class ImageConverter(): def __init__(self): self.plant = PlantUML(url='') def produce_image_b(self): self.plant.processes_file("uml.txt")
def main(): """Compile the input files into UML images.""" args = parse_cmd_line() dprint(args) outfile = '.'.join('.')[:-1] + [args.suffix]) vprint('Parsing "%s" to "%s"' % (, outfile)) puml = PlantUML() return puml.processes_file(, outfile=outfile)
def create_pic(filename: str) -> None: server = PlantUML(url='', basic_auth={}, form_auth={}, http_opts={}, request_opts={}) # Send and compile your diagram files to/with the PlantUML server server.processes_file(abspath(f'./{filename}'))
def generate(path): server = PlantUML(url='', basic_auth={}, form_auth={}, http_opts={}, request_opts={}) try: if server.processes_file(abspath('./rawUml.txt'), path, abspath('./output/error/error.txt')): print('Done, View your diagram in ' + path) except PermissionError: print('Permission Error occurred') except Exception as e: print(e)
def generate(input_uml): plant_uml = PlantUML(url='') PlantUMLProcessor.dump_to_file(input_uml, PlantUMLProcessor.uml_dump_file) print("Successfully generated Plant UML notation and saved it in " + PlantUMLProcessor.uml_dump_file) PlantUMLProcessor.remove_file(PlantUMLProcessor.diagram_image_file) PlantUMLProcessor.remove_file(PlantUMLProcessor.error_file) plant_uml.processes_file(PlantUMLProcessor.uml_dump_file, PlantUMLProcessor.diagram_image_file, PlantUMLProcessor.error_file) if not os.path.isfile(PlantUMLProcessor.error_file): print( "Class Generation has finished executing, a diagram.png was created" ) else: print("An error occurred, please check " + PlantUMLProcessor.error_file + " for any errors regarding the Plant UML diagram generation")
def svg_file(filename): """Write the ontology diagram to file as SVG.""" p = PlantUML(url='') p.processes_file(filename, outfile=filename + '.svg')
def url(self): """Get the URL of the ontology from""" p = PlantUML(url='') return p.get_url(self.plantuml)
import json import sys from io import StringIO # import tokenizers and wordnet from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn # import tagging stuff from nltk import pos_tag from import upenn_tagset from nltk import RegexpParser as NLTKRegexpParser # import plantuml from plantuml import PlantUML planty = PlantUML(url='') # merges adjacent text nodes into one text node in a nested object # really annoying and please don't mess with it def compact_arrays(tree): if isinstance(tree, dict): new_tree = {k: compact_arrays(v) for k, v in tree.items()} return new_tree if isinstance(tree, list): new_tree = [] for item in tree: if len(new_tree) == 0: if isinstance(item, str):
async def uml_image( self, output: str = "svg", *, show_packages: Optional[List[str]] = None, hide_packages: Optional[List[str]] = None, with_inheritance: bool = True, with_base_classes: bool = False, with_subclasses: bool = False, dependency_edges: Optional[Set[str]] = None, with_predecessors: bool = False, with_successors: bool = False, with_properties: bool = True, link_classes: bool = False, ) -> bytes: allowed_edge_types: Set[str] = dependency_edges or set() assert output in ("svg", "png"), "Only svg and png is supported!" model = await self.load_model() graph = model.graph() show = [re.compile(s) for s in show_packages] if show_packages else None hide = [re.compile(s) for s in hide_packages] if hide_packages else None def not_hidden(key: str) -> bool: k: Kind = graph.nodes[key]["data"] return not (hide and exist(lambda r: r.fullmatch(k.fqn), hide)) def node_visible(key: str) -> bool: k: Kind = graph.nodes[key]["data"] if hide and exist(lambda r: r.fullmatch(k.fqn), hide): return False if show is None: return True else: return exist(lambda r: r.fullmatch(k.fqn), show) def class_node(cpx: ComplexKind) -> str: props = "\n".join([f"**{}**: {p.kind}" for p in]) if with_properties else "" link = f" [[#{cpx.fqn}]]" if link_classes else "" return f"class {cpx.fqn}{link} {{\n{props}\n}}" def descendants(cpx: ComplexKind) -> Set[str]: return {kind.fqn for kind in model.complex_kinds() if cpx.fqn