예제 #1
    def __init__(self):

        #: A case-insensitive dictionary of headers to be sent on each
        #: :class:`Request <Request>` sent from this
        #: :class:`Session <Session>`.
        self.headers = default_headers()

        #: Default Authentication tuple or object to attach to
        #: :class:`Request <Request>`.
        self.auth = None

        #: Dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy (e.g.
        #: {'http': 'foo.bar:3128'}) to be used on each
        #: :class:`Request <Request>`.
        self.proxies = {}

        #: Event-handling hooks.
        self.hooks = default_hooks()

        #: Dictionary of querystring data to attach to each
        #: :class:`Request <Request>`. The dictionary values may be lists for
        #: representing multivalued query parameters.
        self.params = {}

        #: Stream response content default.
        self.stream = False

        #: SSL Verification default.
        self.verify = True

        #: SSL certificate default.
        self.cert = None

        #: Maximum number of redirects allowed. If the request exceeds this
        #: limit, a :class:`TooManyRedirects` exception is raised.
        self.max_redirects = DEFAULT_REDIRECT_LIMIT

        #: Should we trust the environment?
        self.trust_env = True

        #: A CookieJar containing all currently outstanding cookies set on this
        #: session. By default it is a
        #: :class:`RequestsCookieJar <requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar>`, but
        #: may be any other ``cookielib.CookieJar`` compatible object.
        self.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict({})

        # Default connection adapters.
        self.adapters = OrderedDict()
        self.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter())
        self.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter())
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        retries = kwargs.pop("retries", 0)
        cache = kwargs.pop("cache", None)

        super(PipSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Attach our User Agent to the request
        self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent()

        # Attach our Authentication handler to the session
        self.auth = MultiDomainBasicAuth()

        if cache:
            http_adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
            http_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)

        self.mount("http://", http_adapter)
        self.mount("https://", http_adapter)

        # Enable file:// urls
        self.mount("file://", LocalFSAdapter())
예제 #3
파일: download.py 프로젝트: vidartf/pip
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        retries = kwargs.pop("retries", 0)
        cache = kwargs.pop("cache", None)
        insecure_hosts = kwargs.pop("insecure_hosts", [])

        super(PipSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Attach our User Agent to the request
        self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent()

        # Attach our Authentication handler to the session
        self.auth = MultiDomainBasicAuth()

        # Create our urllib3.Retry instance which will allow us to customize
        # how we handle retries.
        retries = urllib3.Retry(
            # Set the total number of retries that a particular request can
            # have.

            # A 503 error from PyPI typically means that the Fastly -> Origin
            # connection got interrupted in some way. A 503 error in general
            # is typically considered a transient error so we'll go ahead and
            # retry it.

            # Add a small amount of back off between failed requests in
            # order to prevent hammering the service.

        # We want to _only_ cache responses on securely fetched origins. We do
        # this because we can't validate the response of an insecurely fetched
        # origin, and we don't want someone to be able to poison the cache and
        # require manual eviction from the cache to fix it.
        if cache:
            secure_adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
                cache=SafeFileCache(cache, use_dir_lock=True),
            secure_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)

        # Our Insecure HTTPAdapter disables HTTPS validation. It does not
        # support caching (see above) so we'll use it for all http:// URLs as
        # well as any https:// host that we've marked as ignoring TLS errors
        # for.
        insecure_adapter = InsecureHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)

        self.mount("https://", secure_adapter)
        self.mount("http://", insecure_adapter)

        # Enable file:// urls
        self.mount("file://", LocalFSAdapter())

        # We want to use a non-validating adapter for any requests which are
        # deemed insecure.
        for host in insecure_hosts:
            self.mount("https://{0}/".format(host), insecure_adapter)
예제 #4
 def send(self, request, **kwargs):
     conn = S3Connection(is_secure=True)
     bucket_name = os.getenv('S3_PIP_BUCKET_NAME')
     update_indexes = os.getenv('S3_PIP_COMPARE_CACHE')
     bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name)
     keyname = urlparse.urlparse(request.url).path
     html = False
     if keyname.endswith("/"):
         keyname += "index.html"
         html = True
     key = bucket.get_key(keyname)
     if html:
         content_type = "text/html"
         content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(request.url)[0] or "text/plain"
     if key is None:
         pypi_resp = HTTPAdapter().send(request, **kwargs)
         if pypi_resp.status_code != 200:
             return pypi_resp
         content = pypi_resp.content
         resp = S3Response(content, request.url, len(content), content_type)
         self.s3_sync(request.url, content, bucket,
         return resp
     logger.notify("Found item in S3 {0}".format(keyname))
     resp = S3Response(key.get_contents_as_string(), request.url, key.size,
     if update_indexes:
         pypi_resp = HTTPAdapter().send(request, **kwargs)
         if pypi_resp.headers['x-pypi-last-serial'] > key.get_metadata(
             content = pypi_resp.content
             resp = S3Response(content, request.url, len(content),
             self.s3_sync(request.url, content, bucket,
     return resp
예제 #5
파일: download.py 프로젝트: dyspop/pip
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        :param trusted_hosts: Domains not to emit warnings for when not using
        retries = kwargs.pop("retries", 0)
        cache = kwargs.pop("cache", None)
        trusted_hosts = kwargs.pop("trusted_hosts", [])  # type: List[str]
        index_urls = kwargs.pop("index_urls", None)

        super(PipSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Namespace the attribute with "pip_" just in case to prevent
        # possible conflicts with the base class.
        self.pip_trusted_origins = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, Optional[int]]]

        # Attach our User Agent to the request
        self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent()

        # Attach our Authentication handler to the session
        self.auth = MultiDomainBasicAuth(index_urls=index_urls)

        # Create our urllib3.Retry instance which will allow us to customize
        # how we handle retries.
        retries = urllib3.Retry(
            # Set the total number of retries that a particular request can
            # have.

