예제 #1
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: hnk/pjuu
def create_app(config_filename="settings.py", config_dict=None):
    """Creates a Pjuu WSGI application with the passed in config_filename.

    ``config_filename`` should be a Python file as per the default. To
    create one simply copy the settings.py file and change the settings
    to suit yourself

    ``settings_dict`` can be used to override any settings inside
    ``config_filename``. This is useful for testing. See run_tests.py for an

    # Pylint has suggested I don't set config_dict to a empty dict, we now have
    # to check if it is None and then assign an empty dict
    if config_dict is None:  # pragma: no cover
        config_dict = {}

    # Create application
    app = Flask(__name__)

    # Load configuration from the Python file passed as config_filename
    # Override the settings from config_filename, even add new ones :)
    # This is useful for testing, we use it for Travis-CI, see run_tests.py

    # You can also set an environment variable called PJUU_SETTINGS this will
    # override all other Settings applied to Pjuu so long as you define them
    app.config.from_envvar("PJUU_SETTINGS", silent=True)

    # Sentry logger
    # We now only use Sentry for logging all our in application errors
    # We do not need it if debug is True as we expect there could be errors
    # and we get full visibility.
    if not app.debug:  # pragma: no cover

    # Initialize the PyMongo client

    # This is the _MAIN_ redis client. ONLY STORE DATA HERE

    # Create Flask-Mail

    # Create the Redis session interface
    redis_sessions.init_app(app, "SESSION_REDIS")

    # Set session handler to Redis
    app.session_interface = RedisSessionInterface(redis=redis_sessions)

    # Static URLs will have an mtime appended as a query string as cache buster
    def cache_buster(endpoint, values):
        if "static" == endpoint or ".static" == endpoint[-7:]:
            filename = values.get("filename", None)
            if filename:
                static_folder = app.static_folder

                param_name = "h"
                while param_name in values:
                    # Doesn't need coverage. Simple stops the param_name 'h'
                    # colliding with any future param
                    param_name = "_" + param_name  # pragma: no cover

                # Get the mtime of the file
                values[param_name] = int(os.stat(os.path.join(static_folder, filename)).st_mtime)

    # Register error handlers
    from pjuu.lib.errors import register_errors


    with app.app_context():
        # Import all Pjuu stuffs
        # Load the blueprints
        from pjuu.auth.views import auth_bp

        from pjuu.posts.views import posts_bp

        from pjuu.users.views import users_bp

        from lib.dashboard import dashboard_bp

        from lib.pages import pages_bp


    # Return a nice shiny new Pjuu WSGI application :)
    return app
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: pjuu/pjuu
def create_app(config_dict=None):
    """Creates a Pjuu WSGI application with the passed in config_filename.

    ``config_filename`` should be a Python file as per the default. To
    create one simply copy the settings.py file and change the settings
    to suit yourself

    ``settings_dict`` can be used to override any settings inside
    ``config_filename``. This is useful for testing. See run_tests.py for an
    # Create application
    app = Flask(__name__)

    # Load the configuration from the previously created Config object

    # Override the settings, even add new ones :)
    # This is useful for testing, we use it for Travis-CI, see run_tests.py
    # Pylint has suggested I don't set config_dict to a empty dict, we now have
    # to check if it is None and then assign an empty dict
    if config_dict is not None:  # pragma: no cover

    # OpBeat
    # We use OpBeat in production to log errors and performance of the code.
    # We do not need it if debug is True as we expect there could be errors
    # and we get full visibility.
    if not app.debug:  # pragma: no cover

    # Configure Celery

    TaskBase = celery.Task

    class ContextTask(TaskBase):
        abstract = True

        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            with app.app_context():
                return TaskBase.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    celery.Task = ContextTask

    # Initialize the PyMongo client

    # This is the _MAIN_ redis client. ONLY STORE DATA HERE

    # Create Flask-Mail

    # Create the Redis session interface
    redis_sessions.init_app(app, 'SESSION_REDIS')

    # Initialize CSRF protection

    # Set session handler to Redis
    app.session_interface = RedisSessionInterface(redis=redis_sessions)

    # Generic handles
    def gather_time():
        """This is used to measure the request time for each page"""
        if app.debug and not app.testing:  # pragma: no cover
            if request.endpoint != 'static':
                g.start_time = timestamp()

