def pre(self,q): robot = self.robot self.H = hessian(robot,q) self.J = pin.crba(robot.model,,q) self.Y =[ ([i]*[i]).matrix() for i in range(0,robot.model.njoints) ] self.dM = np.zeros([robot.model.nv,]*3)
def pre(self, q): robot = self.robot self.H = hessian(robot, q) self.J = se3.crba(robot.model,, q) self.Y = [([i] *[i]).matrix() for i in range(0, robot.model.njoints)] self.dM = np.zeros([ robot.model.nv, ] * 3)
def test_impulseDynamics_rd(self): data_no_q = self.model.createData() vnext = pin.impulseDynamics(self.model,, self.q, self.v0, self.J, r_coeff, inv_damping) self.assertLess(np.linalg.norm(vnext), self.tolerance) pin.crba(self.model, data_no_q, self.q) vnext_no_q = pin.impulseDynamics(self.model, data_no_q, self.v0, self.J, r_coeff, inv_damping) self.assertLess(np.linalg.norm(vnext_no_q), self.tolerance) self.assertApprox(vnext, vnext_no_q)
def test_impulseDynamics_no_q(self): data4 = data5 = self.model.createData() data6 = self.model.createData() data7_deprecated = self.model.createData() pin.crba(self.model, data4, self.q) pin.crba(self.model, data5, self.q) pin.crba(self.model, data6, self.q) pin.crba(self.model, data7_deprecated, self.q) vnext4 = pin.impulseDynamics(self.model, data4, self.v, self.J) vnext5 = pin.impulseDynamics(self.model, data5, self.v, self.J, r_coeff) vnext6 = pin.impulseDynamics(self.model, data6, self.v, self.J, r_coeff, inv_damping) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list: vnext7_deprecated = pin.impulseDynamics(self.model, data7_deprecated, self.q, self.v, self.J, r_coeff, False) self.assertTrue( any(item.category == pin.DeprecatedWarning for item in warning_list)) self.assertTrue((vnext4 == vnext5).all()) self.assertTrue((vnext4 == vnext6).all()) self.assertTrue((vnext5 == vnext6).all()) self.assertTrue((vnext7_deprecated == vnext6).all())
def compute_contact_forces(self, qa, dqa, o_R_b, b_v_ob, b_omg_ob, _, tauj, world_frame=True): o_quat_b = pin.Quaternion(o_R_b).coeffs() q = np.concatenate( [np.array([0, 0, 0]), o_quat_b, qa]) # robot anywhere with orientation estimated from IMU vq = np.concatenate([b_v_ob, b_omg_ob, dqa]) # vq = np.hstack([np.zeros(3), b_omg_ob, dqa]) C = pin.computeCoriolisMatrix(self.rm, self.rd, q, vq) g = pin.computeGeneralizedGravity(self.rm, self.rd, q) M = pin.crba(self.rm, self.rd, q) p = M @ vq tauj = np.concatenate([np.zeros(6), tauj]) = + (tauj + C.T @ vq - g + self.r) * self.dt self.r = self.Ki * (p - - self.p0) return taucf_to_oforces(self.robot, q, self.nv, o_R_b, self.r, self.contact_frame_id_lst)
def Kid(q_, J_=None): pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(model, data, q_) J = pinocchio.getJointJacobian(model, data, model.joints[-1].id, pinocchio.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL).copy() if J_ is not None: J_[:, :] = J M = pinocchio.crba(model, data, q_).copy() return np.bmat([[M, J.T], [J, zero([6, 6])]])
def test_computeMinverse(self): model = self.model Minv = pin.computeMinverse(model,, self.q) data2 = model.createData() M = pin.crba(model, data2, self.q) self.assertApprox(np.linalg.inv(M), Minv)
def MvJtf(q, vnext, v, f): M = pinocchio.crba(rmodel, rdata, q) pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(rmodel, rdata, q) pinocchio.forwardKinematics(rmodel, rdata, q) pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(rmodel, rdata) J = pinocchio.getFrameJacobian(rmodel, rdata, CONTACTFRAME, pinocchio.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL) return M * (vnext - v) - J.T * f
def talker(): rospy.init_node("tocabi_pinocchio", anonymous = False) rospy.Subscriber("/tocabi/pinocchio/jointstates", JointState, callback) global model pub = rospy.Publisher("/tocabi/pinocchio", model, queue_size=1) modelmsg.CMM = [0 for i in range(33*6)] modelmsg.COR = [0 for i in range(33*33)] modelmsg.M = [0 for i in range(33*33)] modelmsg.g = [0 for i in range(33)] rate = rospy.Rate(1000) #10hz model = pinocchio.buildModelFromUrdf("/home/jhk/catkin_ws/src/dyros_tocabi/tocabi_description/robots/dyros_tocabi.urdf",pinocchio.JointModelFreeFlyer()) data = model.createData() global start q = pinocchio.randomConfiguration(model) qdot = qdot_t = qddot_t = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if start: global qmsg for i in range(0, 39): q[i] = qmsg.position[i] for j in range(0, 38): qdot[j] = qmsg.velocity[j] qdot_t[j] = 0.0 qddot_t[j] = 0.0 CMM = pinocchio.computeCentroidalMap(model, data, q) pinocchio.crba(model, data, q) pinocchio.computeCoriolisMatrix(model, data, q, qdot) pinocchio.rnea(model, data, q, qdot_t, qddot_t) CMM_slice = CMM[:,6:39] COR_slice = data.C[:,6:39] M_slice = data.M[:,6:39] g_slice = data.tau[6:39] modelmsg.CMM = CMM_slice.flatten() modelmsg.COR = COR_slice.flatten() modelmsg.M = M_slice.flatten() modelmsg.g = g_slice.flatten()
