예제 #1
def collision_rate_ion_ion(T_i, n_i, ion_particle,
                           coulomb_log=None, V=None):
    momentum relaxation ion-ion collision rate

    From [3]_, equations (2.36) and (2.122)

    Considering a Maxwellian distribution of "test" ions colliding with
    a Maxwellian distribution of "field" ions.

    Note, it is assumed that electrons are present in such numbers as to
    establish quasineutrality, but the effects of the test ions colliding
    with them are not considered here.

    This result is an ion momentum relaxation rate, and is used in many
    classical transport expressions. It is equivalent to:
    * 1/tau_i from ref [1]_ eqn (1) pp. #,
    * 1/tau_i from ref [2]_ eqn (1) pp. #,
    * nu_i\i_S from ref [2]_ eqn (1) pp. #,


    T_i : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The electron temperature of the Maxwellian test ions

    n_i : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The number density of the Maxwellian test ions

    ion_particle: string
        String signifying a particle type of the test and field ions,
        including charge state information. This function assumes the test
        and field ions are the same species.

    coulomb_log : float or dimensionless ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        option to specify a Coulomb logarithm of the electrons on the ions.
        If not specified, the Coulomb log will is calculated using the
        .transport/Coulomb_logarithm function.

    .. [1] Braginskii

    .. [2] Formulary

    .. [3] Callen Chapter 2, http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~callen/chap2.pdf

    from plasmapy.physics.transport import Coulomb_logarithm
    T_i = T_i.to(units.K, equivalencies=units.temperature_energy())
    if coulomb_log is not None:
        coulomb_log_val = coulomb_log
        particles = [ion_particle, ion_particle]
        coulomb_log_val = Coulomb_logarithm(T_i, n_i, particles, V)
    Z_i = atomic.integer_charge(ion_particle)
    m_i = atomic.ion_mass(ion_particle)
    nu_i = 4 / 3 * np.sqrt(np.pi / m_i) / (4 * np.pi * eps0)**2 * e**4 * \
        n_i * Z_i**4 * coulomb_log_val / (k_B * T_i)**1.5
    return nu_i.to(1 / units.s)
예제 #2
def grab_charge(ion, z_mean=None):
    """Utility function to merge two possible inputs for particle charge.

    ion : str or `plasmapy.atomic.Particle`
        a string representing a charged particle, or a Particle object.

    z_mean : float
        An optional float describing the average ionization of a particle

        if `z_mean` was passed, `z_mean`, otherwise, the integer charge
        of the `ion`.

    if z_mean is None:
        # warnings.warn("No z_mean given, defaulting to atomic charge",
        #               PhysicsWarning)
        Z = atomic.integer_charge(ion)
        # using average ionization provided by user
        Z = z_mean
    return Z
예제 #3
def collision_rate_electron_ion(T_e,
    Momentum relaxation electron-ion collision rate

    From [3]_, equations (2.17) and (2.120)

    Considering a Maxwellian distribution of "test" electrons colliding with
    a Maxwellian distribution of "field" ions.

    This result is an electron momentum relaxation rate, and is used in many
    classical transport expressions. It is equivalent to:
    * 1/tau_e from ref [1]_ eqn (1) pp. #,
    * 1/tau_e from ref [2]_ eqn (1) pp. #,
    * nu_e\i_S from ref [2]_ eqn (1) pp. #,


    T_e : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The electron temperature of the Maxwellian test electrons

    n_e : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The number density of the Maxwellian test electrons

    ion_particle: str
        String signifying a particle type of the field ions, including charge
        state information.

    coulomb_log : float or dimensionless ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        Option to specify a Coulomb logarithm of the electrons on the ions.
        If not specified, the Coulomb log will is calculated using the
        `~plasmapy.physics.transport.Coulomb_logarithm` function.

