예제 #1
 def compute(self):
   frame_id = self.robot.model.getFrameId('lh_foot')
   print pin.frameJacobian(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, frame_id, self.robot.q0)
   print '---'
   print pin.computeJacobians(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, self.robot.q0)
   print '---'
   print pin.se3.jacobian(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, self.robot.q0, frame_id, False, True) #False == world
예제 #2
    def updateJacobiansAndState(self, kin_state, dt):
        jnt_names = ["HFE", "KFE", "END"]
        eff_names = ["BR", "BL", "FR", "FL"]

        self.robot.q = np.transpose(
        self.robot.dq = np.transpose(
        self.robot.ddq = np.transpose(
        self.robot.centroidalMomentumVariation(self.robot.q, self.robot.dq,

        'Update objective function'
        kin_state.com = self.robot.com(self.robot.q)
        kin_state.lmom = self.robot.data.hg.vector[:3]
        kin_state.amom = self.robot.data.hg.vector[3:]
        self.centroidal_momentum_matrix = self.robot.data.Ag
        self.centroidal_momentum_matrix_variation = self.robot.data.dAg
        self.center_of_mass_jacobian = self.robot.Jcom(self.robot.q)
        for eff_id in range(0, len(eff_names)):
            nameToIndexMap = self.robot.model.getFrameId(eff_names[eff_id] +
                                                         "_" + jnt_names[-1])
            self.endeffector_jacobians[eff_id] = pin.frameJacobian(
                self.robot.model, self.robot.data, self.robot.q,
                nameToIndexMap, pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL)[0:3, :]
            kin_state.endeffector_positions[eff_id] = np.squeeze(

        'Update constraints'
        num_constraints = len(eff_names) * len(jnt_names)
        G = np.zeros((num_constraints, self.robot.nv))
        h = np.zeros((num_constraints))
        for eff_id in range(0, len(eff_names)):
            for jnt_id in range(0, len(jnt_names)):
                nameToIndexMap = self.robot.model.getFrameId(
                    eff_names[eff_id] + "_" + jnt_names[jnt_id])
                G[eff_id * len(jnt_names) + jnt_id, :] = np.squeeze(
                        pin.frameJacobian(self.robot.model, self.robot.data,
                                          self.robot.q, nameToIndexMap,
                                          pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL)[2, :]))
                h[eff_id * len(jnt_names) + jnt_id] = self.robot.data.oMf[
                    nameToIndexMap].translation[-1][0, 0]
        self.constraintsMatrix = -G * dt
        self.constraintsVector = h - self.z_floor

        return kin_state
예제 #3
    def footInverseKinematicsFixedBase(self, foot_pos_des, frame_name):
        frame_id = self.model.getFrameId(frame_name)
        blockIdx = self.getBlockIndex(frame_name)
        anymal_q0 = np.vstack([-0.1, 0.7, -1., -0.1, -0.7, 1., 0.1, 0.7, -1., 0.1, -0.7, 1.])
        q = anymal_q0
        eps = 0.005
        IT_MAX = 200
        DT = 1e-1
        err = np.zeros((3, 1))
        e = np.zeros((3, 1))

        i = 0
        while True:
            pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.model, self.data, q)
            pinocchio.framesForwardKinematics(self.model, self.data, q)
            foot_pos = self.data.oMf[frame_id].translation
            # err = np.hstack([err, (foot_pos - foot_pos_des)])
            # e = err[:,-1]
            # print foot_pos_des[0], foot_pos[[0]], foot_pos[[0]] - foot_pos_des[0]
            # e = foot_pos - foot_pos_des
            e[0] = foot_pos[[0]] - foot_pos_des[0]
            e[1] = foot_pos[[1]] - foot_pos_des[1]
            e[2] = foot_pos[[2]] - foot_pos_des[2]

