class AimlCompanionConfig: from platform import system as OS import os PORT = 8080 HOST = "" TCP_BUFFER_LEN = 16384 SCRIPT_FILE = "NosferatuZodd-tcp.bat" if OS( ) == "Windows" else " &" SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.join(".", "NosferatuZodd", "scripts", "windows" if OS() == "Windows" else "xnix", SCRIPT_FILE) SCRIPT_SHELL = "start" if OS() == "Windows" else "sh"
def colored(text, color=None, on_color=None, attrs=None): """Colorize text. Available text colors: red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white. Available text highlights: on_red, on_green, on_yellow, on_blue, on_magenta, on_cyan, on_white. Available attributes: bold, dark, underline, blink, reverse, concealed. Example: colored('Hello, World!', 'red', 'on_grey', ['blue', 'blink']) colored('Hello, World!', 'green') """ if os.getenv('ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED') is None and 'windows' not in OS( ).lower(): fmt_str = '\x1b[%dm%s' if color is not None: text = fmt_str % (COLORS[color], text) if on_color is not None: text = fmt_str % (HIGHLIGHTS[on_color], text) if attrs is not None: for attr in attrs: text = fmt_str % (ATTRIBUTES[attr], text) text += RESET return text
def copy_to_clipboard(string): """Copy string to system clipboard.""" system({ 'Darwin': f'echo "{string}" | pbcopy', 'Linux': f'echo "{string}" | xsel --clipboard', 'Windows': f'echo {string}| clip', }[OS()]) if not args.raw: print(f'copied "{string}" to clipboard')
def update(): baseFolder = path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir) # ./core/libs/ if not path.exists(path.join(getcwd(), "")): errmsg = '[!] Unable to update WebHandler without being in the base folder.' errmsg += '\n[i] E.g. "cd {0}", and then try again.'.format(baseFolder) cprint(errmsg, 'red') sys.exit(1) if Popen("git --version", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).wait() != 0: errmsg = '\n[!] Didn\'t detect git. Therefore unable to update.' errmsg += '\n[!] e.g. sudo apt-get install git OR sudo yum install git. Else visit' errmsg += '[!] Update: Aborted' cprint(errmsg, 'red') return if not path.exists(path.join(baseFolder, ".git")): errmsg = '\n[!] ".git" directory doesn\'t exist here.' cprint(errmsg, 'red') msg = '\n[i] Detected git, cloning WebHandler' if 'windows' in OS().lower(): command = "xcopy \"%CD%\" \"%CD%_old\" /E /C /I /G /H /R /Y && set rmdir=\"%CD%\" && cd %HOME% && rmdir %rmdir% /s /q & git clone \"%CD%\"" else: command = "mv -f {0}/{,_old} && git clone \"{0}/\"".format( baseFolder) msg = '\n[i] Executing: %s' % (command) cprint(msg, 'green') f = Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) msg = '[+] Successfully upgrade to the latest git version' msg += '\n[i] Make sure to re-run WebHandler to use the updated version' cprint(msg, 'green') else: f = Popen('git rev-parse --short HEAD', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) #cwd=baseFolder current_commit = f.communicate()[0] msg = '\n[+] WebHandler current commit: {0}'.format(current_commit) msg += '[+] Update in progress, please wait...' cprint(msg, 'green') f = Popen('git pull; git rev-parse --short HEAD', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = f.communicate() if out and not err: msg = '[+] Updated successfully to: {0}\n'.format(out.split()[-1]) msg += '\n[i] Make sure to re-run WebHandler to use the updated version' cprint(msg, 'green') else: errmsg = '\n[!] Unable to update' errmsg += '\n[!] Make sure you have an internet connection' cprint(errmsg, 'red')
