def do_output(segmentPath, globalParams): segmentName = pipeline_commons.extractSegmentNameFromPath(segmentPath) segmentOutputMinimalPath = os.path.join(globalParams.MINIMAL_OUTPUT_PATH, segmentName) segmentOutputFullPath = os.path.join(globalParams.BASE_OUTPUT_PATH, segmentName) if not os.path.exists(segmentOutputMinimalPath): os.makedirs(segmentOutputMinimalPath, exist_ok=True) # PAIRs of: (filename to copy, optional or not) filesToCopyToOutputMin = [ (ReconstructionUtils.FILENAME_CARS_TRAJECTORIES, False), (ReconstructionUtils.FILENAME_PEOPLE_TRAJECTORIES, False), (ReconstructionUtils.FILENAME_CARLA_BBOXES, True), (ReconstructionUtils.FILENAME_COMBINED_CARLA_ENV_POINTCLOUD, False), (ReconstructionUtils.FILENAME_COMBINED_CARLA_ENV_POINTCLOUD_SEGCOLOR, True), (ReconstructionUtils.FILENAME_CENTERING_ENV, False), (ReconstructionUtils.FILENAME_CAMERA_INTRISICS, True) ] for fileToCopy in filesToCopyToOutputMin: optional = fileToCopy[1] filename = fileToCopy[0] srcFullFilePath = os.path.join(segmentOutputFullPath, filename) dstFullFilePath = os.path.join(segmentOutputMinimalPath, filename) if os.path.exists(srcFullFilePath) == False: if optional == False: assert False, ( f"Can't copy filename {filename} because it doesn't exists !" ) else: shutil.copyfile(srcFullFilePath, dstFullFilePath)
def do_3DReconstruction(segmentPath, globalParams): segmentName = pipeline_commons.extractSegmentNameFromPath(segmentPath) folderOutput = os.path.join(globalParams.POINTCLOUD_OUTPUT_BASEFILEPATH, segmentName) class DatasetOptions: def __init__(self): self.dataAlreadyInWorldSpace = True self.framesIndicesCaptured = list( np.arange(int(globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN), int(globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX) + 1) ) # TODO: fix number of frames correctly by reading metadata ! self.LIMIT_FRAME_NUMBER = globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX # How many frames modulo to skip for reconstruction (if needed self.frameSkip = globalParams.FRAMES_SKIP self.numInitialFramesToIgnore = ( globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN - 1 ) # How many frames in the beginning of the scene to ignore options = DatasetOptions() reconstruction, people_rec, cars_rec, scale, ped_dict, cars_2D, people_2D, valid_ids, cars_dict, init_frames, init_frames_cars, heroCarDetails = ReconstructionUtils.reconstruct3D_ply( folderOutput, local_scale_x=globalParams.SCALE_USED_IN_FINAL_RECONSTRUCTION, recalculate=globalParams.FORCE_RECOMPUTE, datasetOptions=options, params=globalParams)
def runSegmentationOps(segmentPath, globalParams): # Step 1: Do segmentation on all # Define base segmentation modelBaseParams such as model and configs segmentName = pipeline_commons.extractSegmentNameFromPath(segmentPath) #print(f"================= Segment {segmentName} ===============") # Setup segmentation for this segment from dataset segmentFiles_InputPath = os.path.join(globalParams.SEG_INPUT_IMAGES_BASEPATH, segmentName, globalParams.SEG_INPUT_IMAGES_RGBFOLDER) segmentFiles_OutputPath = os.path.join(globalParams.SEG_OUTPUT_LABELS_BASEFILEPATH, segmentName, globalParams.SEG_OUTPUT_LABELS_SEGFOLDER) segmentFiles_OutputCompPath = os.path.join(globalParams.SEG_OUTPUTCOMP_LABELS_BASEFILEPATH, segmentName, globalParams.SEG_OUTPUTCOMP_LABELS_RGBFOLDER) modelParams = [] modelParams.extend(["--imgs", segmentFiles_InputPath]) modelParams.extend(["--resourcesFolderPath", globalParams.SEGMENTATION_SETUP_DATA_PATH]) if globalParams.USE_GPU_FOR_SEGMENTATION is not None: modelParams.extend(["--gpu", str(globalParams.USE_GPU_FOR_SEGMENTATION)]) modelConfigPath = os.path.join(globalParams.SEGMENTATION_SETUP_DATA_PATH, "config/ade20k-resnet50dilated-ppm_deepsup.yaml") modelParams.extend(["--cfg", modelConfigPath]) modelDirPath = os.path.join(globalParams.SEGMENTATION_SETUP_DATA_PATH, "ade20k-resnet50dilated-ppm_deepsup") modelCheckPoint = "epoch_20.pth" modelParams.extend(["DIR", modelDirPath]) modelParams.extend(["TEST.checkpoint", modelCheckPoint]) modelParams.extend(["TEST.result", segmentFiles_OutputPath]) modelParams.extend(["TEST.resultComp", segmentFiles_OutputCompPath]) modelParams.extend(["TEST.saveOnlyLabels", '1']) modelParams.extend(["DATASET.scaleFactor", '2.0']) # Create functors and run extraction extractFunctor, decisionFunctor = defineLabelsExtractor(5, globalParams) # 5 images per frame expected SemanticSegSupport.runTestSample(modelParams, extractFunctor, decisionFunctor, globalParams.FORCE_RECOMPUTE) # The output of the above process are the pkl files labels_frameId, a dictionary indexed by camera id (starting from 0) # where each entry contains the segmented labels for that picture in the original image space (height,width) if len(outputDict) != 0: print("Missing frames ", outputDict.keys()) assert False, (f"Incomplete sequence ! some frames are still there") print(f"Summary of inference: numFrames: {numFramesExtracted}")
def do_RGBExtraction(segmentPath, globalParams): segmentName = pipeline_commons.extractSegmentNameFromPath(segmentPath) assert os.path.exists( segmentPath), f'The file you specified {segmentPath} doesn\'t exist !' # 1. Iterate over frame by frame of a segment dataset =, compression_type='') numFrames = 0 for index, data in enumerate(dataset): numFrames += 1 print(f"Num frames in {segmentName}: ", numFrames) allRGBImagesDict = {} for index, data in enumerate(dataset): if (globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN > index) and ( index != 0): # We need first frame reference point !!: continue if globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX < index: break if (index % pipeline_commons.FRAMESINFO_IMGS_DEBUG_RATE == 0): f"Parsing frame {index}/{numFrames}") # Read the frame in bytes frame = open_dataset.Frame() frame.ParseFromString(bytearray(data.numpy())) # Gather and decode all RGB images from this frame to the global store segInputFolder = os.path.join(globalParams.SEG_INPUT_IMAGES_BASEPATH, segmentName, globalParams.SEG_INPUT_IMAGES_RGBFOLDER) gatherImagesFromFrame(frame, index, allRGBImagesDict, segInputFolder, forceRecompute=globalParams.FORCE_RECOMPUTE) saveImagesAsSegmentationInput(allRGBImagesDict, segInputFolder)
def __init__(self): self.dataAlreadyInWorldSpace = True self.framesIndicesCaptured = list( np.arange(int(globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN), int(globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX) + 1) ) # TODO: fix number of frames correctly by reading metadata ! self.LIMIT_FRAME_NUMBER = globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX # How many frames modulo to skip for reconstruction (if needed self.frameSkip = globalParams.FRAMES_SKIP self.numInitialFramesToIgnore = ( globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN - 1 ) # How many frames in the beginning of the scene to ignore options = DatasetOptions() reconstruction, people_rec, cars_rec, scale, ped_dict, cars_2D, people_2D, valid_ids, cars_dict, init_frames, init_frames_cars, heroCarDetails = ReconstructionUtils.reconstruct3D_ply( folderOutput, local_scale_x=globalParams.SCALE_USED_IN_FINAL_RECONSTRUCTION, recalculate=globalParams.FORCE_RECOMPUTE, datasetOptions=options, params=globalParams) if __name__ == "__main__": import pipeline_params pipeline_params.globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN = 0 pipeline_params.globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX = 5 segmentName = pipeline_commons.extractSegmentNameFromPath( pipeline_params.FILENAME_SAMPLE[0]) do_3DReconstruction(segmentName, pipeline_params.globalParams)