            J = pinocchio.frameJacobian(self.model, self.data, q, frame_id)
            J_lin = J[:3, :]

            if np.linalg.norm(e) < eps:
                # print("IK Convergence achieved!")
                IKsuccess = True
            if i >= IT_MAX:
                    "\n Warning: the iterative algorithm has not reached convergence to the desired precision. Error is: ",
                IKsuccess = False
            # print J_lin
            v = - np.linalg.pinv(J_lin) * e
            q = pinocchio.integrate(self.model, q, v * DT)
            i += 1
            # print i

        q_leg = q[blockIdx:blockIdx + 3]
        J_leg = J_lin[:, blockIdx:blockIdx + 3]
        return q_leg, J_leg, err, IKsuccess
예제 #4
 def frameJacobian(self, q, index, update_geometry=True, local_frame=True):
     return se3.frameJacobian(self.model, self.data, q, index, local_frame,
예제 #5
    # Computing the error in the world frame
    err_FL = np.concatenate((np.zeros([2, 1]), hFL))
    err_FR = np.concatenate((np.zeros([2, 1]), hFR))
    err_HL = np.concatenate((np.zeros([2, 1]), hHL))
    err_HR = np.concatenate((np.zeros([2, 1]), hHR))

    # Computing the error in the local frame
    oR_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].rotation
    oR_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].rotation
    oR_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].rotation
    oR_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].rotation

    # Getting the different Jacobians
    fJ_FL3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q,
                                      -8:]  #Taking only the translation terms
    oJ_FL3 = oR_FL * fJ_FL3  #Transformation from local frame to world frame
    oJ_FLz = oJ_FL3[2, -8:]  #Taking the z_component

    fJ_FR3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q, ID_FR)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_FR3 = oR_FR * fJ_FR3
    oJ_FRz = oJ_FR3[2, -8:]

    fJ_HL3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q, ID_HL)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_HL3 = oR_HL * fJ_HL3
    oJ_HLz = oJ_HL3[2, -8:]

    fJ_HR3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q, ID_HR)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_HR3 = oR_HR * fJ_HR3
    oJ_HRz = oJ_HR3[2, -8:]
예제 #6
def place(name, M):
    solo.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration(name, se3ToXYZQUAT(M))

def Rquat(x, y, z, w):
    q = pin.Quaternion(x, y, z, w)
    return q.matrix()

### Moving the basis along x_axis
ID_BASIS = solo.model.getFrameId('base_link')
q_basis = sq
dt = 1e-2

for j in range(200):
    pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, q_basis)
    pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)
    Mbasis = solo.data.oMf[ID_BASIS]
    error = Mbasis.translation[0] - 1
    J_basis = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_basis, ID_BASIS)[0, :]
    nu_basis = error
    vq_basis = pinv(J_basis) * nu_basis
    q_basis = pin.integrate(solo.model, q_basis, vq_basis * dt)

예제 #7
    print 'Elapsed time = %.2f (simu time=%.2f)' % (time.time()-t0,simu.dt*niter)
    return q,v

class Stab:
    def __init__(self):

q = robot.q0.copy()
v = zero(NV)
v = rand(NV)

M  = robot.data.M
b  = robot.data.nle

Jr = se3.frameJacobian(robot.model,robot.data,q,RF,True,False)
Jl = se3.frameJacobian(robot.model,robot.data,q,LF,True,False)

ark = robot.data.a[RK]
ar  = robot.model.frames[RF].placement.inverse()*ark
alk = robot.data.a[LK]
al  = robot.model.frames[LF].placement.inverse()*ark

Jcom = robot.data.Jcom
acom = robot.data.acom[0]

def callback_torques():
    global v_prev, solo, stop, q

    jointStates = p.getJointStates(robotId,
                                   revoluteJointIndices)  # State of all joints
    baseState = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(robotId)
    baseVel = p.getBaseVelocity(robotId)

    # Info about contact points with the ground
    contactPoints_FL = p.getContactPoints(robotId, planeId,
                                          linkIndexA=2)  # Front left  foot
    contactPoints_FR = p.getContactPoints(robotId, planeId,
                                          linkIndexA=5)  # Front right foot
    contactPoints_HL = p.getContactPoints(robotId, planeId,
                                          linkIndexA=8)  # Hind  left  foot
    contactPoints_HR = p.getContactPoints(robotId, planeId,
                                          linkIndexA=11)  # Hind  right foot

