예제 #1
    def get_blocks(self):
        self.m_count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, self.m_blocks)

        # If negative blocks, something went wrong
        if self.m_count < 0:
            print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % self.m_count
        if self.m_count == 0:
            print "Detected no blocks"
            return None

        # package per signature
        i = 0
        blockmap = {}
        for block in self.m_blocks:
            if ignore(block):
            if block.signature not in blockmap:
                blockmap[block.signature] = []
            if i >= self.m_count:
            i += 1
        return blockmap
예제 #2
def setup():
    One time setup. Inialize pixy and set sigint handler
    global blocks
    pixy_init_status = pixy.pixy_init()
    if pixy_init_status != 0:
        print 'Error: pixy_init() [%d] ' % pixy_init_status
        print "Pixy setup OK"
    blocks = pixy.BlockArray(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_SIGINT)
예제 #3
def setup():
    One time setup. Inialize pixy and set sigint handler
    pixy_init_status = pixy.pixy_init()
    if pixy_init_status != 0:
        print 'Error: pixy_init() [%d] ' % pixy_init_status
        print "Pixy setup OK"
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_SIGINT)
    pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS)

    if chatty:
        sayNow("I may not be the fastest but I have style")
        #say("SLEEP 2")
예제 #4
def loop():
    Main loop, Gets blocks from pixy, analyzes target location,
    chooses action for robot and sends instruction to motors
    global blocks, throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError, panError_prev, distError_prev
    currentTime = datetime.now()
    # If no new blocks, don't do anything
    while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag:
    count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks)
    # If negative blocks, something went wrong
    if count < 0:
        print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % count
    # if more than one block
    # Check which the largest block's signature and either do target chasing or
    # line following
    if count > 0:
        lastTime = currentTime
        print lastTime

    #print block
    numBlocks = 0
    print "new loop!"	
    greenBlocks = []
    sideLane = []

    for idx in range(count):
        block_ = blocks[idx]
        #print block_.signature
        if block_.signature == 3 :
            #print "X: " + str(block_.x) + " Y: " + str(block_.y) + " width: " + str(block_.width) + " height: " + str(block_.height) + " area: " + str(block_.height*block_.width)

        elif block_.signature == 1 or block_.signature == 2:

    	max_area = 0
    	area_idx = 0  
    if greenBlocks <> []:
        # let's first get the biggest first

		furthest_idx = 0
		furthest = 600
		gb_idx = 0
		averageX = 0
		for gb in greenBlocks:
			block_area = gb.height*gb.width
			if block_area > max_area:
				max_area = block_area
				area_idx = gb_idx 

			if gb.y < furthest :
				furthest_idx = gb_idx
				furthest = gb.y
			averageX = averageX + gb.x 
			gb_idx = gb_idx + 1 
		averageX = averageX / gb_idx
		#averageX = averageX + greenBlocks[area_idx].x / (gb_idx+1) # average weighted (a bit) w/ closest block

  		print "green block n# " + str(gb_idx) + ", X pos is " +  str(greenBlocks[area_idx].x) + ", averageX is " + str(averageX)

		#furthest_block = greenBlocks[furthest_idx] 
		#closest_block = greenBlocks[area_idx]

    elif sideLane <> []:
		sl_idx = 0
		for sl in sideLane:
	    		sidelane_area = sl.height*sl.width
	    		if sidelane_area > max_area:
				max_area = sidelane_area
				area_idx = sl_idx 
		averageX = abs(319-sideLane[area_idx].x)
		closest_block = sideLane[area_idx]            
		print "side lane n# " + str(area_idx) + ", X pos is " +  str(sideLane[area_idx].x) + ", averageX is " + str(averageX)
    else :
    		averageX = 50
    		print "no blocks, averageX is " + str(averageX)
    singleObjTrack = 0 
    #target_block  = closest_block
    		averageX = 50
예제 #5
파일: brunito.py 프로젝트: eschbachc/pixy
def loop():
    Main loop, Gets blocks from pixy, analyzes target location,
    chooses action for robot and sends instruction to motors
    global blocks, throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError, panError_prev, distError_prev
    currentTime = datetime.now()
    # If no new blocks, don't do anything
    while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag:
    count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks)
    # If negative blocks, something went wrong
    if count < 0:
        print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % count
    # if more than one block
    # Check which the largest block's signature and either do target chasing or
    # line following
    if count > 0:
        lastTime = currentTime
        print lastTime