def __init__(self, key): self.key = key self.in_channel = False self.running = True self.voice = None if OS() == 'Darwin': self.CHANNELS = 1 self.CHUNK = 1920 self.RATE = 96000 else: self.CHANNELS = 2 self.CHUNK = 960 self.RATE = 48000 self.FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 self.pAudio = pyaudio.PyAudio() #Run the input in a new thread thread = threading.Thread(, args=()) thread.daemon = True thread.start()
s = '\rk' + str(s) per = '0' * (len(jml) - len(i)) per = per + i tamp('\rb==> \rk[\rh%s\rk/\rh%s\rk]%s__%s__%s__%s__%s' % (per, jml, h, m, p, r, s)) def tamp(x): w = {'m': 31, 'h': 32, 'k': 33, 'b': 34, 'p': 35, 'c': 36, 'P': 37} for i in w: x = x.replace('\r%s' % i, '\033[%s;1m' % w[i]) x += '\033[0m' x = x.replace('\r0', '\033[0m') print x if __name__ == '__main__': if v().split('.')[0] != '2': print( '[!] kamu menggunakan python versi %s silahkan menggunakan versi 2.x.x' % v().split(' ')[0]) exit(1) if OS().upper() != 'LINUX': print('[!] kamu menggunakan %s silahkan menggunakan linux' % OS().upper()) exit(1) main() else: print('[!] ini bukan module toyol') exit(1)
else: # Check for arguments dependencies if getargs.url: if getargs.method == 'post' and not getargs.parameter: errmsg = '\n[!] Using post method requires --parameter flag, check help' exit(cprint(errmsg, 'red')) elif getargs.method == 'get' and getargs.parameter: errmsg = '\n[!] Using get method doesn\'t require --parameter flag, check help' exit(cprint(errmsg, 'red')) else: if not getargs.banner: print banner # Print the banner commander.BackConnect() # Call BackConnect method to handle input elif getargs.listen or getargs.connect: if 'windows' in OS().lower(): errmsg = '[!] WebHandler doesn\'t support Windows yet, still working on it.' exit(cprint(errmsg, 'red')) if getargs.listen: listen.wait_connection( ) # Call wait_connection to wait for a connection commander.BackConnect() # Call BackConnect method to handle input else: connect.create_connection( ) # Call create_connection to try and connect to the target commander.BackConnect() # Call BackConnect method to handle input elif getargs.update: update() # Update the script
PULLWORDS = set() try: with open('exceptions.txt', 'r') as wordlist: for line in wordlist.readlines(): EXCEPTIONS.add(line.strip()) with open('pullwords.txt', 'r') as wordlist: for line in wordlist.readlines(): PULLWORDS.add(line.strip()) except FileNotFoundError: print(f'\nERROR: File "{file}" not found\n\nCreate it with the command:') print({ 'Darwin': f' touch {file}', 'Linux': f' touch {file}', 'Windows': f' type nul > {file}', }[OS()]) exit(1) def expand_years(title): years = findall(r"\'[0-9]{2}", title) if len(years) == 0: return title while len(years) > 0: y = years[0] if int(y[1:3]) > int(date('%y')): title = sub(y, sub(r"'", '19', y), title) else: replacement = input(f'ERROR: Fix year {y}: ') title = sub(y, replacement, title) years.pop(0)
s = '\rh'+str(s) else: s = '\rk'+str(s) per = '0'*(len(jml)-len(i)) per = per+i tamp('\rb==> \rk[\rh%s\rk/\rh%s\rk]%s__%s__%s__%s__%s'%(per,jml,h,m,p,r,s)) def tamp(x): w = { 'm':31, 'h':32, 'k':33, 'b':34, 'p':35, 'c':36, 'P':37} for i in w: x=x.replace('\r%s'%i,'\033[%s;1m'%w[i]) x+='\033[0m' x=x.replace('\r0','\033[0m') print x if __name__ == '__main__': if v().split('.')[0] != '2': print('[!] kamu menggunakan python versi %s silahkan menggunakan versi 2.x.x'%v().split(' ')[0]) exit(1) if OS().upper() != 'LINUX': print('[!] kamu menggunakan %s silahkan menggunakan linux'%OS().upper()) exit(1) main() else: print('[!] ini bukan module toyol') exit(1)