    # Sort contacts points to get only one contact per foot
    contactPoints = []

    # Joint vector for Pinocchio
    q = np.vstack(
        (np.array([baseState[0]]).transpose(), np.array([baseState[1]
             jointStates[i_joint][0] for i_joint in range(len(jointStates))
    v = np.vstack(
        (np.array([baseVel[0]]).transpose(), np.array([baseVel[1]
             jointStates[i_joint][1] for i_joint in range(len(jointStates))
    v_dot = (v - v_prev) / h
    v_prev = v.copy()

    # Update display in Gepetto-gui


    ### Space mouse configuration
    # return the next event if there is any
    event = sp.poll()

    # if event signals the release of the first button
    # exit condition : the button 0 is pressed and released
    if type(event) is sp.ButtonEvent \
        and event.button == 0 and event.pressed == 0:
        # set exit condition
        stop = True

    # matching the mouse signals with the position of Solo's basis
    if type(event) is sp.MotionEvent:
        Vroll = -event.rx / 100.0  #velocity related to the roll axis
        Vyaw = event.ry / 100.0  #velocity related to the yaw axis
        Vpitch = -event.rz / 100.0  #velocity related to the pitch axis
        rpy[0] += Vroll * dt  #roll
        rpy[1] += Vpitch * dt  #pitch
        rpy[2] += Vyaw * dt  #yaw
        # adding saturation to prevent unlikely configurations
        for i in range(2):
            if rpy[i] > 0.175 or rpy[i] < -0.175:
                rpy[i] = np.sign(rpy[i]) * 0.175
        # convert rpy to quaternion
        quatMat = pin.utils.rpyToMatrix(np.matrix(rpy).T)
        # add the modified component to the quaternion
        q[3] = Quaternion(quatMat)[0]
        q[4] = Quaternion(quatMat)[1]
        q[5] = Quaternion(quatMat)[2]
        q[6] = Quaternion(quatMat)[3]

    ### Stack of Task : feet on the ground and posture

    # compute/update all joints and frames
    pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, q)
    pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)

    # Getting the current height (on axis z) of each foot
    hFL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].translation[2]
    hFR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].translation[2]
    hHL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].translation[2]
    hHR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].translation[2]

    # Computing the error in the world frame
    err_FL = np.concatenate((np.zeros([2, 1]), hFL))
    err_FR = np.concatenate((np.zeros([2, 1]), hFR))
    err_HL = np.concatenate((np.zeros([2, 1]), hHL))
    err_HR = np.concatenate((np.zeros([2, 1]), hHR))

    # Error of posture
    err_post = q - qdes

    # Computing the error in the local frame
    oR_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].rotation
    oR_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].rotation
    oR_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].rotation
    oR_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].rotation

    # Getting the different Jacobians
    fJ_FL3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q,
                                      -8:]  #Take only the translation terms
    oJ_FL3 = oR_FL * fJ_FL3  #Transformation from local frame to world frame
    oJ_FLz = oJ_FL3[2, -8:]  #Take the z_component

    fJ_FR3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q, ID_FR)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_FR3 = oR_FR * fJ_FR3
    oJ_FRz = oJ_FR3[2, -8:]

    fJ_HL3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q, ID_HL)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_HL3 = oR_HL * fJ_HL3
    oJ_HLz = oJ_HL3[2, -8:]

    fJ_HR3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q, ID_HR)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_HR3 = oR_HR * fJ_HR3
    oJ_HRz = oJ_HR3[2, -8:]

    # Displacement and posture error
    nu = np.vstack(
        [err_FL[2], err_FR[2], err_HL[2], err_HR[2], omega * err_post[7:]])

    # Making a single z-row Jacobian vector plus the posture Jacobian
    J = np.vstack([oJ_FLz, oJ_FRz, oJ_HLz, oJ_HRz, omega * J_post])

    # Computing the velocity
    vq_act = -Kp * pinv(J) * nu
    vq = np.concatenate((np.zeros([6, 1]), vq_act))

    # Computing the updated configuration
    q = pin.integrate(solo.model, q, vq * dt)



    # PD Torque controller
    Kp_PD = 0.05
    Kd_PD = 80 * Kp_PD
    #Kd = 2 * np.sqrt(2*Kp) # formula to get a critical damping
    torques = Kd_PD * (qdes[7:] - q[7:]) - Kp_PD * v[6:]

