예제 #1
def shadowing(C, coords, color="r", n=5, dx=1.0, dy=1.0, n_refinements=2):
    Shadows around a set of "coords" onto a canvas.
    Used for eye liner or eye shadow.

    n: number of times to diffuse the glow outwards (succesive applications)
    dx, dy: Glow in the x and y directions
    color: shadow color
    n_refinements: Number of times to smooth the points

    # Smooth the coordinates a bit if requested
    coords = chaikins_corner_cutting(coords, refinements=n_refinements)

    ex, ey = zip(*coords)

    # Scale glow based of the extent in the x direction
    box_extent = coords.max(axis=0) - coords.min(axis=0)
    x_extent = box_extent[0]
    ratio = box_extent[0] / box_extent[1]

    dx *= x_extent
    dy *= x_extent / ratio

    # Make a copy of the image with a transparent mask
    C2 = C.copy()
    C2.alpha = 255

    # 'Glow' around the mask
    mask = ph.polyline(ex, ey, is_filled=1, color=color)
    C2 += ph.filters.glow(mask, glow_x=dx, glow_y=dy, n=n)

    # Erase the mask
    C2 += ph.polyline(ex, ey, is_filled=1, color=[0, 0, 0, 0])

    # Overlay the glow
    C += C2

    return C
예제 #2
 def polyline_test(self):
     C = Canvas()
     C += polyline()
     assert_true(C._img.sum() > 0)
예제 #3
# A working file to test various aspects of the module
import numpy as np
import pixelhouse as ph

pal = ph.palette(4)

C = ph.Canvas(width=400, height=400, bg=pal[0])
C = ph.Animation(width=400, height=400, bg=pal[0])

C += ph.circle(x=1, y=-0.5, r=2, color=pal[1])
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)

with C.layer() as CX:
    CX += ph.polyline(color="k")
    CX += ph.transform.rotate(theta)
    CX += ph.filters.gaussian_blur(0.25, theta / 6)

C += ph.circle(x=-1, r=1.0)

예제 #4
 def polyline_gradient_test(self):
     g = ph.gradient.linear("r", "g")
     canvas = ph.Canvas()
     canvas += ph.polyline(gradient=g)
예제 #5
 def polyFill_test(self):
     self.canvas += ph.polyline(is_filled=1)
예제 #6
 def polyline_test(self):
     self.canvas += ph.polyline()