예제 #1
def test_CartesianGrid():

    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(np.array([-1, -1, -1]) * u.cm,
                               np.array([1, 1, 1]) * u.cm,
                               num=(10, 10, 10))

    x_arr, y_arr, z_arr = grid.grids
    x_axis, y_axis, z_axis = grid.ax0, grid.ax1, grid.ax2
    d_x, d_y, d_z = grid.dax0, grid.dax1, grid.dax2
    is_uniform = grid.is_uniform
    shape = grid.shape
    unit = grid.units

    # Grid should be uniform
    assert grid.is_uniform

    # Test initializing with a provided grid and a quantity
    q = np.zeros(grid.shape)
    grid2 = grids.CartesianGrid(grid.grids[0],

    # Test that input with the wrong units will raise an exception
    L0 = [-1 * u.mm, 0 * u.rad, -1 * u.mm]
    L1 = [1 * u.mm, 2 * np.pi * u.rad, 1 * u.mm]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        grid = grids.CartesianGrid(L0, L1, num=10)
예제 #2
def test_CartesianGrid():

    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(np.array([-1, -1, -1]) * u.cm,
                               np.array([1, 1, 1]) * u.cm,
                               num=(10, 10, 10))

    x_arr, y_arr, z_arr = grid.grids
    x_axis, y_axis, z_axis = grid.ax0, grid.ax1, grid.ax2
    d_x, d_y, d_z = grid.dax0, grid.dax1, grid.dax2
    is_uniform = grid.is_uniform
    shape = grid.shape
    unit = grid.units

    # Grid should be uniform
    assert grid.is_uniform == True

    # Test initializing with a provided grid
    grid2 = grids.CartesianGrid(

    # Units not all consistent
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        grid = grids.CartesianGrid([-1 * u.m, -1 * u.rad, -1 * u.m],
                                   [1 * u.m, 1 * u.rad, 1 * u.m])
예제 #3
def test_CartesianGrid_creation(args, kwargs, shape, error):
    # If no exception is expected, create the grid and check its shape
    if error is None:
        grid = grids.CartesianGrid(*args, **kwargs)
        assert grid.shape == shape
    # If an exception is expected, verify that it is raised
        with pytest.raises(error):
            grid = grids.CartesianGrid(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #4
def test_print_summary(abstract_grid_uniform, abstract_grid_nonuniform):
    Verify that both __str__ methods can be called without errors

    # Test printing a grid with no quantities
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=3)

    # Test printing a grid with unrecognized quantities
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=3)
    grid.add_quantities(unrecognized_quantity=np.ones([3, 3, 3]) * u.T)
예제 #5
def test_AbstractGrid_creation(args, kwargs, shape, error):
    Test the creation of AbstractGrids

    Use CartesianGrid as the test example

    # If no exception is expected, create the grid and check its shape
    if error is None:
        grid = grids.CartesianGrid(*args, **kwargs)
        assert grid.shape == shape
    # If an exception is expected, verify that it is raised
        with pytest.raises(error):
            grid = grids.CartesianGrid(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #6
def test_volume_averaged_interpolator():
    # Create grid
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=25)
    # Add some data to the grid

    # One position
    pos = np.array([0.1, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    pout = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "x")
    assert np.allclose(pos[0], pout, atol=0.1)

    # Test quantity key not present in dataset
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        pout = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "B_x")

    # Two positions, two quantities
    pos = np.array([[0.1, -0.3, 0], [0.1, -0.3, 0]]) * u.cm
    pout = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "x", "y")

    # Contains out-of-bounds values (must handle NaNs correctly)
    pos = np.array([5, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    pout = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "x")
    assert np.allclose(pout, 0 * u.cm, atol=0.1)

    # Try running with persistance
    pos = np.array([[0.1, -0.3, 0], [0.1, -0.3, 0]]) * u.cm
    p1, p2 = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "x", "y", persistent=True)
    p1, p2 = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "x", "y", persistent=True)
    # Try changing the arg list, make sure it catchs this and auto-reverts
    # to non-persistent interpolation in that case
    p1, p2 = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "x", persistent=True)
    assert p1.size == 1
예제 #7
def test_grid_methods():
    # ************ UNIFORM CARTESIAN ****************************
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(np.array([-1, -1, -1]) * u.cm,
                               np.array([1, 1, 1]) * u.cm,
                               num=(10, 10, 10))

