def hit_z(): #hit z position #detector = "up" #detector = "down" detector = "phot" #plot range zbin = 1e-3 zmin = -0.1 zmax = 0.1 inp_lmon = TFile.Open("lmon.root") tree = inp_lmon.Get(detector) can = ut.box_canvas() hZ = ut.prepare_TH1D("hZ", zbin, zmin, zmax) tree.Draw("z >> hZ") print("Entries:", hZ.GetEntries()) ut.set_H1D_col(hZ, rt.kBlue) ut.put_yx_tit(hZ, "Counts", "Hit #it{z} (mm)", 1.5, 1.4) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.11, 0.02, 0.03) gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogy() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def el_en(): #electron energy for all events and for electrons hitting the tagger ebin = 0.1 emin = 0 emax = 20 can = ut.box_canvas() #all generated electrons hEnAll = ut.prepare_TH1D("hEnAll", ebin, emin, emax) #electrons hitting the tagger hEnTag = ut.prepare_TH1D("hEnTag", ebin, emin, emax) tree.Draw("el_gen >> hEnAll") tree.Draw("el_gen >> hEnTag", "lowQ2s1_IsHit == 1") #tree.Draw("el_gen >> hEnTag", "lowQ2s2_IsHit == 1") #tree.Draw("lowQ2s2_en >> hEnTag", "lowQ2s2_IsHit == 1") #tree.Draw("lowQ2s1_en >> hEnTag", "lowQ2s1_IsHit == 1") #tree.Draw("lowQ2_en/1e3 >> hEnTag", "lowQ2_IsHit == 1") #tree.Draw("lowQ2_EnPrim/1e3 >> hEnTag", "lowQ2_IsHit == 1") ut.line_h1(hEnAll) # , rt.kBlack ut.set_H1D_col(hEnTag, rt.kRed) hEnAll.SetYTitle("Events / ({0:.3f}".format(ebin) + " GeV)") hEnAll.SetXTitle("#it{E}_{e^{-}} (GeV)") hEnAll.SetTitleOffset(1.5, "Y") hEnAll.SetTitleOffset(1.3, "X") ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02) hEnAll.Draw() hEnTag.Draw("same") #hEnTag.Draw() gPad.SetLogy() leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.035) #leg.AddEntry(hEnAll, "All electrons", "l") #leg.AddEntry(hEnAll, "All quasi-real electrons", "l") leg.AddEntry(hEnAll, "All bremsstrahlung electrons", "l") #leg.AddEntry(hEnTag, "Electrons hitting the tagger", "l") #leg.Draw("same") ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def proton_pt(): ptmin = 0 ptmax = 800 ptbin = 5 can = ut.box_canvas() #inp = TFile.Open("/home/jaroslav/sim/bhgen/bhgen-eic/runs/g18x275/evt.root") #tree = inp.Get("prim_tree") inp = TFile.Open( "/home/jaroslav/sim/bhgen/data/g18x275_emin0p5_100Mevt/evt.root") tree = inp.Get("bhgen_tree") hPt18 = ut.prepare_TH1D("hPt18", ptbin, ptmin, ptmax) tree.Draw("p_pt*1e3 >> hPt18") #inp2 = TFile.Open("/home/jaroslav/sim/bhgen/bhgen-eic/runs/g10x100/evt.root") #tree2 = inp2.Get("prim_tree") inp2 = TFile.Open( "/home/jaroslav/sim/bhgen/data/g10x100_emin0p5_100Mevt/evt.root") tree2 = inp2.Get("bhgen_tree") hPt10 = ut.prepare_TH1D("hPt10", ptbin, ptmin, ptmax) tree2.Draw("p_pt*1e3 >> hPt10") ut.set_H1D_col(hPt18, rt.kRed) ut.set_H1D_col(hPt10, rt.kGreen + 1) ut.put_yx_tit(hPt18, "Counts", "Proton #it{p}_{T} (MeV)", 1.5, 1.4) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.11, 0.02, 0.03) hPt18.Draw() hPt10.Draw("e1same") hPt18.Draw("e1same") leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.7, 0.82, 0.24, 0.12, 0.035) # x, y, dx, dy, tsiz leg.AddEntry(hPt18, "18x275 GeV", "lp") leg.AddEntry(hPt10, "10x100 GeV", "lp") leg.Draw("same") gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogy() #ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def