def plot_bachelier_digital_option(_time, _timestep, _strike):

    ## call helper function to generate sufficient symmetric binomials

    size = int(_time / _timestep)

    sample = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(_timestep), size)

    path_bm = [sum(sample[0:n]) for n in range(size)]

    x = [_timestep * k for k in range(size)]
    remaining_time = [np.sqrt(_time - x_i) for x_i in x]

    ## theoretical option value over time on a single path
    path_digital_option = [
        1 - dist.standard_normal_cdf((_strike - bm) / rt)
        for (bm, rt) in zip(path_bm, remaining_time)

    hedge_proportion = [0] * (size)
    path_digital_option_hedge = [0] * (size)

    ## plot the trajectory of the process
    _t_remain = remaining_time[0]
    path_digital_option_hedge[0] = path_digital_option[0]
    hedge_proportion[0] = dist.standard_normal_pdf(
        (_strike - path_bm[0]) / _t_remain) / _t_remain

    for j in range(1, size):
        _t_remain = remaining_time[j]
        hedge_proportion[j] = dist.standard_normal_pdf(
            (_strike - path_bm[j - 1]) / _t_remain) / _t_remain
        path_digital_option_hedge[j] = path_digital_option_hedge[
            j - 1] + sample[j] * hedge_proportion[j]

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Paths of Digital Option Value", 'Time',
                          "Option Value")

    trackHedgeOnly = True
    if (trackHedgeOnly):
        mp.multiPlot(x, [path_digital_option, path_digital_option_hedge])
        arg = [
            'Option Value', 'Hedge Proportion', 'Underlying Brownian Motion'
        colors = ['green', 'red', 'blue']
        mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Paths of Digital Option Value", 'Time',
                              "Option Value")
        mp.subPlots(x, [path_digital_option, hedge_proportion, path_bm], arg,
def terminal_utility_histogram(_b, _r, _sigma, T, _sample_size):

    ## plot the terminal utility of a stock vs an optimal strategy (for various utility functions)

    sample = np.random.normal(0, T, _sample_size)

    alpha = .0
    pi = (_b - _r) / (_sigma * _sigma) / (1 - alpha)
    sigma_pi = _sigma * pi
    b_pi = _r + pi * (_b - _r)

    sample_value_stock = [
        np.exp((_b + 0.5 * _sigma * _sigma) * T + _sigma * 1. * ns)
        for ns in sample
    sample_value_pi = [
        np.exp((b_pi + 0.5 * sigma_pi * sigma_pi) * T + sigma_pi * 1. * ns)
        for ns in sample

    ## we then turn the outcome into a histogram

    num_bins = 100

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(
        "Terminal Wealth for Stock and Mixed Portfolio for $\pi=${0}".format(
            pi), 'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')
    labels = ['Stock', 'Portfolio']
    mp.plotHistogram([sample_value_stock, sample_value_pi], num_bins, labels)
예제 #3
def stochastic_integral_hist(_steps, _paths, scaling):

    output_lhs = [0.] * (_paths)
    output_rhs = [0.] * (_paths)
    n = _steps * scaling
    delta_t_sq = 1. / np.sqrt(scaling)

    for m in range(_paths):
        normal_sample = np.random.normal(0., 1., n)
        increments_bm = [s * delta_t_sq for s in normal_sample]

        ### create Brownian Motion paths
        bm_path = [0.] * (n + 1)
        bm_path[1:n + 1] = np.cumsum(increments_bm)

        output_lhs[m] = sum(
            [f * g for f, g in zip(bm_path[0:n], increments_bm)])
        output_rhs[m] = sum(
            [f * g for f, g in zip(bm_path[1:n + 1], increments_bm)])

    num_bins = 50

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(
        'Stochastic Integral $\int_0^t B(u) du $ for 2 approximations',
        'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')

    colors = ['#0059ff', '#db46e2', '#ffc800', '#99e45e']

    mp.plotMultiHistogram([output_lhs, output_rhs], num_bins, colors)
예제 #4
def binomial_plot(p, n):

    x_ax = [k for k in range(n)]
    y_ax = [dist.binomial_pdf(p, k, n) for k in range(n)]  # poisson distribution

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Binomial Distribution for p={0}".format(p), "# Successes", "Probability")
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, [y_ax], 'o')
예제 #5
def binomial_lln(sample_size, p):

    ## Step 1 - create sample of independent uniform random variables

    lower_bound = 0.
    upper_bound = 1.
    uni_sample = np.random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound, sample_size)