def workFunc(workData): allTasksInBatch = workData[0] indicesForThisWorker = workData[1] params = workData[2] stagesToRun = workData[3] id = workData[4] f"Id {id} got task to solve indices {indicesForThisWorker}") forceRecompute = params.FORCE_RECOMPUTE def writeCheckpoint(filenames: str, checkpointType: PipelineStages): with open(filenames[checkpointType], "w") as outputCheckpointHandle: #outputCheckpointHandle.write("") pass def hasCheckpoint(filenames: str, checkpointType: PipelineStages): return os.path.exists(filenames[checkpointType]) for segment_index in indicesForThisWorker: # print("Line {}: {}".format(cnt, segmentPath.strip())) segmentPath = allTasksInBatch[segment_index] f"$$$$$$$$$$$$ Id {id} Processing segment index: {segment_index}, path: {segmentPath} $$$$$$$$$$$$" ) segmentName = pipeline_commons.extractSegmentNameFromPath(segmentPath) outputCheckpointFilePrefix = os.path.join( params.BASE_OUTPUT_PATH, f"{COMPLETED_CHECKPOINT_PREFIXNAME}{segmentName}_") outputCheckpointFileNames = {} for item in PipelineStages: outputCheckpointFileNames[item] = outputCheckpointFilePrefix + str( start_time = time.time() if not isSegmentationTheOnlyStage(stagesToRun): #print("Finding num frames for ", stagesToRun) numFrames = pipeline_commons.getNumFramesInSegmentPath(segmentPath) params.FRAMEINDEX_MAX = min(params.FRAMEINDEX_MAX, numFrames - 1) params.FRAMEINDEX_MIN = max(0, params.FRAMEINDEX_MIN) f"Id {id} In segment index {segment_index} - There are {numFrames} frames. Starting the pipeline process between frames {pipeline_params.globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN}-{pipeline_params.globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX}, recompute: {pipeline_params.globalParams.FORCE_RECOMPUTE}" ) else: f"Id {id} Starting the pipeline process between frames {pipeline_params.globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN}-{pipeline_params.globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX}, recompute: {pipeline_params.globalParams.FORCE_RECOMPUTE}" ) hackEnabled = False if hackEnabled: writeCheckpoint(outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_RGB) if PipelineStages.PIPELINE_RGB in stagesToRun: if forceRecompute == True or not hasCheckpoint( outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_RGB): globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 1: RGB Image extraction") pipeline_extractRGBImages.do_RGBExtraction(segmentPath, params) writeCheckpoint(outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_RGB) else: globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 1: Already done !") if PipelineStages.PIPELINE_SEMANTIC in stagesToRun: if forceRecompute == True or not hasCheckpoint( outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_SEMANTIC): globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 2: Segmentation") pipeline_segmentation.runSegmentationOps(segmentPath, params) writeCheckpoint(outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_SEMANTIC) else: globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 2: Already done !") # time.sleep(10) if PipelineStages.PIPELINE_EXTRACTION in stagesToRun: if forceRecompute == True or not hasCheckpoint( outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_EXTRACTION): globalLogger.log( logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 3: Peoples and vehicle trajectories extraction" ) pipeline_extractPeopleAndCars.do_PeopleAndVehiclesExtraction( segmentPath, params) writeCheckpoint(outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_EXTRACTION) else: globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 3: Already done !") if PipelineStages.PIPELINE_POINTCLOUD in stagesToRun: if forceRecompute == True or not hasCheckpoint( outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_POINTCLOUD): globalLogger.log( logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 4: Point cloud reconstruction. Part 1: for environment" ) pipeline_pointCloudReconstruction.do_PointCloudReconstruction( segmentPath, params, useEnvironmentPoints=True) if params.POINT_CLOUD_FOR_MOTION_FRAMES: globalLogger.log( logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 4: Point cloud reconstruction. Part 2: for motion stuff" ) pipeline_pointCloudReconstruction.do_PointCloudReconstruction( segmentPath, params, useEnvironmentPoints=False) writeCheckpoint(outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_POINTCLOUD) else: globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 4: Already done !") if PipelineStages.PIPELINE_3DRECONSTRUCTION in stagesToRun: if forceRecompute == True