    # Test on-grid
    pos = np.array([[0.1, -0.3, 0], [3, -0.3, 0]]) * u.cm
    out = grid.on_grid(pos)
    assert np.all(out == np.array([True, False]))

    # Test vector_intersects
    # This vector passes through the grid
    p1, p2 = np.array([0, -5, 0]) * u.cm, np.array([0, 5, 0]) * u.cm
    assert grid.vector_intersects(p1, p2)
    # Test going backwards yields the same result
    assert grid.vector_intersects(p2, p1)
    # This one doesn't
    p1, p2 = np.array([0, -5, 0]) * u.cm, np.array([0, -5, 10]) * u.cm
    assert not grid.vector_intersects(p1, p2)
    assert not grid.vector_intersects(p2, p1)

    # ************ NON-UNIFORM CARTESIAN ****************************

    grid = grids.NonUniformCartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=10)

    pos = np.array([[0.1, -0.3, 0], [3, -0.3, 0]]) * u.cm
    out = grid.on_grid(pos)
    assert np.all(out == np.array([True, False]))
예제 #8
def test_interpolate_indices():
    # Create grid
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=25)

    # One position
    pos = np.array([0.1, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    i = grid.interpolate_indices(pos)[0]
    # Assert that nearest grid cell was found
    pout = grid.grid[int(i[0]), int(i[1]), int(i[2])]
    assert np.allclose(pos, pout, atol=0.1)

    # Two positions
    pos = np.array([[0.1, -0.3, 0], [0.1, -0.3, 0]]) * u.cm
    i = grid.interpolate_indices(pos)[0]

    # Contains out-of-bounds values (index array should contain NaNs)
    pos = np.array([5, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    i = grid.interpolate_indices(pos)[0]
    assert np.sum(np.isnan(i)) > 0

    # ***********************************************************************

    # Create a non-uniform grid
    grid = grids.NonUniformCartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=100)

    # One position
    pos = np.array([0.1, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    i = grid.interpolate_indices(pos)[0]

    # Assert that nearest grid cell was found
    pout = grid.grid[int(i)]
    assert np.allclose(pos, pout, atol=0.5)
예제 #9
def test_nearest_neighbor_interpolator():
    # Create grid
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=25)
    # Add some data to the grid

    # One position
    pos = np.array([0.1, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    pout = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(pos, "x")
    assert np.allclose(pos[0], pout, atol=0.1)

    # Test quantity key not present in dataset
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        pout = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(pos, "B_x")

    # Two positions, two quantities
    pos = np.array([[0.1, -0.3, 0], [0.1, -0.3, 0]]) * u.cm
    pout = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(pos, "x", "y")

    # Contains out-of-bounds values (must handle NaNs correctly)
    pos = np.array([5, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    pout = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(pos, "x")
    assert np.allclose(pout, 0 * u.cm, atol=0.1)

    # ***********************************************************************

    # Create a non-uniform grid
    grid = grids.NonUniformCartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=100)
    grid.add_quantities(x=grid.grids[0] * u.cm)

    # One position
    pos = np.array([0.1, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    pout = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(pos, "x")
    assert np.allclose(pos[0], pout, atol=0.5)
예제 #10
def debug_volume_avg_interpolator():
    Plot the comparison of the nearest neighbor interpolator and volume
    averaged interpolator for `~plasmapy.plasma.grids.CartesianGrid`.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=24)

    # add x and y positions to grid

    # add a mass density to grid
    radius = np.sqrt(grid.pts0 ** 2 + grid.pts1 ** 2 + grid.pts2 ** 2)
    rho = radius.to(u.mm).value ** 4 * u.kg * u.m ** -3

    # Create a low resolution test grid
    npts = 150
    interp_pts = (
        np.array([np.linspace(-0.99, 1, num=npts), np.zeros(npts), np.zeros(npts)])
        * u.cm
    interp_pts = np.moveaxis(interp_pts, 0, -1)

    interp_hax = interp_pts[:, 0].to(u.mm).value

    va_rho = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(interp_pts, "rho")
    nn_rho = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(interp_pts, "rho")

    analytic = interp_hax ** 4

    raw_hax = grid.ax0.to(u.mm).value
    half = 12
    raw_rho = grid["rho"][:, half, half]
    plt.plot(raw_hax, raw_rho, marker="*", label="Interpolated points")
    plt.plot(interp_hax, nn_rho, label="Nearest neighbor")
    plt.plot(interp_hax, va_rho, marker="o", label="Volume averaged")
    plt.plot(interp_hax, analytic, label="Analytic")
    plt.xlim(-11, 11)
예제 #11
def test_grid_methods():
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(np.array([-1, -1, -1]) * u.cm,
                               np.array([1, 1, 1]) * u.cm,
                               num=(10, 10, 10))

