def fine_tune(num_fold, data): #InceptionResNetV2 - 774: #Xception - 126 print('Fine-Tuning') model = None train_data = None val_data = None isBest = True train_data, val_data = data[num_fold - 1][0], data[num_fold - 1][1] model = model_dispatcher.return_model(config.MODELS[num_fold - 1]) model = load_model(get_model_name(num_fold)) #LAYERS_TO_TRAIN = some_arbitrary_value print(model.summary()) for layers in model.layers[1].layers[config.LAYERS_TO_TRAIN[config. MODELS[num_fold - 1]]:]: layers.trainable = True print(model.summary()) mc, reduce_lr = return_callbacks(num_fold, isBest) opt = return_opt('adam', learning_rate=1e-5) model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) history =, validation_data=val_data, epochs=20, callbacks=[mc, reduce_lr], steps_per_epoch=train_data.__len__()) plot.plot_loss(history) plot.plot_accuracy(history)
def part_3_4(): """ Test hopfield network's robustness on different settings of noisy data :param p: dictionary of different patterns """ # Train with 3 patterns p_train = [p[0].flatten(), p[1].flatten(), p[2].flatten()] train_data = np.asarray(p_train) h_net = HopfieldNet(train_data) h_net.batch_train() # Choose a pattern and add noise to it test_pattern = 2 # Choose between 0, 1, 2 p_test = [p[test_pattern].flatten()] test_data = np.asarray(p_test) # Set noise percentages to test on [start, end, step] noise_percentages = np.arange(0, 101, 1) n_runs = 1 runs = [] for run in range(n_runs): acc = {} # Test for different percentages of noise for noise_perc in noise_percentages: # add noise to test data noisy_test_data = add_noise(test_data[0], noise_perc) # try to recall test_pred = h_net.recall([noisy_test_data], epochs=batch_epochs) acc[noise_perc] = calc_acc(test_data[0], test_pred[0]) if show_plots: test_pred_1 = test_pred[0].reshape(32, 32) # prepare for plotting show_tested(noisy_test_data, test_pred_1, test_pred_1.shape[0], test_pred_1.shape[1], title="Testing with " + str(noise_perc) + "% noise") # plot_accuracy(acc) runs.append(acc) average_acc = {} for noise_perc in acc.keys(): av_acc_i = 0. for run in range(n_runs): av_acc_i += runs[run][noise_perc] average_acc[noise_perc] = av_acc_i / float(n_runs) plot_accuracy(average_acc)
def train(num_fold): isBest = True data_frame = pd.read_csv(config.TRAIN_FACIAL_LANDMARKS_CSV_PATH, header=None) data_frame = preprocess.customFacialLandmarks(data_frame, config.CLASS_LABEL) X = data_frame.iloc[:, :-1].copy().values Y = data_frame.iloc[:, -1].copy().values.reshape(-1, 1) X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = return_split(X, Y) model = model_dispatcher.return_model(num_fold) Y_train_enc, Y_test_enc = conver_to_ohe(Y_train, Y_test) print(Y_train_enc.shape, Y_test_enc.shape) mc, reduce_lr = return_callbacks(num_fold, isBest) opt = return_opt('adam', learning_rate=0.01) model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) history =, Y_train_enc, epochs=100, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test_enc), batch_size=config.BATCH_SIZE, callbacks=[mc, reduce_lr]) plot.plot_loss(history) plot.plot_accuracy(history)
def main(): distance_functions = [euclidian_distance] clustering_classes = [PerfectClustering, OnlineClusteringV2] # Exp params moving_average_window = 2 # for all moving averages of the experiment ClusteringClass = clustering_classes[1] distance_func = distance_functions[0] merge_threshold = 30 # Cutoff distance to merge clusters. 'None' to ignore. start_idx = 0 end_idx = -1 input_width = 2048 * 32 active_cells_weight = 0 predicted_active_cells_weight = 10 max_num_clusters = 3 num_cluster_snapshots = 1 show_plots = True distance_matrix_ignore_noise = False # ignore label 0 if used to label noise. exp_name = 'body_acc_x_inertial_signals_train' # Clean an create output directory for the graphs plots_output_dir = 'plots/%s' % exp_name if os.path.exists(plots_output_dir): shutil.rmtree(plots_output_dir) os.makedirs(plots_output_dir) # load traces file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'htm', 'traces', 'trace_%s.csv' % exp_name) traces = loadTraces(file_path) num_records = len(traces['scalarValue']) # start and end for the x axis of the graphs if start_idx < 0: start = num_records + start_idx else: start = start_idx if end_idx < 0: end = num_records + end_idx else: end = end_idx xlim = [0, end - start] # input data sensor_values = traces['scalarValue'][start:end] categories = traces['label'][start:end] active_cells = traces['tmActiveCells'][start:end] predicted_active_cells = traces['tmPredictedActiveCells'][start:end] raw_anomaly_scores = traces['rawAnomalyScore'][start:end] anomaly_scores = [] anomaly_score_ma = 0.0 for raw_anomaly_score in raw_anomaly_scores: anomaly_score_ma = moving_average(anomaly_score_ma, raw_anomaly_score, moving_average_window) anomaly_scores.append(anomaly_score_ma) # generate sdrs to cluster active_cells_sdrs = convert_to_sdrs(active_cells, input_width) predicted_active_cells_sdrs = np.array( convert_to_sdrs(predicted_active_cells, input_width)) sdrs = (float(active_cells_weight) * np.array(active_cells_sdrs) + float(predicted_active_cells_weight) * predicted_active_cells_sdrs) # list of timesteps specifying when a snapshot of the clusters will be taken step = (end - start) / num_cluster_snapshots - 1 cluster_snapshot_indices = range(step, end - start, step) # run clustering (clustering_accuracies, cluster_snapshots, closest_cluster_history) = run(sdrs, categories, anomaly_scores, distance_func, moving_average_window, max_num_clusters, ClusteringClass, merge_threshold, cluster_snapshot_indices) # cluster_categories = [] # for c in closest_cluster_history: # if c is not None: # cluster_categories.append(c.label_distribution()[0]['label']) # plot cluster assignments over time for i in range(num_cluster_snapshots): clusters = cluster_snapshots[i] snapshot_index = cluster_snapshot_indices[i] plot_cluster_assignments(plots_output_dir, clusters, snapshot_index) # plot inter-cluster distance matrix # plot_id = 'inter-cluster_t=%s' % snapshot_index # plot_inter_sequence_distances(plots_output_dir, # plot_id, # distance_func, # sdrs[:snapshot_index], # cluster_categories[:snapshot_index], # distance_matrix_ignore_noise) # plot inter-category distance matrix plot_id = 'inter-category_t=%s ' % snapshot_index plot_inter_sequence_distances(plots_output_dir, plot_id, distance_func, sdrs[:snapshot_index], categories[:snapshot_index], distance_matrix_ignore_noise) # plot clustering accuracy over time plot_id = 'file=%s | moving_average_window=%s' % (exp_name, moving_average_window) plot_accuracy(plots_output_dir, plot_id, sensor_values, categories, anomaly_scores, clustering_accuracies, xlim) if show_plots:
model.add(layers.Dense(46, activation='softmax')) # 验证 x_val = x_train[:1000] partial_x_train = x_train[1000:] # y_val = one_hot_train_labels[:1000] # partial_y_train = one_hot_train_labels[1000:] # model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', # loss='categorical_crossentropy', # metrics=['accuracy']) partial_y_train = train_labels[1000:] y_val = train_labels[:1000] model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['acc']) print(model.summary()) history =, partial_y_train, epochs=20, batch_size=512, validation_data=(x_val, y_val)) import plot plot.plot_accuracy(history) plot.plot_loss(history)
def main(): distance_functions = [euclidian_distance] clustering_classes = [PerfectClustering, OnlineClustering] network_config = 'sp=True_tm=True_tp=False_SDRClassifier' exp_names = [ 'binary_ampl=10.0_mean=0.0_noise=0.0', 'binary_ampl=10.0_mean=0.0_noise=1.0', 'sensortag_z' ] # Exp params moving_average_window = 1 # for all moving averages of the experiment ClusteringClass = clustering_classes[0] distance_func = distance_functions[0] exp_name = exp_names[0] start_idx = 0 end_idx = 100 input_width = 2048 * 32 active_cells_weight = 0 predicted_active_cells_weight = 1 max_num_clusters = 3 num_cluster_snapshots = 2 show_plots = False distance_matrix_ignore_noise = True # whether to ignore label 0 (noise) # Clean an create output directory for the graphs plots_output_dir = 'plots/%s' % exp_name if os.path.exists(plots_output_dir): shutil.rmtree(plots_output_dir) os.makedirs(plots_output_dir) # load traces file_name = get_file_name(exp_name, network_config) traces = loadTraces(file_name) sensor_values = traces['sensorValue'][start_idx:end_idx] categories = traces['actualCategory'][start_idx:end_idx] raw_anomaly_scores = traces['rawAnomalyScore'][start_idx:end_idx] anomaly_scores = [] anomaly_score_ma = 0.0 for