    ## Step 2 - transform them to $B(1,p)$ distribution
    sample = [dist.binomial_inverse_cdf(p, u) for u in uni_sample]

    x_ax = [k for k in range(sample_size)]  # values on the x axis
    n_plots = 2
    y_ax = [[0.] * sample_size for j in range(n_plots)]

    # y_values (1) - actual average
    y_ax[1] = [p for x in range(sample_size)]

    # y_values (0) - cumulative average of all the samples
    y_ax[0] = [sum(sample[0:k + 1]) / (k + 1) for k in range(sample_size)]

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Cumulative Average", 'x', 'Average')
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, y_ax)
예제 #6
def compounding_plot(rate, freq, min_val, max_val, steps):

    step = (max_val - min_val) / steps
    n_plots = len(freq)

    # values on the x axis
    x_ax = [0.] * steps
    for k in range(steps):
        x_ax[k] = min_val + step * k

    ## container for y axis
    y_ax = [0.] * n_plots
    for k in range(n_plots):
        y_ax[k] = [0.] * steps

    starting_value = 1.
    for k in range(n_plots):
        ### linear interpolation on a grid given by the compounding frequency
        __n = int((max_val - min_val) / freq[k]) + 1
        x_temp = [min_val] * __n
        y_temp = [starting_value] * __n
        for m in range(1, __n):
            x_temp[m] = min_val + float(m) * freq[k]
            y_temp[m] = y_temp[m-1] * (1. + rate * freq[k])

        y_ax[k] = np.interp(x_ax, x_temp, y_temp)

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities('Compounding Account Value', 'x', 'Value')
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, y_ax)
예제 #7
def distorted_plot(rate, vols, min_val, max_val, steps):

    step = (max_val - min_val) / steps
    n_plots = len(vols)

    # values on the x axis
    x_ax = [0.] * steps
    for k in range(steps):
        x_ax[k] = min_val + step * k

    ## container for y axis
    starting_value = 1.
    y_ax = [0.] * n_plots
    for k in range(n_plots):
        y_ax[k] = [starting_value] * steps

    for k in range(n_plots):
        for m in range(1, steps):
            if (vols[k] <= 0. ):
                random_shock = 0.
                random_shock = np.random.normal(0, vols[k] * np.sqrt(step), 1)
            y_ax[k][m] = y_ax[k][m-1] * (1. + rate * step + random_shock)

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities('Compounding Account Value With Noise', 'x', 'Value')
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, y_ax)
예제 #8
def compounding_plot(rate, freq, min_val, max_val, steps):

   step = (max_val - min_val) / steps

   # values on the x axis
   x_ax = [min_val + step * k for k in range(steps)]

   ## container for y axis
   y_ax = [ [0.] * steps for f in freq]

   starting_value = 1.
   k = 0
   for f in freq:

       ### linear interpolation on a grid given by the compounding frequency
       __n = int((max_val - min_val) / f) + 1
       x_temp = [min_val + float(m) * f for m in range(__n)]
       y_temp = [starting_value] * __n
       for m in range(1, __n):
           y_temp[m] = y_temp[m-1] * (1. + rate * f)

       y_ax[k] = np.interp(x_ax, x_temp, y_temp)
       k = k + 1

   mp = pu.PlotUtilities('Compounding Account Value', 'x', 'Value')
   mp.multiPlot(x_ax, y_ax)
예제 #9
def si_integrand_only(_steps, _paths, scaling):

    output_lhs_non_si = [0.] * (_paths)
    output_rhs_non_si = [0.] * (_paths)
    n = _steps * scaling
    delta_t = 1. / scaling
    delta_t_sq = 1. / np.sqrt(scaling)

    for m in range(_paths):

        ### create normal increments scaled to the right time step
        normal_sample = np.random.normal(0., 1., n)
        increments_bm = [s * delta_t_sq for s in normal_sample]

        ### create Brownian Motion paths
        bm_path = [0.] * (n + 1)
        bm_path[1:n + 1] = np.cumsum(increments_bm)
        output_lhs_non_si[m] = sum(bm_path[0:n]) * delta_t
        output_rhs_non_si[m] = sum(bm_path[1:n + 1]) * delta_t

    num_bins = 50

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(
        'Stochastic Integral $\int_0^t B(u) du $ for 2 approximations',
        'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')

    colors = ['#0059ff', '#db46e2', '#ffc800', '#99e45e']

    mp.plotMultiHistogram([output_lhs_non_si, output_rhs_non_si], num_bins,
예제 #10
def binomial_lln_hist(sample_size, repeats, p):

