def getEpnList(self, name, opt, depth_list, extra_info, siteName, category): if extra_info == '-1': arr = [] return (arr, 'Instructions', 'No.jpg', False, depth_list) else: epn_num = '' if extra_info: name, epn_num = name.rsplit('--', 1) url = '' + name print(url) content = self.ccurlN(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(content) #f = open('/tmp/AnimeWatch/1.txt','w') #f.write(content) #f.close() epl = re.findall('/Cartoon/' + name + '[^"]*["?"]id[^"]*', content) #if not epl: # epl = re.findall('[^"]*?id=[^"]*', content) try: img = re.findall('[^"]*.jpg', content) img_src = '' if not img: img_src = soup.find('link', {'rel': 'image_src'}) if img_src and 'href' in str(img_src): img_link = img_src['href'] if not img_link.startswith('http'): if img_link.startswith('/'): img_link = '' + img_link else: img_link = '' + img_link else: img_link = img[0] print(img, img_src, img_link) picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, name + '.jpg') print(picn) if not os.path.isfile(picn): if img: ccurl(img_link + '#' + '-o' + '#' + picn, self.cookie_file) elif img_src: ccurl(img_link + '#' + '-o' + '#' + picn) except: #picn = '/tmp/AnimeWatch/' + name + '.jpg' picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, name + '.jpg') j = 0 for i in epl: i = re.sub('/Cartoon/' + name + '/', '', i) epl[j] = i j = j + 1 #try: soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'lxml') summary = "" summary1 = "" try: link = soup.findAll('span', {'class': 'info'}) #link = soup.findAll('div',{'class':'barContent'}) for i in link: l = (i.text).lower() if "genres" in l or "other name" in l or "country" in l or "date aired" in l or 'status' in l: k = i.findPrevious('p') if 'status' in l: t = k.text t = re.sub('"', '', t) t = re.sub('Views:[^"]*', '', t) summary = summary + t else: summary = summary + k.text if "summary" in l: j = i.findNext('p') if j: summary1 = j.text summary = summary + summary1 summary = re.sub('\r', '', summary) summary = re.sub('\n\n', '\n', summary) except: summary = 'Summary Not Available' epl = naturallysorted(epl) if extra_info and epn_num: epl[:] = [] epl.append(epn_num) record_history = True return (epl, summary, picn, record_history, depth_list)
def getEpnList(self,name,opt,depth_list,extra_info,siteName,category): epn_num = '' if extra_info: name,epn_num = name.rsplit('--',1) url = '' + name print(url) content = self.ccurlN(url) epl = re.findall('/Anime/' + name + '[^"]*["?"]id[^"]*', content) try: img = re.findall('[^"]*.jpg', content) if not img: img = re.findall('[^"]*.jpg', content) print(img) picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') print(picn) if img: print(img[0]) if not os.path.isfile(picn): ccurl(img[0]+'#'+'-o'+'#'+picn,self.cookie_file) except: picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') j = 0 for i in epl: i = re.sub('/Anime/' + name + '/', '', i) epl[j] = i j = j + 1 soup = BeautifulSoup(content,'lxml') summary = "" summary1 = "" try: link = soup.findAll('span',{'class':'info'}) for i in link: l = (i.text).lower() if "genres" in l or "other name" in l or "country" in l or "date aired" in l or 'status' in l: k = i.findPrevious('p') if 'status' in l: t = k.text t = re.sub('"','',t) t = re.sub('Views:[^"]*','',t) summary = summary + t else: summary = summary + k.text if "summary" in l: j = i.findNext('p') if j: summary1 = j.text summary = summary + summary1 summary = re.sub('\r','',summary) summary = re.sub('\n\n','\n',summary) except: summary = 'Summary Not Available' epl=naturallysorted(epl) if extra_info and epn_num: epl[:] = [] epl.append(epn_num) record_history = True display_list = True return (epl,summary,picn,record_history,depth_list)
