def testLoadedCallback(self): def loaded(project, timeline, mainloop, result): result[0] = True mainloop.quit() def quit(mainloop): mainloop.quit() # Create a blank project and save it. project = Project("noname") result = [False] project.connect("loaded", loaded, self.mainloop, result) self.assertTrue(project.createTimeline()) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, quit, self.mainloop) self.assertTrue(result[0], "Blank project creation failed to trigger signal: loaded") # Load the blank project and make sure "loaded" is triggered. unused, xges_path = tempfile.mkstemp() uri = "file://%s" % xges_path try:, uri, None, overwrite=True) project2 = Project(uri=uri) self.assertTrue(project2.createTimeline()) result = [False] project2.connect("loaded", loaded, self.mainloop, result) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, quit, self.mainloop) self.assertTrue(result[0], "Blank project loading failed to trigger signal: loaded") finally: os.remove(xges_path)
def testAssetAddingRemovingAdding(self): def loaded(project, timeline, mainloop, result, uris): result[0] = True project.addUris(uris) def added(project, mainloop, result, uris): result[1] = True assets = project.list_assets(GES.UriClip) asset = assets[0] project.remove_asset(asset) GLib.idle_add(readd, mainloop, result, uris) def readd(mainloop, result, uris): project.addUris(uris) result[2] = True mainloop.quit() def quit(mainloop): mainloop.quit() # Create a blank project and save it. project = Project("noname") result = [False, False, False] uris = ["file://%s/samples/tears of steel.webm" % os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))] project.connect("loaded", loaded, self.mainloop, result, uris) project.connect("done-importing", added, self.mainloop, result, uris) self.assertTrue(project.createTimeline()) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, quit, self.mainloop) self.assertTrue(result[0], "Project creation failed to trigger signal: loaded") self.assertTrue(result[1], "Asset add failed to trigger signal: done-importing") self.assertTrue(result[2], "Asset re-adding failed")