def cid(q_, v_, tau_): pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(model, data, q_) J6 = pinocchio.getJointJacobian(model, data, model.joints[-1].id, pinocchio.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL).copy() J = J6[:3, :] b = pinocchio.rnea(model, data, q_, v_, zero(model.nv)).copy() M = pinocchio.crba(model, data, q_).copy() pinocchio.forwardKinematics(model, data, q_, v_, zero(model.nv)) gamma = data.a[-1].linear + cross(data.v[-1].angular, data.v[-1].linear) K = np.bmat([[M, J.T], [J, zero([3, 3])]]) r = np.concatenate([tau_ - b, -gamma]) return inv(K) * r
def init_viewer(enable_viewer): # loadSolo(False) to load solo12 # loadSolo(True) to load solo8 solo = robots_loader.loadSolo(False) if enable_viewer: solo.initDisplay(loadModel=True) if ('viewer' in solo.viz.__dict__): solo.viewer.gui.addFloor('world/floor') solo.viewer.gui.setRefreshIsSynchronous(False) """offset = np.zeros((19, 1)) offset[5, 0] = 0.7071067811865475 offset[6, 0] = 0.7071067811865475 - 1.0 temp = solo.q0 + offset""" solo.display(solo.q0) pin.centerOfMass(solo.model,, solo.q0, np.zeros((18, 1))) pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, pin.crba(solo.model,, solo.q0) return solo
def imp_ctrl(self, q, force_dir, joint_id, vel, pos, v, K_xy, K_z): q = self.trafo_q(q) v = self.trafo_q(v) m = 1.0 d_xy = np.sqrt(4 * m * 500) d_z = np.sqrt(4 * m * 500) M = np.eye(3) * m M_inv = np.linalg.pinv(M) D = np.eye(3) D[0, 0] = D[1, 1] = d_xy D[2, 2] = d_z K = np.eye(3) K[0, 0] = K_xy K[1, 1] = K_xy K[2, 2] = K_z F = 0.01 #0.05 M_joint = pin.crba(self.model,, q) pos_gain = np.matmul(K, pos) damp_gain = np.matmul(D, vel) # damp_gain = 0.0 force_gain = F * force_dir acc = np.matmul(M_inv, (force_gain - pos_gain - damp_gain)) # TODO: I think it is sufficient if this is calculated only once: full_J_var = pin.computeJointJacobiansTimeVariation( self.model,, q, v) J_var_frame = pin.getJointJacobianTimeVariation( self.model,, joint_id, pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3, :] dyn_comp = np.matmul(J_var_frame, v) acc = acc - dyn_comp # TODO: I think it is sufficient if this is calculated only once: full_JAC = pin.computeJointJacobians(self.model,, q) J_NEW = pin.getJointJacobian( self.model,, joint_id, pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3, :] J = J_NEW J_inv = np.matmul(np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(J.T, J)), J.T) # print (J_inv) torque = np.matmul(M_joint, np.matmul(J_inv, acc)) return self.inv_trafo_q(torque)
def init_robot(q_init, enable_viewer): """Load the solo model and initialize the Gepetto viewer if it is enabled Args: q_init (array): the default position of the robot actuators enable_viewer (bool): if the Gepetto viewer is enabled or not """ # Load robot model and data # Initialisation of the Gepetto viewer print(enable_viewer) solo = load('solo12', display=enable_viewer) q = solo.q0.reshape((-1, 1)) q[7:, 0] = q_init """if enable_viewer: solo.initViewer(loadModel=True) if ('viewer' in solo.viz.__dict__): solo.viewer.gui.addFloor('world/floor') solo.viewer.gui.setRefreshIsSynchronous(False)""" if enable_viewer: solo.display(q) print("PASS") # Initialisation of model quantities pin.centerOfMass(solo.model,, q, np.zeros((18, 1))) pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, pin.crba(solo.model,, solo.q0) # Initialisation of the position of footsteps fsteps_init = np.zeros((3, 4)) indexes = [10, 18, 26, 34] for i in range(4): fsteps_init[:, i] =[indexes[i]].translation h_init = ([1].translation -[indexes[0]].translation)[2] fsteps_init[2, :] = 0.0 return solo, fsteps_init, h_init
def taskspace_control(self): while self.engage: # Reset for the Integral History if not np.array_equal(self.desired_position, self.prev_DesiredPosition): self.log = [] # Read the states self.joint_positions = self.simulator.get_state()[0] self.joint_velocities = self.simulator.get_state()[1] y, v = self.FK_Solver(self.joint_positions, self.joint_velocities) # Control's Offline Term Estimates M = pin.crba(self.model,, self.joint_positions) N = pin.nonLinearEffects(self.model,, self.joint_positions, self.joint_velocities) tau = (self.Lp * (self.desired_position - y) + self.Ld * (self.desired_velocity - v) + self.Li * np.sum(self.log)) # Build Online Control Terms J = self.Jacobian_Solver(self.joint_positions) DJ = J # Naive Method as Pinocchio for DJ is not stable. JM = M @ linalg.pinv(J) # Compute & Send Torques self.TAU = (JM @ tau) + N - 2 * (JM @ DJ @ self.joint_velocities) self.clipped_TAU = np.clip(self.TAU, -10, 10) self.simulator.send_joint_torque(self.clipped_TAU) self.simulator.step() # PID: Integral Anti-Windup error = self.desired_position - y if not np.array_equal(self.TAU, self.clipped_TAU): sign_tau = np.sign(self.TAU) sign_error = np.sign(error) for i in range(sign_tau.shape[0]): if sign_tau[i] == sign_error[i]: self.Li = 0 break else: self.Li = self.Li_copy self.log.append(error) # Store the Desired Position self.prev_DesiredPosition = self.desired_position sleep(self.freq)