neut_abs_eta(): #neutron absolute pseudorapidity etabin = 0.05 etamin = 5 etamax = 20 hEta = ut.prepare_TH1D("hEta", etabin, etamin, etamax) can = ut.box_canvas() particles = TClonesArray("TParticle", 200) tree.SetBranchAddress("particles", particles) nev = tree.GetEntriesFast() #nev = 24 for iev in xrange(nev): tree.GetEntry(iev) for imc in xrange(particles.GetEntriesFast()): part = particles.At(imc) if part.GetPdgCode() != 2112: continue #hEta.Fill( TMath.Abs(part.Eta()) ) hEta.Fill(abs(part.Eta())) ytit = "Events / {0:.2f}".format(etabin) ut.put_yx_tit(hEta, ytit, "Neutron |#kern[0.3]{#eta}|", 1.4, 1.2) ut.set_H1D_col(hEta, rt.kRed) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.1, 0.09, 0.01, 0.02) hEta.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogy() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def en_bun(): #energy in bunch crossing infile = "/home/jaroslav/sim/lmon/data/luminosity/lm1a/hits.root" #detector = "bun_up_en" #detector = "bun_down_en" #detector = "bun_phot_en" detector = "bun_up_en+bun_down_en" cond = "(bun_up_en>1)&&(bun_down_en>1)" #plot range ebin = 0.5 emax = 35. #emax = 150. inp_lmon = TFile.Open(infile) tree = inp_lmon.Get("bunch") can = ut.box_canvas() hE = ut.prepare_TH1D("hE", ebin, 0, emax) tree.Draw(detector + " >> hE", cond, "", 100000) ut.set_H1D_col(hE, rt.kBlue) ut.put_yx_tit(hE, "Counts", "Incident energy in bunch crossing (GeV)", 1.5, 1.4) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.11, 0.02, 0.03) gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogy() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def plot_proj_both(frame2, frame_east, frame_west, adc_bin, adc_min, adc_max, ptmax, mmin, mmax): can = ut.box_canvas(800, 700) #900, 700 xp = Double(0) yp = Double(0) #east data on the left hEast = frame_east.getHist("data") plot_east = frame2.Clone("plot_east") plot_east.SetMarkerStyle(22) plot_east.SetMarkerSize(1.4) ut.set_H1D_col(plot_east, rt.kBlue) for ibin in xrange(hEast.GetN()): hEast.GetPoint(ibin, xp, yp) plot_east.SetBinContent(ibin + 1, yp) plot_east.SetBinError(ibin + 1, hEast.GetErrorY(ibin)) frame2.SetMaximum(1.2 * plot_east.GetMaximum()) # 1.15 #west data on the right hWest = frame_west.getHist("data") plot_west = frame2.Clone("plot_west") plot_west.SetMarkerStyle(21) ut.set_H1D_col(plot_west, rt.kRed) for i in xrange(hWest.GetN()): hWest.GetPoint(i, xp, yp) ibin = frame2.GetNbinsX() - i plot_west.SetBinContent(ibin, yp) plot_west.SetBinError(ibin, hWest.GetErrorY(i)) #east fit cEast = frame_east.getCurve("model") gEast = TGraph(cEast.GetN() - 1) for i in xrange(cEast.GetN() - 1): cEast.GetPoint(i, xp, yp) gEast.SetPoint(i, xp, yp) gEast.SetLineColor(rt.kBlue) gEast.SetLineWidth(3) gEast.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) #gEast.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashDotted) #west fit on the left cWest = frame_west.getCurve("model") gWest = TGraph(cWest.GetN() - 1) xmax = frame2.GetBinCenter( frame2.GetNbinsX()) + frame2.GetBinWidth(frame2.GetNbinsX()) / 2. for i in xrange(cWest.GetN() - 1): cWest.GetPoint(i, xp, yp) xplot = xmax - xp gWest.SetPoint(i, xplot, yp) gWest.SetLineColor(rt.kRed) gWest.SetLineWidth(3) #gWest.