def apply(self, data, args=None): if args is None or len(args) < 3 or "=" not in args: self.log( "Syntax error in moving zeroizing: The parameter is not in the right format." ) self.log("Correct form example: 'zeroize i=73'") return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) zeroizer_data = None argparts = args.strip().split("=") self.log(str(argparts)) # Get the corresponding quaternion according to the first part of the argument try: if argparts[0] == "i": zeroizer_data = data[int(argparts[1])] self.log("Selected data element: " + str(zeroizer_data)) except Exception as e: self.log( "Error during searching for the zeroizer measurement. Cause: " + str(e)) zeroizer = pq.Quaternion(-1.0 + zeroizer_data.quat_w, zeroizer_data.quat_x, zeroizer_data.quat_y, zeroizer_data.quat_z) self.log("Zeroizer quaternion: " + str(zeroizer)) # Modify each data element with the zeroizer newarr = [] for d in data: newarr.append( IMUData(d.acc_x, d.acc_y, d.acc_z, d.quat_w - zeroizer.w, d.quat_x - zeroizer.x, d.quat_y - zeroizer.y, d.quat_z - zeroizer.z, d.time1, d.time2)) return PipelineReturnValue(0, newarr)
def apply(self, data, args=None): if type(args) is not str: self.log("Wrong input type") return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) if len(args) <= 1 or ":" not in args: self.log("Syntax error") return PipelineReturnValue(2, None) args = args.strip() elements = args.split(":") if len(elements) != 2: self.log("Syntax error") return PipelineReturnValue(2, None) start = None end = None try: if not elements[0] == "": start = int(elements[0]) if not elements[1] == "": end = int(elements[1]) except Exception as e: self.log("The input '" + args + "' cannot be converted to integers. Cause: " + str(e)) return PipelineReturnValue(3, None) self.log("Slicing ~> " + str(start) + " \|/ " + str(end)) return PipelineReturnValue(0, data[start:end])
def apply(self, data, args=None): f = None try: f = open(args, "r") except Exception as e: self.log("Error during opening the file '" + args + "', cause: " + str(e)) return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) temp = f.readlines() filtered = filter( lambda line: re.match(r"^(-?\d+(\.\d+)?\t){7}\d+\t\d+$", line.strip("\r")), temp) data_read = [] for x in filtered: splitted = x.split("\t") data_read.append( IMUData(float(splitted[0]), float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3]), float(splitted[4]), float(splitted[5]), float(splitted[6]), int(splitted[7]), int(splitted[8]))) if len(data_read) <= 0: self.log("No lines match the required format.") return PipelineReturnValue(2, None) self.log("loading was successful.") return (PipelineReturnValue(0, data_read))
def apply(self, data, args=None): # Set parameters to a default value if none was given if args == "": args = "25:20:xyz" if args is None or len(args) < 5: self.log( "Syntax error in AutoHeigthAdjustion: the frame and sample length and the axis selection string are required." ) self.log("Correct form example: 'aha 3:4:xy'") return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) frame = -1 sample_length = 0 try: argarr = args.split(":") frame = int(argarr[0]) sample_length = int(argarr[1]) axes = argarr[2] except Exception as e: self.log("Error during interpreting the parameters. Cause: " + str(e)) return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) if "x" not in axes and "y" not in axes and "z" not in axes: self.log("Wrong input for axis selection. Usage: <[x][y][z]>") self.log("Correct form example: 'aha 3:4:xy'") return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) if sample_length > len(data) or sample_length < 1: self.log("Invalid sample size: " + str(sample_length)) return (2, None) temp = self.mavg_executer.apply(data, str(frame) + ":" + axes).data #sample_length *= -1 #sample_arr = temp[sample_length:] #IMUData array sample_arr = temp[frame:(sample_length + frame)] adjx = acc_x(data) adjy = acc_y(data) adjz = acc_z(data) if "x" in axes: nX = sum(acc_x(sample_arr)) / len(sample_arr) adjx = adjust(nX, adjx) if "y" in axes: nY = sum(acc_y(sample_arr)) / len(sample_arr) adjy = adjust(nY, adjy) if "z" in axes: nZ = sum(acc_z(sample_arr)) / len(sample_arr) adjz = adjust(nZ, adjz) toreturn = [] for i, v in enumerate(data): toreturn.append( IMUData(adjx[i], adjy[i], adjz[i], data[i].quat_w, data[i].quat_x, data[i].quat_y, data[i].quat_z, data[i].time1, data[i].time2)) return PipelineReturnValue(0, toreturn)