def eval_f(tau, user_data = None): assert len(tau) == nvar tempRobot = robot #vectorNorm = agnp.linalg.norm(tau) vectorNorm = 0 # tauNorm = 0 # for tk in tau: # tauNorm += tk**2 # tauNorm = agnp.sqrt(tauNorm) q = q0.copy() vq = vq0.copy() aq = aq0.copy() qNorm = agnp.empty([timeSteps, 1, robot.nq, 1]) t = 0 while (t < timeSteps): tau_k = tau[t*robot.nv:(t*robot.nv)+robot.nv].copy() tau_k = np.asmatrix(tau_k).T b_k = se3.rnea(tempRobot.model,, q, vq, aq) if (math.isnan(b_k[0])): print print("t") print(t) print print("tau") print(tau) print print("q") print(q) print print("vq") print(vq) time.sleep(100) exit() M_k = se3.crba(tempRobot.model,, q) aq = np.linalg.inv(M_k)*(tau_k - b_k) vq += dt*aq q = se3.integrate(tempRobot.model, q, vq*dt) qNorm[t, 0] = q.copy() t += 1 #qNorm = np.linalg.norm(qRef - qNorm) qNorm = agnp.linalg.norm(qNorm-qRef) #return vectorNorm + qNorm return vectorNorm + qNorm
def joint_control(self): while self.engage: # Reset for the Integral History if not np.array_equal(self.desired_position, self.prev_DesiredPosition): self.log = [] # Read the states self.joint_positions = self.simulator.get_state()[0] self.joint_velocities = self.simulator.get_state()[1] # Control's Offline Term Estimates M = pin.crba(self.model,, self.joint_positions) N = pin.nonLinearEffects(self.model,, self.joint_positions, self.joint_velocities) tau = (self.Kp * (self.desired_position - self.joint_positions) + self.Kd * (self.desired_velocity - self.joint_velocities) + self.Ki * np.sum(self.log)) self.TAU = M @ tau + N self.clipped_TAU = np.clip(self.TAU, -10, 10) self.simulator.send_joint_torque(self.clipped_TAU) self.simulator.step() # PID: Integral Anti-Windup error = self.desired_position - self.joint_positions if not np.array_equal(self.TAU, self.clipped_TAU): sign_tau = np.sign(self.TAU) sign_error = np.sign(error) for i in range(sign_tau.shape[0]): if sign_tau[i] == sign_error[i]: self.Ki = 0 break else: self.Ki = self.Ki_copy self.log.append(error) # Store the Desired Position self.prev_DesiredPosition = self.desired_position sleep(self.freq)
def test_forwardDynamics_default(self): data_no_q = self.model.createData() self.model.gravity = pin.Motion.Zero() ddq = pin.forwardDynamics(self.model,, self.q, self.v0, self.tau0, self.J, self.gamma) self.assertLess(np.linalg.norm(ddq), self.tolerance) KKT_inverse = pin.getKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse( self.model,, self.J) M = pin.crba(self.model, self.model.createData(), self.q) self.assertApprox( M, np.linalg.inv(KKT_inverse)[:self.model.nv, :self.model.nv]) pin.computeAllTerms(self.model, data_no_q, self.q, self.v0) ddq_no_q = pin.forwardDynamics(self.model, data_no_q, self.tau0, self.J, self.gamma) self.assertLess(np.linalg.norm(ddq_no_q), self.tolerance) self.assertApprox(ddq, ddq_no_q)
data = pinmodel.createData() ### #qdd = np.array(([0]*(model.num_joints+6))) ### print("\n\n\nYOHHHHHHH") q_pin = q[model.mask_q_pyb_to_pin] qd_pin = qd[model.mask_qd_pyb_to_pin] qdd_pin = qdd[model.mask_qd_pyb_to_pin] # q_pin[2]=1 # qd_pin[2]=1 # qdd_pin[2]=-9.81 print("shape q_pin:", q_pin.shape) print("Q_PIN\n", np.round(q_pin, 5)) print("QD_PIN\n", np.round(qd_pin, 5)) print("QDD_PIN\n", np.round(qdd_pin, 5)) pin.crba(pinmodel, data, q_pin) pin.computeCoriolisMatrix(pinmodel, data, q_pin, qd_pin) datag = pin.computeGeneralizedGravity(pinmodel, data, q_pin) pin.rnea(pinmodel, data, q_pin, qd_pin, qdd_pin) print("M\n", np.round(data.M, 5)) print("C\n", np.round(data.C, 5)) print("g\n", np.round(datag, 5)) print("TAU_PIN\n", np.round(data.tau, 4)) print("\n") indices = list(range(model.num_joints)) joint_states = p.getJointStates(model.Id, indices) joint_states_np = np.array(joint_states) tau_real_np = joint_states_np[:, 3] print("TAU REAL SHAPE: ", tau_real_np.shape) print("TAU REAL: ", tau_real_np) print("\n\n\n")