    .. [1] Braginskii

    .. [2] Formulary

    .. [3] Callen Chapter 2, http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~callen/chap2.pdf

    from plasmapy.physics.transport import Coulomb_logarithm
    T_e = T_e.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature_energy())
    if coulomb_log is not None:
        coulomb_log_val = coulomb_log
        particles = ['e', ion_particle]
        coulomb_log_val = Coulomb_logarithm(T_e, n_e, particles, V)
    Z_i = atomic.integer_charge(ion_particle)
    nu_e = 4 / 3 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi / m_e) / (4 * np.pi * eps0) ** 2 * \
        e ** 4 * n_e * Z_i * coulomb_log_val / (k_B * T_e) ** 1.5
    return nu_e.to(1 / u.s)
예제 #4
def _boilerPlate(T, particles, V):
    Some boiler plate code for checking if inputs to functions in
    collisions.py are good. Also obtains reduced in mass in a
    2 particle collision system along with thermal velocity.
    # checking temperature is in correct units
    T = T.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature_energy())
    # extracting particle information
    if not isinstance(particles, (list, tuple)) or len(particles) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Particles input must be a "
                         "list or tuple containing representations of two  "
                         f"charged particles. Got {particles} instead.")

    masses = np.zeros(2) * u.kg
    charges = np.zeros(2) * u.C

    for particle, i in zip(particles, range(2)):

            masses[i] = ion_mass(particles[i])
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("Unable to find mass of particle: "
            charges[i] = np.abs(e * integer_charge(particles[i]))
            if charges[i] is None:
                raise ValueError("Unable to find charge of particle: "
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("Unable to find charge of particle: "
    # obtaining reduced mass of 2 particle collision system
    reduced_mass = masses[0] * masses[1] / (masses[0] + masses[1])
    # getting thermal velocity of system if no velocity is given
    if np.isnan(V):
        V = np.sqrt(2 * k_B * T / reduced_mass).to(u.m / u.s)
    _check_relativistic(V, 'V')
    return T, masses, charges, reduced_mass, V
예제 #5
def collision_rate_ion_ion(T_i,
    Momentum relaxation ion-ion collision rate

    From [3]_, equations (2.36) and (2.122)

    Considering a Maxwellian distribution of "test" ions colliding with
    a Maxwellian distribution of "field" ions.

    Note, it is assumed that electrons are present in such numbers as to
    establish quasineutrality, but the effects of the test ions colliding
    with them are not considered here.

    This result is an ion momentum relaxation rate, and is used in many
    classical transport expressions. It is equivalent to:
    * 1/tau_i from ref [1]_ eqn (1) pp. #,
    * 1/tau_i from ref [2]_ eqn (1) pp. #,
    * nu_i\i_S from ref [2]_ eqn (1) pp. #,

    T_i : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The electron temperature of the Maxwellian test ions

    n_i : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The number density of the Maxwellian test ions

    ion_particle: str
        String signifying a particle type of the test and field ions,
        including charge state information. This function assumes the test
        and field ions are the same species.

    V : ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        The relative velocity between particles.  If not provided,
        thermal velocity is assumed: :math:`\mu V^2 \sim 2 k_B T`
        where `mu` is the reduced mass.

    coulomb_log : float or dimensionless ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        Option to specify a Coulomb logarithm of the electrons on the ions.
        If not specified, the Coulomb log will is calculated using the
        ~plasmapy.physics.transport.Coulomb_logarithm function.

    coulomb_log_method : string, optional
        Method used for Coulomb logarithm calculation (see that function
        for more documentation). Choose from "classical" or "GMS-1" to "GMS-6".

    .. [1] Braginskii

    .. [2] Formulary

    .. [3] Callen Chapter 2, http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~callen/chap2.pdf

