def graph_02(self): legend = {"title": "Número de interações por tempo do vídeo"} if (self._language == "en"): legend = {"title": "Number of interaction by video time"} df = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.DATASET.columns[1:].tolist()) for i in range(0, self.VIDEO_SIZE + 1): df_aux = self.DATASET[self.DATASET.columns[2:]].loc[self.DATASET[ self.DATASET.columns[1]] == i].apply(np.sum) df.loc[i] = df_aux.append( pd.Series([i], index=[self.DATASET.columns[1]])) trace = [ Table(header=dict(values=list(df.columns[:len(df.columns)]), fill=dict(color='#C2D4FF'), align='center'), cells=dict(values=[ df[i].tolist() for i in df.columns[:len(df.columns)] ], fill=dict(color='#F5F8FF'), align=['center', 'center'])) ] data = trace layout = Layout(title=legend["title"]) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) if self._type_result == "jupyter-notebook": iplot(data, filename='pandas_table') elif self._type_result == "dash": return dcc.Graph(id='V009@2', figure={"data": data}) elif self._type_result == "flask": modeBarButtonsToRemove = [ 'toImage', 'sendDataToCloud', 'hoverCompareCartesian', 'lasso2d', 'hoverClosestCartesian', 'toggleHover', 'hoverClosest3d', 'hoverClosestGeo', 'hoverClosestGl2d', 'hoverClosestPie' ] config = { "displaylogo": False, "responsive": True, "displayModeBar": True, "modeBarButtonsToRemove": modeBarButtonsToRemove } return { "id": "V009@2", "layout": json.dumps({ "data": data, "layout": layout, "config": config }, cls=PlotlyJSONEncoder) }
def graph_03(self): legend = {"title": "Cronologia de interações dos alunos"} if (self._language == "en"): legend = {"title": "Chronology of students' interaction"} trace = [ Table(header=dict(values=list( self._df_chronology.columns[:len(self._df_chronology.columns )]), fill=dict(color='#C2D4FF'), align='center'), cells=dict(values=[ self._df_chronology[i].tolist() for i in self. _df_chronology.columns[:len(self._df_chronology.columns)] ], fill=dict(color='#F5F8FF'), align=['left', 'center'])) ] data = trace layout = Layout(title=legend["title"]) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) if self._type_result == "jupyter-notebook": iplot(data, filename='pandas_table') elif self._type_result == "dash": return dcc.Graph(id='V009@2', figure={"data": data}) elif self._type_result == "flask": modeBarButtonsToRemove = [ 'toImage', 'sendDataToCloud', 'hoverCompareCartesian', 'lasso2d', 'hoverClosestCartesian', 'toggleHover', 'hoverClosest3d', 'hoverClosestGeo', 'hoverClosestGl2d', 'hoverClosestPie' ] config = { "displaylogo": False, "responsive": True, "displayModeBar": True, "modeBarButtonsToRemove": modeBarButtonsToRemove } return { "id": "V009@3", "layout": json.dumps({ "data": data, "layout": layout, "config": config }, cls=PlotlyJSONEncoder) }
def test_table_plot(self): test_db = {} db_list = os.listdir(self._cfg['db_dir']) db_list = [x for x in db_list if x[:4] == 'test'] db_list.sort(key=self.natural_sort) for idx in range(len(db_list)): sts_file = '/'.join((self._cfg['db_dir'], db_list[idx])) with open(sts_file, 'r') as fh: db = json.load(fh) header = dict(values=[ '<b>ID<b>', '<b>TestName<b>', '<b>Status<b>', '<b>Tag<b>', '<b>Syndrome<b>', '<b>ErrorInfo<b>', '<b>BugID<b>' ], line=dict(color='#7D7F80'), fill=dict(color='#A1C3D1'), font=dict(size=13), align=[['middle'] * 7]) id_list = [] name_list = [] status_list = [] tag_list = [] syndrome_list = [] err_list = [] bug_list = [] for cnt in range(len(db)): tid = str(cnt) tinfo = db[tid] id_list.append(tid) name_list.append(tinfo['name']) status_list.append(tinfo['status']) tag_list.append('<br>'.join(tinfo['tags'])) syndrome_list.append(tinfo['syndrome']) err_list.append(tinfo['errinfo']) bug_list.append('TBD') cell_val = dict(values=[ id_list, name_list, status_list, tag_list, syndrome_list, err_list, bug_list ], line=dict(color='#7D7F80'), fill=dict(color='#EDFAFF'), font=dict(size=13), align=[['middle'] * 7]) trace = Table(header=header, cells=cell_val) data = [trace] layout = dict(paper_bgcolor='rgba(240,240,240,0.85)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(240,255,255,0.85)') fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) fn = db_list[idx][:-5] + '.html' off.plot(fig, filename=fn, auto_open=False)
