예제 #1
def convert_graph_prog(request, webargs):
    if (request.method == 'POST' and webargs):
        split_webargs = webargs.split("/")
        link_only = False
        to_email = split_webargs[0]

        if (not check_email(to_email)):
            return HttpResponse("ERROR: Incorrect email address format")

            in_graph_format = split_webargs[1]
            if in_graph_format not in ("graphml", "ncol", "edgelist", "lgl",
                                       "pajek", "graphdb", "numpy", "mat"):
                return HttpResponse("ERROR: Unknown graph input format")

            out_graph_format = list(set(split_webargs[2].split(",")))
            if not out_graph_format:
                return HttpResponse(
                    "ERROR: No output formats to compute provided")

            if len(split_webargs) == 4:
                if split_webargs[3] != "l":
                    return HttpResponse(
                        "ERROR: Final parameter '{0}', expected 'l'".format(
                    link_only = True
            return HttpResponse(
                "ERROR: Error with input graph format OR invariants chosen")

        save_dir, convert_file_save_loc = getworkdirs()
        uploaded_files = writeBodyToDisk(
            request.body, save_dir)  # can only be one file # TODO: Check me

        # Check for zip
        if os.path.splitext(uploaded_files[0])[1].strip() == '.zip':
            unzip(uploaded_files[0], save_dir)
            # Delete zip so its not included in the graphs we uploaded
            uploaded_files = glob(os.path.join(
                save_dir, "*"))  # get the uploaded file names

        task_convert.delay(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, uploaded_files,
                           convert_file_save_loc, in_graph_format,
                           out_graph_format, to_email)

        if link_only:
            return HttpResponse(get_download_path(convert_file_save_loc))

        return HttpResponse("Successful job submission, please " \
                              "await reception & completion emails at {0}".format(to_email))
        return HttpResponse("There was an error! If you believe it " \
                              "is on our end please email: {0}".format(settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL))
예제 #2
def convert_graph_prog(request, webargs):
  if(request.method == 'POST' and webargs):
    split_webargs = webargs.split("/")
    link_only = False
    to_email = split_webargs[0]

    if (not check_email(to_email)):
      return HttpResponse("ERROR: Incorrect email address format")

      in_graph_format = split_webargs[1]
      if in_graph_format not in ("graphml", "ncol", "edgelist", "lgl", "pajek", "graphdb", "numpy", "mat"):
        return HttpResponse("ERROR: Unknown graph input format")

      out_graph_format = list(set(split_webargs[2].split(",")))
      if not out_graph_format: 
        return HttpResponse("ERROR: No output formats to compute provided")

      if len(split_webargs) == 4:
        if split_webargs[3] != "l":
          return HttpResponse("ERROR: Final parameter '{0}', expected 'l'".format(split_webargs[3]))
          link_only = True
      return HttpResponse("ERROR: Error with input graph format OR invariants chosen")

    save_dir, convert_file_save_loc = getworkdirs()
    uploaded_files = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, save_dir)# can only be one file # TODO: Check me

    # Check for zip
    if os.path.splitext(uploaded_files[0])[1].strip() == '.zip':
      unzip(uploaded_files[0], save_dir)
      # Delete zip so its not included in the graphs we uploaded
      uploaded_files = glob(os.path.join(save_dir, "*")) # get the uploaded file names

    task_convert.delay(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, uploaded_files, convert_file_save_loc,
    in_graph_format, out_graph_format, to_email)

    if link_only:
      return HttpResponse(get_download_path(convert_file_save_loc))

    return HttpResponse("Successful job submission, please " \
                          "await reception & completion emails at {0}".format(to_email))
    return HttpResponse("There was an error! If you believe it " \
                          "is on our end please email: {0}".format(settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL))
예제 #3
def convert_graph(request):
    if (request.method == 'POST'):
        form = ConvertForm(request.POST, request.FILES)  # instantiating form
        if form.is_valid():
            upload_fn = form.files['fileObj'].name
            save_dir, convert_file_save_loc = getworkdirs()
            saved_file = os.path.join(save_dir, upload_fn)
            saveFileToDisk(form.files['fileObj'], saved_file)

            # If zip is uploaded
            if os.path.splitext(upload_fn)[1].strip() == '.zip':
                unzip(saved_file, save_dir)
                # Delete zip so its not included in the graphs we uploaded
                uploaded_files = glob(os.path.join(
                    save_dir, "*"))  # get the uploaded file names
                uploaded_files = [saved_file]

            #Browser """
            task_convert.delay(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, uploaded_files,
            request.session['success_msg'] = \
Your job successfully launched. You should receive an email when your job begins and another one when it completes.<br/>
The process may take several hours (dependent on graph size). If your job fails you will receive an email notification as well.<br/>
If you do not see an email in your <i>Inbox</i> check the <i>Spam</i> folder and add <code>[email protected]</code> to your safe list.
        return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix() + 'success')
        form = ConvertForm()  # An empty, unbound form

    # Render the form
    return render_to_response('convertupload.html', {'convertForm': form},
예제 #4
def convert_graph(request):
  if (request.method == 'POST'):
    form = ConvertForm(request.POST, request.FILES) # instantiating form
    if form.is_valid():
      upload_fn = form.files['fileObj'].name
      save_dir, convert_file_save_loc = getworkdirs()
      saved_file = os.path.join(save_dir, upload_fn)
      saveFileToDisk(form.files['fileObj'], saved_file)

      # If zip is uploaded
      if os.path.splitext(upload_fn)[1].strip() == '.zip':
        unzip(saved_file, save_dir)
        # Delete zip so its not included in the graphs we uploaded
        uploaded_files = glob(os.path.join(save_dir, "*")) # get the uploaded file names
        uploaded_files = [saved_file]

      #Browser """
      task_convert.delay(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, uploaded_files, convert_file_save_loc,
      form.cleaned_data['input_format'], form.cleaned_data['output_format'],
      request.session['success_msg'] = \
Your job successfully launched. You should receive an email when your job begins and another one when it completes.<br/>
The process may take several hours (dependent on graph size). If your job fails you will receive an email notification as well.<br/>
If you do not see an email in your <i>Inbox</i> check the <i>Spam</i> folder and add <code>[email protected]</code> to your safe list.
    return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+'success')
    form = ConvertForm() # An empty, unbound form

  # Render the form
  return render_to_response(
      {'convertForm': form},