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> collision_rate_ion_ion(0.1*u.eV, 1e6/u.m**3, 'p')
    <Quantity 2.97315582e-05 1 / s>
    >>> collision_rate_ion_ion(100*u.eV, 1e6/u.m**3, 'p')
    <Quantity 1.43713193e-09 1 / s>
    >>> collision_rate_ion_ion(100*u.eV, 1e20/u.m**3, 'p')
    <Quantity 66411.80316364 1 / s>
    >>> collision_rate_ion_ion(100*u.eV, 1e20/u.m**3, 'p', coulomb_log_method='GMS-1')
    <Quantity 66407.00859126 1 / s>
    >>> collision_rate_ion_ion(100*u.eV, 1e20/u.m**3, 'p', V = c/100)
    <Quantity 6.53577473 1 / s>
    >>> collision_rate_ion_ion(100*u.eV, 1e20/u.m**3, 'p', coulomb_log=20)
    <Quantity 95918.76240877 1 / s>

    from plasmapy.physics.transport.collisions import Coulomb_logarithm
    T_i = T_i.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature_energy())
    m_i = atomic.ion_mass(ion_particle)
    if V is not None:
        V = V
        # ion thermal velocity (most probable)
        V = np.sqrt(2 * k_B * T_i / m_i)
    if coulomb_log is not None:
        coulomb_log_val = coulomb_log
        particles = [ion_particle, ion_particle]
        coulomb_log_val = Coulomb_logarithm(T_i,
    Z_i = atomic.integer_charge(ion_particle)
    # this is the same as b_perp in collisions.py, using most probable thermal velocity for V
    # and using ion mass instead of reduced mass
    bperp = (Z_i * e)**2 / (4 * np.pi * eps0 * m_i * V**2)
    # collisional cross-section
    sigma = np.pi * (2 * bperp)**2
    # collisional frequency with Coulomb logarithm to correct for small angle collisions
    nu = n_i * sigma * V * coulomb_log_val
    # this coefficient is the constant that pops out when comparing this definition of
    # collisional frequency to the one in collisions.py
    coeff = np.sqrt(8 / np.pi) / 3
    # collisional frequency modified by the constant difference
    nu_i = coeff * nu
    return nu_i.to(1 / u.s)
예제 #6
def lower_hybrid_frequency(B, n_i, ion='p+'):
    Return the lower hybrid frequency.

    B : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.

    n_i : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Ion number density.

    ion : str, optional
        Representation of the ion species (e.g., 'p' for protons, 'D+'
        for deuterium, or 'He-4 +1' for singly ionized helium-4),
        which defaults to protons.  If no charge state information is
        provided, then the ions are assumed to be singly charged.

    omega_lh : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The lower hybrid frequency in radians per second.

        If either of `B` or `n_i` is not a `~astropy.units.Quantity`,
        or ion is of an inappropriate type.

        If either of `B` or `n_i` is in incorrect units.

        If either of `B` or `n_i` contains invalid values or are of
        incompatible dimensions, or ion cannot be used to identify an
        ion or isotope.

        If units are not provided, SI units are assumed

    The lower hybrid frequency is given through the relation

    .. math::
        \frac{1}{\omega_{lh}^2} = \frac{1}{\omega_{ci}^2 + \omega_{pi}^2} +

    where :math:`\omega_{ci}` is the ion gyrofrequency,
    :math:`\omega_{ce}` is the electron gyrofrequency, and
    :math:`\omega_{pi}` is the ion plasma frequency.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> lower_hybrid_frequency(0.2*u.T, n_i=5e19*u.m**-3, ion='D+')
    <Quantity 5.78372733e+08 rad / s>


    # We do not need a charge state here, so the sole intent is to
    # catch invalid ions.
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError("Invalid ion in lower_hybrid_frequency.")

    omega_ci = gyrofrequency(B, particle=ion)
    omega_pi = plasma_frequency(n_i, particle=ion)
    omega_ce = gyrofrequency(B)
    omega_lh = ((omega_ci * omega_ce)**-1 + omega_pi**-2)**-0.5
    # TODO possibly optimize the above line via np.sqrt
    omega_lh = omega_lh

    return omega_lh.to(u.rad / u.s)
예제 #7
def plasma_frequency(n, particle='e-', z_mean=None):
    r"""Calculate the particle plasma frequency.

    n : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Particle number density in units convertible to per cubic meter

    particle : str, optional
        Representation of the particle species (e.g., 'p' for protons, 'D+'
        for deuterium, or 'He-4 +1' for singly ionized helium-4),
        which defaults to electrons.  If no charge state information is
        provided, then the particles are assumed to be singly charged.

    z_mean : ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        The average ionization (arithmetic mean) for a plasma where the
        a macroscopic description is valid. If this quantity is not
        given then the atomic charge state (`int`) of the ion
        is used. This is effectively an average plasma frequency for the
        plasma where multiple charge states are present.

    omega_p : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The particle plasma frequency in radians per second.

