예제 #1
 def validate_email(self, action, data):
     context = aq_inner(self.context)
     error_keys = [
         for error
         in action.form.widgets.errors
     if 'email' not in error_keys:
         registration = getToolByName(context, 'portal_registration')
         registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
         security_settings = registry.forInterface(
             ISecuritySchema, prefix="plone")
         if security_settings.use_email_as_login:
             err_str = ''
                 id_allowed = registration.isMemberIdAllowed(data['email'])
             except Unauthorized:
                 err_str = MESSAGE_EMAIL_CANNOT_CHANGE
                 if not id_allowed:
                     # only allow if unchanged
                     if self._differentEmail(data['email']):
                         err_str = MESSAGE_EMAIL_IN_USE
             if err_str:
                 notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, 'email', err_str)
예제 #2
    def validate_password(self, action, data):
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        registration = getToolByName(context, 'portal_registration')
        membertool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership')

        # check if password is correct
        current_password = data.get('current_password')
        if current_password:
            if isinstance(current_password, unicode):
                current_password = current_password.encode('utf8')

            if not membertool.testCurrentPassword(current_password):
                # add error to current_password widget
                err_str = _(u"Incorrect value for current password")
                                                 'current_password', err_str)

        # check if passwords are same and valid according to plugin
        new_password = data.get('new_password')
        new_password_ctl = data.get('new_password_ctl')
        if new_password and new_password_ctl:
            err_str = registration.testPasswordValidity(new_password,

            if err_str:
                # add error to new_password widget
                                                 'new_password', err_str)
                                                 'new_password_ctl', err_str)
예제 #3
 def validate_email(self, action, data):
     context = aq_inner(self.context)
     error_keys = [
         for error
         in action.form.widgets.errors
     if 'email' not in error_keys:
         registration = getToolByName(context, 'portal_registration')
         properties = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties')
         if properties.site_properties.getProperty('use_email_as_login'):
             err_str = ''
                 id_allowed = registration.isMemberIdAllowed(data['email'])
             except Unauthorized:
                 err_str = MESSAGE_EMAIL_CANNOT_CHANGE
                 if not id_allowed:
                     # only allow if unchanged
                     if self._differentEmail(data['email']):
                         err_str = MESSAGE_EMAIL_IN_USE
             if err_str:
                 notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, 'email', err_str)
예제 #4
    def validate_registration(self, action, data):
        """Specific business logic for this join form.  Note: all this logic
        was taken directly from the old validate_registration.py script in

        # CSRF protection

        registration = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_registration')

        error_keys = [
            error.field.getName() for error in action.form.widgets.errors

        form_field_names = [f for f in self.fields]

        portal = getUtility(ISiteRoot)

        # passwords should match
        if 'password' in form_field_names:
            assert ('password_ctl' in form_field_names)
            # Skip this check if password fields already have an error
            if not ('password' in error_keys or 'password_ctl' in error_keys):
                password = data.get('password')
                password_ctl = data.get('password_ctl')
                if password != password_ctl:
                    err_str = _(u'Passwords do not match.')
                    notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, 'password',
                    notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, 'password_ctl',

        # Password field checked against RegistrationTool
        if 'password' in form_field_names:
            # Skip this check if password fields already have an error
            if 'password' not in error_keys:
                password = data.get('password')
                if password:
                    # Use PAS to test validity
                    err_str = registration.testPasswordValidity(password)
                    if err_str:
                            action, 'password', err_str)

        settings = self._get_security_settings()
        if settings.use_email_as_login:
            username_field = 'email'
            username_field = 'username'

        # The term 'username' is not clear.  It may be the user id or
        # the login name.  So here we try to be explicit.

        # Generate a nice user id and store that in the data.
        user_id = self.generate_user_id(data)
        # Generate a nice login name and store that in the data.
        login_name = self.generate_login_name(data)

        # Do several checks to see if the user id and the login name
        # are valid.
        # Skip these checks if username was already in error list.
        # Note that if we cannot generate a unique user id, it is not
        # necessarily the fault of the username field, but it
        # certainly is the most likely cause in a standard Plone
        # setup.