da_dq = data.ddq_dq.copy() assertNumDiff( da_dq, da_dqn, NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * h) # threshold was 3e-3, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__) # Check ABA versus RNEA derivatives (with forces) assertNumDiff( inv(data.M) * dtau_dq, -da_dq, NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * h) # threshold was 1e-3, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__) # Check ABA versus RNEA + forces (no derivatives) del a for i, f in enumerate(fs[:-1]): fs[i] = f * 0 f = fs[-1].vector M = pinocchio.crba(model, data, q).copy() pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(model, data, q) J = pinocchio.getJointJacobian(model, data, model.joints[-1].id, pinocchio.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL).copy() b = pinocchio.rnea(model, data, q, v, zero(model.nv)).copy() a = pinocchio.aba(model, data, q, v, tau, fs).copy() assert (absmax(a - (inv(M) * (tau - b + J.T * f))) < 1e-6) tau = pinocchio.rnea(model, data, q, v, a, fs) assert (absmax(tau - (M * a + b - J.T * f)) < 1e-6) # ------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------ # Checking linear acceleration (i.e. ahat = a.linear + w x v = [a + v x (vlinear,0)].linear )
# --- dCRBA --- dcrba = DCRBA(robot) dcrba.pre(q) Mp = dcrba() # --- Validate dM/dq by finite diff dM = np.zeros([ robot.model.nv, ] * 3) eps = 1e-6 dq = zero(robot.model.nv) for diff in range(robot.model.nv): dM[:, :, diff] = -se3.crba(robot.model,, q) dq *= 0 dq[diff] = eps qdq = se3.integrate(robot.model, q, dq) dM[:, :, diff] += se3.crba(robot.model,, qdq) dM /= eps print( 'Check dCRBA = \t\t\t', max([ norm(Mp[:, :, diff] - dM[:, :, diff]) for diff in range(robot.model.nv) ]))
# --- dCRBA --- # --- dCRBA --- # --- dCRBA --- dcrba = DCRBA(robot) dcrba.pre(q) Mp = dcrba() # --- Validate dM/dq by finite diff dM = np.zeros([robot.model.nv,]*3) eps = 1e-6 dq = zero(robot.model.nv) for diff in range(robot.model.nv): dM[:,:,diff] = -pin.crba(robot.model,,q) dq *=0; dq[diff] = eps qdq = pin.integrate(robot.model,q,dq) dM[:,:,diff] += pin.crba(robot.model,,qdq) dM /= eps print('Check dCRBA = \t\t\t', max([ norm(Mp[:,:,diff]-dM[:,:,diff]) for diff in range(robot.model.nv) ])) # --- vRNEA --- # --- vRNEA --- # --- vRNEA ---
def get_mass_matrix(self): return np.copy(pin.crba(self._model, self._data, self._q))
def step(self, inner_step, u, dt=None, use_exponential_integrator=True, dt_force_pred=None, ndt_force_pred=None, update_expm=True): if dt is None: dt = self.dt if self.first_iter: self.compute_forces() self.first_iter = False # se3.forwardKinematics(self.model,, self.q, self.v, zero(self.model.nv)) # se3.computeJointJacobians(self.model, # se3.updateFramePlacements(self.model, se3.crba(self.model,, self.q) se3.nonLinearEffects(self.model,, self.q, self.v) i = 0 for c in self.contacts: if ( self.Jc[3 * i:3 * i + 3, :] = c.getJacobianWorldFrame() c.f_inner[:, inner_step] = self.f[3 * i:3 * i + 3] i += 1 # array containing the forces predicting during the time step (meaningful only for exponential integrator) if (dt_force_pred is not None): f_pred = np.empty((self.nk, ndt_force_pred)) * nan for c in self.contacts: c.f_pred = zero((3, ndt_force_pred)) c.f_avg = zero((3, ndt_force_pred)) c.f_avg2 = zero((3, ndt_force_pred)) else: f_pred = None f_pred_int = None if (not use_exponential_integrator): self.dv = self.forward_dyn(self.S.T @ u + self.Jc.T @ self.f) v_mean = self.v + 0.5 * dt * self.dv self.v += self.dv * dt self.q = se3.integrate(self.model, self.q, v_mean * dt) else: x0, dv_bar, JMinv = self.compute_exponential_LDS(u, update_expm) # Sanity check on contact point Jacobian and dJv # self.compute_dJv_finite_difference() # USE THE VALUE COMPUTED WITH FINITE DIFFERENCING FOR NOW # self.dJv = np.copy(self.debug_dJv_fd) # self.a[self.nk:] = JMinv@(self.S.T@u-h) + self.dJv self.logToFile(x0) if (update_expm): if (self.unilateral_contacts == 'QP'): self.int_exp_A = compute_integral_expm(self.A, dt) self.dp0_qp = self.solve_friction_QP(x0, dt) x0[self.nk:] -= self.dp0_qp int_x = self.expMatHelper.compute_integral_x_T( self.A, self.a, x0, dt, self.max_mat_mult) # store int_x because it may be needed to compute int2_x without updating expm in next iteration self.int_x_prev = int_x else: int_x = self.expMatHelper.compute_next_integral() # compute average force self.f_avg = self.D @ int_x / dt # project average forces in friction cones self.f_avg_pre_projection = np.copy(self.f_avg) i = 0 for c in self.contacts: if ( if (self.unilateral_contacts == 'projection'): self.f_avg[3 * i:3 * i + 3] = c.project_force_in_cone( self.f_avg[3 * i:3 * i + 3]) c.f_avg[:, inner_step] = self.f_avg[3 * i:3 * i + 3] i += 1 