예제 #1
    if comm_rank == 0:
        print 'Begin to locate the signal and calculate SNR... rank:', comm_rank
    SNR, location = Signal_finding(FFT2nd_sets, ang_min, ang_max, pixel)

    if comm_rank == 0: print 'Calculation over. rank:', comm_rank
    time_2 = time.time()
    consume = time_2 - time_1

    if comm_rank == 0:
        print str(comm_rank) + ' process matrix size: 4096 * ' + str(
            len(SNR) * 2048
        ) + '\ntime is:', consume, 'seconds,  ', 'equal', consume / 60., 'minutes.'

    if comm_rank == 0: print 'start to plot... rank:', comm_rank
    plot(comm_rank, t_sets, d_sets, re_sets, polar_sets, FFT1st_sets,
         FFT2nd_sets, plot_proc, freq, f_axis, 2, rad_grid, ang_grid, plot_dir,
         pixel, ang_min, ang_max)

    #gather the results from all processes
    combine_SNR = comm.gather(SNR, root=0)
    combine_SNR = np.array(combine_SNR).reshape(-1)
    combine_location = comm.gather(location, root=0)
    combine_location = np.array(combine_location).reshape(-1)

    if comm_rank == 0:
        print 'multiprocess plot over....'
        N_cut = len(combine_SNR)
예제 #2
        if comm_rank == 0 and SHOW == 1: print 'Searching Over. '
        time_2 = time.time()
        consume = time_2 - time_1

        if comm_rank == 0 and SHOW == 1:
            print '\n#############'
            print 'Process matrix size:', nch, ' * ' + str(t_len)
            print 'Time cost:', consume, 'seconds,  ', 'equal', consume / 60., 'minutes.'
            print 'Process:', i_ch, ' of ', p_n, ' for total:', p_n * t_len * comm_size, 'samples'
            print 'Angle range:', angle
            print 'SNR:', SNR, ';DM: ', DM
            print '###############\n\nBegin to plot...'
        plot(comm_rank, t_axis, data, re_data, polar_data, FFT1st_data,
             FFT2nd_data, plot_proc, freq, f_axis, Rad_rs, Ang_rs, plot_dir,
             pixel, angle, i_ch, p_n, SNR, DM, A_f)
        if comm_rank == 0 and SHOW == 1: print 'Plot Over...\n\n'
# gather the results from all processes #
    SNR_l = np.array(SNR_l)
    DM_l = np.array(DM_l)
    time_e = time.time()
    if comm_rank == 0 and SHOW == 1:
        print 'Total consume:', (time_e - time_s) / 60., 'mins'
    combine_SNR = comm.gather(SNR_l, root=0)
    combine_SNR = np.array(combine_SNR).reshape(-1)
    combine_DM = comm.gather(DM_l, root=0)
    combine_DM = np.array(combine_DM).reshape(-1)