        # check if username is valid
        # Skip this check if username was already in error list
        if username_field not in error_keys:
            # user id may not be the same as the portal id.
            if user_id == portal.getId():
                err_str = _(u"This username is reserved. Please choose a "
                            "different name.")
                notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, username_field,

        # Check if user id is allowed by the member id pattern.
        if username_field not in error_keys:
            if not registration.isMemberIdAllowed(user_id):
                err_str = _(u"The login name you selected is already in use "
                            "or is not valid. Please choose another.")
                notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, username_field,

        if username_field not in error_keys:
            # Check the uniqueness of the login name, not only when
            # use_email_as_login is true, but always.
            pas = getToolByName(self, 'acl_users')
            results = pas.searchUsers(name=login_name, exact_match=True)
            if results:
                err_str = _(u"The login name you selected is already in use "
                            "or is not valid. Please choose another.")
                notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, username_field,

        if 'password' in form_field_names and 'password' not in error_keys:
            # Admin can either set a password or mail the user (or both).
            if not (data['password'] or data['mail_me']):
                err_str = _('msg_no_password_no_mail_me',
                            default=u"You must set a password or choose to "
                            "send an email.")

                # set error on password field
                notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, 'password', err_str)
                notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, 'mail_me', err_str)
예제 #5
    def validate_registration(self, action, data):
        """Specific business logic for this join form.  Note: all this logic
        was taken directly from the old validate_registration.py script in

        # CSRF protection

        registration = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_registration')

        error_keys = [
            for error
            in action.form.widgets.errors

        form_field_names = [f for f in self.fields]

        portal = getUtility(ISiteRoot)

        # passwords should match
        if 'password' in form_field_names:
            assert('password_ctl' in form_field_names)
            # Skip this check if password fields already have an error
            if not ('password' in error_keys or 'password_ctl' in error_keys):
                password = data.get('password')
                password_ctl = data.get('password_ctl')
                if password != password_ctl:
                    err_str = _(u'Passwords do not match.')
                                                     'password', err_str)
                                                     'password_ctl', err_str)

        # Password field checked against RegistrationTool
        if 'password' in form_field_names:
            # Skip this check if password fields already have an error
            if 'password' not in error_keys:
                password = data.get('password')
                if password:
                    # Use PAS to test validity
                    err_str = registration.testPasswordValidity(password)
                    if err_str:
                                                         'password', err_str)

        settings = self._get_security_settings()
        if settings.use_email_as_login:
            username_field = 'email'
            username_field = 'username'

        # The term 'username' is not clear.  It may be the user id or
        # the login name.  So here we try to be explicit.

        # Generate a nice user id and store that in the data.
        user_id = self.generate_user_id(data)
        # Generate a nice login name and store that in the data.
        login_name = self.generate_login_name(data)

        # Do several checks to see if the user id and the login name
        # are valid.
        # Skip these checks if username was already in error list.
        # Note that if we cannot generate a unique user id, it is not
        # necessarily the fault of the username field, but it
        # certainly is the most likely cause in a standard Plone
        # setup.

        # check if username is valid
        # Skip this check if username was already in error list
        if username_field not in error_keys:
            # user id may not be the same as the portal id.
            if user_id == portal.getId():
                err_str = _(u"This username is reserved. Please choose a "
                            "different name.")
                                                 username_field, err_str)

        # Check if user id is allowed by the member id pattern.
        if username_field not in error_keys:
            if not registration.isMemberIdAllowed(user_id):
                err_str = _(u"The login name you selected is already in use "
                            "or is not valid. Please choose another.")
                                                 username_field, err_str)

        if username_field not in error_keys:
            # Check the uniqueness of the login name, not only when
            # use_email_as_login is true, but always.
            pas = getToolByName(self, 'acl_users')
            results = pas.searchUsers(name=login_name, exact_match=True)
            if results:
                err_str = _(u"The login name you selected is already in use "
                            "or is not valid. Please choose another.")
                                                 username_field, err_str)

        if 'password' in form_field_names and 'password' not in error_keys:
            # Admin can either set a password or mail the user (or both).
            if not (data['password'] or data['mail_me']):
                err_str = _('msg_no_password_no_mail_me',
                            default=u"You must set a password or choose to "
                            "send an email.")

                # set error on password field
                notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, 'password', err_str)
                notifyWidgetActionExecutionError(action, 'mail_me', err_str)