or not hasCheckpoint( outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_3DRECONSTRUCTION): globalLogger.log( logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 5: 3D Scene reconstruction") pipeline_3DReconstruction.do_3DReconstruction( segmentPath, params) writeCheckpoint(outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_3DRECONSTRUCTION) else: globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 5: Already done !") if PipelineStages.PIPELINE_OUTPUT in stagesToRun: if forceRecompute == True or not hasCheckpoint( outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_OUTPUT): globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 6: Copy files to output") pipeline_outputProcessing.do_output(segmentPath, params) writeCheckpoint(outputCheckpointFileNames, PipelineStages.PIPELINE_OUTPUT) else: globalLogger.log(logging.INFO, f"Id {id} ##Stage 6: Already done !") end_time = time.time() globalLogger.log( logging.INFO, f"Id {id} $$$ Processing of index {segment_index} finished, time spent {(end_time - start_time)}" ) return 0
def do_PointCloudReconstruction(segmentPath, globalParams, useEnvironmentPoints=True): setupGlobals(globalParams) # These are the transformation from world frame to the reference vehicle frame (first pose of the vehicle in the world) worldToReferencePointTransform = None assert os.path.exists(segmentPath), ( f'The file you specified {segmentPath} doesn\'t exist !') segmentName = pipeline_commons.extractSegmentNameFromPath(segmentPath) segmentedDataPath = os.path.join( globalParams.SEG_OUTPUT_LABELS_BASEFILEPATH, segmentName, globalParams.SEG_OUTPUT_LABELS_SEGFOLDER) # Reset some things that shouldn't be persistent between episodes global DEBUG_origSegLabel_Stats DEBUG_origSegLabel_Stats = {} # 1. Iterate over frame by frame of a segment dataset =, compression_type='') for frameIndex, data in enumerate(dataset): if frameIndex != 0: # We need first frame to get the camera reference point if ( globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN is not None and frameIndex < globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN ) and frameIndex != 0: # We need first frame reference point !! continue if globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX is not None and frameIndex > globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX: break # Check if the files already exists folderOutput = os.path.join( globalParams.POINTCLOUD_OUTPUT_BASEFILEPATH, segmentName) outputFramePath_rgb = os.path.join( folderOutput, ("{0:05d}.ply").format(frameIndex) if useEnvironmentPoints == True else ("{0:05d}_motion.ply").format(frameIndex)) outputFramePath_seg = os.path.join( folderOutput, ("{0:05d}_seg.ply").format(frameIndex) if useEnvironmentPoints == True else ("{0:05d}_motionseg.ply").format(frameIndex)) outputFramePath_segColored = os.path.join( folderOutput, ("{0:05d}_segColor.ply").format(frameIndex) if useEnvironmentPoints == True else ("{0:05d}_motionsegColor.ply").format(frameIndex)) if frameIndex != 0 and globalParams.FORCE_RECOMPUTE == False and \ os.path.exists(outputFramePath_rgb) and \ os.path.exists(outputFramePath_seg) and \ os.path.exists(outputFramePath_segColored): continue if frameIndex % pipeline_commons.FRAMESINFO_IMGS_DEBUG_RATE == 0: f"Extracted point cloud for frames {frameIndex}/{globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX}..." ) # Step 1: Read the frame in bytes # ------------------------------------------- frame = open_dataset.Frame() frame.ParseFromString(bytearray(data.numpy())) # All point cloud data is relative to the car with sensors attached # We can transform to world positions using frame.pose.transform. # But to get coordinates back to the reference frame - WHICH IS THE INITIAL POSITION OF THE CAR - we use the below inverse matrix frame_thisPose = np.reshape( np.array(frame.pose.transform).astype(np.float32), [4, 4]) if frameIndex == 0: worldToReferencePointTransform = np.linalg.inv(frame_thisPose) # ------------------------------------------- # Step 2: Process the frame and get the 3d lidar points and camera projected points from the frame, for each return # ------------------------------------------- points_byreturn, cp_points_byreturn = getPointCloudPointsAndCameraProjections( frame, frame_thisPose, worldToReferencePointTransform, useEnvPoints=useEnvironmentPoints) # ------------------------------------------- # Step 3: iterate over all point cloud data and camera projections and fill a dictionary with each 3D point data # Here we gather all ply data in format: {(x,y,z) : [r g b label]], for all points in the point cloud. # Why dictionary ? Because we might want to discretize from original space to a lower dimensional space so same x,y,z from original data might go into the same chunk # ------------------------------------------- plyDataPoints = {} # Read the RGB images and segmentation labels corresponding for this frame RGB_Data = readRGBDataForFrame(frameIndex, segmentName, globalParams) SEG_Data = readSEGDataForFrame(frameIndex, segmentName, globalParams) # Sort images by key index images = sorted(frame.images, key=lambda i: # For each return for returnIndex in returnsIndicesToUse: # Put together [projected camera data, 3D points] on the same row, convert to tensor cp_points_all_concat = np.concatenate([ cp_points_byreturn[returnIndex], points_byreturn[returnIndex] ], axis=-1) cp_points_all_concat_tensor = tf.constant(cp_points_all_concat) # Compute the distance between lidar points and vehicle frame origin for each 3d point distances_all_tensor = tf.norm( points_byreturn[returnIndex], axis=-1, keepdims=True ) if IS_RANGE_COLOR_ShOWING_ENABLED is True else None # Create a tensor with all projected [projected camera data] and one with 3d points cp_points_all_tensor = tf.constant(cp_points_byreturn[returnIndex], dtype=tf.int32) points_3D_all_tensor = tf.constant(points_byreturn[returnIndex], dtype=tf.float32) # For each camera image index image_projections_indices = [0, 1] for imageProjIndex in image_projections_indices: for image_index in cameraindices_to_use: assert len(images) == len(cameraindices_to_use), ( "looks like you need to add more data in image_projection_indices and see if I didn't do any hacks with it ! Waymo data changed" ) # A mask with True where the camera projection points where on this image index mask = tf.equal( cp_points_all_tensor[..., 0 if imageProjIndex == 0 else 3], images[image_index].name) # Now select only camera projection data and 3D points in vehicle frame associated with this camera index cp_points_all_tensor_camera = tf.cast(tf.gather_nd( cp_points_all_tensor, tf.where(mask)), dtype=tf.float32) points_3D_all_tensor_camera = tf.cast(tf.gather_nd( points_3D_all_tensor, tf.where(mask)), dtype=tf.float32) # Select only the cp points associated with the iterated camera projection index cp_points_all_tensor_camera_byProjIndex = cp_points_all_tensor_camera[...,1:3] if imageProjIndex == 0 \ else cp_points_all_tensor_camera[..., 4:6] # Associate on each row one 3D point with its corresponding image camera projection (this index being iterated on) # We have now on each row: [(x,y,z, camX, camY)] points3D_and_cp = tf.concat([ points_3D_all_tensor_camera, cp_points_all_tensor_camera_byProjIndex ], axis=-1).numpy() # Gather these points in the output dictionary processPoints(points3D_and_cp, plyDataPoints, imageCameraIndex=image_index, rgbData=RGB_Data, segData=SEG_Data, useEnvironmentPoints=useEnvironmentPoints, useRawCarlaSegLabels=False) # Demo showing... if IS_RANGE_COLOR_ShOWING_ENABLED: distances_all_tensor_camera = tf.gather_nd( distances_all_tensor, tf.where(mask)) # Associate on each row, with each x,y in camera space, the distance from vehicle frame to the 3D point lidar projected_points_all_from_raw_data = tf.concat( [cp_points_all_tensor_camera[..., 1:3], distances_all_tensor_camera] if imageProjIndex == 0 else \ [cp_points_all_tensor_camera[..., 4:6], distances_all_tensor_camera], axis=-1).numpy() plot_points_on_image( projected_points_all_from_raw_data, images[image_index], rgba, point_size=5.0) # Add all point cloud points which are not not labeled (not found in a projected camera image) mask = tf.equal( cp_points_all_tensor[..., 0], 0 ) # 0 is the index for unprojected camera point, on first cp index points_3D_all_unprojected_tensor = tf.cast(tf.gather_nd( points_3D_all_tensor, tf.where(mask)), dtype=tf.float32) processPoints(points_3D_all_unprojected_tensor.numpy(), plyDataPoints, imageCameraIndex=NO_CAMERA_INDEX, useRawCarlaSegLabels=False) plyDataPointsFlattened = convertDictPointsToList(plyDataPoints) save_3d_pointcloud_asRGB( plyDataPointsFlattened, outputFramePath_rgb ) # TODO: save one file with test_x.ply, using RGB values, another one test_x_seg.ply using segmented data. save_3d_pointcloud_asSegLabel(plyDataPointsFlattened, outputFramePath_seg) save_3d_pointcloud_asSegColored(plyDataPointsFlattened, outputFramePath_segColored) onFrameProcessedEnd(globalParams)
def do_PeopleAndVehiclesExtraction(segmentPath, globalParams): # 1. Iterate over frame by frame of a segment dataset =, compression_type='') lidarLabels = None pedestrians_data = {} vehicle_data = {} useGlobalPoseTransform = True worldToReferencePointTransform = None for frameIndex, data in enumerate(dataset): if (globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MIN > frameIndex ) and frameIndex != 0: # We need first frame reference point !!: continue if globalParams.FRAMEINDEX_MAX < frameIndex: break # Read the frame in bytes frame = open_dataset.Frame() frame.ParseFromString(bytearray(data.numpy())) lidarLabels = frame.laser_labels # All cars and pedestrians are relative to the car with sensors attached # We can transform to world positions using frame.pose.transform. # But to get coordinates back to the reference frame - WHICH IS THE INITIAL POSITION OF THE CAR - we use the below inverse matrix frame_thisPose = np.reshape( np.array(frame.pose.transform).astype(np.float32), [4, 4]) if frameIndex == 0: worldToReferencePointTransform = np.linalg.inv(frame_thisPose) #print(f'There are {len(lidarLabels)} lidar labels') # Transform all boxes for this frame to the global world coordinates and retain minMax points from each allBoxes = [None] * len(lidarLabels) for entityIndex, label in enumerate(lidarLabels): box = allBoxes[entityIndex] = [ box.center_x, box.center_y, box.center_z, box.length, box.width, box.height, box.heading ] allBoxesMinMax = get_min_max_3d_box_corners( allBoxes, vehicleToWorldTransform=frame_thisPose, worldToReferencePointTransform=worldToReferencePointTransform, useGlobalPoseTransform=useGlobalPoseTransform) assert allBoxesMinMax.shape[1] == 3 and allBoxesMinMax.shape[ 2] == 2, 'Incorrect format of data' # Write info for this frame if pedestrians_data.get(frameIndex) == None: pedestrians_data[frameIndex] = {} if vehicle_data.get(frameIndex) == None: vehicle_data[frameIndex] = {} for entityIndex, label in enumerate(lidarLabels): if label.type != label.TYPE_VEHICLE and label.type != label.TYPE_CYCLIST and label.type != label.TYPE_PEDESTRIAN: continue boxMinMax = allBoxesMinMax[entityIndex] isVehicle = label.type == label.TYPE_VEHICLE or label.type == label.TYPE_CYCLIST isPedestrian = label.type == label.TYPE_PEDESTRIAN targetOutputDict = vehicle_data[ frameIndex] if isVehicle else pedestrians_data[frameIndex] assert targetOutputDict.get( is None, "This entity Id is already in the set !!" targetOutputDict[] = {"BBMinMax": boxMinMax} #break #print("Vehicles...\n", vehicle_data) #print("Pedestrians...\n", pedestrians_data) # Save people.p and cars.p segmentName = pipeline_commons.extractSegmentNameFromPath(segmentPath) segmentFiles_OutputPath = os.path.join( globalParams.MOTION_OUTPUT_BASEFILEPATH, segmentName) filepathsAndDictionaries = { 'pedestrians': (pedestrians_data, os.path.join(segmentFiles_OutputPath, "people.p")), 'cars': (vehicle_data, os.path.join(segmentFiles_OutputPath, "cars.p")) } for key, value in filepathsAndDictionaries.items(): dataObj = value[0] filePath = value[1] with open(filePath, mode="wb") as fileObj: pickle.dump( dataObj, fileObj, protocol=2 ) # Protocol 2 because seems to be compatible between 2.x and 3.x !