def print_diff(diff, show_plot=False): mean_prefix = '+' if diff.r1['mean'] < diff.r2['mean'] else '-' median_prefix = '+' if diff.r1['percentile']['50'] < diff.r2['percentile'][ '50'] else '-' print( f'| Version | Mean ± Stdev | Min | Median | Q3 | Max |' ) print( f"| V1 | {diff.r1['mean']:10.3f} ± {diff.r1['stdev']:8.3f} | {diff.r1['min']:10.3f} | {diff.r1['percentile']['50']:10.3f} | {diff.r1['percentile']['75']:10.3f} | {diff.r1['max']:10.3f} |" ) print( f"| V2 | {diff.r2['mean']:10.3f} ± {diff.r2['stdev']:8.3f} | {diff.r2['min']:10.3f} | {diff.r2['percentile']['50']:10.3f} | {diff.r2['percentile']['75']:10.3f} | {diff.r2['max']:10.3f} |" ) print( f'├---------┴-------------------------┴------------┴------------┴------------┴------------┘' ) print( f"| {mean_prefix}{diff.mean_diff:7.2f}% {median_prefix}{diff.median_diff:7.2f}% " ) print(f'{diff.ptext}') print(f'{diff.significance}') print('') if show_plot: plt.subplots(2, 1) plt.subplot(1, 1) plt.scatter(diff.r1.get('samples', diff.r1['mean']), label='v1') plt.subplot(2, 1) plt.scatter(diff.r2.get('samples', diff.r2['mean']), label='v2')
def make_figure_uhs_cluster(extractors, what): """ $ oq plot "uhs_cluster?k=12" """ plt = import_plt() import as cm kstr = what.split('?')[1] k = int(kstr.split('=')[1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() [ex] = extractors hmaps = ex.get('hmaps?kind=rlzs') rlzs = ex.get('realizations').array labels = [] for p, poe in enumerate(ex.oqparam.poes): for imt in ex.oqparam.imtls: labels.append('%s' % imt) xs = numpy.arange(len(labels)) ax.set_xticks(xs) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.set_ylabel('IML') obs = [getattr(hmaps, 'rlz-%03d' % rlz)[0] for rlz in range(len(rlzs))] arr, cluster = clusterize(numpy.array(obs), rlzs, k) colors = cm.rainbow(numpy.linspace(0, 1, len(arr))) paths = [p.decode('ascii') for p in arr['branch_paths']] for rlz in range(len(rlzs)): # ush-rlz has shape NMP ys = getattr(hmaps, 'rlz-%03d' % rlz)[0].T.flatten() ax.plot(xs, ys, '-', color=colors[cluster[rlz]]) for c, curve in enumerate(arr['centroid']): lbl = '%s:%s' % (c + 1, paths[c]) print(lbl) ax.plot(xs, curve, '--', color=colors[c], label=lbl) ax.grid(True) ax.legend() return plt
def make_figure_effect_by_mag(extractors, what): """ $ oq plot "effect_by_mag?" """ # NB: matplotlib is imported inside since it is a costly import plt = import_plt() [ex] = extractors gsims_by_trt = ex.get('gsims_by_trt', asdict=True) mags = ex.get('source_mags').array try: effect = ex.get('effect') except KeyError: onesite = ex.get('sitecol').one() maximum_distance = IntegrationDistance(ex.oqparam.maximum_distance) imtls = ex.oqparam.imtls ebm = get_effect_by_mag(mags, onesite, gsims_by_trt, maximum_distance, imtls) effect = numpy.array(list(ebm.values())) fig, ax = plt.subplots() trti = 0 for trt in gsims_by_trt: ax.plot(mags, effect[:, -1, trti], label=trt) ax.set_xlabel('Mag') ax.set_ylabel('Intensity') ax.set_title('Effect at maximum distance') trti += 1 ax.legend() return plt
def make_figure_dist_by_mag(extractors, what): """ $ oq plot "dist_by_mag?" """ # NB: matplotlib is imported inside since it is a costly import plt = import_plt() [ex] = extractors effect = ex.get('effect') mags = ['%.2f' % mag for mag in effect.mags] fig, ax = plt.subplots() trti = 0 for trt, dists in effect.dist_bins.items(): dic = dict(zip(mags, effect[:, :, trti])) if ex.oqparam.pointsource_distance: pdist = getdefault(ex.oqparam.pointsource_distance, trt) else: pdist = None eff = Effect(dic, dists, pdist) dist_by_mag = eff.dist_by_mag() ax.plot(effect.mags, list(dist_by_mag.values()), label=trt, color='red') if pdist: dist_by_mag = eff.dist_by_mag(eff.collapse_value) ax.plot(effect.mags, list(dist_by_mag.values()), label=trt, color='green') ax.set_xlabel('Mag') ax.set_ylabel('Dist') ax.set_title('Integration Distance at intensity=%s' % eff.zero_value) trti += 1 ax.legend() return plt