raw_anomaly_score in raw_anomaly_scores: anomaly_score_ma = moving_average(anomaly_score_ma, raw_anomaly_score, moving_average_window) anomaly_scores.append(anomaly_score_ma) active_cells = traces['tmActiveCells'][start_idx:end_idx] predicted_active_cells = traces['tmPredictedActiveCells'][ start_idx:end_idx] # generate sdrs to cluster active_cells_sdrs = convert_to_sdrs(active_cells, input_width) predicted_activeCells_sdrs = np.array( convert_to_sdrs(predicted_active_cells, input_width)) sdrs = (active_cells_weight * np.array(active_cells_sdrs) + predicted_active_cells_weight * predicted_activeCells_sdrs) # start and end for the x axis of the graphs start = start_idx if end_idx < 0: end = len(sdrs) - end_idx - 1 else: end = end_idx xlim = [start, end] # list of timesteps specifying when a snapshot of the clusters will be taken step = (end - start) / num_cluster_snapshots - 1 cluster_snapshot_indices = range(start + step, end, step) # run clustering (clustering_accuracies, cluster_snapshots, closest_cluster_history) = run(sdrs, categories, distance_func, moving_average_window, max_num_clusters, ClusteringClass, cluster_snapshot_indices) # plot cluster assignments over time for i in range(num_cluster_snapshots): clusters = cluster_snapshots[i] plot_cluster_assignments(plots_output_dir, clusters, cluster_snapshot_indices[i]) # plot inter-cluster distance matrix cluster_ids = [ for c in closest_cluster_history if c is not None] plot_id = 'inter-cluster_t=%s' % cluster_snapshot_indices[i] plot_inter_sequence_distances( plots_output_dir, plot_id, distance_func, sdrs[:cluster_snapshot_indices[i]], cluster_ids[:cluster_snapshot_indices[i]], distance_matrix_ignore_noise) # plot inter-category distance matrix plot_id = 'inter-category_t=%s ' % cluster_snapshot_indices[i] plot_inter_sequence_distances(plots_output_dir, plot_id, distance_func, sdrs[:cluster_snapshot_indices[i]], categories[:cluster_snapshot_indices[i]], distance_matrix_ignore_noise) # plot clustering accuracy over time plot_id = 'file=%s | moving_average_window=%s' % (exp_name, moving_average_window) plot_accuracy(plots_output_dir, plot_id, sensor_values, categories, anomaly_scores, clustering_accuracies, xlim) if show_plots:
model = models.Sequential() model.add(layers.Dense(64, activation='relu', input_shape=(10000, ))) model.add(layers.Dense(64, activation='relu')) model.add(layers.Dense(46, activation='softmax')) # 验证 x_val = x_train[:1000] partial_x_train = x_train[1000:] # y_val = one_hot_train_labels[:1000] # partial_y_train = one_hot_train_labels[1000:] # model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', # loss='categorical_crossentropy', # metrics=['accuracy']) partial_y_train = train_labels[1000:] y_val = train_labels[:1000] model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['acc']) print(model.summary()) history =, partial_y_train, epochs=20, batch_size=512, validation_data=(x_val, y_val)) import plot plot.plot_accuracy(history) plot.plot_loss(history)
def main(): distance_functions = [euclidian_distance] clustering_classes = [PerfectClustering, OnlineClustering] network_config = 'sp=True_tm=True_tp=False_SDRClassifier' exp_names = ['binary_ampl=10.0_mean=0.0_noise=0.0', 'binary_ampl=10.0_mean=0.0_noise=1.0', 'sensortag_z'] # Exp params moving_average_window = 1 # for all moving averages of the experiment ClusteringClass = clustering_classes[0] distance_func = distance_functions[0] exp_name = exp_names[0] start_idx = 0 end_idx = 100 input_width = 2048 * 32 active_cells_weight = 0 predicted_active_cells_weight = 1 max_num_clusters = 3 num_cluster_snapshots = 2 show_plots = False distance_matrix_ignore_noise = True # whether to ignore label 0 (noise) # Clean an create output directory for the graphs plots_output_dir = 'plots/%s' % exp_name if os.path.exists(plots_output_dir): shutil.rmtree(plots_output_dir) os.makedirs(plots_output_dir) # load traces file_name = get_file_name(exp_name, network_config) traces = loadTraces(file_name) sensor_values = traces['sensorValue'][start_idx:end_idx] categories = traces['actualCategory'][start_idx:end_idx] raw_anomaly_scores = traces['rawAnomalyScore'][start_idx:end_idx] anomaly_scores = [] anomaly_score_ma = 0.0 for raw_anomaly_score in raw_anomaly_scores: anomaly_score_ma = moving_average(anomaly_score_ma, raw_anomaly_score, moving_average_window) anomaly_scores.append(anomaly_score_ma) active_cells = traces['tmActiveCells'][start_idx:end_idx] predicted_active_cells = traces['tmPredictedActiveCells'][start_idx:end_idx] # generate sdrs to cluster active_cells_sdrs = convert_to_sdrs(active_cells, input_width) predicted_activeCells_sdrs = np.array(convert_to_sdrs(predicted_active_cells, input_width)) sdrs = (active_cells_weight * np.array(active_cells_sdrs) + predicted_active_cells_weight * predicted_activeCells_sdrs) # start and end for the x axis of the graphs start = start_idx if end_idx < 0: end = len(sdrs) - end_idx - 1 else: end = end_idx xlim = [start, end] # list of timesteps specifying when a snapshot of the clusters will be taken step = (end - start) / num_cluster_snapshots - 1 cluster_snapshot_indices = range(start + step, end, step) # run clustering (clustering_accuracies, cluster_snapshots, closest_cluster_history) = run(sdrs, categories, distance_func, moving_average_window, max_num_clusters, ClusteringClass, cluster_snapshot_indices) # plot cluster assignments over time for i in range(num_cluster_snapshots): clusters = cluster_snapshots[i] plot_cluster_assignments(plots_output_dir, clusters, cluster_snapshot_indices[i]) # plot inter-cluster distance matrix cluster_ids = [ for c in closest_cluster_history if c is not None] plot_id = 'inter-cluster_t=%s' % cluster_snapshot_indices[i] plot_inter_sequence_distances(plots_output_dir, plot_id, distance_func, sdrs[:cluster_snapshot_indices[i]], cluster_ids[:cluster_snapshot_indices[i]], distance_matrix_ignore_noise) # plot inter-category distance matrix plot_id = 'inter-category_t=%s ' % cluster_snapshot_indices[i] plot_inter_sequence_distances(plots_output_dir, plot_id, distance_func, sdrs[:cluster_snapshot_indices[i]], categories[:cluster_snapshot_indices[i]], distance_matrix_ignore_noise) # plot clustering accuracy over time plot_id = 'file=%s | moving_average_window=%s' % (exp_name, moving_average_window) plot_accuracy(plots_output_dir, plot_id, sensor_values, categories, anomaly_scores, clustering_accuracies, xlim) if show_plots:
#Classification for C in [10^-3,10^3] classificators = [] #Plotter my_plt = plotting_grid(fig_r=12, fig_c=11, grid_r=4, grid_c=2) for j, counter in enumerate(C_value): clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=counter).fit(X_train, y_train) accuracy_list.append(clf.score(X_validation, y_validation)) classificators.append(clf) my_plt.plot(X_validation, clf, "Classification for C = {}".format(counter), j)"classification.png") plot_accuracy(accuracy_list) print(tabulate([accuracy_list])) #best_C=C_value[] for j, c in enumerate(C_value): title = "Best classification with C = {}".format(c) clf_best = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=counter).fit(X_train, y_train) plot(X_validation, clf_best, title) print("\n\nAccuracy on test data : " + str(clf_best.score(X_test, y_test) * 100) + " % \n") # NON LINEAR SVM - RBF ############################################################################### # Define accuracy accuracy_list = [] #Classification for C in [10^-3,10^3]
def train(): print('Starting Training') data_frame = pd.read_csv(config.TRAIN_CSV_PATH) Y = data_frame[['Label']].copy() num_fold = 1 data = dict() isBest = False for train_idx, val_idx in return_split(Y): if (num_fold in config.LIST_OF_FOLD_EXCEPTIONS): import train_facialLandmarks train_facialLandmarks.train(num_fold) else: train_df = data_frame.iloc[train_idx] val_df = data_frame.iloc[val_idx] train_datagen, val_datagen = return_gen(num_fold) train_data = train_datagen.flow_from_dataframe( dataframe=train_df, directory=None, x_col="Image", y_col="Label", target_size=(config.TARGET_SIZE[config.MODELS[num_fold - 1]][0], config.TARGET_SIZE[config.MODELS[num_fold - 1]][1]), class_mode="categorical", shuffle=True, batch_size=config.BATCH_SIZE, seed=42) val_data = val_datagen.flow_from_dataframe( dataframe=val_df, directory=None, x_col="Image", y_col="Label", target_size=(config.TARGET_SIZE[config.MODELS[num_fold - 1]][0], config.TARGET_SIZE[config.MODELS[num_fold - 1]][1]), class_mode="categorical", shuffle=True, batch_size=config.BATCH_SIZE, seed=42) print(train_data.class_indices) model = model_dispatcher.return_model(num_fold) mc, reduce_lr = return_callbacks(num_fold, isBest) opt = return_opt('adam', learning_rate=0.01) model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) history =, validation_data=val_data, epochs=1, callbacks=[mc, reduce_lr], steps_per_epoch=train_data.