def plugin(): pl = PluginLoader(os.path.join(curPath, 'name_age_verification')) verPlugins = pl.plugins[PLUGIN_TYPE_VERIFICATION] assert len(verPlugins) == 1 p, = verPlugins assert p.__class__.__name__ == 'NameAndAgeVerifier' return p
def addNode(self, name: str) -> TestNode: if name in self.nodes: error("{} already added".format(name)) assert name in self.nodeReg ha, cliname, cliha = self.nodeReg[name] if self.opVerificationPluginPath: pl = PluginLoader(self.opVerificationPluginPath) opVerifiers = pl.plugins['VERIFICATION'] else: opVerifiers = None testNodeClass = self.testNodeClass node = self.enter_context( testNodeClass(name=name, ha=ha, cliname=cliname, cliha=cliha, nodeRegistry=copy(self.nodeReg), basedirpath=self.tmpdir, primaryDecider=self.primaryDecider, opVerifiers=opVerifiers)) self.nodes[name] = node self.__dict__[name] = node return node
def plugin(): pl = PluginLoader(os.path.join(curPath, 'plugin1')) verPlugins = pl.plugins['VERIFICATION'] assert len(verPlugins) == 1 p, = verPlugins assert p.__class__.__name__ == 'NameAndAgeVerifier' return p
def _loadPluginDirAction(self, matchedVars): if matchedVars.get('load_plugins') == 'load plugins from': pluginsPath = matchedVars.get('plugin_dir') try: self.plugins = PluginLoader(pluginsPath).plugins except FileNotFoundError as ex: _, err = ex.args self.print(err, Token.BoldOrange) return True
def _getAllPlugins(allPluginPaths, *types): if not allPluginPaths: return {} else: allPlugins = {} for path in allPluginPaths: pl = PluginLoader(path) plugins = pl.plugins for key, value in plugins.items(): if types and key not in types: continue if key in allPlugins: allPlugins[key].add(value) else: allPlugins[key] = value return allPlugins
def testBankReqValidationPlugin(looper, nodeSet, client1, wallet1, tdir, pluginVerPath): plugin = PluginLoader(pluginVerPath) plugin = next(iter(plugin.plugins[PLUGIN_TYPE_VERIFICATION])) commonError = "client request invalid: InvalidClientRequest()" client2, wallet2 = setupClient(looper, nodeSet, tmpdir=tdir) req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, { TXN_TYPE: "dummy", TARGET_NYM: wallet2.defaultId, DATA: { AMOUNT: 30 } }) validTypes = ', '.join(plugin.validTxnTypes) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "dummy is not a valid " "transaction type, must be " "one of {}".format(validTypes)) } coros1 = [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.identifier, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, { TXN_TYPE: CREDIT, TARGET_NYM: wallet2.defaultId, }) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "{} attribute is missing or not in proper format".format(DATA)) } coros2 = [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.identifier, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, { TXN_TYPE: CREDIT, TARGET_NYM: wallet2.defaultId, DATA: "some string" }) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "{} attribute is missing or not in proper format".format(DATA)) } coros3 = [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.identifier, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, { TXN_TYPE: CREDIT, TARGET_NYM: wallet2.defaultId, DATA: { AMOUNT: -3 } }) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "{} must be present and should be " "a number greater than 0".format(AMOUNT)) } coros4 = [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.identifier, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] timeout = waits.expectedReqAckQuorumTime() eventuallyAll(*(coros1 + coros2 + coros3 + coros4), totalTimeout=timeout)) req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, { TXN_TYPE: CREDIT, TARGET_NYM: wallet2.defaultId, DATA: { AMOUNT: 30 } }) waitForSufficientRepliesForRequests(looper, client1, requests=[req], fVal=1) for n in nodeSet: # type: Node opVerifier, = n.opVerifiers assert opVerifier.count == 1
def testAuctionReqValidationPlugin(looper, nodeSet, wallet1, client1, tdir, pluginVerPath): # TODO: Test more cases plugin = PluginLoader(pluginVerPath) plugin = next(iter(plugin.plugins[PLUGIN_TYPE_VERIFICATION])) commonError = "client request invalid: InvalidClientRequest()" allCoros = [] op = {TXN_TYPE: "dummy", DATA: {AMOUNT: 30}} req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, op) validTypes = ', '.join(plugin.validTxnTypes) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "dummy is not a valid transaction " "type, must be one of {}".format(validTypes)) } allCoros += [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] op = { TXN_TYPE: AUCTION_START, } req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, op) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "{} attribute is missing or not in proper format".format(DATA)) } allCoros += [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] op = { TXN_TYPE: PLACE_BID, } req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, op) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "{} attribute is missing or not in proper format".format(DATA)) } allCoros += [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] op = {TXN_TYPE: PLACE_BID, DATA: "some string"} req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, op) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "{} attribute is missing or not in proper format".format(DATA)) } allCoros += [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] op = {TXN_TYPE: PLACE_BID, DATA: {AMOUNT: 453}} req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, op) update = {'reason': makeReason(commonError, "No id provided for auction")} allCoros += [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] op = {TXN_TYPE: AUCTION_START, DATA: {}} req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, op) update = {'reason': makeReason(commonError, "No id provided for auction")} allCoros += [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] op = {TXN_TYPE: AUCTION_END, DATA: {}} req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, op) update = {'reason': makeReason(commonError, "No id provided for auction")} allCoros += [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ] auctionId = str(uuid4()) op = {TXN_TYPE: PLACE_BID, DATA: {ID: auctionId, AMOUNT: -3}} req = submitOp(wallet1, client1, op) update = { 'reason': makeReason( commonError, "{} must be present and should be " "a number greater than 0".format(AMOUNT)) } allCoros += [ partial(checkReqNack, client1, node, req.reqId, update) for node in nodeSet ]*allCoros, totalTimeout=5)) for n in nodeSet: # type: Node opVerifier, = n.opVerifiers assert opVerifier.count == 0
def testPluginWrongPath(): with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): pl = PluginLoader("somerandompath")
def testPluginEmptyPath(): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as exInfo: PluginLoader("") assert 'path is required' == str(exInfo.value)