def pip_install_from_local_archive(package_args, install_queue=None): """ Wrapper for installing pip package from local Archive """ if get_build_platform() == 'Windows': permission_prefix = '' elif get_build_platform() == 'Linux': permission_prefix = 'gksudo -- ' elif get_build_platform() == 'Darwin': permission_prefix = '' package_args = '{}pip3 install {}'.format(permission_prefix, package_args) install_process = RunpipSubprocess(package_args, install_queue) install_process.start_logging_threads()
def pip_uninstall(package_args, uninstall_queue=None): """ Uninstall packages """ if get_build_platform() == 'Windows': permission_prefix = '' elif get_build_platform() == 'Linux': permission_prefix = 'gksudo -- ' elif get_build_platform() == 'Darwin': permission_prefix = '' package_args = '{}pip3 uninstall --yes {}'.format(permission_prefix, package_args) uninstall_process = RunpipSubprocess(package_args, uninstall_queue) uninstall_process.start_logging_threads()
def create_side_navbar(self): """ Create side navigation bar for providing user with options for selecting different ways of installation """ # Create a navbar frame in which all navbar buttons will lie self.navbar_frame = ttk.Frame(self.container, borderwidth=3, padding=0.5, relief='ridge') self.navbar_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsw', pady=(1, 1), padx=(1, 1)) # Configure style for navbar frame # Button text pypi_text = "Install From PyPI" local_archive_text = "Install From Local Archive" requirements_text = "Install From Requirements File" pythonlibs_text = "Install From PythonLibs" #alternate_repo_text = "Install From Alternate Repository" # Button style navbar_button_style = ttk.Style() navbar_button_style.configure('navbar.TButton', padding=(6, 25)) self.button_pypi = ttk.Button( self.navbar_frame, text=pypi_text, state='active', style='navbar.TButton', command=lambda: self.show_frame('InstallFromPyPI')) self.button_pypi.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nwe') self.button_local_archive = ttk.Button( self.navbar_frame, text=local_archive_text, style='navbar.TButton', command=lambda: self.show_frame('InstallFromLocalArchive')) self.button_local_archive.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nwe') self.button_requirements = ttk.Button( self.navbar_frame, text=requirements_text, style='navbar.TButton', command=lambda: self.show_frame('InstallFromRequirements')) self.button_requirements.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='nwe') if get_build_platform() == 'Windows': self.button_pythonlibs = ttk.Button( self.navbar_frame, text=pythonlibs_text, style='navbar.TButton', command=lambda: self.show_frame('InstallFromPythonlibs')) self.button_pythonlibs.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='nwe') '''
def manage_frames(self): """ Manage multiple frames. Creates dictionary of multiple frames to be used for showing user different GUI frames for different ways of installation. """ if get_build_platform() != 'Windows': #If not windows frames_tuple = ( InstallFromPyPI, InstallFromLocalArchive, InstallFromRequirements, ) else: #Else add InstallFromPythonlibs page (for Windows systems) frames_tuple = ( InstallFromPyPI, InstallFromLocalArchive, InstallFromRequirements, InstallFromPythonlibs, ) self.frames_dict = {} for F in frames_tuple: frame_name = F.__name__ new_frame = F(self.container, self) new_frame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nsew') self.frames_dict[frame_name] = new_frame self.show_frame('InstallFromPyPI')
def manage_frames(self): """ Manage multiple frames. Creates dictionary of multiple frames to be used for showing user different GUI frames for different ways of installation. """ if get_build_platform()!='Windows': #If not windows frames_tuple = ( InstallFromPyPI, InstallFromLocalArchive, InstallFromRequirements, ) else: #Else add InstallFromPythonlibs page (for Windows systems) frames_tuple = ( InstallFromPyPI, InstallFromLocalArchive, InstallFromRequirements, InstallFromPythonlibs, ) self.frames_dict = {} for F in frames_tuple: frame_name = F.__name__ new_frame = F(self.container, self) new_frame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nsew') self.frames_dict[frame_name] = new_frame self.show_frame('InstallFromPyPI')
def pip_search_command(package_name=None, thread_queue=None): """ Uses subprocess to retrieve results of 'pip search' """ import re #Get search results and errors if there search_result, errors = runpip_using_subprocess( 'pip3 search {}'.format(package_name)) #If errors, then put error string into queue if errors.strip() != '': thread_queue.put(errors) count = 0 installed_packages = [] ###################################################################### #Parsing shell output #Note : Needs to be updated when json output is available for pip ###################################################################### #Sample Output in Windows: # #django-editos (1.5) - Django app to manage and display editos #django-github-webhook (0.1.1) - Django view for GitHub webhook recievers #pyserial (3.1.1) - Python Serial Port Extension #INSTALLED: 2.7 #LATEST: 