dv_mean = dv_bar + JMinv.T @ self.f_avg if (self.use_second_integral): if (update_expm): int2_x = self.expMatHelper.compute_double_integral_x_T( self.A, self.a, x0, dt, self.max_mat_mult) else: int2_x = self.expMatHelper.compute_next_double_integral() int2_x -= dt * self.int_x_prev self.int_x_prev += int_x self.f_avg2 = self.D @ int2_x / (0.5 * dt * dt) # project average forces in friction cones self.f_avg2_pre_projection = np.copy(self.f_avg2) i = 0 for c in self.contacts: if ( if (self.unilateral_contacts == 'projection'): self.f_avg2[3 * i:3 * i + 3] = c.project_force_in_cone( self.f_avg2[3 * i:3 * i + 3]) c.f_avg2[:, inner_step] = self.f_avg2[3 * i:3 * i + 3] i += 1 v_mean = self.v + 0.5 * dt * (dv_bar + JMinv.T @ self.f_avg2) else: v_mean = self.v + 0.5 * dt * dv_mean if (dt_force_pred is not None): # predict intermediate forces using linear dynamical system (i.e. matrix exponential) n = self.A.shape[0] C = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1)) C[0:n, 0:n] = self.A C[0:n, n] = self.a z = np.concatenate((x0, [1.0])) e_TC = expm(dt_force_pred / ndt_force_pred * C) for i in range(ndt_force_pred): f_pred[:, i] = self.D @ z[:n] z = e_TC @ z i = 0 for c in self.contacts: if ( c.f_pred = f_pred[3 * i:3 * i + 3, :] i += 1 # predict also what forces we would get by integrating with the force prediction int_x = self.expMatHelper.compute_integral_x_T( self.A, self.a, x0, dt_force_pred, self.max_mat_mult, store=False) int2_x = self.expMatHelper.compute_double_integral_x_T( self.A, self.a, x0, dt_force_pred, self.max_mat_mult, store=False) D_int_x = self.D @ int_x D_int2_x = self.D @ int2_x v_mean_pred = self.v + 0.5 * dt_force_pred * dv_bar + JMinv.T @ D_int2_x / dt_force_pred dv_mean_pred = dv_bar + JMinv.T @ D_int_x / dt_force_pred v_pred = self.v + dt_force_pred * dv_mean_pred q_pred = se3.integrate(self.model, self.q, v_mean_pred * dt_force_pred) se3.forwardKinematics(self.model,, q_pred, v_pred) se3.updateFramePlacements(self.model, f_pred_int = np.zeros(self.nk) # comment these lines because they were messing up the anchor point updates # for (i,c) in enumerate(self.contacts): # f_pred_int[3*i:3*i+3] = c.compute_force(self.unilateral_contacts) # DEBUG: predict forces integrating contact point dynamics while updating robot dynamics M and h # t = dt_force_pred/ndt_force_pred # f_pred[:, 0] = K_p0 + self.D @ x0 # x = np.copy(x0) # q, v = np.copy(self.q), np.copy(self.v) # for i in range(1,ndt_force_pred): # # integrate robot state # dv = np.linalg.solve(M, self.S.T@u - h + self.Jc.T@f_pred[:,i-1]) # v_tmp = v + 0.5*dt*dv # v += dv*dt # q = se3.integrate(self.model, q, v_tmp*dt) # # update kinematics # se3.forwardKinematics(self.model,, q, v, np.zeros(self.model.nv)) # se3.computeJointJacobians(self.model, # se3.updateFramePlacements(self.model, # ii = 0 # for c in self.contacts: # J = c.getJacobianWorldFrame() # self.Jc[ii:ii+3, :] = J # self.p[i:i+3] = c.p # self.dp[i:i+3] = c.v # self.dJv[i:i+3] = c.dJv # ii += 3 # x0 = np.concatenate((self.p, self.dp)) # # update M and h # se3.crba(self.model,, q) # se3.nonLinearEffects(self.model,, q, v) # M = # h = # # recompute A and a # JMinv = np.linalg.solve(M, self.Jc.T).T # self.Upsilon = [email protected] # self.a[self.nk:] = JMinv@(self.S.T@u - h) + self.dJv + self.Upsilon@K_p0 # self.A[self.nk:, :self.nk] = [email protected] # self.A[self.nk:, self.nk:] = [email protected] # # integrate LDS # dx = self.A @ x + self.a # x += t * dx # f_pred[:, i] = f_pred[:,i-1] + t*self.D @ dx # DEBUG: predict forces integrating contact point dynamics with Euler # t = dt_force_pred/ndt_force_pred # f_pred[:, 0] = K_p0 + self.D @ x0 # x = np.copy(x0) # for i in range(1,ndt_force_pred): # dx = self.A @ x + self.a # x += t * dx # f_pred[:, i] = f_pred[:,i-1] + t*self.D @ dx # DEBUG: predict forces assuming constant contact point acceleration (works really bad) # df_debug = self.D @ (self.A @ x0 + self.a) # dv = np.linalg.solve(M, self.S.T@u - h + [email protected]) # ddp = self.Jc @ dv + self.dJv # df = -self.K @ self.dp - self.B @ ddp # if(norm(df - df_debug)>1e-6): # print("Error:", norm(df - df_debug)) # f0 = K_p0 + self.D @ x0 # t = 0.0 # for i in range(ndt_force_pred): # f_pred[:, i] = f0 + t*df # t += dt_force_pred/ndt_force_pred # DEBUG: predict forces assuming constant contact point velocity (works reasonably well) # df = -self.K @ self.dp # f0 = K_p0 + self.D @ x0 # t = 0.0 # for i in range(ndt_force_pred): # f_pred[:, i] = f0 + t*df # t += dt_force_pred/ndt_force_pred self.v += dt * dv_mean self.q = se3.integrate(self.model, self.q, v_mean * dt) self.dv = dv_mean # compute forces at the end so that user has access to updated forces self.compute_forces() self.t += dt return self.q, self.v, f_pred, f_pred_int