def getEpnList(self,name,opt,depth_list,extra_info,siteName,category): epn_num = '' if extra_info: name,epn_num = name.rsplit('--',1) url = '' + name print(url) content = self.ccurlN(url) #f = open('/tmp/AnimeWatch/1.txt','w') #f.write(content) #f.close() epl = re.findall('/Drama/' + name +'/' +'[^"]*["?"]id[^"]*', content) #if not epl: # epl = re.findall('[^"]*?id=[^"]*', content) try: img = re.findall('[^"]*.jpg', content) if not img: img = re.findall('[^"]*.jpg', content) print(img) #jpgn = img[0].split('/')[-1] #print('Pic Name=' + jpgn #picn = '/tmp/AnimeWatch/' + name + '.jpg' picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') print(picn) if img: #img[0]=img[0].replace('','') print(img[0]) if not os.path.isfile(picn):['curl','-L','-b','/tmp/AnimeWatch/kcookieD.txt','-A',self.hdr,'-o',picn,img[0]]) ccurl(img[0]+'#'+'-o'+'#'+picn,self.cookie_file) except: #picn = '/tmp/AnimeWatch/' + name + '.jpg' picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') j = 0 for i in epl: i = re.sub('/Drama/' + name + '/', '', i) epl[j] = i j = j + 1 #try: soup = BeautifulSoup(content,'lxml') summary = "" summary1 = "" try: link = soup.findAll('span',{'class':'info'}) #link = soup.findAll('div',{'class':'barContent'}) for i in link: l = (i.text).lower() if "genres" in l or "other name" in l or "country" in l or "date aired" in l or 'status' in l: k = i.findPrevious('p') if 'status' in l: t = k.text t = re.sub('"','',t) t = re.sub('Views:[^"]*','',t) summary = summary + t else: summary = summary + k.text if "summary" in l: j = i.findNext('p') if j: summary1 = j.text summary = summary + summary1 summary = re.sub('\r','',summary) summary = re.sub('\n\n','\n',summary) except: summary = 'Summary Not Available' #print(summary) #print(picn) epl=naturallysorted(epl) #epl.append(picn) #epl.append(summary) if extra_info and epn_num: epl[:] = [] epl.append(epn_num) record_history = True return (epl,summary,picn,record_history,depth_list)
def getEpnList(self, name, opt, depth_list, extra_info, siteName, category): epn_num = '' if extra_info: name, epn_num = name.rsplit('--', 1) url = '' + name print(url) content = self.ccurlN(url) epl = re.findall('/Anime/' + name + '[^"]*["?"]id[^"]*', content) try: img = re.findall('[^"]*.jpg', content) if not img: img = re.findall('[^"]*.jpg', content) print(img) picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, name + '.jpg') print(picn) if img: print(img[0]) if not os.path.isfile(picn): ccurl(img[0] + '#' + '-o' + '#' + picn, self.cookie_file) except: picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, name + '.jpg') j = 0 for i in epl: i = re.sub('/Anime/' + name + '/', '', i) epl[j] = i j = j + 1 soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'lxml') summary = "" summary1 = "" try: link = soup.findAll('span', {'class': 'info'}) for i in link: l = (i.text).lower() if "genres" in l or "other name" in l or "country" in l or "date aired" in l or 'status' in l: k = i.findPrevious('p') if 'status' in l: t = k.text t = re.sub('"', '', t) t = re.sub('Views:[^"]*', '', t) summary = summary + t else: summary = summary + k.text if "summary" in l: j = i.findNext('p') if j: summary1 = j.text summary = summary + summary1 summary = re.sub('\r', '', summary) summary = re.sub('\n\n', '\n', summary) except: summary = 'Summary Not Available' epl = naturallysorted(epl) if extra_info and epn_num: epl[:] = [] epl.append(epn_num) record_history = True display_list = True return (epl, summary, picn, record_history, depth_list)