        If n_i is not a `~astropy.units.Quantity` or particle is not of
        an appropriate type.

        If `n_i` is not in correct units

        If `n_i` contains invalid values or particle cannot be used to
        identify an particle or isotope.

        If units are not provided, SI units are assumed

    The particle plasma frequency is

    .. math::
        \omega_{pi} = Z e \sqrt{\frac{n_i}{\epsilon_0 m_i}}

    At present, astropy.units does not allow direct conversions from
    radians/second for angular frequency to 1/second or Hz for
    frequency.  The dimensionless_angles equivalency allows that
    conversion, but does not account for the factor of 2*pi. The
    alternatives are to convert to cycle/second or to do the
    conversion manually, as shown in the examples.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> plasma_frequency(1e19*u.m**-3, particle='p')
    <Quantity 4.16329453e+09 rad / s>
    >>> plasma_frequency(1e19*u.m**-3, particle='D+')
    <Quantity 2.94462452e+09 rad / s>
    >>> plasma_frequency(1e19*u.m**-3)
    <Quantity 1.78398636e+11 rad / s>


        m = atomic.ion_mass(particle)
        if z_mean is None:
            # warnings.warn("No z_mean given, defaulting to atomic charge",
            #               PhysicsWarning)
                Z = atomic.integer_charge(particle)
            except Exception:
                Z = 1
            # using user provided average ionization
            Z = z_mean
        Z = np.abs(Z)
        # TODO REPLACE WITH Z = np.abs(grab_charge(particle, z_mean)), some bugs atm
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid particle, {particle}, in "

    omega_p = u.rad * Z * e * np.sqrt(n / (eps0 * m))

    return omega_p.si
예제 #8
def coupling_parameter(T,
                       z_mean=np.nan * u.dimensionless_unscaled,
                       V=np.nan * u.m / u.s,
    r"""Coupling parameter.
    Coupling parameter compares Coulomb energy to kinetic energy (typically)
    thermal. Classical plasmas are weakly coupled Gamma << 1, whereas dense
    plasmas tend to have significant to strong coupling Gamma >= 1.


    T : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Temperature in units of temperature or energy per particle,
        which is assumed to be equal for both the test particle and
        the target particle

    n_e : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The electron density in units convertible to per cubic meter.

    particles : tuple
        A tuple containing string representations of the test particle
        (listed first) and the target particle (listed second)

    z_mean : ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        The average ionization (arithmetic mean) for a plasma where the
        a macroscopic description is valid. This is used to recover the
        average ion density (given the average ionization and electron
        density) for calculating the ion sphere radius for non-classical
        impact parameters.

    V : ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        The relative velocity between particles.  If not provided,
        thermal velocity is assumed: :math:`\mu V^2 \sim 2 k_B T`
        where `mu` is the reduced mass.

    method: str, optional
        Selects which theory to use when calculating the Coulomb
        logarithm. Defaults to classical method.

    coupling : float or numpy.ndarray
        The coupling parameter for a plasma.

        If the mass or charge of either particle cannot be found, or
        any of the inputs contain incorrect values.

        If the units on any of the inputs are incorrect

        If the n_e, T, or V are not Quantities.