    # Test on-grid
    pos = np.array([[0.1, -0.3, 0], [3, -0.3, 0]]) * u.cm
    out = grid.on_grid(pos)
    assert np.all(out == np.array([True, False]))

    # Test vector_intersects
    # This vector passes through the grid
    p1, p2 = np.array([0, -5, 0]) * u.cm, np.array([0, 5, 0]) * u.cm
    assert grid.vector_intersects(p1, p2) == True
    # Test going backwards yields the same result
    assert grid.vector_intersects(p2, p1) == True
    # This one doesn't
    p1, p2 = np.array([0, -5, 0]) * u.cm, np.array([0, -5, 10]) * u.cm
    assert grid.vector_intersects(p1, p2) == False
    assert grid.vector_intersects(p2, p1) == False
예제 #12
def test_volume_averaged_interpolator_known_solutions():
    # Create a 4x4x4 test grid with positions -3, -1, 1, and 3 cm
    # Add a quantity that equals 0 when x=-3, 1 when x=-1,
    # 2 when x=1, and 3 when x= 3
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-3 * u.cm, 3 * u.cm, num=4)

    Bz = np.zeros([4, 4, 4]) * u.T
    Bz[1, :, :] = 1 * u.T
    Bz[2, :, :] = 2 * u.T
    Bz[3, :, :] = 3 * u.T

    # Interpolate the following points:
    xpts = np.linspace(-4, 4, num=9) * u.cm
    pos = np.zeros([xpts.size, 3])
    pos[:, 0] = xpts

    pts = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "B_z", persistent=True)

    assert np.allclose(
        pts.value, np.array([np.nan, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, np.nan]), equal_nan=True
예제 #13
def uniform_cartesian_grid():
    A `pytest` fixture that generates a CartesianGrid that spans
    -1 cm to 1 cm in all dimensions.  Three quantities are added to the

    1. "x" which is the x position at each point in the grid [in cm]
    2. "y" which is the y position at each point in the grid [in cm]
    3. "z" which is the z position at each point in the grid [in cm]
    4. "rho" which is a mass density at each point in the grid [kg/m^-3]
    # Create grid
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=21)
    # Add some data to the grid

    radius = np.sqrt(grid.pts0 ** 2 + grid.pts1 ** 2 + grid.pts2 ** 2)
    rho = radius.to(u.mm).value ** 4 * u.kg * u.m ** -3

    return grid
예제 #14
def test_interpolators():
    # Test interpolator

    # Test interpolator
    # Create grid
    grid = grids.CartesianGrid(-1 * u.cm, 1 * u.cm, num=25)
    # Add some data to the grid
    data = grid.add_quantity("pts0", grid.grids[0])
    data = grid.add_quantity("pts1", grid.grids[1])

    pos = np.array([0.1, -0.3, 0]) * u.cm
    pos2 = np.array([[0.1, -0.3, 0], [0.1, -0.3, 0]]) * u.cm

    # Interpolate indices
    i = grid.interpolate_indices(pos)[0]

    pout = grid.grid[i[0], i[1], i[2], :] * grid.unit

    # Assert that nearest grid cell was found
    assert np.allclose(pos, pout, atol=0.1)

    # Interpolate grid values using nearest-neighbor interpolator
    pout = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(pos, "pts0")
    assert np.allclose(pos[0], pout, atol=0.1)

    # Interpolate grid values using volume-weighted interpolator
    pout = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "pts0")
    assert np.allclose(pos[0], pout, atol=0.1)

    # Test using multiple arguments
    pout, pout2 = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(pos, "pts0", "pts1")

    # Test multiple grid points
    pos = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.2, 0]]) * u.cm
    i = grid.interpolate_indices(pos)
    pout = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator(pos.value, "pts0")
    pout = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator(pos, "pts0")