    #print block
    numBlocks = 0
    print "new loop!"	
    greenBlocks = []
    for idx in range(count):
        block_ = blocks[idx]
        #print block_.signature
        if block_.signature == 3 :
            #print "X: " + str(block_.x) + " Y: " + str(block_.y) + " width: " + str(block_.width) + " height: " + str(block_.height) + " area: " + str(block_.height*block_.width)
    # let's first get the biggest first
    max_area = 0
    area_idx = 0
    furthest_idx = 0
    furthest = 600
    gb_idx = 0
    averageX = 0
    for gb in greenBlocks:
        block_area = gb.height*gb.width
        if block_area > max_area:
            max_area = block_area
            area_idx = gb_idx 

        if gb.y < furthest :
            furthest_idx = gb_idx
            furthest = gb.y
        averageX = averageX + gb.x 
        gb_idx = gb_idx + 1  

    if gb_idx > 0 : # we don't have green blocks
            averageX = averageX / gb_idx

            #print gb_idx
            #print greenBlocks[area_idx].x
            furthest_block = greenBlocks[furthest_idx] 
            closest_block = greenBlocks[area_idx]

            singleObjTrack = 0 

            # we select which object to track
            target_block = closest_block 
        #    target_block = furthest_block
            if singleObjTrack == 1:
                panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - target_block.x
                objectDist = refSize1 / (2 * math.tan(math.radians(target_block.width * pix2ang_factor)))
            else :
                #panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - averageX
                LPError_x.calculate(PIXY_X_CENTER - averageX)
                panError = LPError_x.currentValue
                objectDist = refSize1 / (2 * math.tan(math.radians(target_block.width * pix2ang_factor)))
            throttle = 0.3
            diffDrive = 1.5* diffGain * abs(float(panError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER
            #diffDrive = 0.6    
            #distError = objectDist - targetDist
            #advance = driveGain * float(distError) / refDist
            advance = 1

            print "panError: " + str(panError) + " objectDist: " + str(objectDist) + " diffDrive: " + str(diffDrive)
            #print objectDist

            # Update pixy's pan position
            #pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos)

            # if Pixy sees nothing recognizable, don't move.
            time_difference = currentTime - lastTime
            if time_difference.total_seconds() >= timeout:
                throttle = 0.0
                diffDrive = 1

            print "throttle is " + str(throttle)

            # this is turning to left
            print "panLoop.m_pos: " + str(panLoop.m_pos)
            if panLoop.m_pos > PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS:
                # should be still int32_t
                turnError = panLoop.m_pos - PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS
                # <0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented
                bias = - float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
            # this is turning to right
            elif panLoop.m_pos < PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS:
                # should be still int32_t
                turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos
                # >0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented
                bias = float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
            elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime 
            if elapsedTime.secs > waiTime:
            else :
                # we only adjust the beginning
                pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos)

    else: # no green blocks

    return run_flag
예제 #6
def loop():
    Main loop, Gets blocks from pixy, analyzes target location,
    chooses action for robot and sends instruction to motors
    global blocks, throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError_prev, distError_prev
    currentTime = datetime.now()
    # If no new blocks, don't do anything
    while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag:
    count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks)
    # If negative blocks, something went wrong
    if count < 0:
        print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % count
    # if more than one block
    # Check which the largest block's signature and either do target chasing or
    # line following
    if count > 0:
        lastTime = currentTime
        # if the largest block is the object to pursue, then prioritize this behavior
        if blocks[0].signature == 1:
            panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - blocks[0].x
            objectDist = refSize1 / (
                2 * math.tan(math.radians(blocks[0].width * pix2ang_factor)))
            throttle = 0.5
            # amount of steering depends on how much deviation is there
            diffDrive = diffGain * abs(float(panError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER
            distError = objectDist - targetDist
            # this is in float format with sign indicating advancing or retreating
            advance = driveGain * float(distError) / refDist
        # if Pixy sees a guideline, perform line following algorithm
        elif blocks[0].signature == 2:
            panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - blocks[0].x
            throttle = 1.0
            diffDrive = 0.6
            # amount of steering depends on how much deviation is there
            # diffDrive = diffGain * abs(float(turnError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER
            # use full available throttle for charging forward
            advance = 1
        # if none of the blocks make sense, just pause
        # else:
        #    panError = 0
        #    throttle = 0.0
        #    diffDrive = 1
    # Update pixy's pan position
    pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos)