    def display_time(response):
        """This is will write the time to the console in DEBUG mode"""
        if app.debug and not app.testing:  # pragma: no cover
            if request.endpoint != 'static':
                print request.path, request.endpoint, \
                    str((timestamp() - g.start_time) * 100) + 'ms'
        return response

    def cache_buster(endpoint, values):
        """Static URLs will have an mtime appended as a query string"""
        if 'static' == endpoint or '.static' == endpoint[-7:]:
            filename = values.get('filename', None)
            if filename:  # pragma: no branch
                static_folder = app.static_folder

                param_name = 'h'
                while param_name in values:
                    # Doesn't need coverage. Simple stops the param_name 'h'
                    # colliding with any future param
                    param_name = '_' + param_name  # pragma: no cover

                # Get the mtime of the file
                values[param_name] = int(os.stat(
                    os.path.join(static_folder, filename)).st_mtime)

    if not app.debug or (app.debug and app.testing):  # pragma: no branch
        # Register error handlers
        from pjuu.lib.errors import register_errors

    # Import all Pjuu blue prints
    from pjuu.auth.views import auth_bp
    from pjuu.posts.views import posts_bp
    from pjuu.users.views import users_bp
    from pjuu.lib.dashboard import dashboard_bp
    from pjuu.lib.pages import pages_bp

    # Return a nice shiny new Pjuu WSGI application :)
    return app
예제 #3
def create_app(config_filename='settings.py', config_dict=None):
    """Creates a Pjuu WSGI application with the passed in config_filename.

    ``config_filename`` should be a Python file as per the default. To
    create one simply copy the settings.py file and change the settings
    to suit yourself

    ``settings_dict`` can be used to override any settings inside
    ``config_filename``. This is useful for testing. See run_tests.py for an
    # Pylint has suggested I don't set config_dict to a empty dict, we now have
    # to check if it is None and then assign an empty dict
    if config_dict is None:  # pragma: no cover
        config_dict = {}

    # Create application
    app = Flask(__name__)

    # Load configuration from the Python file passed as config_filename
    # Override the settings from config_filename, even add new ones :)
    # This is useful for testing, we use it for Travis-CI, see run_tests.py

    # You can also set an environment variable called PJUU_SETTINGS this will
    # override all other Settings applied to Pjuu so long as you define them
    app.config.from_envvar('PJUU_SETTINGS', silent=True)

    # OpBeat
    # We use OpBeat in production to log errors and performance of the code.
    # We do not need it if debug is True as we expect there could be errors
    # and we get full visibility.
    if not app.debug:  # pragma: no cover

    # Initialize the PyMongo client

    # This is the _MAIN_ redis client. ONLY STORE DATA HERE

    # Create Flask-Mail

    # Create the Redis session interface
    redis_sessions.init_app(app, 'SESSION_REDIS')

    # Initialize CSRF protection

    # Set session handler to Redis
    app.session_interface = RedisSessionInterface(redis=redis_sessions)

    # Generic handles
    def gather_time():
        """This is used to measure the request time for each page"""
        if app.debug and not app.testing:  # pragma: no cover
            if request.endpoint != 'static':
                g.start_time = timestamp()

    def display_time(response):
        """This is will write the time to the console in DEBUG mode"""
        if app.debug and not app.testing:  # pragma: no cover
            if request.endpoint != 'static':
                print request.path, request.endpoint, \
                    str((timestamp() - g.start_time) * 100) + 'ms'
        return response

    def cache_buster(endpoint, values):
        """Static URLs will have an mtime appended as a query string"""
        if 'static' == endpoint or '.static' == endpoint[-7:]:
            filename = values.get('filename', None)
            if filename:  # pragma: no branch
                static_folder = app.static_folder

                param_name = 'h'
                while param_name in values:
                    # Doesn't need coverage. Simple stops the param_name 'h'
                    # colliding with any future param
                    param_name = '_' + param_name  # pragma: no cover

                # Get the mtime of the file
                values[param_name] = int(os.stat(
                    os.path.join(static_folder, filename)).st_mtime)

    # Register error handlers
    from pjuu.lib.errors import register_errors

    # Import all Pjuu blue prints
    from pjuu.auth.views import auth_bp
    from pjuu.posts.views import posts_bp
    from pjuu.users.views import users_bp
    from pjuu.lib.dashboard import dashboard_bp
    from pjuu.lib.pages import pages_bp

    # Return a nice shiny new Pjuu WSGI application :)
    return app