예제 #1
    def _pretty_name(self, ids, langs):
        This complicated method greatly speeds up getting the names of specified parent ids in order.
        It returns a dict of names in order of importance (admin_level).

        # We save each place name with its admin level (10 to 1).
        # The OSM admin level is sometimes set high for simple Nodes; we do not want that, so we define our own admin_level
        pp = {}
        al = 10
        names = [(n.place_id, n.type_id, n.name, n.lang) for n in PlaceName.objects.prefetch_related('lang').only().filter(place__id__in=ids)]
        for i in ids:
            best = False
            for n in [n for n in names if n[0] == int(i)]:
                if n[3] in langs:
                    pp[al] = n[2]
                elif n[1] == get_type_id('name'):
                    pp[al] = n[2]
                    best = True
                elif not best:
                    pp[al] = n[2]
            al -= 1

        return pp
예제 #2
    def _iter_country(self):
        if self.host_country is not None:
            # First of all, we try and do the search as if we're in the host country. This is to
            # catch cases where the name (possibly abbreviated) of an administrative area of the
            # country appears to be the same as another countries name. e.g. California as CA also
            # looks like CA for Canada.

            yield self.host_country, len(self.split) - 1

        # Then see if the user has specified an ISO 2 code of a country name.
        if len(self.split[-1]) == 2:
            iso2_cnd = self.split[-1]
            if iso2_cnd == "uk":
                # As a bizarre special case, the ISO 2 code for the UK is GB, but people might
                # reasonably be expected to specify "UK" so we hack that in.
                iso2_cnd = "gb"

            country = Country.objects.filter(iso3166_2__iexact=iso2_cnd)
            if country.exists():
                yield country[0], len(self.split) - 2

        # Finally try and match a full country name. Note that we're agnostic over the language used to
        # specify the country name.
        sub_hash = _hash_wd(self.split[-1])
        norm_hash = _hash_wd(unidecode(self.split[-1]))
        country_list = PlaceName.objects.prefetch_related('place').filter(Q(name_hash=sub_hash) | Q(name_hash=norm_hash), Q(type__id=get_type_id("country")))

        done = set()
        for cnd in country_list:
            new_i = _match_end_split([unidecode(x) for x in self.split], len(self.split) - 1, unidecode(cnd.name))
            country = cnd.place.country
            done_key = (country, new_i)
            if done_key in done:

            if new_i is not None:
                yield country, new_i

        # Apparently none of the above was a good enough match...
        yield None, len(self.split) - 1