3.1.1 #Sample Output in Linux/Unix: # #django-editos (1.5) - Django app to manage and display editos #django-github-webhook (0.1.1) - Django view for GitHub webhook recievers #pyserial (3.1.1) - Python Serial Port Extension #INSTALLED: 2.7 (LATEST: 3.1.1) for x in search_result.split("\n"): try: #If first line of package decription if ('INSTALLED:' not in x) and (('(' in x) and (')' in x) and (not x.startswith('-'))): open_bracket_index = x.index('(') close_bracket_index = x.index(')') pkg_name = x[:open_bracket_index - 1].strip() latest_version = x[open_bracket_index + 1:close_bracket_index] summary = re.split(r'\)\s+- ', x)[1].strip() installed_packages.append( [pkg_name, 'Not installed', latest_version, summary]) #Else if package is outdated, also show the outdated version elif 'INSTALLED:' in x: #If OS is not Windows (Refer to sample output for Linux/Unix) if get_build_platform() != 'Windows': st_index = x.index(':') end_index = x.index('(') installed_packages[-1][1] = x[st_index + 1:end_index].strip() #Else if OS is windows ( Refer to Sample Output above) else: st_index = x.index(':') installed_packages[-1][1] = x[st_index + 1:].strip() #If LINUX/UNIX append package descriptions in subsequent lines elif get_build_platform() != 'Windows': installed_packages[-1][3] = '{} {}'.format( installed_packages[-1][3], x.strip()) except: pass ######################################################################## ######################################################################## thread_queue.put([tuple(x) for x in installed_packages])
def start_logging_threads(self): """ Starts logging to output and error queue """ # If system platform is not Windows if get_build_platform() != 'Windows': fileio_streams = [ self.pip_process.stdout.fileno(), self.pip_process.stderr.fileno(), ] #Do I/O multiplexing io_iterator =, [], []) self.output_queue.put((0, 'process_started')) while True: #iterate over available file descriptors in io_iterator for file_descrp in io_iterator[0]: #if something is there in stdout stream if file_descrp == self.pip_process.stdout.fileno(): pipout = self.pip_process.stdout.readline() self.output_queue.put((1, pipout)) #else check in stderr stream elif file_descrp == self.pip_process.stderr.fileno(): piperr = self.pip_process.stderr.readline() self.output_queue.put((2, piperr)) #Check if process has ended, if process is not completed #then self.pip_process.poll() returns None if self.pip_process.poll() != None: self.output_queue.put((3, self.pip_process.poll())) break #Else if platform is Windows else: #Create two child threads for this alternate process #output thread manages stdout output_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.getoutput) #error thread manages stderr error_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.geterror) #send 'process started' indication with message code : 0 self.output_queue.put((0, 'process_started')) #starts both threads output_thread.start() error_thread.start() #Wait for both threads to complete their execution output_thread.join() error_thread.join() #If both threads are completed, then this alternate process should #end. If execution completed, then if self.pip_process.poll() != None: #Send ending message with process code and message code as 3 self.output_queue.put((3, self.pip_process.poll()))
def create_side_navbar(self): """ Create side navigation bar for providing user with options for selecting different ways of installation """ # Create a navbar frame in which all navbar buttons will lie self.navbar_frame = ttk.Frame( self.container, borderwidth=3, padding=0.5, relief='ridge') self.navbar_frame.grid( row=0, column=0, sticky='nsw', pady=(1,1), padx=(1,1)) # Configure style for navbar frame # Button text pypi_text = "Install From PyPI" local_archive_text = "Install From Local Archive" requirements_text = "Install From Requirements File" pythonlibs_text = "Install From PythonLibs" #alternate_repo_text = "Install From Alternate Repository" # Button style navbar_button_style = ttk.Style() navbar_button_style.configure( 'navbar.TButton', padding=(6, 25) ) self.button_pypi = ttk.Button( self.navbar_frame, text=pypi_text, state='active', style='navbar.TButton', command=lambda : self.show_frame('InstallFromPyPI') ) self.button_pypi.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nwe') self.button_local_archive = ttk.Button( self.navbar_frame, text=local_archive_text, style='navbar.TButton', command=lambda : self.show_frame('InstallFromLocalArchive') ) self.button_local_archive.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nwe') self.button_requirements = ttk.Button( self.navbar_frame, text=requirements_text, style='navbar.TButton', command=lambda : self.show_frame('InstallFromRequirements') ) self.button_requirements.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='nwe') if get_build_platform()=='Windows': self.button_pythonlibs = ttk.Button( self.navbar_frame, text=pythonlibs_text, style='navbar.TButton', command=lambda : self.show_frame('InstallFromPythonlibs') ) self.button_pythonlibs.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='nwe') '''