def update(interval): trades = pd.DataFrame(app.trades_, columns=['Time', 'Size', 'Price', 'Side']) trades['color'] = 'rgb(255,0,0)' trades.loc[trades.Side == BUY, 'color'] = 'rgb(0,255,0)' trace = Table( columnwidth=[50, 20, 30, 15], header=dict(values=['Time', 'Size', 'Price', 'Side'], line=dict(color='#7D7F80'), fill=dict(color='#a1c3d1'), align='left'), cells=dict(values=[pd.to_datetime(trades.Time), trades.Size.round(4), trades.Price, trades.Side], line=dict(color='#7D7F80'), fill=dict(color=[trades.color]), align='left') ) layout = dict( title='Trades', height=1100 ) return {'data': [trace], 'layout': layout}
def regr_table_plot(self): header = dict(values=[ '<b>Name<b>', '<b>Date<b>', '<b>Seed<b>', '<b>CommitID<b>', '<b>Status<b>' ], line=dict(color='#7D7F80'), fill=dict(color='#A1C3D1'), font=dict(size=13), align=[['middle'] * 5]) name_list = [] date_list = [] seed_list = [] id_list = [] sts_list = [] regr_db = self._regr_db regr_db.reverse() for idx in range(len(regr_db)): db = regr_db[idx] name_list.append("<a href='test_status_" + db['start_time'] + ".html'>" + self._cfg['regression_name'] + '</a>') date_list.append(db['start_time']) seed_list.append(db['plan_seed']) id_list.append(db['unique_id']) sts_list.append(db['status']) cell_val = dict( values=[name_list, date_list, seed_list, id_list, sts_list], line=dict(color='#7D7F80'), fill=dict(color='#EDFAFF'), font=dict(size=13), align=[['middle'] * 5]) trace = Table(header=header, cells=cell_val) data = [trace] layout = dict(paper_bgcolor='rgba(240,240,240,0.85)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(240,255,255,0.85)') fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) off.plot(fig, filename=self._cfg['regression_name'] + "_table.html", auto_open=False)
def main(): allFiles = open("diffFiles.txt") fileList = if (len(fileList) % 4 != 0): print("diffFiles must be multiple of four") return i = 0 accsList = [] precsList = [] timeList = [] comList = [] while i < len(fileList) - 3: ourFile = open(fileList[i]) expFile = open(fileList[i + 1]) rawOurOutput = outSet = set(rawOurOutput) rawExpOutput = expSet = set(rawExpOutput) accSet = expSet - outSet precSet = outSet - expSet accuracy = float(len(expSet) - len(accSet)) / float(len(expSet)) precision = float(len(outSet) - len(precSet)) / float(len(outSet)) accsList.append(accuracy) precsList.append(precision) comList.append(fileList[i + 2]) timeList.append(fileList[i + 3]) i += 4 #producing bar graphs for accuracy, precision, and time plotly.offline.plot( { "data": [Bar(x=comList, y=accsList, width=1)], "layout": Layout(title="Bug number vs Accuracy Graph", xaxis=dict(title='Bug number'), yaxis=dict(title='percent of bug fix lines found', range=[0, 1.05])) }, filename='accuracyGraph.html', auto_open=False) plotly.offline.plot( { "data": [Bar(x=comList, y=precsList, width=1)], "layout": Layout( title="Bug number vs Precision Graph", xaxis=dict(title='Bug number'), yaxis=dict( title= 'percent of tools bug fix lines valid(valid means line in expected)', range=[0, 1.05])) }, filename='precisionGraph.html', auto_open=False) plotly.offline.plot( { "data": [Bar(x=comList, y=timeList, width=1)], "layout": Layout(title="Bug number vs Time Graph", xaxis=dict(title='Bug number'), yaxis=dict(title='time for tool to run(seconds)')) }, filename='timeGraph.html', auto_open=False) #producing tables for accuracy, precision, and time plotly.offline.plot( { "data": [ Table(header=dict( values=['Bug number', 'percent of bug fix lines found']), cells=dict(values=[comList, accsList])) ], "layout": Layout(title="Bug number vs accuracy") }, filename='accuracyTable.html', auto_open=False) plotly.offline.plot( { "data": [ Table(header=dict(values=[ 'Bug number', 'percent of tools bug fix lines valid(valid means line in expected)' ]), cells=dict(values=[comList, precsList])) ], "layout": Layout(title="Bug number vs precision") }, filename='precisionTable.html', auto_open=False) plotly.offline.plot( { "data": [ Table(header=dict( values=['Bug number', 'time for tool to run(seconds)']), cells=dict(values=[comList, timeList])) ], "layout": Layout(title="Bug number vs Time Graph") }, filename='timeTable.html', auto_open=False)