            # A 503 error from PyPI typically means that the Fastly -> Origin
            # connection got interrupted in some way. A 503 error in general
            # is typically considered a transient error so we'll go ahead and
            # retry it.
            # A 500 may indicate transient error in Amazon S3
            # A 520 or 527 - may indicate transient error in CloudFlare
            status_forcelist=[500, 503, 520, 527],

            # Add a small amount of back off between failed requests in
            # order to prevent hammering the service.

        # Check to ensure that the directory containing our cache directory
        # is owned by the user current executing pip. If it does not exist
        # we will check the parent directory until we find one that does exist.
        if cache and not check_path_owner(cache):
                "The directory '%s' or its parent directory is not owned by "
                "the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please "
                "check the permissions and owner of that directory. If "
                "executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.",
            cache = None

        # We want to _only_ cache responses on securely fetched origins. We do
        # this because we can't validate the response of an insecurely fetched
        # origin, and we don't want someone to be able to poison the cache and
        # require manual eviction from the cache to fix it.
        if cache:
            secure_adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
                cache=SafeFileCache(cache, use_dir_lock=True),
            secure_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)

        # Our Insecure HTTPAdapter disables HTTPS validation. It does not
        # support caching (see above) so we'll use it for all http:// URLs as
        # well as any https:// host that we've marked as ignoring TLS errors
        # for.
        insecure_adapter = InsecureHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
        # Save this for later use in add_insecure_host().
        self._insecure_adapter = insecure_adapter

        self.mount("https://", secure_adapter)
        self.mount("http://", insecure_adapter)

        # Enable file:// urls
        self.mount("file://", LocalFSAdapter())

        for host in trusted_hosts:
            self.add_trusted_host(host, suppress_logging=True)
예제 #6
    def __init__(
        *args: Any,
        retries: int = 0,
        cache: Optional[str] = None,
        trusted_hosts: Sequence[str] = (),
        index_urls: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:
        :param trusted_hosts: Domains not to emit warnings for when not using
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Namespace the attribute with "pip_" just in case to prevent
        # possible conflicts with the base class.
        self.pip_trusted_origins: List[Tuple[str, Optional[int]]] = []

        # Attach our User Agent to the request
        self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent()

        # Attach our Authentication handler to the session
        self.auth = MultiDomainBasicAuth(index_urls=index_urls)

        # Create our urllib3.Retry instance which will allow us to customize
        # how we handle retries.
        retries = urllib3.Retry(
            # Set the total number of retries that a particular request can
            # have.
            # A 503 error from PyPI typically means that the Fastly -> Origin
            # connection got interrupted in some way. A 503 error in general
            # is typically considered a transient error so we'll go ahead and
            # retry it.
            # A 500 may indicate transient error in Amazon S3
            # A 520 or 527 - may indicate transient error in CloudFlare
            status_forcelist=[500, 503, 520, 527],
            # Add a small amount of back off between failed requests in
            # order to prevent hammering the service.
        )  # type: ignore

        # Our Insecure HTTPAdapter disables HTTPS validation. It does not
        # support caching so we'll use it for all http:// URLs.
        # If caching is disabled, we will also use it for
        # https:// hosts that we've marked as ignoring
        # TLS errors for (trusted-hosts).
        insecure_adapter = InsecureHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)

        # We want to _only_ cache responses on securely fetched origins or when
        # the host is specified as trusted. We do this because
        # we can't validate the response of an insecurely/untrusted fetched
        # origin, and we don't want someone to be able to poison the cache and
        # require manual eviction from the cache to fix it.
        if cache:
            secure_adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
            self._trusted_host_adapter = InsecureCacheControlAdapter(
            secure_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
            self._trusted_host_adapter = insecure_adapter

        self.mount("https://", secure_adapter)
        self.mount("http://", insecure_adapter)

        # Enable file:// urls
        self.mount("file://", LocalFSAdapter())

        for host in trusted_hosts:
            self.add_trusted_host(host, suppress_logging=True)
예제 #7
# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
import csv  # 加载csv包便于读取csv文件
import json
from time import sleep

from pip._vendor import requests
from pip._vendor.requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3 import Retry

session = requests.Session()
retry = Retry(connect=10000, backoff_factor=0.5)
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
session.mount('http://', adapter)
session.mount('https://', adapter)

import pymysql

conn = pymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user='******', passwd='haha', db='ireading')

cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select Max(id) from word_slim e where e.word REGEXP '^[A-Za-z]+$' and e.word not in (select m.word from word_mini m) and uk_pron is not null and us_pron is not null")
for item in cur:
    index = item[0] if item[0] else 0
cur.execute("select word from word_slim e where e.word REGEXP '^[A-Za-z]+$' and e.word not in (select m.word from word_mini m) and id>" + str(index))
l = []
count = index
for item in cur:
for word in l:
예제 #8
            # Add a small amount of back off between failed requests in
            # order to prevent hammering the service.

        # We want to _only_ cache responses on securely fetched origins. We do
        # this because we can't validate the response of an insecurely fetched
        # origin, and we don't want someone to be able to poison the cache and
        # require manual evication from the cache to fix it.
        if cache:
            secure_adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
            secure_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)

        # Our Insecure HTTPAdapter disables HTTPS validation. It does not
        # support caching (see above) so we'll use it for all http:// URLs as
        # well as any https:// host that we've marked as ignoring TLS errors
        # for.
        insecure_adapter = InsecureHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)

        self.mount("https://", secure_adapter)
        self.mount("http://", insecure_adapter)

        # Enable file:// urls
        self.mount("file://", LocalFSAdapter())

        # We want to use a non-validating adapter for any requests which are
        # deemed insecure.