예제 #1
 def compute(m):
     tq_vec = pin.se3ToXYZQUAT(m)
     tq_tup = pin.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(m)
     mm_vec = pin.XYZQUATToSe3(tq_vec)
     mm_tup = pin.XYZQUATToSe3(tq_tup)
     mm_lis = pin.XYZQUATToSe3(list(tq_tup))
     return tq_vec, tq_tup, mm_vec, mm_tup, mm_lis
예제 #2
파일: dynamics.py 프로젝트: zeta1999/jiminy
def retrieve_freeflyer(trajectory_data, freeflyer_continuity=True):
    @brief   Retrieves the freeflyer positions and velocities.
             The reference frame is the support foot.

    @param   trajectory_data Sequence of States for which to retrieve the freeflyer.
    robot = trajectory_data['robot']
    use_theoretical_model = trajectory_data['use_theoretical_model']

    contact_frame_prev = None
    w_M_ff_offset = pin.SE3.Identity()
    w_M_ff_prev = None
    for s in trajectory_data['evolution_robot']:
        # Compute freeflyer using contact frame as reference frame
        s.contact_frame = compute_freeflyer_state_from_fixed_body(
            robot, s.q, s.v, s.a, s.contact_frame,
            None, use_theoretical_model)

        # Move freeflyer to ensure continuity over time, if requested
        if freeflyer_continuity:
            # Extract the current freeflyer transform
            w_M_ff = pin.XYZQUATToSe3(s.q[:7])

            # Update the internal buffer of the freeflyer transform
            if contact_frame_prev is not None \
                    and contact_frame_prev != s.contact_frame:
                w_M_ff_offset = w_M_ff_offset * w_M_ff_prev * w_M_ff.inverse()
            contact_frame_prev = s.contact_frame
            w_M_ff_prev = w_M_ff

            # Add the appropriate offset to the freeflyer
            w_M_ff = w_M_ff_offset * w_M_ff
            s.q[:7] = pin.se3ToXYZQUAT(w_M_ff)
예제 #3
 def test_se3ToXYZQUAT_XYZQUATToSe3(self):
     m = pin.SE3.Identity()
     m.translation = np.matrix('1. 2. 3.').T
     m.rotation = np.matrix(
         '1. 0. 0.;0. 0. -1.;0. 1. 0.')  # rotate('x', pi / 2)
         [1., 2., 3., sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0,
          sqrt(2) / 2])
         pin.XYZQUATToSe3([1., 2., 3.,
                           sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0,
                           sqrt(2) / 2]), m)
예제 #4
print("The robot is display with end effector on the red box.")

# MOVE #############################################################

print("Let's start the movement ...")

# Random velocity of the robot driving the movement
vq = np.matrix([ 2.,0,0,4.,0,0]).T

idx = robot.index('wrist_3_joint')
oMeff = robot.placement(q, idx)  # Placement of end-eff wrt world at current configuration
oMbox = pio.XYZQUATToSe3(q_box)  # Placement of box     wrt world
effMbox = oMeff.inverse() * oMbox  # Placement of box     wrt eff

for i in range(1000):
    # Chose new configuration of the robot
    q += vq / 40
    q[2] = 1.71 + math.sin(i * 0.05) / 2

    # Gets the new position of the box
    oMbox = robot.placement(q, idx) * effMbox

    # Display new configuration for robot and box
    gv.applyConfiguration(boxID, pio.se3ToXYZQUATtuple(oMbox))