예제 #1
파일: models.py 프로젝트: MiCurry/SharkEyes
    def get_tasks_for_base_plots_for_next_few_days(cls):
        """ Grabs the files ID's of NCDF datafiles that haven't been plotted yet. Use this function
        to generate a list of unchopped plots that haven't been plotted yet. """

        file_ids = []
        file_ids.append(DataFileManager.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type('NCDF')) # OSU ROMS
        file_ids.append(DataFileManager.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type('NCEP')) # Wave Forecast
        file_ids.append(DataFileManager.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type('WIND')) # Wind
        file_ids.append(DataFileManager.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type('T-CLINE')) # T-Cline
        file_ids.append(DataFileManager.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type('HYCOM')) # Hycom - Extended

        file_ids = [item for sublist in file_ids for item in sublist] # Unravel lists of lists

        return cls.get_tasks_for_base_plots_in_files(file_ids)
예제 #2
파일: models.py 프로젝트: wsf1990/SharkEyes
    def get_tasks_for_base_plots_for_next_few_days(cls):
        """ Grabs the files ID's of NCDF datafiles that haven't been plotted yet. Use this function
        to generate a list of unchopped plots that haven't been plotted yet. """

        file_ids = []
                'NCDF'))  # OSU ROMS
                'NCEP'))  # Wave Forecast
            DataFileManager.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type('WIND'))  # Wind
                'T-CLINE'))  # T-Cline
                'HYCOM'))  # Hycom - Extended

        file_ids = [item for sublist in file_ids
                    for item in sublist]  # Unravel lists of lists

        return cls.get_tasks_for_base_plots_in_files(file_ids)
예제 #3
파일: manage.py 프로젝트: MiCurry/manage.py
def plot_latest(num_plots=DEF_NUM_PLOTS, tile=DEF_TILE_FLAG, full_roms=DEF_FULL_ROMS_FLAG, date='latest',
                roms=False, wave=False, wind=False, hycom=False, ncep=False, tcline=False, navy=False):
    # num_plots = The number of plots you want for each file - save time!
    # Pull the latest files from the database and plot those


    Using `latest` grabs all plots into the future. Similar to do_pipeline()
    from pl_download.models import DataFile as df
    from pl_download.models import DataFileManager as dm
    from datetime import datetime

    if verbose > 0:
        print "Date span request: ", date

    # Today
    if date == 'today':
        today = datetime.now().date()
        print "Printing all datafiles with date of today"
    elif date == 'all':
        print "Printing all datafiles"
    elif date == 'latest':
        print "Printing datafiles that start with PAST_FILES_TO_DISPALY until whats returned from \n"
        print "get_next_few_days_files_from_db(days=x)"
    elif date is None:
        print "Printing datafiles that start with PAST_FILES_TO_DISPALY until whats returned from \n"
        print "get_next_few_days_files_from_db(days=x)"
        date = 'latest'
        print "Wrong date paramater. Please use - 'today', 'all', or 'latest'"

    if roms:
        roms = []
        ids = []

        if date == "today":
            ids = df.objects.filter(type='NCDF').get(model_date=today)
        elif date == "latest":
            ids = dm.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type(type ='NCDF')
        elif date == "all":
            ids = df.objects.all().filter(type = "NCDF")

        print ids

        ids = [id.id for id in ids] # Unwrap ids

        plot( ids, roms=True, num_plots=num_plots, tile=tile, full_roms=full_roms )

    if wave:
        waves = []
        ids = []
        if date == "today":
            ids = df.objects.filter(type='WAVE').get(model_date=today)
        elif date == "latest":
            ids = dm.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type(type ='WAVE')
        elif date == "all":
            ids = df.objects.all().filter(type = "WAVE")

        ids = [id.id for id in ids] # Unwrap ids

        plot( ids, wave=True, num_plots=num_plots, tile=tile )

    if wind:
        winds = []
        ids = []
        if date is "today":
            ids = df.objects.filter(type='WIND').get(model_date=today)
        elif date is "latest":
            ids = dm.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type(type ='WIND')
        elif date is "all":
            ids = df.objects.all().filter(type = "WIND")

        ids = [id.id for id in ids] # Unwrap ids

        plot(ids, wind=True, num_plots=num_plots, tile=tile )

    if hycom:
        hycoms = []
        if date == "today":
            ids = df.objects.filter(type='HYCOM').get(model_date=today)
        elif date == "latest":
            ids = dm.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type(type ='HYCOM')
        elif date == "all":
            ids = df.objects.all().filter(type = "HYCOM")

        ids = [id.id for id in ids] # Unwrap ids

        plot( ids, hycom=True, num_plots=num_plots, tile=tile )

    if ncep:
        nceps = []
        ids = []
        if date is "today":
            ids = df.objects.filter(type='NCEP_WW3').get(model_date=today)
        elif date is "latest":
            ids = dm.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type(type ='NCEP_WW3')
        elif date is "all":
            ids = df.objects.all().filter(type = "NCEP_WW3")

        ids = [id.id for id in ids] # Unwrap ids
        plot( ids, ncep=True, num_plots=num_plots, tile=tile )

    if tcline:
        tcline = []
        ids = []
        if date is "today":
            ids = df.objects.filter(type='T-CLINE').get(model_date=today)
        elif date is "latest":
            ids = dm.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type(type ='T-CLINE')
        elif date is "all":
            ids = df.objects.all().filter(type = "T-CLINE")

        ids = [id.id for id in ids] # Unwrap ids
        plot( ids, tcline=True, num_plots=num_plots, tile=tile )

    if navy:
        navys = []
        ids = []
        if date is "today":
            ids = df.objects.filter(type='HYCOM').get(model_date=today)
        elif date is "latest":
            ids = dm.get_next_few_datafiles_of_a_type(type ='HYCOM')
        elif date is "all":
            ids = df.objects.all().filter(type = "HYCOM")

        ids = [id.id for id in ids] # Unwrap ids
        plot( ids, navy=True, num_plots=num_plots, tile=tile )