def apply(self, data, args=None): wanted_x = wanted_y = wanted_z = 0 try: argarr = args.split(":") if len(argarr) != 3: raise Exception("Wrong number of arguments.") wanted_x = float(argarr[0]) wanted_y = float(argarr[1]) wanted_z = float(argarr[2]) except Exception as e: self.log("Error during SIBHA. Cause: " + str(e)) self.log("Adjusting X axis...") newx = self.sibha(acc_x(data), time1(data), wanted_x) self.log("Adjusting Y axis...") newy = self.sibha(acc_y(data), time1(data), wanted_y) self.log("Adjusting Z axis...") newz = self.sibha(acc_z(data), time1(data), wanted_z) newarr = [] for i, _ in enumerate(data): newarr.append( IMUData(newx[i], newy[i], newz[i], data[i].quat_w, data[i].quat_x, data[i].quat_y, data[i].quat_z, data[i].time1, data[i].time2)) return PipelineReturnValue(0, newarr)
def apply(self, data, args=None): args = args.strip() if args is None or len(args) != 2: self.log( "Syntax error in 2D pos plot: The parameter should contain exactly two from the characters 'x', 'y' and 'z'" ) return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) a1 = self.__get_axis__(data, args[0]) a2 = self.__get_axis__(data, args[1]) plt.scatter(a1, a2) plt.title("Position of the object on the " + args[0] + "-" + args[1] + " plane.") plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') return PipelineReturnValue(0, None)
def apply(self, data, args=None): siz = len(data) dtime = (time1(data)[-1] - time1(data)[0]) / 1000000 #Convert microsec to sec timediff_sum = 0 timediff_max = -1 timediff_min = 100000 t1 = time1(data) t2 = time2(data) for i in range(siz): timediff = t2[i] - t1[i] if timediff < timediff_min: timediff_min = timediff if timediff > timediff_max: timediff_max = timediff timediff_sum += timediff timediff_min /= 1000 timediff_max /= 1000 timediff_sum /= 1000 self.log("Info:") self.log("\tData size: " + str(siz)) self.log("\tTime duration: " + str(dtime) + " s") self.log("\tSample frequency: " + str(siz / dtime) + " Hz") self.log("\tTime1, time2 diff min: " + str(timediff_min) + " ms") self.log("\tTime1, time2 diff max: " + str(timediff_max) + " ms") self.log("\tTime1, time2 diff avg: " + str(timediff_sum / siz) + " ms") self.log("End info.") return PipelineReturnValue(0, data)
def apply(self, data, args=None): plt.plot(ptime(data), pos_x(data), label="PosX") plt.plot(ptime(data), pos_y(data), label="PosY") plt.plot(ptime(data), pos_z(data), label="PosZ") plt.legend(loc="upper left") return PipelineReturnValue(0, None)
def apply(self, data, args=None): print("Acc plot...") plt.plot(time1(data), acc_x(data), label="AccX") plt.plot(time1(data), acc_y(data), label="AccY") plt.plot(time1(data), acc_z(data), label="AccZ") plt.legend(loc="upper left") return PipelineReturnValue(0, None)
def apply(self, data, args=None): print("Quat plot...") plt.plot(time1(data), quat_w(data), label="QuatW") plt.plot(time1(data), quat_x(data), label="QuatX") plt.plot(time1(data), quat_y(data), label="QuatY") plt.plot(time1(data), quat_z(data), label="QuatZ") plt.legend(loc="upper left") return PipelineReturnValue(0, None)
def apply(self, data, args=None): if args is None or len(args) < 3: self.log( "Syntax error in moving average: the frame length and axis enumeration are needed." ) self.log("Correct form example: 'mavg 3:xy'") return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) argarr = args.split(":") if len(argarr) != 2: self.log("Syntax error: Exactly two parameters are needed.") self.log("Correct form example: 'mavg 3:xy'") return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) n = -1 try: argN = argarr[0].strip() n = int(argN) except Exception as e: self.log("Cannot convert the parameter '" + argN + "' to integer.") self.log("Correct form example: 'mavg 3:xy'") return PipelineReturnValue(2, None) if "x" not in argarr[1] and "y" not in argarr[1] and "z" not in argarr[ 1]: self.log("Wrong input for axis selection. Usage: <[x][y][z]>") self.log("Correct form example: 'mavg 3:xy'") return PipelineReturnValue(1, None) outx = acc_x(data) outy = acc_y(data) outz = acc_z(data) if "x" in argarr[1]: outx = moving_average(n, outx) if "y" in argarr[1]: outy = moving_average(n, outy) if "z" in argarr[1]: outz = moving_average(n, outz) outarr = [] for i, v in enumerate(data): outarr.append( IMUData(outx[i], outy[i], outz[i], data[i].quat_w, data[i].quat_x, data[i].quat_y, data[i].quat_z, data[i].time1, data[i].time2)) return PipelineReturnValue(0, outarr)