    ### plot histogram of Average value of normalised Binomial Distributions

    sample_value = [0.] * repeats
    num_bins = 35
    for i in range(repeats):

        ## Step 1 - create sample of independent uniform random variables

        lower_bound = 0.
        upper_bound = 1.
        uni_sample = np.random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound, sample_size)

        ## Step 2 - transform them to $B(1,p)$ distribution

        sample = [dist.binomial_inverse_cdf(p, u) for u in uni_sample]
        sample_value[i] = (sum(sample) - sample_size * p) / np.sqrt(
            p * (1 - p)) / sample_size

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(
        "Histogram of Normalised Binomial Average For Sample of Size={0}".
        format(sample_size), 'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')
    mp.plotHistogram(sample_value, num_bins)
def correlated_defaults_scatter(lambda_1, lambda_2, rhos, size):

    tau_2 = [0] * len(rhos)

    sns = np.random.standard_normal(2 * size)

    x = [sns[k] for k in range(size)]
    tau_1 = [
        dist.exponential_inverse_cdf(lambda_1, dist.standard_normal_cdf(x1))
        for x1 in x

    index = 0
    for rho in rhos:
        y = [
            rho * sns[k] + np.sqrt(1 - rho * rho) * sns[k + size]
            for k in range(size)
        tau_2[index] = [
            for y1 in y
        index = index + 1

    ### scatter plot of the simulated defaults
    colors = ['blue', 'green', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow']

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities('Default Times with Correlations={0}'.format(rhos),
                          'x', 'y')

    mp.scatterPlot(tau_1, tau_2, rhos, colors)
예제 #12
def poisson_plot(lam, upper_bound):

    n = upper_bound + 1
    x_ax = [k for k in range(n)]
    y_ax = [dist.poisson_pdf(lam, k) for k in range(n)]  # poisson distribution

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Poisson Distribution for lambda={0}".format(lam), "# Successes", "Probability")
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, [y_ax], 'o')
예제 #13
def uniform_histogram(sz):

    uniform_sample = getUniformSample(sz)

    num_bins = 50
    hp = pu.PlotUtilities("Histogram of Uniform Sample of Size={0}".format(sz),
                          'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')
    hp.plotHistogram(uniform_sample, num_bins)
def plotPDFvsCDF(dist, min_val, max_val, steps, chart_title):

    step = (max_val - min_val) / steps
    x_ax = [min_val + step * k for k in range(steps)]
    pdf_value = [dist.pdf(x_val) for x_val in x_ax]
    cdf_value = [dist.cdf(x_val) for x_val in x_ax]

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(chart_title, 'x', 'unused')
    mp.subPlots(x_ax, [pdf_value, cdf_value], ['PDF', 'CDF'], ['blue', 'red'])
예제 #15
def binomial_histogram(p, sz):

    sample = [dist.binomial_inverse_cdf(p, u) for u in getUniformSample(sz)]
    num_bins = 100

    hp = pu.PlotUtilities(
        "Histogram of Binomial Sample with Success Probability={0}".format(p),
        'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')
    hp.plotHistogram(sample, num_bins)
def plotMultiDistributions(distrib, min_val, max_val, steps, chart_title):

    x_label = 'x'
    y_label = 'PDF Value'

    step = (max_val - min_val) / steps
    x_ax = [min_val + step * k for k in range(steps)]
    y_ax = [[dist.pdf(x_val) for x_val in x_ax] for dist in distrib]

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(chart_title, x_label, y_label)
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, y_ax)
예제 #17
def uniform_histogram_powers(sz, powers):

    lower_bound = 0.
    upper_bound = 1.
    uniform_sample = np.random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound, sz)

    num_bins = 25
    samples = [[np.power(u, pow) for u in uniform_sample] for pow in powers]

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Histogram of Uniform Sample of Size={0}".format(sz), 'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')
    mp.plotHistogram(samples, num_bins, powers)
예제 #18
def comparison_poi_binom(lam, upper_bound):

    n = upper_bound + 1
    x_ax = [k for k in range(n)]
    n_plots = 2  # plotting both poisson and binomial distribution
    y_ax = [0.] * n_plots
    y_ax[0] = [dist.poisson_pdf(lam, k) for k in range(n)]  # poisson distribution
    y_ax[1] = [dist.binomial_pdf(lam / n, k, n) for k in range(n)]