in kind.kind_hierarchy()} def predecessors(cpx: ComplexKind) -> Set[str]: return { kind.fqn for kind in model.complex_kinds() for et in allowed_edge_types if cpx.fqn in kind.successor_kinds.get(et, []) } def successors(cpx: ComplexKind) -> Set[str]: return ( {kind for et in allowed_edge_types for kind in cpx.successor_kinds.get(et, [])} if isinstance(cpx, ComplexKind) else set() ) visible_kinds = [node["data"] for nid, node in graph.nodes(data=True) if node_visible(nid)] visible = {v.fqn for v in visible_kinds} def add_visible(fn: Callable[[ComplexKind], Set[str]]) -> None: selected: Set[str] = reduce(lambda res, cpl: res.union(fn(cpl)), visible_kinds, set()) visible.update(n for n in selected if not_hidden(n)) if with_base_classes: add_visible(lambda cpl: cpl.kind_hierarchy()) if with_subclasses: add_visible(descendants) if with_predecessors: add_visible(predecessors) if with_successors: add_visible(successors) nodes = "\n".join([class_node(node["data"]) for nid, node in graph.nodes(data=True) if nid in visible]) edges = "" for fr, to, data in graph.edges(data=True): if fr in visible and to in visible: if with_inheritance and data["type"] == "inheritance": edges += f"{to} <|--- {fr}\n" elif data["type"] == "successor" and data["edge_type"] in allowed_edge_types: edges += f"{fr} -[#1A83AF]-> {to}\n" puml = PlantUML(f"{self.plantuml_server}/{output}/") return await run_async(puml.processes, f"@startuml\n{PlantUmlAttrs}\n{nodes}\n{edges}\n@enduml") # type: ignore
def _render_remote_uml_image(self, plantuml_code, img_format): return PlantUML("%s/%s/" % (self.config['server'], img_format)).processes(plantuml_code)
def __init__(self): self.plant = PlantUML(url='')
async def uml_image( self, show_packages: Optional[List[str]] = None, hide_packages: Optional[List[str]] = None, output: str = "svg", *, with_bases: bool = False, with_descendants: bool = False, ) -> bytes: assert output in ("svg", "png"), "Only svg and png is supported!" model = await self.load_model() graph = model.graph() show = [re.compile(s) for s in show_packages] if show_packages else None hide = [re.compile(s) for s in hide_packages] if hide_packages else None def node_visible(key: str) -> bool: k: Kind = graph.nodes[key]["data"] if hide and exist(lambda r: r.fullmatch(k.fqn), hide): return False if show is None: return True else: return exist(lambda r: r.fullmatch(k.fqn), show) def class_node(cpx: ComplexKind) -> str: props = "\n".join( [f"**{}**: {p.kind}" for p in]) return f"class {cpx.fqn} {{\n{props}\n}}" def class_inheritance(from_node: str, to_node: str) -> str: return f"{to_node} <|--- {from_node}" def descendants(fqn: str) -> Set[str]: return { kind.fqn for kind in model.complex_kinds() if fqn in kind.kind_hierarchy() } visible_kinds = [ node["data"] for nid, node in graph.nodes(data=True) if node_visible(nid) ] visible = {v.fqn for v in visible_kinds} if with_bases: bases: Set[str] = reduce( lambda res, cpl: res.union(cpl.kind_hierarchy()), visible_kinds, set()) visible.update(bases) if with_descendants: desc: Set[str] = reduce( lambda res, cpl: res.union(descendants(cpl.fqn)), visible_kinds, set()) visible.update(desc) params = ("hide empty members\n" "skinparam ArrowColor #ffaf37\n" "skinparam ArrowThickness 2\n" "skinparam BackgroundColor transparent\n" "skinparam ClassAttributeFontColor #d9b8ff\n" "skinparam ClassBackgroundColor #3d176e\n" "skinparam ClassBorderColor #000d19\n" "skinparam ClassFontColor #d9b8ff\n" "skinparam ClassFontName Helvetica\n" "skinparam ClassFontSize 17\n" "skinparam Padding 5\n" "skinparam RoundCorner 5\n" "skinparam Shadowing false\n" "skinparam stereotypeCBackgroundColor #e98df7\n" "skinparam stereotypeIBackgroundColor #e98df7\n") nodes = "\n".join([ class_node(node["data"]) for nid, node in graph.nodes(data=True) if nid in visible ]) edges = "\n".join([ class_inheritance(fr, to) for fr, to in graph.edges() if fr in visible and to in visible ]) puml = PlantUML(f"{self.plantuml_server}/{output}/") return await run_async( puml.processes, f"@startuml\n{params}\n{nodes}\n{edges}\n@enduml") # type: ignore