def make_figure_rupture_info(extractors, what): """ $ oq plot "rupture_info?min_mag=6" """ # NB: matplotlib is imported inside since it is a costly import plt = import_plt() [ex] = extractors info = ex.get(what) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid(True) n = 0 tot = 0 pp = PolygonPlotter(ax) geoms = gzip.decompress(info['boundaries']).decode('utf8').split('\n') for rec, wkt in zip(info, geoms): poly = shapely.wkt.loads(wkt) if poly.is_valid: pp.add(poly) n += 1 else: print('Invalid %s' % wkt) tot += 1 pp.set_lim() ax.set_title('%d/%d valid ruptures' % (n, tot)) if tot == 1: # print the full geometry print(ex.get('rupture/%d' % rec['rupid']).toml()) return plt
def make_figure_gridded_sources(extractors, what): """ $ oq plot "gridded_sources?task_no=0" """ # NB: matplotlib is imported inside since it is a costly import plt = import_plt() [ex] = extractors dic = json.loads(ex.get(what).json) # id -> lonlats fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid(True) sitecol = ex.get('sitecol') tot = 0 for lonlats in dic.values(): if len(lonlats) == 2: # not collapsed tot += 1 else: # collapsed tot += len(lonlats) / 2 - 1 ax.plot([lonlats[0]], [lonlats[1]], '*') lons = lonlats[2::2] lats = lonlats[3::2] ax.scatter(lons, lats) ax.plot(sitecol['lon'], sitecol['lat'], '.') ax.set_title('Reduced %d->%d sources' % (tot, len(dic))) # TODO: fix plot around the IDL return plt
def make_figure_source_data(extractors, what): """ $ oq plot "source_data?taskno=XX" """ plt = import_plt() fig, ax = plt.subplots() [ex] = extractors aw = ex.get(what) x, y = aw.ctimes, aw.weight reg = linregress(x, y) ax.plot(x, reg.intercept + reg.slope * x) ax.plot(x, y) ax.set_xlabel("duration") ax.set_ylabel("weight") return plt
def make_figure_sources(extractors, what): """ $ oq plot "sources?limit=100" $ oq plot "sources?source_id=1&source_id=2" $ oq plot "sources?code=A&code=N" """ # NB: matplotlib is imported inside since it is a costly import plt = import_plt() [ex] = extractors info = ex.get(what) wkts = gzip.decompress(info.wkt_gz).decode('utf8').split(';') srcs = gzip.decompress(info.src_gz).decode('utf8').split(';') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid(True) sitecol = ex.get('sitecol') pp = PolygonPlotter(ax) n = 0 tot = 0 psources = [] for rec, srcid, wkt in zip(info, srcs, wkts): if not wkt: logging.warning('No geometries for source id %s', srcid) continue if rec['eff_ruptures']: # not filtered out color = 'green' alpha = .3 n += 1 else: color = 'yellow' alpha = .1 if wkt.startswith('POINT'): psources.append(shapely.wkt.loads(wkt)) else: pp.add(shapely.wkt.loads(wkt), alpha=alpha, color=color) tot += 1 lons = [p.x for p in psources] lats = [p.y for p in psources] ss_lons = lons + list(sitecol['lon']) # sites + sources longitudes ss_lats = lats + list(sitecol['lat']) # sites + sources latitudes if len(ss_lons) > 1 and cross_idl(*ss_lons): ss_lons = [lon % 360 for lon in ss_lons] lons = [lon % 360 for lon in lons] sitecol['lon'] = sitecol['lon'] % 360 ax.plot(sitecol['lon'], sitecol['lat'], '.') ax.plot(lons, lats, 'o') pp.set_lim(ss_lons, ss_lats) ax.set_title('%d/%d sources' % (n, tot)) return plt