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Poisson Vs Binomial distribution for lambda={0}".format(lam), "# Successes", "Probability")
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, y_ax, '*')
예제 #19
def geometric_brownian_motion(_time, _timestep, _number_paths, bM):

    size = int(_time / _timestep)
    total_sz = size * _number_paths

    sample = np.random.normal(0, 1, total_sz)

    paths = [0.] * _number_paths
    max_paths = [0.] * _number_paths

    # set up x-axis
    x = [_timestep * k for k in range(size + 1)]

    ## plot the trajectory of the process
    i = 0
    for k in range(_number_paths):
        path = [bM.initialValue()] * (size + 1)
        # max_path = [bM.initialValue()] * (size + 1)
        for j in range(size + 1):
            if (j == 0):
                continue  ## nothing
                path[j] = bM.nextSample(path[j - 1], sample[i])
                # max_path[j] = max(max_path[j - 1], path[j])
                i = i + 1

        paths[k] = path
        # max_paths[k] = max_path

    max_paths = [[max(path[0:j]) for j in range(1,
                                                len(path) + 1)]
                 for path in paths]
    # max_paths = [max(path[0:j]) for j in range(1,len(path)+1) for path in paths]
    # print (max_paths)
    # max_paths = [ [ max([path[j] for j in range(n)]) for n in range(len(path))] for path in paths]

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(r'Paths of ' + str(bM.type()), 'Time',
                          'Random Walk Value')

    plot_max = True
    if (plot_max):
        plot_all_max = False
        if (plot_all_max):
            mp.multiPlot(x, max_paths)
        else:  # only the first path and its running maximum
            thesePaths = [0.] * 2
            thesePaths[0] = paths[0]
            thesePaths[1] = max_paths[0]
            mp.multiPlot(x, thesePaths)
        mp.multiPlot(x, paths)
예제 #20
def uniform_histogram(sz):

    lower_bound = 0.
    upper_bound = 1.

    sample = np.random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound, sz)

    num_bins = 50

    hp = pu.PlotUtilities("Histogram of Uniform Sample of Size={0}".format(sz),
                          'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')
    hp.plotHistogram(sample, num_bins)
def plotVasicekDistribution(rhos, p, min_val, max_val, steps):

    x_label = 'x'
    y_label = 'CDF Value'
    chart_title = 'Vasicek Large Portfolio Distribution'
    step = (max_val - min_val) / steps
    x_ax = [min_val + step * k for k in range(steps)]
    y_ax = [[vasicek_large_portfolio_cdf(rho, p, x_val) for x_val in x_ax]
            for rho in rhos]

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(chart_title, x_label, y_label)
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, y_ax)
예제 #22
def normal_histogram(mu, var, sz):

    nd = dist.NormalDistribution(mu, var)
    ### transform the uniform sample
    sample = [nd.inverse_cdf(u) for u in getUniformSample(sz)]
    num_bins = 60

    hp = pu.PlotUtilities(
        "Histogram of Normal Sample with Mean={0}, Variance={1}".format(
            mu, var), 'Outcome', 'Rel. Occurrence')
    hp.plotHistogram(sample, num_bins)
def plot_maximising_goal_probability(_time, _timestep, _initial_capital,
                                     _target, _b, _r, _sigma):

    ## call helper function to generate sufficient symmetric binomials

    size = int(_time / _timestep) - 1

    sample = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(_timestep), size)

    path_underlying = [1.] * (size)
    path_wealth = [_initial_capital] * (size)
    path_portfolio = [0] * (size)

    x = [_timestep * k for k in range(size)]

    _theta = (_b - _r) / _sigma

    _y0 = np.sqrt(_time) * dist.standard_normal_inverse_cdf(
        _initial_capital * np.exp(_r * _time) / _target)

    ## create the various paths for plotting

    bm = 0
    _y = path_wealth[0] * np.exp(_r * _time) / _target
    path_portfolio[0] = dist.standard_normal_pdf(
        dist.standard_normal_inverse_cdf(_y)) / (_y * _sigma * np.sqrt(_time))
    for j in range(1, size):
        _t_remain = _time - x[j]
        _t_sq_remain = np.sqrt(_t_remain)
        path_underlying[j] = path_underlying[j - 1] * (1. + _b * _timestep +
                                                       _sigma * sample[j])
        bm = bm + sample[j] + _theta * _timestep
        path_wealth[j] = _target * np.exp( - _r * _t_remain ) * \
                                dist.standard_normal_cdf((bm + _y0) / _t_sq_remain)

        _y = path_wealth[j] * np.exp(_r * _t_remain) / _target
        path_portfolio[j] = dist.standard_normal_pdf(
            dist.standard_normal_inverse_cdf(_y)) / (_y * _sigma *