def update(self, solo, qmes12, vmes12): """Update the quantities of the Interface based on the last measurements from the simulation Args: solo (object): Pinocchio wrapper for the quadruped qmes12 (19x1 array): the position/orientation of the trunk and angular position of actuators vmes12 (18x1 array): the linear/angular velocity of the trunk and angular velocity of actuators """ # Rotation matrix from the world frame to the base frame self.oRb = pin.Quaternion(qmes12[3:7]).matrix() # Linear and angular velocity in base frame self.vmes12_base = vmes12.copy() self.vmes12_base[0:3, 0:1] = self.oRb.transpose() @ self.vmes12_base[0:3, 0:1] self.vmes12_base[3:6, 0:1] = self.oRb.transpose() @ self.vmes12_base[3:6, 0:1] """# Update Kinematics (required or automatically done by other functions?) pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model,, qmes12, self.vmes12_base) self.mean_feet_z =[self.indexes[0]].translation[2, 0] for i in self.indexes[1:]: self.mean_feet_z = np.min((self.mean_feet_z,[i].translation[2, 0])) qmes12[2, 0] -= self.mean_feet_z""" # Update Kinematics (required or automatically done by other functions?) pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model,, qmes12, self.vmes12_base) pin.framesForwardKinematics(solo.model,, qmes12) # Get center of mass from Pinocchio pin.centerOfMass(solo.model,, qmes12, self.vmes12_base) # Update position/orientation of frames pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, pin.ccrba(solo.model,, qmes12, self.vmes12_base) # Update minimum height of feet # TODO: Rename mean_feet_z into min_feet_z self.mean_feet_z =[self.indexes[0]].translation[2, 0] """for i in self.indexes: self.mean_feet_z +=[i].translation[2, 0] self.mean_feet_z *= 0.25""" for i in self.indexes[1:]: self.mean_feet_z = np.min( (self.mean_feet_z,[i].translation[2, 0])) self.mean_feet_z = 0.0 # Store position, linear velocity and angular velocity in global frame self.oC =[0] self.oV =[0] self.oW = vmes12[3:6] pin.crba(solo.model,, qmes12) # Get SE3 object from world frame to base frame self.oMb = pin.SE3(pin.Quaternion(qmes12[3:7]), self.oC) self.RPY = pin.rpy.matrixToRpy(self.oMb.rotation) # Get SE3 object from world frame to local frame self.oMl = pin.SE3( pin.utils.rotate('z', self.RPY[2, 0]), np.array([qmes12[0, 0], qmes12[1, 0], self.mean_feet_z])) # Get position, linear velocity and angular velocity in local frame self.lC = self.oMl.inverse() * self.oC self.lV = self.oMl.rotation.transpose() @ self.oV self.lW = self.oMl.rotation.transpose() @ self.oW # Pos, vel and acc of feet for i, j in enumerate(self.indexes): # Position of feet in local frame self.o_feet[:, i:(i + 1)] =[j].translation self.l_feet[:, i:( i + 1)] = self.oMl.inverse() *[j].translation # getFrameVelocity output is in the frame of the foot so a transform is required self.ov_feet[:, i:( i + 1)] =[j].rotation @ pin.getFrameVelocity( solo.model,, j).vector[0:3, 0:1] self.lv_feet[:, i:( i + 1 )] = self.oMl.rotation.transpose() @ self.ov_feet[:, i:(i + 1)] # getFrameAcceleration output is in the frame of the foot so a transform is required self.oa_feet[:, i:( i + 1)] =[j].rotation @ pin.getFrameAcceleration( solo.model,, j).vector[0:3, 0:1] self.la_feet[:, i:( i + 1 )] = self.oMl.rotation.transpose() @ self.oa_feet[:, i:(i + 1)] # Orientation of the base in local frame # Base and local frames have the same yaw orientation in world frame self.abg[0:2] = self.RPY[0:2] # Position of shoulders in world frame for i in range(4): self.o_shoulders[:, i:(i + 1)] = self.oMl * self.l_shoulders[:, i] return 0
model.q[0]: valq[0, 0], model.q[1]: valq[1, 0] } import pinocchio as se3 from pinocchio.utils import * from pendulum import Pendulum #env = Pendulum(2,length=.1) # Continuous pendulum env = Pendulum(2, length=.5, mass=3.0, armature=10., withDisplay=False) print 'Statistic assert of model correctness....' for i in range(100): q = rand(2) vq = rand(2) bv = se3.rnea(env.model,, q, vq, zero(2)) Mv = se3.crba(env.model,, q) assert ((b.subs(values(q, vq)) - bv).norm() < 1e-6) assert ((M.subs(values(q, vq)) - Mv).norm() < 1e-6) print '\t\t\t\t\t... ok' b = b.subs({c: p / 2}) b.simplify() Mi = (M + A).inv() Mi = Mi.subs({c: p / 2}) Mi.simplify() _, denom = fraction(Mi[0, 0]) denom.simplify() Mi = denom * Mi Mi.simplify()
def mass(self, q, update_kinematics=True): if (update_kinematics): return se3.crba(self.model,, q) return