def apply(self, data, args=None): f = plt.figure() ax = f.gca(projection="3d") ax.plot(pos_x(data), pos_y(data), pos_z(data), label="Position in 3D") ax.legend() ax.set_xlim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_ylim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 1]) return PipelineReturnValue(0, None)
def apply(self, data, args=None): posx = second_integral(acc_x(data), time1(data)) posy = second_integral(acc_y(data), time1(data)) posz = second_integral(acc_z(data), time1(data)) new_data = [] for i, _ in enumerate(posx): new_data.append( PositionData(posx[i], posy[i], posz[i], data[i].time1)) return PipelineReturnValue(0, new_data)
def apply(self, data, args=None): modified = [] for d in data: # Convert the quaternion values to unit #new_quat = pq.Quaternion(d.quat_w, d.quat_x, d.quat_y, d.quat_z).unit new_quat = pq.Quaternion(d.quat_w * self.__quaternion_multiplier, d.quat_x * self.__quaternion_multiplier, d.quat_y * self.__quaternion_multiplier, d.quat_z * self.__quaternion_multiplier).unit modified.append( IMUData(d.acc_x * self.__acceleration_multiplier, d.acc_y * self.__acceleration_multiplier, d.acc_z * self.__acceleration_multiplier, new_quat.w, new_quat.x, new_quat.y, new_quat.z, d.time1, d.time2)) return PipelineReturnValue(0, modified)
def apply(self, data, args=None): new_data = [] for d in data: quat = pq.Quaternion(d.quat_w, d.quat_x, d.quat_y, d.quat_z) new_vec = quat.rotate([d.acc_x, d.acc_y, d.acc_z]) new_data.append( IMUData( new_vec[0], new_vec[1], new_vec[2], 1, 0, 0, 0, # The quaternion now is the same as the non-changing frame of reference d.time1, d.time2)) return PipelineReturnValue(0, new_data)
def apply(self, data, args=None): new_quaternions = [] new_time2s = [data[0].time1] n = 10 for i, v in enumerate(data): if i == 0: new_quaternions.append( pq.Quaternion(v.quat_w, v.quat_x, v.quat_y, v.quat_z)) else: quat_before = pq.Quaternion(data[i - 1].quat_w, data[i - 1].quat_x, data[i - 1].quat_y, data[i - 1].quat_z) quat_current = pq.Quaternion(data[i].quat_w, data[i].quat_x, data[i].quat_y, data[i].quat_z) qtime_before = data[i - 1].time2 qtime_current = data[i].time2 atime_current = data[i].time1 t_diff_sum = qtime_current - qtime_before t_diff = t_diff_sum / n k = 0 while qtime_before + k * t_diff < atime_current: k += 1 qadjusted = list( pq.Quaternion.intermediates(quat_before, quat_current, n))[k] new_quaternions.append(qadjusted) new_time2s.append(qtime_before + k * t_diff) # New quaternions generated, adjust the data new_data = [] for i, v in enumerate(data): qnew = new_quaternions[i] new_data.append( IMUData(v.acc_x, v.acc_y, v.acc_z, qnew.w, qnew.x, qnew.y, qnew.z, v.time1, new_time2s[i])) if data[i].quat_w - new_data[i].quat_w > 0.0001: self.log("Modified quaternion: ") self.log("O: " + str(data[i])) self.log("M: " + str(new_data[i])) return PipelineReturnValue(0, new_data)
def apply(self, data, args=None): vp.scene.width = 500 vp.scene.height = 500 arrow_worldframe_x = vp.arrow(axis=vp.vector(1, 0, 0),, length=2, shaftwidth=0.075) arrow_worldframe_y = vp.arrow(axis=vp.vector(0, 1, 0),, length=2, shaftwidth=0.075) arrow_worldframe_z = vp.arrow(axis=vp.vector(0, 0, 1),, length=2, shaftwidth=0.075) label_wfx = vp.text(text="WX", pos=vp.vector(2.15, -0.1, -0.1), billboard=True, height=0.15) label_wfy = vp.text(text="WY", pos=vp.vector(-0.1, 2.15, -0.1), billboard=True, height=0.15) label_wfz = vp.text(text="WZ", pos=vp.vector(-0.1, -0.1, 2.15), billboard=True, height=0.15) vec_ex = vp.vector(1, 0, 0) vec_ey = vp.vector(0, 1, 0) vec_ez = vp.vector(0, 0, 1) arrow_objframe_x = vp.arrow(axis=vec_ex, color=vp.color.cyan, length=1, shaftwidth=0.1) arrow_objframe_y = vp.arrow(axis=vec_ey, color=vp.color.magenta, length=1, shaftwidth=0.1) arrow_objframe_z = vp.arrow(axis=vec_ez, color=vp.color.yellow, length=1, shaftwidth=0.1) self.log("Starting in 10s...") time.sleep(10) self.log("Starting") counter = 0 for d in data: time.sleep(0.1) self.log("i = " + str(counter) + "; t = " + str(d.time2)) quatcurrent = pq.Quaternion(d.quat_w, d.quat_x, d.quat_y, d.quat_z) rotated_vec_x = self.__quaternion_rotate_vpvector__( vec_ex, quatcurrent) rotated_vec_y = self.__quaternion_rotate_vpvector__( vec_ey, quatcurrent) rotated_vec_z = self.__quaternion_rotate_vpvector__( vec_ez, quatcurrent) arrow_objframe_x.axis = rotated_vec_x arrow_objframe_y.axis = rotated_vec_y arrow_objframe_z.axis = rotated_vec_z counter += 1 return PipelineReturnValue(0, None)