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Maximising Probability of Reaching a Goal", 'Time',

    labels = ['Stock Price', 'Wealth Process', 'Portfolio Value']
    mp.subPlots(x, [path_underlying, path_wealth, path_portfolio], labels,
                ['red', 'blue', 'green'])
예제 #24
def standard_brownian_motion(_steps, _paths, scaling):

    scaled_steps = int(_steps * scaling)
    samples = [
        random_sample_normal(np.sqrt(1. / scaling), scaled_steps)
        for k in range(_paths)

    x = [float(k / float(scaling)) for k in range(scaled_steps + 1)]
    paths = [[sum(sample[0:k]) for k in range(len(sample) + 1)]
             for sample in samples]
    mp = pu.PlotUtilities('Paths of Standard Brownian Motion', 'Time',
                          'Random Walk Value')
    mp.multiPlot(x, paths)
예제 #25
def random_walk(_p, _steps, _paths, scaling):

    scaled_steps = int(_steps * scaling)
    samples = [
        random_sample_sym_binomial(_p, scaled_steps) for k in range(_paths)

    x = [float(k / float(scaling)) for k in range(scaled_steps + 1)]
    paths = [[
        sum(sample[0:k]) / np.sqrt(scaling) for k in range(len(sample) + 1)
    ] for sample in samples]
    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(
        "Paths of Random Walk with Probability={0}".format(p), 'Time',
        'Random Walk Value')
    mp.multiPlot(x, paths)
예제 #26
def random_walk_terminal_histogram(_p, _steps, _paths, scaling):

    scaled_steps = _steps * scaling
    samples = [
        random_sample_sym_binomial(_p, scaled_steps) for k in range(_paths)

    terminal_value = [
        sum([s for s in sample]) / np.sqrt(scaling) for sample in samples

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(
        "Distribution of Terminal Value of Random Walk with Probability={0}".
        format(p), 'Value', 'Rel. Occurrence')
    mp.plotHistogram(terminal_value, 21)
def default_process_trajectories(intensity, sample_size):

   uni_sample = np.random.uniform(0., 1., sample_size)
   sampled_default_time = [dist.exponential_inverse_cdf(intensity, u) for u in uni_sample]
   max_time = 3. / intensity
   step_size = 0.01
   steps = int(max_time / step_size)
   x = [k * step_size for k in range(steps)]
   y = [[(0. if sdf > x_v else 1.) for x_v in x] for sdf in sampled_default_time]

   ### prepare and show plot
   mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Trajectories of Default Time Indicator With Intensity = {0}".format(intensity), 'Time', 'Default Indicator')
   mp.multiPlot(x, y)
예제 #28
def variance_normal_digital(strike):

    x_label = 'shift'
    y_label = 'Variance'
    chart_title = 'Sample Variance Under Exponential Tilting (Normal)'
    min_val = strike - 2.
    max_val = strike + 2.
    steps = 1000
    step = (max_val - min_val) / steps
    x_ax = [min_val + step * k for k in range(steps)]
    y_ax = [
        np.exp(x * x) * dist.standard_normal_cdf(-strike - x) for x in x_ax

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(chart_title, x_label, y_label)
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, [y_ax])
def plot_bachelier_option_price(start, vol):

    lower_bound = start - 10.
    upper_bound = start + 10.
    step = 0.01
    n_steps = int((upper_bound - lower_bound) / step)

    nd = dist.NormalDistribution(0., 1.)

    knock_out = 5

    x_ax = [lower_bound + k * step for k in range(n_steps)]
    y_ax = [ vol * nd.pdf( (max(x,knock_out) - start) / vol ) - (x - start) * nd.cdf( (start - max(x, knock_out)) / vol ) for x in x_ax]  # poisson distribution

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities("Bachelier Option Value as Function of Strike", "Option Strike", "Option Value")
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, [y_ax], '-')
예제 #30
def variance_exponential_digital(strike, intensity):

    _l = intensity
    x_label = 'shift'
    y_label = 'Variance'
    chart_title = 'Sample Variance Under Exponential Tilting (Exponential)'
    min_val = 0.  # 1./strike * 0.2
    max_val = intensity - 0.001
    steps = 1000
    step = (max_val - min_val) / steps
    x_ax = [min_val + step * k for k in range(steps)]
    y_ax = [
        np.exp(-(_l + x) * strike) * _l * _l / (_l * _l - x * x) for x in x_ax

    mp = pu.PlotUtilities(chart_title, x_label, y_label)
    mp.multiPlot(x_ax, [y_ax])