def getEpnList(self,name,opt,depth_list,extra_info,siteName,category): m = [] if siteName == "Cartoon-World" or siteName == "Cartoon-World-Cartoon" or siteName == "Cartoon-World-Movies": base = "" url = base+ "watch/" + name+"/" elif siteName == "Dubcrazy": #base = "" base = "" url = base+ "view/" + name+"/" elif siteName == "Animetycoon": base = "" url = base+ "watch/" + name+"/" elif siteName == "AniDub": base = "" if category == "Movie": url = "" + name else: url = "" + name elif siteName == "AnimeStatic": base = "" if category == "Movies": url = "" + name + '/' else: url = "" + name + '/' elif siteName == "CartoonMax": url = "" + name base = "" print(url) #if base_url == 0: #content = subprocess.check_output(['curl','-A',hdr,url]) #else: # content = ccurl(url,"no_redir") if siteName == "Cartoon-World" or siteName == "Cartoon-World-Cartoon" or siteName == "Cartoon-World-Movies": content = ccurlNew(url+'#'+'-L') else: #content = ccurlNew(url+'#'+'-L') if siteName == 'Dubcrazy': content = ccurlRequest(url,method='GET',curl_opt='-L') else: content = ccurlNew(url+'#'+'-L') soup = BeautifulSoup(content,'lxml') print(soup.prettify()) if siteName == "Cartoon-World" or siteName == "Cartoon-World-Cartoon" or siteName == "Cartoon-World-Movies": """ link1 = soup.findAll('div',{'class':'ani-row'}) print(link1) try: img1 = link1[0].find('img',{'class':'anime'}) print(img1) img = img1['src'] if not "http://" in img: img2 = re.findall('/images/[^"]*',img) img = ""+img2[0] print(img) #picn = "/tmp/AnimeWatch/"+name+'.jpg' picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') if not os.path.isfile(picn) and img:["curl","-A",self.hdr,"-L","-o",picn,img]) ccurlNew(img+'#'+'-o'+'#'+picn) except: picn = "No.jpg" img = "" try: summary=str(link1[1]) summary = re.sub('</table>','</table><div class="desc">',summary) summary = re.sub('</div>','</div></div>',summary) print(summary) soup = BeautifulSoup(summary,'lxml') info = soup.findAll('td',{'class':'ani-table-ans'}) summary = info[0].text+'\nType: '+ info[1].text+ '\nAired: ' + info[2].text + '\nGenre: ' + info[3].text+soup.find('div',{'class':'desc'}).text except: summary = "No Summary Available" """ arr = [] try: summary = "" link = soup.find('p',{'class':'margin-top-10'}) #print(link summary = link.text link_img = soup.findAll('img',{'class':'img-responsive margin-top-10'}) #img = "" + name+".jpg" img = link_img[-1]['src'] print(img) #picn = "/tmp/AnimeWatch/" + name + ".jpg" picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') if not os.path.isfile(picn):["curl","-A",self.hdr,"-L","-o",picn,img]) ccurlNew(img+'#'+'-o'+'#'+picn) except: summary = "No Summary Available" picn = "No" m = soup.findAll('a',{'class':'subbed'}) n = soup.findAll('a',{'class':'dubbed'}) arr = [] for i in m: if 'href' in str(i): arr.append(i['href'].split('/')[-1]+'-subbed'+' '+i['href']) for i in n: if 'href' in str(i): arr.append(i['href'].split('/')[-1]+'-dubbed'+' '+i['href']) elif siteName == "AniDub" or siteName == "AnimeStatic": m = [] summary = '' if category == "Movies": m.append(name) else: if siteName == "AniDub": link = soup.findAll('div',{'id':'catlist-listview'}) else: link = soup.findAll('ul',{ 'class':'eps eps-list'}) for i in link: a = i.findAll('a') for j in a: k=(j['href']).split('/') if siteName == "AniDub": m.append(k[-1]) else: m.append(k[-2]) if siteName == "AniDub": img = [] link = soup.findAll('div',{'class':'iltext'}) for i in link: summary = re.sub('\n','',i.text) img = re.findall('http[^"]*.jpg',content) elif siteName == "AnimeStatic": link = soup.find("div",{ "class":"deskripsi"}) summary = "" img = [] if link: sumr= link.find('p') summary = sumr.text #summary = re.sub('Genres[^\n]*\n','Genres : ',summary) #summary = re.sub('Title[^\n]*\n','Title : ',summary) #summary = re.sub('Rating[^\n]*\n','Rating : ',summary) #summary = re.sub('[)]','',summary) #summary = re.sub('[,][^"]\n','\n',summary) link = soup.find('div',{'class':'imganime'}) if link: img1 = link.find('img') if img1: img.append(img1['src']) #picn = "/tmp/AnimeWatch/" + name + ".jpg" picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') if not os.path.isfile(picn) and img:["curl","-A",self.hdr,"-L","-o",picn,img[0]]) ccurlNew(img[0]+'#'+'-o'+'#'+picn) elif siteName == "Animetycoon": img =[] #text = str(text) #print(text try: text = soup.find('article') text1 = text.find('p') summary = text1.text try: img1 = text.find('img')['src'] if 'http' not in img1: img1 = 'http:' + img1 img.append(img1) except: img = re.findall('//[^"]*posters/[^"]*.jpg',content) img[0] = "http:" + img[0] #picn = "/tmp/AnimeWatch/" + name + ".jpg" picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') if not os.path.isfile(picn):["curl","-L","-o",picn,img[0]]) ccurlNew(img[0]+'#'+'-o'+'#'+picn) except: summary = "No Summary Available" picn = "No" elif siteName == "CartoonMax": m = [] link = soup.find('div',{'class':'list-chapter mCustomScrollbar'}) if link: j = link.findAll('a') for k in j: tmp = k['href'].split('/')[-1] m.append(tmp) else: link = soup.find('div',{'class':'anime_info_episodes'}) link1 = link.findAll('a') for i in link1: k = i['href'].split('/')[-1] m.append(k) summary = "" link = soup.find('div',{ 'class':'description'}) img = [] summary = link.text link = soup.find('div',{ 'class':'box-content'}) img1_src = link.find('div',{ 'class':'img'}) img_src = link.find('img')['src'] if ' ' in img_src: img_src = re.sub(" ","%20",img_src) print(img_src) if img_src: img.append(img_src) print(img) #picn = "/tmp/AnimeWatch/" + name + ".jpg" picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') try: if not os.path.isfile(picn): ccurlNew(img[0]+'#'+'-o'+'#'+picn) except: pass elif siteName == "Dubcrazy": try: summary = "" link = soup.find('div',{'class':'well well-sm'}) #print(link summary = link.text link_img = soup.findAll('img',{'class':'img-responsive'}) #img = "" + name+".jpg" img = link_img[-1]['src'] print(img) #picn = "/tmp/AnimeWatch/" + name + ".jpg" picn = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,name+'.jpg') if not os.path.isfile(picn):["curl","-A",self.hdr,"-L","-o",picn,img]) ccurlNew(img+'#'+'-o'+'#'+picn) except: summary = "No Summary Available" picn = "No" #print(img sort_arr = True if siteName != "AniDub" and siteName != "CartoonMax": if (siteName == "Cartoon-World" or siteName == "Cartoon-World-Cartoon" or siteName == "Cartoon-World-Movies"): m = arr sort_arr = False else: fi = base + name+ '[^"]*/' m = re.findall(fi, content) found = False if not m: m = re.findall(name+'-dubbed-[^"]*', content) found = True j=0 if not found: for i in m: i = re.sub(base,"",i) m[j] = i[:-1] j = j + 1 if sort_arr: m=naturallysorted(m) #m.append(picn) #m.append(summary) record_history = True display_list = True return (m,summary,picn,record_history,depth_list)