        If units are not provided, SI units are assumed

        If the input velocity is greater than 5% of the speed of

    The coupling parameter is given by

    .. math::
        \Gamma = \frac{E_{Coulomb}}{E_{Kinetic}}

    The Coulomb energy is given by

    .. math::
        E_{Coulomb} = \frac{Z_1 Z_2 q_e^2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r}

    where :math:`r` is the Wigner-Seitz radius, and 1 and 2 refer to
    particle species 1 and 2 between which we want to determine the

    In the classical case the kinetic energy is simply the thermal energy

    .. math::
        E_{kinetic} = k_B T_e

    The quantum case is more complex. The kinetic energy is dominated by
    the Fermi energy, modulated by a correction factor based on the
    ideal chemical potential. This is obtained more precisely
    by taking the the thermal kinetic energy and dividing by
    the degeneracy parameter, modulated by the Fermi integral [1]_

    .. math::
        E_{kinetic} = 2 k_B T_e / \chi f_{3/2} (\mu_{ideal} / k_B T_e)

    where :math:`\chi` is the degeneracy parameter, :math:`f_{3/2}` is the
    Fermi integral, and :math:`\mu_{ideal}` is the ideal chemical

    The degeneracy parameter is given by

    .. math::
        \chi = n_e \Lambda_{deBroglie} ^ 3

    where :math:`n_e` is the electron density and :math:`\Lambda_{deBroglie}`
    is the thermal deBroglie wavelength.

    See equations 1.2, 1.3 and footnote 5 in [2]_ for details on the ideal
    chemical potential.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> n = 1e19*u.m**-3
    >>> T = 1e6*u.K
    >>> particles = ('e', 'p')
    >>> coupling_parameter(T, n, particles)
    <Quantity 5.80330315e-05>
    >>> coupling_parameter(T, n, particles, V=1e6*u.m/u.s)
    <Quantity 5.80330315e-05>

    .. [1] Dense plasma temperature equilibration in the binary collision
       approximation. D. O. Gericke et. al. PRE,  65, 036418 (2002).
       DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.036418
    .. [2] Bonitz, Michael. Quantum kinetic theory. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1998.

    # boiler plate checks
    T, masses, charges, reduced_mass, V = _boilerPlate(T=T,
    if np.isnan(z_mean):
        # using mean charge to get average ion density.
        # If you are running this, you should strongly consider giving
        # a value of z_mean as an argument instead.
        Z1 = np.abs(atomic.integer_charge(particles[0]))
        Z2 = np.abs(atomic.integer_charge(particles[1]))
        Z = (Z1 + Z2) / 2
        # getting ion density from electron density
        n_i = n_e / Z
        # getting Wigner-Seitz radius based on ion density
        radius = Wigner_Seitz_radius(n_i)
        # getting ion density from electron density
        n_i = n_e / z_mean
        # getting Wigner-Seitz radius based on ion density
        radius = Wigner_Seitz_radius(n_i)
    # Coulomb potential energy between particles
    if np.isnan(z_mean):
        coulombEnergy = charges[0] * charges[1] / (4 * np.pi * eps0 * radius)
        coulombEnergy = (z_mean * e) ** 2 / (4 * np.pi * eps0 * radius)
    if method == "classical":
        # classical thermal kinetic energy
        kineticEnergy = k_B * T
    elif method == "quantum":
        # quantum kinetic energy for dense plasmas
        lambda_deBroglie = thermal_deBroglie_wavelength(T)
        chemicalPotential = chemical_potential(n_e, T)
        fermiIntegral = Fermi_integral(chemicalPotential.si.value, 1.5)
        denom = (n_e * lambda_deBroglie ** 3) * fermiIntegral
        kineticEnergy = 2 * k_B * T / denom
        if np.imag(kineticEnergy) == 0:
            kineticEnergy = np.real(kineticEnergy)
            raise ValueError("Kinetic energy should not be imaginary."
                             "Something went horribly wrong.")
    coupling = coulombEnergy / kineticEnergy
    return coupling.to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
예제 #9
def Alfven_speed(B, density, ion="p+", z_mean=None):
    Returns the Alfven speed.

    B : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.

    density : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Either the ion number density in units convertible to 1 / m**3,
        or the mass density in units convertible to kg / m**3.

    ion : str, optional
        Representation of the ion species (e.g., `'p'` for protons,
        `'D+'` for deuterium, or `'He-4 +1'` for singly ionized
        helium-4), which defaults to protons.  If no charge state
        information is provided, then the ions are assumed to be
        singly charged.

    z_mean : ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        The average ionization (arithmetic mean) for a plasma where the
        a macroscopic description is valid. If this quantity is not
        given then the atomic charge state (integer) of the ion
        is used. This is effectively an average Alfven speed for the
        plasma where multiple charge states are present.