    # if Pixy sees nothing recognizable, don't move.
    time_difference = currentTime - lastTime
    if time_difference.total_seconds() >= timeout:
        throttle = 0.0
        diffDrive = 1

    # this is turning to left
    if panLoop.m_pos > PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS:
        # should be still int32_t
        turnError = panLoop.m_pos - PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS
        # <0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented
        bias = -float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
    # this is turning to right
    elif panLoop.m_pos < PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS:
        # should be still int32_t
        turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos
        # >0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented
        bias = float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
    return run_flag
예제 #7
def loop():
    Main loop, Gets blocks from pixy, analyzes target location,
    chooses action for robot and sends instruction to motors
    global blocks, throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError, panError_prev, distError_prev
    currentTime = datetime.now()
    # If no new blocks, don't do anything
    while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag:
    count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks)
    # If negative blocks, something went wrong
    if count < 0:
        print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % count
    # if more than one block
    # Check which the largest block's signature and either do target chasing or
    # line following
    if count > 0:
        lastTime = currentTime
        print lastTime

    #print block
    numBlocks = 0
    print "new loop!"
    greenBlocks = []
    for idx in range(count):
        block_ = blocks[idx]
        #print block_.signature
        if block_.signature == 3:
            #print "X: " + str(block_.x) + " Y: " + str(block_.y) + " width: " + str(block_.width) + " height: " + str(block_.height) + " area: " + str(block_.height*block_.width)

    # let's first get the biggest first
    max_area = 0
    area_idx = 0
    furthest_idx = 0
    furthest = 600
    gb_idx = 0
    averageX = 0
    for gb in greenBlocks:

        block_area = gb.height * gb.width
        if block_area > max_area:
            max_area = block_area
            area_idx = gb_idx

        if gb.y < furthest:
            furthest_idx = gb_idx
            furthest = gb.y

        averageX = averageX + gb.x
        gb_idx = gb_idx + 1

    if gb_idx > 0:  # we don't have green blocks

        averageX = averageX / gb_idx

        #print gb_idx
        #print greenBlocks[area_idx].x

        furthest_block = greenBlocks[furthest_idx]
        closest_block = greenBlocks[area_idx]

        singleObjTrack = 0

        # we select which object to track
        target_block = closest_block
        #    target_block = furthest_block
        if singleObjTrack == 1:
            panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - target_block.x
            objectDist = refSize1 / (2 * math.tan(
                math.radians(target_block.width * pix2ang_factor)))
            panErrorRaw = PIXY_X_CENTER - averageX
            LPError_x.calculate(PIXY_X_CENTER - averageX)

            panError = LPError_x.currentValue
            objectDist = refSize1 / (2 * math.tan(
                math.radians(target_block.width * pix2ang_factor)))
        throttle = 0.3
        diffDrive = 1.5 * diffGain * abs(float(panError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER
        #diffDrive = 0.6
        #distError = objectDist - targetDist
        #advance = driveGain * float(distError) / refDist
        advance = 1

        print "panError: " + str(panError) + " objectDist: " + str(
            objectDist) + " diffDrive: " + str(diffDrive)
        #print objectDist

        # Update pixy's pan position
        #pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos)

        # if Pixy sees nothing recognizable, don't move.
        time_difference = currentTime - lastTime
        if time_difference.total_seconds() >= timeout:
            throttle = 0.0
            diffDrive = 1

        print "throttle is " + str(throttle)

        drive_original = False

        elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime
        if elapsedTime.seconds > waitTime:

            advance = 1
            if drive_original == True:
                # this is turning to left
                # print "panLoop.m_pos: " + str(panLoop.m_pos)
                if panLoop.m_pos > PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS:
                    # should be still int32_t
                    turnError = panLoop.m_pos - PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS
                    # <0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented
                    bias = -float(turnError) / float(
                        PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
                # this is turning to right
                elif panLoop.m_pos < PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS:
                    # should be still int32_t
                    turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos
                    # >0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented
                    bias = float(turnError) / float(
                        PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
            else:  # we use our new way

                turnError = Grad_x.uOut
                h_pgain = 1  # for now we don't do anything
                bias = float(turnError) * h_pgain
            # we only adjust the beginning
            advance = 0
            pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos)