    # Saturation to limit the maximal torque
    t_max = 5
    torques = np.maximum(np.minimum(torques, t_max * np.ones((8, 1))),
                         -t_max * np.ones((8, 1)))

    return torques, stop
예제 #9

place('world/framegoal', Mgoal)
      pinocchio.SE3(rotate('x', np.pi / 2),
                    np.matrix([0, 0, .1]).T))

# Define robot initial configuration
q = robot.rand()
q[:2] = 0  # Basis at the center of the world.

DT = 1e-2  # Integration step.

# Loop on an inverse kinematics for 200 iterations.
for i in range(200):  # Integrate over 1 second of robot life
    pinocchio.forwardKinematics(robot.model, robot.data,
                                q)  # Compute joint placements
        robot.model, robot.data)  # Also compute operational frame placements
    Mtool = robot.data.oMf[
        IDX_TOOL]  # Get placement from world frame o to frame f oMf
    J = pinocchio.frameJacobian(
        robot.model, robot.data, q, IDX_TOOL,
        pinocchio.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL)  # Get corresponding jacobian
    ### ... YOUR CODE HERE
    vq = rand(NV)  #   .... REPLACE THIS LINE BY YOUR CODE ...
    q = robot.integrate(q, vq * DT)
예제 #10
def c_walking_IK(q, qdot, dt, solo, t_simu):
    # unactuated, [x, y, z] position of the base + [x, y, z, w] orientation of the base (stored as a quaternion)
    # qu = q[:7]
    qa = q[7:]  # actuated, [q1, q2, ..., q8] angular position of the 8 motors
    # [v_x, v_y, v_z] linear velocity of the base and [w_x, w_y, w_z] angular velocity of the base along x, y, z axes
    # of the world
    # qu_dot = qdot[:6]
    qa_dot = qdot[6:]  # angular velocity of the 8 motors

    qa_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # target angular positions for the motors
    qa_dot_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # target angular velocities for the motors

    # Insert code here to set qa_ref and qa_dot_ref

    from numpy.linalg import pinv

    global q_ref, flag_q_ref, T, dx, dz

    if flag_q_ref:
        q_ref = solo.q0.copy()
        flag_q_ref = False

    # Initialization of the variables
    K = 100.  # Convergence gain
    T = 0.2  # period of the foot trajectory
    xF0 = 0.19  # initial position of the front feet
    xH0 = -0.19  # initial position of the hind feet
    z0 = 0.0  # initial altitude of each foot
    dx = 0.03  # displacement amplitude by x
    dz = 0.06  # displacement amplitude by z

    # Get the frame index of each foot
    ID_FL = solo.model.getFrameId("FL_FOOT")
    ID_FR = solo.model.getFrameId("FR_FOOT")
    ID_HL = solo.model.getFrameId("HL_FOOT")
    ID_HR = solo.model.getFrameId("HR_FOOT")

    # function defining the feet's trajectory
    def ftraj(t, x0, z0):  # arguments : time, initial position x and z
        global T, dx, dz
        x = []
        z = []
        if t >= T:
            t %= T
        x.append(x0 - dx * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t / T))
        if t <= T / 2.:
            z.append(z0 + dz * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / T))
        return np.matrix([x, z])

    # Compute/update all the joints and frames
    pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref)
    pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)

    # Get the current height (on axis z) and the x-coordinate of the front left foot
    xz_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].translation[0::2]
    xz_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].translation[0::2]
    xz_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].translation[0::2]
    xz_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].translation[0::2]

    # Desired foot trajectory
    xzdes_FL = ftraj(t_simu, xF0, z0)
    xzdes_HR = ftraj(t_simu, xH0, z0)
    xzdes_FR = ftraj(t_simu + T / 2, xF0, z0)
    xzdes_HL = ftraj(t_simu + T / 2, xH0, z0)

    # Calculating the error
    err_FL = xz_FL - xzdes_FL
    err_FR = xz_FR - xzdes_FR
    err_HL = xz_HL - xzdes_HL
    err_HR = xz_HR - xzdes_HR

