예제 #1
 def __makeEncryptionBlock(self, blocktype, data):
     padsize = self.keylen - 3 - len(data)
     if blocktype == self.__PRIVATE:
         ps = chr(0xFF) * padsize
     elif blocktype == self.__PUBLIC:
         ps = cryptrand.random(padsize)
         while "\000" in ps:
             clean = string.join(string.split(ps, "\000"), "")
             clean = clean + cryptrand.random(padsize - len(clean))
         # PKCS #1 defines a second blocktype for private (0), but
         # discourages its use
         raise ValueError, "unsupported block type %d" % blocktype
     return chr(0) + chr(blocktype) + ps + chr(0) + data
예제 #2
    def createKey(self, password, label=''):
        """Create a key from the password and optional label

        Return value is a tuple containing:
        salt, iteration count, hash name, and key
        if label or self.labels:
            if not label in self.labels:
                raise ValueError, "invalid label"
        salt = label + cryptrand.random(self.saltlen)
        return self._makeKey(password, salt)
예제 #3
def encryptWithPassword(object, pw, bogus=None):
    """Will create a PasswordEncrypted object

    This function makes a bunch of choices for you, e.g. hash and
    cipher.  You'll need to roll your own code if you want to do
    something else.
    from Crypto.Cipher import DES3

    kdf = pwcrypt.KeyDerivationFactory(16, 8) # 16-byte key, 8-byte salt
    salt, iters, hash, key = kdf.createKey(pw)
    iv = cryptrand.random(8)
    cipher = DES3.new(key, DES3.CBC, iv)
    ct = cipher.encrypt(pad(object.sexp().encode_canonical()))
    c = _3desCipher('CBC', iv, ct)
    k = Pbes2Hmac(salt, str(iters), hash, str(len(key)))
    return PasswordEncrypted(object.sexp()[0], # it's name,
                             k, c, (bogus is None and None or "bogus"))
예제 #4
def newRandom(size):
    t = int(time.time())
    randBuf = cryptrand.random(size)
    return Random(t, randBuf)
예제 #5
def newServerHello():
    return ServerHello('0', newRandom(ServerHello.RANDOM_SIZE),