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashDotted) #gWest.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) #horizontal axis frame2.SetMinimum(0) #frame2.SetMinimum(0.98) frame2.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(0, rt.kFALSE) #east axis ypos = frame2.GetYaxis().GetXmin() axisE = TGaxis(adc_min, ypos, adc_max, ypos, adc_min, adc_max) ut.set_axis(axisE) axisE.SetWmin(axisE.GetWmin() * 0.01) axisE.SetWmax(axisE.GetWmax() * 0.01) axisE.SetTitle("ZDC East #times100") axisE.SetTitleOffset(1.1) #west axis xpos = frame2.GetXaxis().GetXmax() axisW = TGaxis(xpos, ypos, xpos - adc_max, ypos, adc_min, adc_max, 510, "-") ut.set_axis(axisW) axisW.SetWmin(axisW.GetWmin() * 0.01) axisW.SetWmax(axisW.GetWmax() * 0.01) axisW.SetLabelOffset(-0.024) axisW.SetTitle("ZDC West #times100") axisW.SetTitleOffset(1.1) #vertical axis yvpos = 1. * frame2.GetMaximum() axisV = TGaxis(xpos, 0, xpos, yvpos, 0, yvpos, 510, "+L") #axisV = TGaxis(xpos, 0, xpos, yvpos, 0.98, yvpos, 510, "+G") ut.set_axis(axisV) frame2.SetYTitle("ZDC East / ({0:.0f} ADC units)".format(adc_bin)) axisV.SetTitle("ZDC West / ({0:.0f} ADC units)".format(adc_bin)) frame2.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) axisV.SetTitleOffset(1.5) gPad.SetTopMargin(0.05) # 0.01 gPad.SetRightMargin(0.1) gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.08) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.1) frame2.Draw() plot_east.Draw("e1same") plot_west.Draw("e1same") gEast.Draw("lsame") gWest.Draw("lsame") axisE.Draw() axisW.Draw() axisV.Draw() #kinematics legend #kleg = ut.prepare_leg(0.16, 0.78, 0.32, 0.2, 0.035) kleg = ut.prepare_leg(0.16, 0.73, 0.32, 0.2, 0.035) kleg.AddEntry(None, "AuAu@200 GeV", "") kleg.AddEntry(None, "UPC sample", "") ut.add_leg_pt_mass(kleg, ptmax, mmin, mmax) kleg.Draw("same") #data legend dleg = ut.prepare_leg(0.6, 0.8, 0.15, 0.08, 0.03) dleg.AddEntry(plot_east, "ZDC East", "p") dleg.AddEntry(plot_west, "ZDC West", "p") #dleg.Draw("same") #projections legend #pleg = ut.prepare_leg(0.24, 0.56, 0.25, 0.2, 0.035) pleg = ut.prepare_leg(0.24, 0.51, 0.25, 0.2, 0.035) pleg.AddEntry(plot_east, "ZDC East", "p") pleg.AddEntry(plot_west, "ZDC West", "p") pleg.AddEntry(gEast, "Fit projection to east", "l") pleg.AddEntry(gWest, "Fit projection to west", "l") pleg.Draw("same") #gPad.SetLogy() #gPad.SetGrid() #ut.invert_col(gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def plot(): #plot of log_10(pT^2) with components ptbin = 0.12 ptmin = -5. ptmax = 1. mmin = 2.8 # 2.8 2.4 for ls mmax = 3.2 strsel = "jRecM>{0:.3f} && jRecM<{1:.3f}".format(mmin, mmax) strsel_ls = "jRecM>{0:.3f} && jRecM<{1:.3f}".format(2.3, mmax) can = ut.box_canvas() hPt = ut.prepare_TH1D("hPt", ptbin, ptmin, ptmax) hPtLS = ut.prepare_TH1D("hPtLS", ptbin, ptmin, ptmax) hPtGG = ut.prepare_TH1D("hPtGG", ptbin, ptmin, ptmax) hPtInc = ut.prepare_TH1D("hPtInc", ptbin, ptmin, ptmax) ut.put_yx_tit(hPt, "Events / ({0:.3f}".format(ptbin) + " GeV^{2})", "log_{10}( #it{p}_{T}^{2} ) (GeV^{2})") ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.11, 0.09, 0.01, 0.01) #data draw = "TMath::Log10(jRecPt*jRecPt)" tree.Draw(draw + " >> hPt", strsel) #like-sign data tree_ls.Draw(draw + " >> hPtLS", strsel_ls) ut.set_H1D_col(hPtLS, rt.kRed) print hPtLS.GetEntries() #gamma-gamma tree_gg.Draw(draw + " >> hPtGG", strsel) ut.norm_to_num(hPtGG, 131., rt.kGreen) #incoherent contribution tree_inc.Draw(draw + " >> hPtInc", strsel) ut.norm_to_num(hPtInc, 270., rt.kRed) # 270 100 #psi' contribution psiP = TFile.Open(basedir_mc + "/ana_slight14e4x1_s6_sel5z.root") psiP_tree = psiP.Get("jRecTree") hPtPsiP = ut.prepare_TH1D("hPtPsiP", ptbin, ptmin, ptmax) psiP_tree.Draw(draw + " >> hPtPsiP", strsel) ut.norm_to_num(hPtPsiP, 30, rt.kViolet) #incoherent parametrization func_incoh_logPt2 = TF1("func_incoh_logPt2", "[0]*log(10.)*pow(10.,x)*exp(-[1]*pow(10.,x))", -10., 10.) func_incoh_logPt2.SetParName(0, "A") func_incoh_logPt2.SetParName(1, "b") func_incoh_logPt2.SetNpx(1000) func_incoh_logPt2.SetLineColor(rt.kRed) func_incoh_logPt2.SetParameters( 80, 3) # 4.9 from incoherent mc, 3.3 from data fit #signal empirical shape sig1 = TF1("sig1", "gaus", -10, 10) sig1.SetParameters(40, -2.3, 0.4) # const, mean, sigma sig2 = TF1("sig2", "gaus", -10, 10) sig2.SetParameters(35, -1.35, 0.2) #add like-sign to incoherent MC #hPtInc.Add(hPtLS) #subtract the individual components hPt.Add(hPtGG, -1) hPt.Add(sig1, -1) hPt.Add(sig2, -1) hPt.Add(hPtPsiP, -1) hPt.Add(func_incoh_logPt2, -1) hPt.Draw() #hPtLS.Draw("same") #hPtGG.Draw("same") #func_incoh_logPt2.Draw("same") #hPtPsiP.Draw("same") #hPtInc.Draw("same") #sig1.Draw("same") #sig2.Draw("same") ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def plot_rec_gen_track_pt(): #track pT resolution as ( pT_track_rec - pT_track_gen )/pT_track_gen ptbin = 0.001 ptmin = -0.3 ptmax = 0.1 #generated dielectron pT selection to input data ptlo = 0.2 pthi = 1 fitran = [-0.15, 0.018] mmin = 2.8 mmax = 3.2 ccb = rt.kBlue #output log file out = open("out.txt", "w") #log fit parameters loglist1 = [(x, eval(x)) for x in ["infile_mc", "ptbin", "ptmin", "ptmax"]] loglist2 = [(x, eval(x)) for x in ["ptlo", "pthi", "fitran", "mmin", "mmax"]] strlog = ut.make_log_string(loglist1, loglist2) ut.log_results(out, strlog + "\n") strsel = "jRecM>{0:.3f} && jRecM<{1:.3f}".format(mmin, mmax) strsel += " && jGenPt>{0:.3f}".format(ptlo) strsel += " && jGenPt<{0:.3f}".format(pthi) #strsel = "" nbins, ptmax = ut.get_nbins(ptbin, ptmin, ptmax) hPtTrackRel = ut.prepare_TH1D_n("hPtTrackRel", nbins, ptmin, ptmax) ytit = "Events / ({0:.3f})".format(ptbin) xtit = "(#it{p}_{T, rec}^{track} - #it{p}_{T, gen}^{track})/#it{p}_{T, gen}^{track}" mctree.Draw("(jT0pT-jGenP0pT)/jGenP0pT >> hPtTrackRel", strsel) # positive charge mctree.Draw("(jT1pT-jGenP1pT)/jGenP1pT >>+hPtTrackRel", strsel) # add negative charge x = RooRealVar("x", "x", ptmin, ptmax) x.setRange("fitran", fitran[0], fitran[1]) rfPtTrackRel = RooDataHist("rfPtTrackRel", "rfPtTrackRel", RooArgList(x), hPtTrackRel) #standard Crystal Ball mean = RooRealVar("mean", "mean", -0.003, -0.1, 0.1) sigma = RooRealVar("sigma", "sigma", 0.01, 0., 0.9) alpha = RooRealVar("alpha", "alpha", 1.2, 0., 10.) n = RooRealVar("n", "n", 1.3, 0., 20.) cbpdf = RooCBShape("cbpdf", "cbpdf", x, mean, sigma, alpha, n) res = cbpdf.fitTo(rfPtTrackRel, rf.Range("fitran"), rf.Save()) #log fit results ut.log_results(out, ut.log_fit_result(res)) #generate