    # Computing the local Jacobian into the global frame
    oR_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].rotation
    oR_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].rotation
    oR_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].rotation
    oR_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].rotation

    # Getting the different Jacobians
    fJ_FL3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref,
                                      -8:]  # Take only the translation terms
    oJ_FL3 = oR_FL * fJ_FL3  # Transformation from local frame to world frame
    oJ_FLxz = oJ_FL3[0::2, -8:]  # Take the x and z components

    fJ_FR3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_FR)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_FR3 = oR_FR * fJ_FR3
    oJ_FRxz = oJ_FR3[0::2, -8:]

    fJ_HL3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_HL)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_HL3 = oR_HL * fJ_HL3
    oJ_HLxz = oJ_HL3[0::2, -8:]

    fJ_HR3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_HR)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_HR3 = oR_HR * fJ_HR3
    oJ_HRxz = oJ_HR3[0::2, -8:]

    # Displacement error
    nu = np.vstack([err_FL, err_FR, err_HL, err_HR])

    # Making a single x&z-rows Jacobian vector
    J = np.vstack([oJ_FLxz, oJ_FRxz, oJ_HLxz, oJ_HRxz])

    # Computing the velocity
    qa_dot_ref = -K * pinv(J) * nu
    q_dot_ref = np.concatenate((np.zeros([6, 1]), qa_dot_ref))

    # Computing the updated configuration
    q_ref = pin.integrate(solo.model, q_ref, q_dot_ref * dt)
    qa_ref = q_ref[7:]

    )  # display the robot in the viewer Gepetto-GUI given its configuration q

    # End of the control code

    # Parameters for the PD controller
    Kp = 8.
    Kd = 0.2
    torque_sat = 3  # torque saturation in N.m
    torques_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # feedforward torques

    # Call the PD controller
    torques = PD(qa_ref, qa_dot_ref, qa, qa_dot, dt, Kp, Kd, torque_sat,

    # torques must be a numpy array of shape (8, 1) containing the torques applied to the 8 motors
    return torques
예제 #11
 def frameJacobian(self, q, index, update_geometry=True, local_frame=True):
     if local_frame:
         return se3.frameJacobian(self.model, self.data, index, q)
예제 #12
def callback_torques():
    global v_prev, solo, stop, q, qdes, t

    t_start = time()

    jointStates = p.getJointStates(robotId,
                                   revoluteJointIndices)  # State of all joints
    baseState = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(robotId)
    baseVel = p.getBaseVelocity(robotId)

    # Info about contact points with the ground
    contactPoints_FL = p.getContactPoints(robotId, planeId,
                                          linkIndexA=2)  # Front left  foot
    contactPoints_FR = p.getContactPoints(robotId, planeId,
                                          linkIndexA=5)  # Front right foot
    contactPoints_HL = p.getContactPoints(robotId, planeId,
                                          linkIndexA=8)  # Hind  left  foot
    contactPoints_HR = p.getContactPoints(robotId, planeId,
                                          linkIndexA=11)  # Hind  right foot

    # Sort contacts points to get only one contact per foot
    contactPoints = []

    # Joint vector for Pinocchio
    q = np.vstack(
        (np.array([baseState[0]]).transpose(), np.array([baseState[1]
             jointStates[i_joint][0] for i_joint in range(len(jointStates))
    v = np.vstack(
        (np.array([baseVel[0]]).transpose(), np.array([baseVel[1]
             jointStates[i_joint][1] for i_joint in range(len(jointStates))
    v_dot = (v - v_prev) / h
    v_prev = v.copy()

    # Update display in Gepetto-gui


    ### Space mouse configuration : exit the loop when 0 is pressed and released

    event = sp.poll()  # return the next event if there is any

    # if event signals the release of the first button
    # exit condition : the button 0 is pressed and released
    if type(event
            ) is sp.ButtonEvent and event.button == 0 and event.pressed == 0:
        # set exit condition
        stop = True

    ### Stack of Task : walking
    #compute/update all the joints and frames
    pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, qdes)
    pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)