    V_A : ~astropy.units.Quantity with units of velocity
        The Alfven velocity of the plasma in units of meters per second.

        The magnetic field and density arguments are not Quantities and
        cannot be converted into Quantities.

        If the magnetic field or density is not in appropriate units.

        If the Alfven velocity is greater than or equal to the speed of light

        If the density is negative, or the ion mass or charge state
        cannot be found.

        if units are not provided and SI units are assumed.

        If the Alfven velocity exceeds 10% of the speed of light

    The Alfven velocity :math:`V_A` is the typical propagation speed
    of magnetic disturbances in a plasma, and is given by:

    .. math::

        V_A = \frac{B}{\sqrt{\mu_0\rho}}

    where the mass density is :math:`\rho = n_i m_i + n_e m_e`.

    This expression does not account for relativistic effects, and
    loses validity when the resulting speed is a significant fraction
    of the speed of light.

    This function switches B and density when B has units of number
    density or mass density and density has units of magnetic field

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from plasmapy.constants import m_p, m_e
    >>> B = 0.014*u.T
    >>> n = 5e19*u.m**-3
    >>> rho = n*(m_p+m_e)
    >>> ion = 'p'
    >>> Alfven_speed(B, n, ion)
    <Quantity 43173.87029559 m / s>
    >>> Alfven_speed(B, rho, ion)
    <Quantity 43173.87029559 m / s>
    >>> Alfven_speed(B, rho, ion).to(u.cm/u.us)
    <Quantity 4.31738703 cm / us>

    utils._check_quantity(B, 'B', 'Alfven_speed', u.T)
                          'Alfven_speed', [u.m**-3, u.kg / u.m**3],

    B = B.to(u.T)
    density = density.si

    if density.unit == u.m**-3:
            m_i = atomic.ion_mass(ion)
            if z_mean is None:
                # warnings.warn("No z_mean given, defaulting to atomic charge",
                #               PhysicsWarning)
                    Z = atomic.integer_charge(ion)
                except AtomicError:
                    Z = 1
                # using average ionization provided by user
                Z = z_mean
            # ensuring positive value of Z
            Z = np.abs(Z)
        except AtomicError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid ion in Alfven_speed.")
        rho = density * m_i + Z * density * m_e

    elif density.unit == u.kg / u.m**3:
        rho = density

        V_A = (np.abs(B) / np.sqrt(mu0 * rho)).to(u.m / u.s)
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError("Unable to find Alfven speed")

    return V_A
예제 #10
def gyrofrequency(B, particle='e-', signed=False, z_mean=None):
    r"""Calculate the particle gyrofrequency in units of radians per second.

    B : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.

    particle : str, optional
        Representation of the particle species (e.g., 'p' for protons, 'D+'
        for deuterium, or 'He-4 +1' for singly ionized helium-4),
        which defaults to electrons.  If no charge state information is
        provided, then the particles are assumed to be singly charged.

    z_mean : float or ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional
        The average ionization (arithmetic mean) for a plasma where the
        a macroscopic description is valid. If this quantity is not
        given then the atomic charge state (integer) of the ion
        is used. This is effectively an average gyrofrequency for the
        plasma where multiple charge states are present, and should
        not be interpreted as the gyrofrequency for any single particle.

    signed : bool, optional
        The gyrofrequency can be defined as signed (negative for electron,
        positive for ion). Default is `False` (unsigned, i.e. always

    omega_c : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The particle gyrofrequency in units of radians per second

        If the magnetic field is not a Quantity or particle is not of an
        appropriate type

        If the magnetic field contains invalid values or particle cannot be
        used to identify an particle or isotope

        If units are not provided and SI units are assumed

    The particle gyrofrequency is the angular frequency of particle gyration
    around magnetic field lines and is given by:

    .. math::
        \omega_{ci} = \frac{Z e B}{m_i}

    The particle gyrofrequency is also known as the particle cyclotron
    frequency or the particle Larmor frequency.

