def _get_3d_domain_lines( domains: Dict[str, Optional[List[Simplex]]]) -> List[Scatter3d]: """ Returns a list of Scatter3d objects tracing the domain lines on a 3-dimensional chemical potential diagram. """ x, y, z = [], [], [] for phase, simplexes in domains.items(): if simplexes: for s in simplexes: x.extend(s.coords[:, 0].tolist() + [None]) y.extend(s.coords[:, 1].tolist() + [None]) z.extend(s.coords[:, 2].tolist() + [None]) lines = [ Scatter3d( x=x, y=y, z=z, mode="lines", line=dict(color="black", width=4.5), showlegend=False, ) ] return lines
def plot_3d(self): z = self.get_point_clouds() fig = Figure(data=Scatter3d(x=z[:,0].ravel(), y=z[:,1].ravel(), z=z[:,2].ravel(), mode='markers', marker=dict(size=1) ) ) x_range = [floor(z[:,0].min()), ceil(z[:,0].max())] y_range = [floor(z[:,1].min()), ceil(z[:,1].max())] z_range = [floor(z[:,2].min()), ceil(z[:,2].max())] x_len = x_range[1] - x_range[0] y_len = y_range[1] - y_range[0] z_len = z_range[1] - z_range[0] base = min([x_len, y_len, z_len]) fig.update_layout( scene = dict( aspectmode='manual', aspectratio=dict(x=x_len/base, y=y_len/base, z=z_len/base), xaxis = dict(range=x_range), yaxis = dict(range=y_range), zaxis = dict(range=z_range) ) ) return fig
def show_flats(flats: DataFrame, title: str): ( Figure() .add_trace(Scatter3d( name='', x=flats['longitude'], y=flats['latitude'], z=flats['rate'], mode='markers', marker={ 'size': 4, 'color': flats['zone_id'], 'showscale': True, 'colorbar': {'title': 'ID кластера'} }, hovertemplate=( '<b>Координати</b>: (%{x:.3f}, %{y:.3f})<br>' '<b>Середня вартість</b>: %{z:.2f} $<br>' '<b>ID кластера</b>: %{text}' ), text=flats['zone_id'] )) .update_layout( title=title, scene={ 'xaxis_title': 'Довгота', 'yaxis_title': 'Широта', 'zaxis_title': 'Вартість 1 кв. м., $' }, showlegend=False ) .show() )
def _draw_impulse(self, color, name, center=None): marker_dict = dict(size=7, color=color, symbol="x") impulse = Scatter3d(x=center[0], y=center[1], z=center[2], marker=marker_dict, name=name) self._figure.add_trace(impulse) return impulse
def _plot_coordinates(self, coordinates, label, colors, dashed): trace = Scatter3d(,,, name=label, line=dict(color=colors[0], width=5, dash="dash" if dashed else "solid"), mode="lines", # Boilerplate ) self._figure.add_trace(trace) return trace, [trace.line.color]
def _plot_trajectory(self, trajectory, label, color, dashed): trace = Scatter3d(,,, name=label, line=dict(color=color, width=5, dash="dash" if dashed else "solid"), mode="lines", # Boilerplate ) self._figure.add_trace(trace) return trace
def _get_3d_formula_lines( draw_domains: Dict[str, np.ndarray], formula_colors: Optional[List[str]], ) -> List[Scatter3d]: """Returns a list of Scatter3d objects defining the bounding polyhedra""" if formula_colors is None: formula_colors = px.colors.qualitative.Dark2 lines = [] for idx, (formula, coords) in enumerate(draw_domains.items()): points_3d = coords[:, :3] domain = ConvexHull(points_3d[:, :-1]) simplexes = [ Simplex(points_3d[indices]) for indices in domain.simplices ] x, y, z = [], [], [] for s in simplexes: x.extend(s.coords[:, 0].tolist() + [None]) y.extend(s.coords[:, 1].tolist() + [None]) z.extend(s.coords[:, 2].tolist() + [None]) line = Scatter3d( x=x, y=y, z=z, mode="lines", line={ "width": 8, "color": formula_colors[idx] }, opacity=1.0, name=f"{formula} (lines)", ) lines.append(line) return lines
model_handler = ModelsHandler('data/kaggle') model_id = 5 vertices, _ = model_handler.model_id_to_vertices_and_triangles(model_id) color_array = model_handler.get_color_to_3dpoints_arrays(model_id) color_array_vertices = color_array.reshape(-1, 3)[::10] fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, specs=[[{ 'type': 'scatter3d' }, { 'type': 'scatter3d' }]]) fig.add_trace(Scatter3d(x=vertices[:, 0], y=vertices[:, 1], z=vertices[:, 2], mode='markers', marker_color=model_handler.color_points( vertices, model_id)), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(Scatter3d(x=vertices[:, 0], y=vertices[:, 1], z=vertices[:, 2], mode='markers', marker_color=model_handler.color_points( color_array_vertices, model_id)), row=1, col=2)