예제 #1
    def _get_blocker_status_overrides(
            self, testplan: TestPlanUnit
    ) -> "List[Tuple[str, str, str]]]":
        Look at the certification blocker status overrides and collect refined
        data about what overrides to apply. The result is represented as a list
        of tuples ``(pattern, field, value)`` where ``pattern`` is the string
        that describes the pattern, ``field`` is the field to which an override
        must be applied (but without the ``effective_`` prefix) and ``value``
        is the overridden value.
        override_list = []
        if testplan.certification_status_overrides is not None:

            class V(Visitor):

                def visit_FieldOverride_node(self, node: FieldOverride):
                    blocker_status = node.value.text
                    pattern = r"^{}$".format(
                        (pattern, 'certification_status', blocker_status))

        for tp_unit in testplan.get_nested_part():
        return override_list
예제 #2
    def parse_category_overrides(self, text):
        Parse the specified text as a list of category overrides.

        :param text:
            string of text, including newlines and comments, to parse
            A list of tuples (lineno_offset, category_id, pattern) where
            lineno_offset is the line number offset from the start of the text,
            category_id is the desired category identifier and pattern is the
            actual regular expression text (which may be invalid).
        :raises ValueError:
            if there are any issues with the override declarations
        from plainbox.impl.xparsers import Error
        from plainbox.impl.xparsers import FieldOverride
        from plainbox.impl.xparsers import OverrideFieldList
        from plainbox.impl.xparsers import Visitor

        outer_self = self

        class OverrideListVisitor(Visitor):

            def __init__(self):
                self.override_list = []

            def visit_FieldOverride_node(self, node: FieldOverride):
                category_id = outer_self.qualify_id(node.value.text)
                regexp_pattern = r"^{}$".format(
                    (node.lineno, category_id, regexp_pattern))

            def visit_Error_node(self, node: Error):
                raise ValueError(node.msg)

        visitor = OverrideListVisitor()
        visitor.visit(OverrideFieldList.parse(text, 0, 0))
        return visitor.override_list
예제 #3
    def _get_category_overrides(
            self, testplan: TestPlanUnit) -> "List[Tuple[str, str, str]]]":
        Look at the category overrides and collect refined data about what
        overrides to apply. The result is represented as a list of tuples
        ``(pattern, field, value)`` where ``pattern`` is the string that
        describes the pattern, ``field`` is the field to which an override must
        be applied (but without the ``effective_`` prefix) and ``value`` is the
        overridden value.
        override_list = []
        if testplan.category_overrides is None:
            return override_list

        class V(Visitor):
            def visit_FieldOverride_node(self, node: FieldOverride):
                category_id = testplan.qualify_id(node.value.text)
                pattern = r"^{}$".format(testplan.qualify_id(
                override_list.append((pattern, 'category_id', category_id))

        return override_list