    The recommended way to convert from angular frequency to frequency
    is to use an equivalency between cycles per second and Hertz, as
    Astropy's dimensionles_angles() equivalency does not account for
    the factor of 2*pi needed during this conversion.  The
    dimensionless_angles() equivalency is appropriate when dividing a
    velocity by an angular frequency to get a length scale.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> gyrofrequency(0.1*u.T)
    <Quantity 1.75882002e+10 rad / s>
    >>> gyrofrequency(0.1*u.T, signed=True)
    <Quantity -1.75882002e+10 rad / s>
    >>> gyrofrequency(0.01*u.T, 'p')
    <Quantity 957883.32241481 rad / s>
    >>> gyrofrequency(0.01*u.T, 'p')
    <Quantity 957883.32241481 rad / s>
    >>> gyrofrequency(0.01*u.T, particle='T+')
    <Quantity 319964.54975911 rad / s>
    >>> omega_ce = gyrofrequency(0.1*u.T)
    >>> print(omega_ce)
    17588200236.02124 rad / s
    >>> f_ce = omega_ce.to(u.Hz, equivalencies=[(u.cy/u.s, u.Hz)])
    >>> print(f_ce)
    2799249007.6528206 Hz

        m_i = atomic.ion_mass(particle)
        if z_mean is None:
            # warnings.warn("No z_mean given, defaulting to atomic charge",
            #               PhysicsWarning)
                Z = atomic.integer_charge(particle)
            except AtomicError:
                Z = 1
            # using user provided average ionization
            Z = z_mean
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid particle {} in gyrofrequency".format(particle))
    if not signed:
        Z = abs(Z)

    omega_ci = u.rad * (Z * e * np.abs(B) / m_i).to(1 / u.s)

    return omega_ci
예제 #11
def ion_sound_speed(*ignore,
                    T_e=0 * u.K,
                    T_i=0 * u.K,
    Returns the ion sound speed for an electron-ion plasma.

    T_e : ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional, keyword-only
        Electron temperature in units of temperature or energy per
        particle.  If this is not given, then the electron temperature
        is assumed to be zero.

    T_i : ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional, keyword-only
        Ion temperature in units of temperature or energy per
        particle.  If this is not given, then the ion temperature is
        assumed to be zero.

    gamma_e : float or int, keyword-only
        The adiabatic index for electrons, which defaults to 1.  This
        value assumes that the electrons are able to equalize their
        temperature rapidly enough that the electrons are effectively

    gamma_i : float or int, keyword-only
        The adiabatic index for ions, which defaults to 3.  This value
        assumes that ion motion has only one degree of freedom, namely
        along magnetic field lines.

    ion : str, optional, keyword-only
        Representation of the ion species (e.g., `'p'` for protons,
        `'D+'` for deuterium, or 'He-4 +1' for singly ionized
        helium-4), which defaults to protons.  If no charge state
        information is provided, then the ions are assumed to be
        singly charged.

    z_mean : ~astropy.units.Quantity, optional, keyword-only
        The average ionization (arithmetic mean) for a plasma where the
        a macroscopic description is valid. If this quantity is not
        given then the atomic charge state (integer) of the ion
        is used. This is effectively an average ion sound speed for the
        plasma where multiple charge states are present.

    V_S : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The ion sound speed in units of meters per second.

        If any of the arguments are not entered as keyword arguments
        or are of an incorrect type.

        If the ion mass, adiabatic index, or temperature are invalid.

        If an adiabatic index is less than one.

        If the temperature is in incorrect units.

        If the ion sound speed exceeds 10% of the speed of light, or
        if units are not provided and SI units are assumed.

    The ion sound speed :math:`V_S` is approximately given by

    .. math::

        V_S = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma_e Z k_B T_e + \gamma_i k_B T_i}{m_i}}

    where :math:`\gamma_e` and :math:`\gamma_i` are the electron and
    ion adiabatic indices, :math:`k_B` is the Boltzmann constant,
    :math:`T_e` and :math:`T_i` are the electron and ion temperatures,
    :math:`Z` is the charge state of the ion, and :math:`m_i` is the
    ion mass.

