OK' #目標を1進める writenumber = (int(number) + 1) with open(locationpath + '/number.txt', mode="w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(writenumber)) # 接続NG else: pingres = 'NG'