    else:  # no green blocks

    return run_flag
예제 #8
def loop():
    Main loop, Gets blocks from pixy, analyzes target location,
    chooses action for robot and sends instruction to motors
    global blocks, throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError_prev, distError_prev
    currentTime = datetime.now()
    # If no new blocks, don't do anything
    while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag:
    count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks)
    # If negative blocks, something went wrong
    if count < 0:
        print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % count
    # if more than one block
    # Check which the largest block's signature and either do target chasing or
    # line following
    if count > 0:
        lastTime = currentTime
        # if the largest block is the object to pursue, then prioritize this behavior
        if blocks[0].signature == 1:
            panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - blocks[0].x
            objectDist = refSize1 / (2 * math.tan(math.radians(blocks[0].width * pix2ang_factor)))
            throttle = 0.5
            # amount of steering depends on how much deviation is there
            diffDrive = diffGain * abs(float(panError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER
            distError = objectDist - targetDist
            # this is in float format with sign indicating advancing or retreating
            advance = driveGain * float(distError) / refDist
        # if Pixy sees a guideline, perform line following algorithm
        elif blocks[0].signature == 2:
            panError = PIXY_X_CENTER-blocks[0].x
            throttle = 1.0
            diffDrive = 0.6
            # amount of steering depends on how much deviation is there
            # diffDrive = diffGain * abs(float(turnError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER
            # use full available throttle for charging forward
            advance = 1            
        # if none of the blocks make sense, just pause
        # else:
        #    panError = 0
        #    throttle = 0.0
        #    diffDrive = 1
    # Update pixy's pan position
    pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos)

    # if Pixy sees nothing recognizable, don't move.
    time_difference = currentTime - lastTime
    if time_difference.total_seconds() >= timeout:
        throttle = 0.0
        diffDrive = 1

    # this is turning to left
    if panLoop.m_pos > PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS:
        # should be still int32_t
        turnError = panLoop.m_pos - PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS
        # <0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented
        bias = - float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
    # this is turning to right
    elif panLoop.m_pos < PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS:
        # should be still int32_t
        turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos
        # >0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented
        bias = float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
    return run_flag
예제 #9
def loop():
        global blocks, throttle, diffGain, bias, currentTime, lastTime
	# TODO python equivilant?
	currentTime = datetime.now()
	while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag:
	count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks)
	if count < 0:
              print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % count
	if count > 0:
                lastTime = currentTime
		# if the largest block is the object to pursue, then prioritize this behavior
		if (blocks[0].signature == 1):
			panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - blocks[0].x
			tiltError = blocks[0].y - PIXY_Y_CENTER
			# the target is far and we must advance
			if (blocks[0].width < targetSize):
				# charge forward
				throttle = 100  # charge forward
				distError = targetSize - blocks[0].width
				# this is in float format
				diffGain = 1 - driveGain * float(distError) / targetSize

			# the target is too close and we must back off
			elif (blocks[0].width > targetSize):
				# retreat
				throttle = -100
				distError = blocks[0].width - targetSize
				# this is in float format
				diffGain = 1 - float(distError) / targetSize

		# this is line following algorithm
		elif (blocks[0].signature == 2):
			panError = PIXY_X_CENTER-blocks[0].x
			tiltError = blocks[0].y-PIXY_Y_CENTER
			# charge forward
			throttle = 100
			diffGain = 0.3
		# if none of the blocks make sense, just pause
			panError = 0
			tiltError = 0
			throttle = 0
			diffGain = 1


	set_position_result = pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos)
	set_position_result = pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_TILT_CHANNEL, tiltLoop.m_pos)	

    # TODO implement this?
	# if Pixy sees nothing recognizable, don't move.
	time_difference = currentTime - lastTime
	if (time_difference.total_seconds() >= timeout) :
                print time_difference.total_seconds(), timeout
		throttle = 0
		diffGain = 1

	# this is turning to left
	if (panLoop.m_pos > PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) : 
		# should be still int32_t
		turnError = panLoop.m_pos - PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS 
		# <0.5 is turning left 
		bias = - float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
	# this is turning to right
	elif (panLoop.m_pos < PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS):
		# should be still int32_t
		turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos 
		# <0.5 is turning left 
		bias = float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain
	return run_flag