    This function assumes that the product of the wavenumber and the
    Debye length is small. In this limit, the ion sound speed is not
    dispersive (e.g., frequency independent).

    When the electron temperature is much greater than the ion
    temperature, the ion sound velocity reduces to
    :math:`\sqrt{\gamma_e k_B T_e / m_i}`.  Ion acoustic waves can
    therefore occur even when the ion temperature is zero.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> ion_sound_speed(T_e=5e6*u.K, T_i=0*u.K, ion='p', gamma_e=1, gamma_i=3)
    <Quantity 203155.0764042 m / s>
    >>> ion_sound_speed(T_e=5e6*u.K)
    <Quantity 203155.0764042 m / s>
    >>> ion_sound_speed(T_e=500*u.eV, T_i=200*u.eV, ion='D+')
    <Quantity 229586.01860212 m / s>


    if ignore:
        raise TypeError("All arguments are required to be keyword arguments "
                        "in ion_sound_speed to prevent mixing up the electron "
                        "and ion temperatures. An example call that uses the "
                        "units subpackage from astropy is: "
                        "ion_sound_speed(T_e=5*u.K, T_i=0*u.K, "

        m_i = atomic.ion_mass(ion)
        if z_mean is None:
            # warnings.warn("No z_mean given, defaulting to atomic charge",
            #               PhysicsWarning)
                Z = atomic.integer_charge(ion)
            except AtomicError:
                Z = 1
            # using average ionization provided by user
            Z = z_mean
    except AtomicError:
        raise ValueError("Invalid ion in ion_sound_speed.")

    if not isinstance(gamma_e, (float, int)):
        raise TypeError("The adiabatic index for electrons (gamma_e) must be "
                        "a float or int in ion_sound_speed")
    if not isinstance(gamma_i, (float, int)):
        raise TypeError("The adiabatic index for ions (gamma_i) must be "
                        "a float or int in ion_sound_speed")

    if not 1 <= gamma_e <= np.inf:
        raise utils.PhysicsError(
            "The adiabatic index for electrons must be between "
            "one and infinity")
    if not 1 <= gamma_i <= np.inf:
        raise utils.PhysicsError(
            "The adiabatic index for ions must be between "
            "one and infinity")

    T_i = T_i.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature_energy())
    T_e = T_e.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature_energy())

        V_S_squared = (gamma_e * Z * k_B * T_e + gamma_i * k_B * T_i) / m_i
        V_S = np.sqrt(V_S_squared).to(u.m / u.s)
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError("Unable to find ion sound speed.")

    return V_S
예제 #12
def inertial_length(n, particle='e-'):
    r"""Calculate the particle inertial length,

    n_i : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Particle number density in units convertible to m**-3.

    particle : str, optional
        Representation of the particle species (e.g., 'p' for protons, 'D+'
        for deuterium, or 'He-4 +1' for singly ionized helium-4),
        which defaults to electrons.  If no charge state information is
        provided, then the particles are assumed to be singly charged.

    d_i : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Particles inertial length in meters.

        If n_i not a Quantity or particle is not a string.

        If n_i is not in units of a number density.

        The particle density does not have an appropriate value.

        If units are not provided and SI units are assumed.

    The particle inertial length is also known as an particle skin depth and is
    given by:

    .. math::
        d_i = \frac{c}{\omega_{pi}}

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> inertial_length(5*u.m**-3, particle='He+')
    <Quantity 2.02985802e+08 m>
    >>> inertial_length(5*u.m**-3)
    <Quantity 2376534.75601976 m>


        Z = atomic.integer_charge(particle)
    except AtomicError:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid particle {particle} in inertial_length.")
    if Z:
        Z = abs(Z)

    omega_p = plasma_frequency(n, particle=particle)
    d = (c / omega_p).to(u.m, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles())

    return d