예제 #1
	def exportAssetCache(self):
		"""docstring for fname"""
		baseDir =  self.fileNameForCache( True )
		#TODO add filename and see best way to detect asset
		exportedAsset = []
		steps = self.steps_spb.value()
		for n in mn.ls( sl = True ):
			baseName = n.name.split( ':' )[0]
			if baseName in exportedAsset:
			a = ass.getAssetFromNode(n, self._selectedProject)
			cacFile = cfl.CacheFile( baseDir + '/' + baseName + '.abc', [n] )
			cacFile.exportAsset( a, False, False, steps )
			exportedAsset.append( baseName )
			if self.copyToServer_chb.isChecked():
				serverFile = cfl.CacheFile( cacFile.path.replace( prj.BASE_PATH, self.serverPath ) )
				cacFile.copy( serverFile.path )
		selShot = self._selectedShot
		if self.sendMail:
			ml.mailFromTool( 'new_cache',
							{ '<ProjectName>': selShot.project.name,
							'<SequenceName>': selShot.sequence.name,
							'<ShotName>': selShot.name,
							'<AssetName>': ','.join( exportedAsset ),
							'<UserName>': os.getenv('username')},
							os.getenv('username') + '@bitt.com',
							self.mailsPath , self.mailServer, self.mailPort  )
예제 #2
def exportCaches( rigs, sho ):
	"""docstring for exportCaches"""
	baseDir = sho.animCachesPath
	exportedAsset = []
	steps = 1.0
	nods = []
	for n in rigs:
		no = mc.ls( n + ':*', s = True, dag = True, ni = True )
		if no:
			nods.append( no[0] )
	nods = mn.Nodes( nods )
	for n in nods:
		baseName = n.name.split( ':' )[0]
		if baseName in exportedAsset:
		a = ass.getAssetFromNode( n, sho.project )
		cacFile = cfl.CacheFile( baseDir + '/' + baseName + '.abc', [n] )
		cacFile.exportAsset( a, False, False, steps )
		exportedAsset.append( baseName )