def make_figure_memory(extractors, what): """ $ oq plot "memory?" """ # NB: matplotlib is imported inside since it is a costly import plt = import_plt() [ex] = extractors task_info = ex.get('task_info').to_dict() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel('tasks') ax.set_ylabel('GB') start = 0 for task_name in task_info: mem = task_info[task_name]['mem_gb'] ax.plot(range(start, start + len(mem)), mem, label=task_name) start += len(mem) ax.legend() return plt
def animate(self): """ Animates the rocket's movement according to the data in the logs. """ # Ideally we'd use something other than matplotlib. It really wasn't designed for # this sort of application. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation import numpy as np import quaternion as q cm_positions = self.logs['cm_position'].get_data() cm_orientations = self.logs['cm_orientation'].get_data() frame_rel_positions = self.logs['frame_position'].get_data() frame_rel_orientations = self.logs['frame_orientation'].get_data() mount_rel_positions = self.logs['mount_position'].get_data() mount_rel_orientations = self.logs['mount_orientation'].get_data() thrust = self.logs['thrust'].get_data() fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2) ax[0, 0].set_xlim(-21, 21) ax[0, 0].set_ylim(-2, 20) ax[0, 1].set_xlim(-21, 21) ax[0, 1].set_ylim(-2, 20) ax[1, 0].set_xlim(-21, 21) ax[1, 0].set_ylim(-21, 21) # Rockets definition rocket_xz = patches.Rectangle((0, 0.5), 0.2, 1) rocket_yz = patches.Rectangle((0, 0.5), 0.2, 1) rocket_xy = patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 0.2, 0.2) # Thrust definition thrust_xz = patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 0.1, -1, facecolor='r') thrust_yz = patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 0.1, -1, facecolor='r') # Floor floor_xz = patches.Rectangle((-50, 0), 100, -2, facecolor='g') floor_yz = patches.Rectangle((-50, 0), 100, -2, facecolor='g') def init(): ax[0, 0].add_patch(rocket_xz) ax[0, 0].add_patch(thrust_xz) ax[0, 0].add_patch(floor_xz) ax[0, 1].add_patch(rocket_yz) ax[0, 1].add_patch(thrust_yz) ax[0, 1].add_patch(floor_yz) ax[1, 0].add_patch(rocket_xy) return rocket_xz, thrust_xz, floor_xz, rocket_yz, thrust_yz, floor_yz, rocket_xy def update(frame_count): cm_position = cm_positions[frame_count] cm_orientation = cm_orientations[frame_count] frame_position = cm_position + q.rotate_vectors( cm_orientation, frame_rel_positions[frame_count] + np.array([-0.1, -0.1, -0.5])) frame_direction = q.rotate_vectors( frame_rel_orientations[frame_count] * cm_orientation, np.array([0, 0, 1])) mount_position = cm_position + q.rotate_vectors( cm_orientation, mount_rel_positions[frame_count]) mount_direction = q.rotate_vectors( mount_rel_orientations[frame_count] * cm_orientation, np.array([0, 0, 1])) frame_angle_xz = np.rad2deg( math.atan2(frame_direction[0], frame_direction[2])) frame_angle_yz = np.rad2deg( math.atan2(frame_direction[1], frame_direction[2])) # Rockets update rocket_xz.set_xy(frame_position[[0, 2]]) rocket_xz.angle = frame_angle_xz rocket_yz.set_xy(frame_position[[1, 2]]) rocket_yz.angle = frame_angle_yz rocket_xy.set_xy(frame_position[[0, 1]]) thrust_angle_xz = np.rad2deg( math.atan2(mount_direction[0], mount_direction[2])) thrust_angle_yz = np.rad2deg( math.atan2(mount_direction[1], mount_direction[2])) thrust_xz.set_xy(mount_position[[0, 2]]) thrust_xz.angle = thrust_angle_xz thrust_yz.set_xy(mount_position[[1, 2]]) thrust_yz.angle = thrust_angle_yz return rocket_xz, thrust_xz, floor_xz, rocket_yz, thrust_yz, floor_yz, rocket_xy anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, init_func=init, frames=len(cm_positions), interval=20, blit=True)