    # Getting the current height (on axis z) and the x-coordinate of the front left foot
    xz_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].translation[0::2]
    xz_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].translation[0::2]
    xz_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].translation[0::2]
    xz_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].translation[0::2]

    # Desired foot trajectory
    t1 = t  #previous time
    t += dt
    t2 = t  #current time
    xzdes_FL = ftraj(t, xF0, zF0)
    xzdes_HR = ftraj(t, xH0, zH0)
    xzdes_FR = ftraj(t + T / 2, xF0, zF0)
    xzdes_HL = ftraj(t + T / 2, xH0, zH0)

    # Calculating the error
    err_FL = xz_FL - xzdes_FL
    err_FR = xz_FR - xzdes_FR
    err_HL = xz_HL - xzdes_HL
    err_HR = xz_HR - xzdes_HR

    # Computing the local Jacobian into the global frame
    oR_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].rotation
    oR_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].rotation
    oR_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].rotation
    oR_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].rotation

    # Getting the different Jacobians
    fJ_FL3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, qdes,
                                      -8:]  #Take only the translation terms
    oJ_FL3 = oR_FL * fJ_FL3  #Transformation from local frame to world frame
    oJ_FLxz = oJ_FL3[0::2, -8:]  #Take the x and z components

    fJ_FR3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, qdes, ID_FR)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_FR3 = oR_FR * fJ_FR3
    oJ_FRxz = oJ_FR3[0::2, -8:]

    fJ_HL3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, qdes, ID_HL)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_HL3 = oR_HL * fJ_HL3
    oJ_HLxz = oJ_HL3[0::2, -8:]

    fJ_HR3 = pin.frameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, qdes, ID_HR)[:3, -8:]
    oJ_HR3 = oR_HR * fJ_HR3
    oJ_HRxz = oJ_HR3[0::2, -8:]

    # Displacement error
    nu = np.vstack([err_FL, err_FR, err_HL, err_HR])

    # Making a single x&z-rows Jacobian vector
    J = np.vstack([oJ_FLxz, oJ_FRxz, oJ_HLxz, oJ_HRxz])

    # Computing the velocity
    vq_act = -Kp * pinv(J) * nu
    vq = np.concatenate((np.zeros([6, 1]), vq_act))

    # Computing the updated configuration
    qdes = pin.integrate(solo.model, qdes, vq * dt)



    # PD Torque controller
    Kp_PD = 0.05
    Kd_PD = 120 * Kp_PD
    #Kd = 2 * np.sqrt(2*Kp) # formula to get a critical damping
    torques = Kd_PD * (qdes[7:] - q[7:]) - Kp_PD * v[6:]

    # Saturation to limit the maximal torque
    t_max = 5
    torques = np.maximum(np.minimum(torques, t_max * np.ones((8, 1))),
                         -t_max * np.ones((8, 1)))

    # Control loop of 1/dt Hz
    while (time() - t_start) < dt:

    return torques, stop
예제 #13
	pin.forwardKinematics(robot.model, robot.data, q)
	pin.updateFramePlacements(robot.model, robot.data)
	Mtool = robot.data.oMf[IDX_TOOL]
	J = pin.frameJacobian(robot.model, robot.data, q, IDX_TOOL)
	nu = pin.log(Mtool.inverse() * Mgoal).vector
	vq = pinv(J)*nu	
	q = pin.integrate(robot.model, q, vq * dt)

### Position the basis on the line
robot.viewer.gui.addCylinder('world/yaxis', .01, 20, [.1, .1, .1, 1.])
place('world/yaxis', pin.SE3(rotate('x', np.pi / 2), np.matrix([0, 0, .1]).T))

IDX_BASIS = robot.model.getFrameId('base')

q_basis = q

for j in range(200):
    pin.forwardKinematics(robot.model, robot.data, q_basis)
    pin.updateFramePlacements(robot.model, robot.data)
    Mbasis = robot.data.oMf[IDX_BASIS]
    error = Mbasis.translation[0] - 1
    J_basis = pin.frameJacobian(robot.model, robot.data, q, IDX_BASIS)[0, :]
    nu_basis = error
    vq_basis = pinv(J_basis) * nu_basis
    q_basis = pin.integrate(robot.model, q_basis, vq_basis * dt)