예제 #1
def scanPList(key, outFile):
	Log.Debug("******* Starting scanPList with an URL of: %s" %(key))
	global bScanStatusCount
	global bScanStatusCountOf
	global bScanStatus
	bScanStatusCount = 0
		# Get playlist type once more
		playListType = XML.ElementFromURL(key + '?X-Plex-Container-Start=0&X-Plex-Container-Size=0', timeout=float(PMSTIMEOUT)).get('playlistType')
		Log.Debug('Writing headers for Playlist Export')
		output.createHeader(outFile, 'playlist', playListType)
		iCount = bScanStatusCount
		Log.Debug('Starting to fetch the list of items in this section')
		myRow = {}
		if playListType == 'video':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key, timeout=float(PMSTIMEOUT)).xpath('//Video')
		elif playListType == 'audio':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key, timeout=float(PMSTIMEOUT)).xpath('//Track')
		elif playListType == 'photo':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key, timeout=float(PMSTIMEOUT)).xpath('//Photo')
		for playListItem in playListItems:
			playlists.getPlayListInfo(playListItem, myRow, playListType)			
		Log.Critical("Detected an exception in scanPList")
		bScanStatus = 99
		raise # Dumps the error so you can see what the problem is
	message = 'All done'
	oc = ObjectContainer(title1='Playlists', no_cache=True, message=message)
	oc.add(DirectoryObject(key=Callback(MainMenu), title="Go to the Main Menu"))
	Log.Debug("******* Ending scanPListDB ***********")
	return oc
예제 #2
def scanPList(key, playListType, myCSVFile):
	Log.Debug("******* Starting scanPList with an URL of: %s" %(key))
	global bScanStatusCount
	global bScanStatusCountOf
	global bScanStatus
	bScanStatusCount = 0
		mySepChar = Prefs['Seperator']
		Log.Debug('Writing headers for Playlist Export')
		csvfile = io.open(myCSVFile,'wb')
		csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=playlists.getPlayListHeader(playListType, Prefs['PlayList_Level']), delimiter=Prefs['Delimiter'], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
		iCount = bScanStatusCount
		Log.Debug('Starting to fetch the list of items in this section')
		myRow = {}
		if playListType == 'video':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key, timeout=float(consts.PMSTIMEOUT)).xpath('//Video')
		elif playListType == 'audio':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key, timeout=float(consts.PMSTIMEOUT)).xpath('//Track')
		elif playListType == 'photo':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key, timeout=float(consts.PMSTIMEOUT)).xpath('//Photo')
		for playListItem in playListItems:
			playlists.getPlayListInfo(playListItem, myRow, playListType)
		Log.Critical("Detected an exception in scanPList")
		bScanStatus = 99
		raise # Dumps the error so you can see what the problem is
	message = 'All done'
	oc = ObjectContainer(title1='Playlists', no_cache=True, message=message)
	oc.add(DirectoryObject(key=Callback(MainMenu), title="Go to the Main Menu"))
	Log.Debug("******* Ending scanPListDB ***********")
	return oc
예제 #3
def scanPList(key, playListType, myCSVFile):
	Log.Debug("******* Starting scanPList with an URL of: %s" %(key))
	global bScanStatusCount
	global bScanStatusCountOf
	global bScanStatus
	bScanStatusCount = 0
		mySepChar = Prefs['Seperator']
		Log.Debug('Writing headers for Playlist Export')
		csvfile = io.open(myCSVFile,'wb')
		csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=playlists.getPlayListHeader(playListType, Prefs['PlayList_Level']), delimiter=Prefs['Delimiter'], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
		iCount = bScanStatusCount
		Log.Debug('Starting to fetch the list of items in this section')
		myRow = {}
		if playListType == 'video':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key).xpath('//Video')
		elif playListType == 'audio':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key).xpath('//Track')
		elif playListType == 'photo':
			playListItems = XML.ElementFromURL(key).xpath('//Photo')
		for playListItem in playListItems:
			playlists.getPlayListInfo(playListItem, myRow, playListType)
		Log.Critical("Detected an exception in scanPList")
		bScanStatus = 99
		raise # Dumps the error so you can see what the problem is
	message = 'All done'
	oc = ObjectContainer(title1='Playlists', no_cache=True, message=message)
	oc.add(DirectoryObject(key=Callback(MainMenu), title="Go to the Main Menu"))
	Log.Debug("******* Ending scanPListDB ***********")
	return oc