new distribution according to the fit gROOT.LoadMacro("cb_gen.h") #Crystal Ball generator, min, max, mean, sigma, alpha, n #cbgen = rt.cb_gen(-0.18, 0.05, -0.00226, 0.00908, 1.40165, 1.114) # -0.18, 0.05 ptmin, ptmax cbgen = rt.cb_gen(-0.5, 0.05, -0.00226, 0.00908, 0.2, 2.) # -0.18, 0.05 ptmin, ptmax hRelGen = ut.prepare_TH1D_n("hRelGen", nbins, ptmin, ptmax) ut.set_H1D_col(hRelGen, rt.kBlue) #rt.cb_generate_n(cbgen, hRelGen, int(hPtTrackRel.GetEntries())) rfRelGen = RooDataHist("rfRelGen", "rfRelGen", RooArgList(x), hRelGen) #generate distribution with additional smearing applied hRelSmear = ut.prepare_TH1D_n("hRelSmear", nbins, ptmin, ptmax) ut.set_H1D_col(hRelSmear, rt.kOrange) #tcopy = mctree.CopyTree(strsel) #rt.cb_apply_smear(cbgen, mctree, hRelSmear) can = ut.box_canvas() ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.12, 0.1, 0.05, 0.03) frame = x.frame(rf.Bins(nbins), rf.Title("")) ut.put_frame_yx_tit(frame, ytit, xtit) rfPtTrackRel.plotOn(frame, rf.Name("data")) #rfRelGen.plotOn(frame, rf.Name("data")) cbpdf.plotOn(frame, rf.Precision(1e-6), rf.Name("cbpdf"), rf.LineColor(ccb)) frame.Draw() #hRelGen.Draw("e1same") #hRelSmear.Draw("e1same") desc = pdesc(frame, 0.2, 0.8, 0.057) #x, y, sep desc.set_text_size(0.03) desc.itemD("#chi^{2}/ndf", frame.chiSquare("cbpdf", "data", 4), -1, ccb) desc.prec = 5 desc.itemR("mean", mean, ccb) desc.itemR("#sigma", sigma, ccb) desc.itemR("#alpha", alpha, ccb) desc.prec = 3 desc.itemR("#it{n}", n, ccb) desc.draw() leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.2, 0.82, 0.21, 0.12, 0.03) # x, y, dx, dy, tsiz leg.SetMargin(0.05) leg.AddEntry(0, "#bf{%.1f < #it{p}_{T}^{pair} < %.1f GeV}" % (ptlo, pthi), "") leg.Draw("same") #ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def q2_calc(): #calculate the generated Q^2 from definition and from kinematics qbin = 1e-6 qmin = 1e-7 qmax = 3e-2 lqbin = 5e-2 lqmin = -5 lqmax = 2 can = ut.box_canvas() hQ2def = ut.prepare_TH1D("hQ2def", qbin, qmin, qmax) hQ2defTag = ut.prepare_TH1D("hQ2defTag", qbin, qmin, qmax) hQ2kine = ut.prepare_TH1D("hQ2kine", qbin, qmin, qmax) hQ2kineTag = ut.prepare_TH1D("hQ2kineTag", qbin, qmin, qmax) hLog10q2Def = ut.prepare_TH1D("hLog10q2Def", lqbin, lqmin, lqmax) hLog10q2DefTag = ut.prepare_TH1D("hLog10q2DefTag", lqbin, lqmin, lqmax) hLog10q2kine = ut.prepare_TH1D("hLog10q2kine", lqbin, lqmin, lqmax) hLog10q2kineTag = ut.prepare_TH1D("hLog10q2kineTag", lqbin, lqmin, lqmax) #set the tree tree.SetBranchStatus("*", 0) tree.SetBranchStatus("el_gen", 1) tree.SetBranchStatus("el_theta", 1) tree.SetBranchStatus("el_phi", 1) tree.SetBranchStatus("lowQ2_IsHit", 1) #connect the generated electron variables gROOT.ProcessLine("struct Entry {Double_t val;};") gROOT.ProcessLine("struct EntryBool {Bool_t val;};") en = rt.Entry() theta = rt.Entry() phi = rt.Entry() is_hit = rt.EntryBool() tree.SetBranchAddress("el_gen", AddressOf(en, "val")) tree.SetBranchAddress("el_theta", AddressOf(theta, "val")) tree.SetBranchAddress("el_phi", AddressOf(phi, "val")) tree.SetBranchAddress("lowQ2_IsHit", AddressOf(is_hit, "val")) nevt = tree.GetEntries() #nevt = 30000 #counters for skipped entries nskip_def = 0 nskip_kine = 0 #tree loop for i in xrange(nevt): tree.GetEntry(i) #if en.val > 10: continue #vector of beam electron el_beam = TLorentzVector() el_beam.