__len__()) plot.plot_loss(history) plot.plot_accuracy(history) model = load_model(get_model_name(num_fold, isBest)) results = model.evaluate(val_data) results = dict(zip(model.metrics_name, results)) data[num_fold] = [train_data, val_data] num_fold += 1 tf.keras.backend.clear_session() if (num_fold > len(config.MODELS)): break return data
def main(): distance_functions = [euclidian_distance] clustering_classes = [PerfectClustering, OnlineClusteringV2] network_config = "sp=True_tm=True_tp=False_SDRClassifier" exp_names = [ "body_acc_x", "binary_ampl=10.0_mean=0.0_noise=0.0", "binary_ampl=10.0_mean=0.0_noise=1.0", "sensortag_z", ] # Exp params moving_average_window = 2 # for all moving averages of the experiment ClusteringClass = clustering_classes[1] distance_func = distance_functions[0] exp_name = exp_names[0] start_idx = 1000 end_idx = 12000 input_width = 2048 * 32 active_cells_weight = 0 predicted_active_cells_weight = 10 max_num_clusters = 3 num_cluster_snapshots = 1 show_plots = True distance_matrix_ignore_noise = True # whether to ignore label 0 (noise) # Clean an create output directory for the graphs plots_output_dir = "plots/%s" % exp_name if os.path.exists(plots_output_dir): shutil.rmtree(plots_output_dir) os.makedirs(plots_output_dir) # load traces file_name = get_file_name(exp_name, network_config) traces = loadTraces(file_name) num_records = len(traces["sensorValue"]) # start and end for the x axis of the graphs if start_idx < 0: start = num_records + start_idx else: start = start_idx if end_idx < 0: end = num_records + end_idx else: end = end_idx xlim = [0, end - start] # input data sensor_values = traces["sensorValue"][start:end] categories = traces["actualCategory"][start:end] active_cells = traces["tmActiveCells"][start:end] predicted_active_cells = traces["tmPredictedActiveCells"][start:end] raw_anomaly_scores = traces["rawAnomalyScore"][start:end] anomaly_scores = [] anomaly_score_ma = 0.0 for raw_anomaly_score in raw_anomaly_scores: anomaly_score_ma = moving_average(anomaly_score_ma, raw_anomaly_score, moving_average_window) anomaly_scores.append(anomaly_score_ma) # generate sdrs to cluster active_cells_sdrs = convert_to_sdrs(active_cells, input_width) predicted_active_cells_sdrs = np.array(convert_to_sdrs(predicted_active_cells, input_width)) sdrs = ( float(active_cells_weight) * np.array(active_cells_sdrs) + float(predicted_active_cells_weight) * predicted_active_cells_sdrs ) # list of timesteps specifying when a snapshot of the clusters will be taken step = (end - start) / num_cluster_snapshots - 1 cluster_snapshot_indices = range(step, end - start, step) # run clustering (clustering_accuracies, cluster_snapshots, closest_cluster_history) = run( sdrs, categories, anomaly_scores, distance_func, moving_average_window, max_num_clusters, ClusteringClass, cluster_snapshot_indices, ) # cluster_categories = [] # for c in closest_cluster_history: # if c is not None: # cluster_categories.append(c.label_distribution()[0]['label']) # plot cluster assignments over time for i in range(num_cluster_snapshots): clusters = cluster_snapshots[i] snapshot_index = cluster_snapshot_indices[i] plot_cluster_assignments(plots_output_dir, clusters, snapshot_index) # plot inter-cluster distance matrix # plot_id = 'inter-cluster_t=%s' % snapshot_index # plot_inter_sequence_distances(plots_output_dir, # plot_id, # distance_func, # sdrs[:snapshot_index], # cluster_categories[:snapshot_index], # distance_matrix_ignore_noise) # plot inter-category distance matrix plot_id = "inter-category_t=%s " % snapshot_index plot_inter_sequence_distances( plots_output_dir, plot_id, distance_func, sdrs[:snapshot_index], categories[:snapshot_index], distance_matrix_ignore_noise, ) # plot clustering accuracy over time plot_id = "file=%s | moving_average_window=%s" % (exp_name, moving_average_window) plot_accuracy(plots_output_dir, plot_id, sensor_values, categories, anomaly_scores, clustering_accuracies, xlim) if show_plots: