def __init__(self, lib_dir, lmax, nside, cl, transf, ninv, pcf='default', chain_descr=None): assert lib_dir is not None and lmax >= 1024 and nside >= 512, (lib_dir, lmax, nside) super(cinv_p, self).__init__(lib_dir, lmax) self.nside = nside = cl self.transf = transf self.ninv = ninv pcf = os.path.join(lib_dir, "") if pcf == 'default' else None if chain_descr is None: chain_descr = \ [[2, ["split(dense(" + pcf + "), 32, diag_cl)"], 512, 256, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg,cd_solve.cache_mem()], [1, ["split(stage(2), 512, diag_cl)"], 1024, 512, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem()], [0, ["split(stage(1), 1024, diag_cl)"], lmax, nside, np.inf, 1.0e-5, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem()]] n_inv_filt = util.jit(opfilt_pp.alm_filter_ninv, ninv, transf[0:lmax + 1]) self.chain = util.jit(multigrid.multigrid_chain, opfilt_pp, chain_descr, cl, n_inv_filt) if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): os.makedirs(lib_dir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib_dir, "")): pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'wb'), protocol=2) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fbl.dat")): fel, fbl = self._calc_febl() np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fel.dat"), fel) np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fbl.dat"), fbl) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "tal.dat")): np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "tal.dat"), self._calc_tal()) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fmask.fits.gz")): hp.write_map(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fmask.fits.gz"), self._calc_mask()) mpi.barrier() utils.hash_check( pk.load(open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'rb')), self.hashdict())
def __init__(self, lib_dir, lmax, nside, cl, transf, ninv, marge_maps_t=(), marge_monopole=False, marge_dipole=False, pcf='default', rescal_cl='default'): """Instance for joint temperature-polarization filtering Here ninv is a list of lists with mask paths and / or inverse pixel noise levels. TT, (QQ + UU) / 2 if len(ninv) == 2 or TT, QQ, QU UU if == 4 e.g. [[iNevT,mask1,mask2,..],[iNevP,mask1,mask2...]] """ assert (lmax >= 1024) assert (nside >= 512) assert len( ninv) == 2 or len(ninv) == 4 # TT, (QQ + UU)/2 or TT,QQ,QU,UU if rescal_cl == 'default': rescal_cl = np.sqrt( np.arange(lmax + 1, dtype=float) * np.arange(1, lmax + 2, dtype=float) / 2. / np.pi) elif rescal_cl is None: rescal_cl = np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float) dl = {k: rescal_cl**2 * cl[k][:lmax + 1] for k in cl.keys()} # rescaled cls (Dls by default) transf_dl = transf[:lmax + 1] * utils.cli(rescal_cl) self.lmax = lmax self.nside = nside = cl self.transf = transf self.ninv = ninv self.marge_maps_t = marge_maps_t self.marge_maps_p = [] self.lib_dir = lib_dir self.rescal_cl = rescal_cl pcf = lib_dir + "/" if pcf == 'default' else None chain_descr = [[ 3, ["split(dense(" + pcf + "), 64, diag_cl)"], 256, 128, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem() ], [ 2, ["split(stage(3), 256, diag_cl)"], 512, 256, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem() ], [ 1, ["split(stage(2), 512, diag_cl)"], 1024, 512, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem() ], [ 0, ["split(stage(1), 1024, diag_cl)"], lmax, nside, np.inf, 1.0e-5, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem() ]] n_inv_filt = util.jit(opfilt_tp.alm_filter_ninv, ninv, transf_dl, marge_maps_t=marge_maps_t, marge_monopole=marge_monopole, marge_dipole=marge_dipole) self.chain = util.jit(multigrid.multigrid_chain, opfilt_tp, chain_descr, dl, n_inv_filt) if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): os.makedirs(lib_dir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib_dir, "")): pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'wb'), protocol=2) # if (not os.path.exists(self.lib_dir + "/fbl.dat")): # fel, fbl = self.calc_febl() # fel.write(self.lib_dir + "/fel.dat", lambda l: 1.0) # fbl.write(self.lib_dir + "/fbl.dat", lambda l: 1.0) # if (not os.path.exists(self.lib_dir + "/tal.dat")): # tal = self.calc_tal() # tal.write(self.lib_dir + "/tal.dat", lambda l: 1.0) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fmask.fits.gz")): fmask = self.calc_mask() hp.write_map(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fmask.fits.gz"), fmask) mpi.barrier() utils.hash_check( pk.load(open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'rb')), self.hashdict())
def __init__(self, lib_dir, lmax, nside, cl, transf, ninv, marge_monopole=True, marge_dipole=True, marge_maps=(), pcf='default', chain_descr=None): assert lib_dir is not None and lmax >= 1024 and nside >= 512, (lib_dir, lmax, nside) assert isinstance(ninv, list) super(cinv_t, self).__init__(lib_dir, lmax) self.nside = nside = cl self.transf = transf self.ninv = ninv self.marge_monopole = marge_monopole self.marge_dipole = marge_dipole self.marge_maps = marge_maps pcf = os.path.join( lib_dir, "" ) if pcf == 'default' else '' # Dense matrices will be cached there. if chain_descr is None: chain_descr = \ [[3, ["split(dense(" + pcf + "), 64, diag_cl)"], 256, 128, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem()], [2, ["split(stage(3), 256, diag_cl)"], 512, 256, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem()], [1, ["split(stage(2), 512, diag_cl)"], 1024, 512, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem()], [0, ["split(stage(1), 1024, diag_cl)"], lmax, nside, np.inf, 1.0e-5, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem()]] n_inv_filt = util.jit(opfilt_tt.alm_filter_ninv, ninv, transf[0:lmax + 1], marge_monopole=marge_monopole, marge_dipole=marge_dipole, marge_maps=marge_maps) self.chain = util.jit(multigrid.multigrid_chain, opfilt_tt, chain_descr, cl, n_inv_filt) if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): os.makedirs(lib_dir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib_dir, "")): pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'wb'), protocol=2) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "ftl.dat")): np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "ftl.dat"), self._calc_ftl()) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "tal.dat")): np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "tal.dat"), self._calc_tal()) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fmask.fits.gz")): hp.write_map(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fmask.fits.gz"), self._calc_mask()) mpi.barrier() utils.hash_check( pk.load(open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'rb')), self.hashdict())
def __init__(self, lib_dir, lmax, nside, cl, transf, ninv, marge_maps_t=(), marge_monopole=False, marge_dipole=False, pcf='default', rescal_cl='default', chain_descr=None, transf_p=None): """Instance for joint temperature-polarization filtering Args: lib_dir: a few quantities might get cached there lmax: CMB filtering performed up to multipole lmax nside: healpy resolution of the input maps cl: fiducial CMB spectra used to filter the data (dict with 'tt', 'te', 'ee', 'bb' keys) transf: CMB transfer function in temperature ninv: list of lists with mask paths and / or inverse pixel noise levels. TT, (QQ + UU) / 2 if len(ninv) == 2 or TT, QQ, QU UU if == 4 e.g. [[iNevT,mask1,mask2,..],[iNevP,mask1,mask2...]] marge_maps_t: maps to project out in the filtering (T-part) marge_monopole: marginalizes out the T monopole if set marge_dipole: marginalizes out the T dipole if set chain_descr: preconditioner mulitgrid chain description (if different from default) transf_p: polarization transfer function (if different from temperature) """ assert (lmax >= 1024) assert (nside >= 512) assert len( ninv) == 2 or len(ninv) == 4 # TT, (QQ + UU)/2 or TT,QQ,QU,UU if rescal_cl == 'default': rescal_cl = { a: np.sqrt( np.arange(lmax + 1, dtype=float) * np.arange(1, lmax + 2, dtype=float) / 2. / np.pi) for a in ['t', 'e', 'b'] } elif rescal_cl is None: rescal_cl = { a: np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float) for a in ['t', 'e', 'b'] } elif rescal_cl == 'tonly': rescal_cl = {a: np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float) for a in ['e', 'b']} rescal_cl['t'] = np.sqrt( np.arange(lmax + 1, dtype=float) * np.arange(1, lmax + 2, dtype=float) / 2. / np.pi) else: assert 0 for k in rescal_cl.keys(): rescal_cl[k] /= np.mean( rescal_cl[k] ) # in order not mess around with the TEB relative weights of the spectra dl = { k: rescal_cl[k[0]] * rescal_cl[k[1]] * cl[k][:lmax + 1] for k in cl.keys() } # rescaled cls (Dls by default) if transf_p is None: transf_p = transf transf_dls = { a: transf_p[:lmax + 1] * utils.cli(rescal_cl[a]) for a in ['e', 'b'] } transf_dls['t'] = transf[:lmax + 1] * utils.cli(rescal_cl['t']) self.lmax = lmax self.nside = nside = cl self.transf_t = transf self.transf_p = transf_p self.ninv = ninv self.marge_maps_t = marge_maps_t self.marge_maps_p = [] self.lib_dir = lib_dir self.rescal_cl = rescal_cl if chain_descr is None: pcf = lib_dir + "/" if pcf == 'default' else None chain_descr = [[ 3, ["split(dense(" + pcf + "), 64, diag_cl)"], 256, 128, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem() ], [ 2, ["split(stage(3), 256, diag_cl)"], 512, 256, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem() ], [ 1, ["split(stage(2), 512, diag_cl)"], 1024, 512, 3, 0.0, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem() ], [ 0, ["split(stage(1), 1024, diag_cl)"], lmax, nside, np.inf, 1.0e-5, cd_solve.tr_cg, cd_solve.cache_mem() ]] n_inv_filt = util.jit(opfilt_tp.alm_filter_ninv, ninv, transf_dls['t'], b_transf_e=transf_dls['e'], b_transf_b=transf_dls['b'], marge_maps_t=marge_maps_t, marge_monopole=marge_monopole, marge_dipole=marge_dipole) self.chain = util.jit(multigrid.multigrid_chain, opfilt_tp, chain_descr, dl, n_inv_filt) if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): os.makedirs(lib_dir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib_dir, "")): pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'wb'), protocol=2) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib_dir, "")): pk.dump(self._calc_fal(), open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'wb'), protocol=2) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fmask.fits.gz")): fmask = self.calc_mask() hp.write_map(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "fmask.fits.gz"), fmask) mpi.barrier() utils.hash_check( pk.load(open(os.path.join(lib_dir, ""), 'rb')), self.hashdict())