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, -18, 18) #scattered electron Lorentz vector el_vec = q2_calc_vec_from_kine(en.val, theta.val, phi.val) q2_def = -(el_beam - el_vec).Mag2() hQ2def.Fill(q2_def) if is_hit.val == 1: hQ2defTag.Fill(q2_def) #if q2_def < 1e-4: continue q2kine = 2. * 18 * en.val * (1 - cos(pi - theta.val)) hQ2kine.Fill(q2kine) if is_hit.val == 1: hQ2kineTag.Fill(q2kine) if q2_def > 0.: hLog10q2Def.Fill(log10(q2_def)) if is_hit.val == 1: hLog10q2DefTag.Fill(log10(q2_def)) #print log10(q2_def) else: nskip_def += 1 if q2kine > 0.: hLog10q2kine.Fill(log10(q2kine)) if is_hit.val == 1: hLog10q2kineTag.Fill(log10(q2kine)) else: nskip_kine += 1 #print q2_def, q2, q2_def-q2 #print el_vec.Px(), el_vec.Py(), el_vec.Pz() #tree loop #release the tree at the end tree.ResetBranchAddresses() tree.SetBranchStatus("*", 1) print "Events skipped for Q^2 from definition:", nskip_def print "Events skipped for Q^2 from kinematics:", nskip_kine #draw the plot ut.set_H1D_col(hQ2defTag, rt.kRed) ut.set_H1D_col(hQ2kine, rt.kBlue) ut.set_H1D_col(hQ2kineTag, rt.kMagenta) #gPad.SetLogy() #gPad.SetLogx() #hQ2def.Draw() #hQ2defTag.Draw("e1same") #hQ2kine.Draw("e1same") #hQ2kineTag.Draw("e1same") ut.set_H1D_col(hLog10q2DefTag, rt.kRed) ut.set_H1D_col(hLog10q2kine, rt.kBlue) ut.set_H1D_col(hLog10q2kineTag, rt.kMagenta) hLog10q2Def.Draw() hLog10q2DefTag.Draw("e1same") #hLog10q2kine.Draw("e1same") #hLog10q2kineTag.Draw("e1same") ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def main(): #range for |t| tmin = 0. tmax = 0.11 # 0.109 0.01 for interference range #tmax = 0.015 #dy = 2. # rapidity interval dy = 1. gSlight = load_starlight(dy) can = ut.box_canvas() #frame = gPad.DrawFrame(tmin, 1e-5, tmax, 11) frame = gPad.DrawFrame(0, -0.2, tmax, 0.3) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.1, 0.09, 0.055, 0.01) ytit = "d#it{#sigma}/d#it{t}d#it{y} (mb/(GeV/c)^{2})" xtit = "|#kern[0.3]{#it{t}}| ((GeV/c)^{2})" ut.put_yx_tit(frame, ytit, xtit, 1.4, 1.2) frame.Draw() #gPad.SetLogy() #run 14 inp14 = TFile.Open("sigma.root", "read") gSig = inp14.Get("sigma") ut.set_H1D_col(gSig, rt.kBlack) inp14.Close() #run 16 #inp16 = TFile.Open("/home/jaroslav/sim/data_run16/postlim_04.21/subt_corr/root/JPsiPt_corr_14nn.root", "read") inp16 = TFile.Open( "/home/jaroslav/sim/data_run16/postlim_04.21/subt_corr/root/JPsiPt_corr_XnXn.root", "read") h16 = inp16.Get("hpt2corsub_JPsicoh") ut.set_H1D(h16) ut.set_H1D_col(h16, rt.kRed) #for i in range(h16.GetNbinsX()): # print i, h16.GetBinContent(i), h16.GetBinError(i) #scale to mb h16.Sumw2() h16.Scale(1e-3) #Starlight gSlight.Draw("lsame") #data gSig.Draw("psame") h16.Draw("e1same") cleg = ut.prepare_leg(0.1, 0.96, 0.14, 0.01, 0.035) cleg.AddEntry( None, "Au+Au #rightarrow J/#psi + Au+Au + XnXn, #sqrt{#it{s}_{#it{NN}}} = 200 GeV", "") cleg.Draw("same") leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.68, 0.76, 0.3, 0.16, 0.035) leg.AddEntry(gSig, "Run 14", "lp") leg.AddEntry(h16, "Run 16", "lp") leg.AddEntry(gSlight, "STARLIGHT", "l") leg.Draw("same") #gPad.SetGrid() #ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")