def update_quantities(robot: jiminy.Model, position: np.ndarray, velocity: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, acceleration: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, update_physics: bool = True, update_com: bool = True, update_energy: bool = True, update_jacobian: bool = False, update_collisions: bool = True, use_theoretical_model: bool = True) -> None: """Compute all quantities using position, velocity and acceleration configurations. Run multiple algorithms to compute all quantities which can be known with the model position, velocity and acceleration. This includes: - body spatial transforms, - body spatial velocities, - body spatial drifts, - body transform acceleration, - body transform jacobians, - center-of-mass position, - center-of-mass velocity, - center-of-mass drift, - center-of-mass acceleration, - center-of-mass jacobian, - articular inertia matrix, - non-linear effects (Coriolis + gravity) - collisions and distances .. note:: Computation results are stored internally in the robot, and can be retrieved with associated getters. .. warning:: This function modifies the internal robot data. .. warning:: It does not called overloaded pinocchio methods provided by `jiminy_py.core` but the original pinocchio methods instead. As a result, it does not take into account the rotor inertias / armatures. One is responsible of calling the appropriate methods manually instead of this one if necessary. This behavior is expected to change in the future. :param robot: Jiminy robot. :param position: Robot position vector. :param velocity: Robot velocity vector. :param acceleration: Robot acceleration vector. :param update_physics: Whether or not to compute the non-linear effects and internal/external forces. Optional: True by default. :param update_com: Whether or not to compute the COM of the robot AND each link individually. The global COM is the first index. Optional: False by default. :param update_energy: Whether or not to compute the energy of the robot. Optional: False by default :param update_jacobian: Whether or not to compute the jacobians. Optional: False by default. :param use_theoretical_model: Whether the state corresponds to the theoretical model when updating and fetching the robot's state. Optional: True by default. """ if use_theoretical_model: pnc_model = robot.pinocchio_model_th pnc_data = robot.pinocchio_data_th else: pnc_model = robot.pinocchio_model pnc_data = robot.pinocchio_data if (update_physics and update_com and update_energy and update_jacobian and velocity is not None and acceleration is None): pin.computeAllTerms(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity) else: if velocity is None: pin.forwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position) elif acceleration is None: pin.forwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity) else: pin.forwardKinematics( pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity, acceleration) if update_com: if velocity is None: pin.centerOfMass(pnc_model, pnc_data, position) elif acceleration is None: pin.centerOfMass(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity) else: pin.centerOfMass( pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity, acceleration) if update_jacobian: if update_com: pin.jacobianCenterOfMass(pnc_model, pnc_data) pin.computeJointJacobians(pnc_model, pnc_data) if update_physics: if velocity is not None: pin.nonLinearEffects(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity) pin.crba(pnc_model, pnc_data, position) if update_energy: if velocity is not None: pin.computeKineticEnergy(pnc_model, pnc_data) pin.computePotentialEnergy(pnc_model, pnc_data) pin.updateFramePlacements(pnc_model, pnc_data) if update_collisions: pin.updateGeometryPlacements( pnc_model, pnc_data, robot.collision_model, robot.collision_data) pin.computeCollisions( robot.collision_model, robot.collision_data, stop_at_first_collision=False) pin.computeDistances(robot.collision_model, robot.collision_data) for dist_req in robot.collision_data.distanceResults: if np.linalg.norm(dist_req.normal) < 1e-6: pin.computeDistances( robot.collision_model, robot.collision_data) break
if READ_FROM_TXT: rmodel_dist.loadFromText(TXT_FILE) else: for iner in rmodel_dist.inertias: iner.lever += SCALE * (np.random.rand(3) - 0.5) rdata_dist = rmodel_dist.createData() # CoM c = pin.centerOfMass(rmodel, rdata, r.q0) c_dist = pin.centerOfMass(rmodel_dist, rdata_dist, r.q0) print('c_dist - c') print(c_dist - c) # Mass matrix M = pin.crba(rmodel, rdata, r.q0) M_dist = pin.crba(rmodel_dist, rdata_dist, r.q0) print('M_dist - M') print(M_dist[:6, :6] - M[:6, :6]) # save the result as a txt file: rmodel_dist.saveToText(TXT_FILE) if PLOT_DISPARITY: # funny plots # number of configuration to sample N = 5000 biases = np.zeros((N, 3)) for i in range(N):
def update_quantities(jiminy_model, position, velocity=None, acceleration=None, update_physics=True, update_com=False, update_energy=False, update_jacobian=False, use_theoretical_model=True): """ @brief Compute all quantities using position, velocity and acceleration configurations. @details Run multiple algorithms to compute all quantities which can be known with the model position, velocity and acceleration configuration. This includes: - body spatial transforms, - body spatial velocities, - body spatial drifts, - body transform acceleration, - body transform jacobians, - center-of-mass position, - center-of-mass velocity, - center-of-mass drift, - center-of-mass acceleration, (- center-of-mass jacobian : No Python binding available so far), - articular inertia matrix, - non-linear effects (Coriolis + gravity) Computation results are stored in internal data and can be retrieved with associated getters. @note This function modifies internal data. @param jiminy_model The Jiminy model @param position Joint position vector @param velocity Joint velocity vector @param acceleration Joint acceleration vector @pre model_.nq == positionIn.size() @pre model_.nv == velocityIn.size() @pre model_.nv == accelerationIn.size() """ if use_theoretical_model: pnc_model = jiminy_model.pinocchio_model_th pnc_data = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data_th else: pnc_model = jiminy_model.pinocchio_model pnc_data = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data if (update_physics and update_com and \ update_energy and update_jacobian and \ velocity is not None): pnc.computeAllTerms(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity) else: if update_physics: if velocity is not None: pnc.nonLinearEffects(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity) pnc.crba(pnc_model, pnc_data, position) if update_jacobian: # if update_com: # pnc.getJacobianComFromCrba(pnc_model, pnc_data) pnc.computeJointJacobians(pnc_model, pnc_data) if update_com: if velocity is None: pnc.centerOfMass(pnc_model, pnc_data, position) elif acceleration is None: pnc.centerOfMass(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity) else: pnc.centerOfMass(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity, acceleration) else: if velocity is None: pnc.forwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position) elif acceleration is None: pnc.forwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity) else: pnc.forwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity, acceleration) pnc.framesForwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position) if update_energy: if velocity is not None: pnc.kineticEnergy(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity, False) pnc.potentialEnergy(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, False)
np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) # Loading a robot model model = example_robot_data.loadHyQ().model data = model.createData() #start configuration v = np.array([0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, #underactuated 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) #actuated q = example_robot_data.loadHyQ().q0 # Update the joint and frame placements pin.forwardKinematics(model,data,q,v) pin.updateFramePlacements(model,data) M = pin.crba(model, data, q) H = pin.nonLinearEffects(model, data, q, v) G = pin.computeGeneralizedGravity(model,data, q) #EXERCISE 1: Compute the com of the robot (in WF) #..... # compare the result by using native pinocchio function com_test = pin.centerOfMass(model, data, q, v) print "Com Position (pinocchio): ", com_test # EXERCIZE 2: Compute robot kinetic energy #get a random generalized velocity v = rand(model.nv) # Update the joint and frame placements pin.forwardKinematics(model,data,q,v)
def Mdv(q, vnext, v): M = pinocchio.crba(rmodel, rdata, q) return M * (vnext - v)
# --- dCRBA --- dcrba = DCRBA(robot) dcrba.pre(q) Mp = dcrba() # --- Validate dM/dq by finite diff dM = np.zeros([ robot.model.nv, ] * 3) eps = 1e-6 dq = zero(robot.model.nv) for diff in range(robot.model.nv): dM[:, :, diff] = -pin.crba(robot.model,, q) dq *= 0 dq[diff] = eps qdq = pin.integrate(robot.model, q, dq) dM[:, :, diff] += pin.crba(robot.model,, qdq) dM /= eps print( 'Check dCRBA = \t\t\t', max([ norm(Mp[:, :, diff] - dM[:, :, diff]) for diff in range(robot.model.nv) ]))