def index(): # extract data needed for visuals # visualization 1- count by genre genre_counts = df.groupby('genre').count()['message'] genre_names = list(genre_counts.index) # visualization 2- results from the classification report result_df = report_df # visualization 3- Sankey Diagram illustrating links between genres and categories transformed_df = transform_df(df) node_dict = create_node_dict(transformed_df) link_df = create_link_df(transformed_df, node_dict) nodes_df = create_nodes_df(node_dict) # create visuals graphs = [{ 'data': [ Table(header=dict(values=list(result_df.columns), fill_color='paleturquoise', align='left'), cells=dict(values=[ result_df.categories[:-4], result_df.f1[:-4], result_df.precision[:-4], result_df.recall[:-4],[:-4] ], fill_color='lavender', align='left')) ], 'layout': { 'title': 'Classification Report Table', } }, { 'data': [Bar(x=genre_names, y=genre_counts)], 'layout': { 'title': 'Distribution of Message Genres', 'yaxis': { 'title': "Count" }, 'xaxis': { 'title': "Genre" } } }, { 'data': [ dict(type='sankey', orientation="h", valueformat=".0f", node=dict(pad=10, thickness=30, line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), label=nodes_df['Label']), link=dict(source=link_df['Source'].dropna(axis=0, how='any'), target=link_df['Target'].dropna(axis=0, how='any'), value=link_df['Value'].dropna(axis=0, how='any'))) ], 'layout': { 'title': 'Message Genre to Category Classification', 'yaxis': { 'title': "Count" }, 'xaxis': { 'title': "Genre" } } }] # encode plotly graphs in JSON ids = ["graph-{}".format(i) for i, _ in enumerate(graphs)] graphJSON = json.dumps(graphs, cls=plotly.utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder) # render web page with plotly graphs return render_template('master.html', ids=ids, graphJSON=graphJSON)
def graph_02(self): df = self.PROCDATASET trace = Table( header=dict( values=list(df.columns[:len(df.columns)]), fill = dict(color='#C2D4FF'), align = 'center' ), cells=dict( values=[df[i].tolist() for i in df.columns[:len(df.columns)]], fill = dict(color='#F5F8FF'), align = ['left','center'] ) ) data = [trace] if self._type_result == "jupyter-notebook": iplot(data, filename = 'pandas_table') elif self._type_result == "dash": return dcc.Graph( id='V009@1', figure={"data": data} ) def graph_03(self): legend = {"title":"adicionar titulo", "xaxis":"", "yaxis":"", } if (self._language == "en"): legend = {"title":"adicionar titulo", #bacalhau "xaxis":"", "yaxis":"", } color = ["rgb(127,0,0)","rgb(255,0,0)","rgb(127,0,127)","rgb(0,0,255)","rgb(0,127,127)","rgb(0,255,0)"] dft = self.PROCDATASET df = dft.set_index("Time") sizeref = 0.01 trace = [] for i in range(0, len(df.columns[1:])): trace.append( Scatter( x=df.index.get_level_values(0).values, #time y=df.iloc[:,i].tolist(), #actions hoverinfo='x+y', mode='lines', #stackgroup='one' ) ) layout = Layout( ) data = trace fig=Figure(data=data, layout=layout) if self._type_result == "jupyter-notebook": iplot(fig, filename='Scatter') elif self._type_result == "dash": return dcc.Graph( id='V009@3', figure=fig )
def index(): '''# extract data needed for visuals # TODO: Below is an example - modify to extract data for your own visuals genre_counts = df.groupby('genre').count()['message'] genre_names = list(genre_counts.index) # find the 10 most common categories #get df_cat with category cols only df_cat= df.drop(['id', 'message', 'original', 'genre'], axis=1) # Sum all cats, sort and get largest 10 vals ranks=df_cat.sum().sort_values(ascending= False)[:10] rank_vals= ranks.values col_names= list(ranks.index)''' # list of columns of interest in dataset cols = list(m.mobil_df_new.columns[4:-1]) #graphs to graph graphs = [] # TODO: show period at which countries reached a min mobility # get timeline values for countries (using min week method) X, Y = m.show_timeline(cols=cols, dates=m.dates_df_week.dropna()) # prepare figure for a scatter plot fig = Figure() # to remove long form of column clean_str = lambda s: s.replace('_percent_change_from_baseline', '') # iterate through everly location type for i, col in enumerate(cols): # add location type to figure fig.add_trace( Scatter(x=X[i], y=Y[i], mode='markers', name=clean_str(col))) # add title and labels fig.update_layout( title="Dates at which countries reached slowest mobility", xaxis_title="dates", yaxis_title="col seperator (this is a 1-d graph)") # add fig to graphs graphs.append(fig) '''Now to show dates of min for continents (average)''' # TODO: show period at which continents reached a min mobility continent_dates = m.get_continent_mean_date( df=m.dates_df_week, continent_col=m.min_week_df.continent) # get timeline values for continents X, Y = m.show_timeline(cols=cols, dates=continent_dates) # prepare figure for a scatter plot fig = Figure() # iterate through everly location type for i, col in enumerate(cols): # add location type to figure fig.add_trace( Scatter(x=X[i], y=Y[i], mode='markers', name=clean_str(col))) # add title and labels fig.update_layout( title="Mean Dates at which continents reached slowest mobility", xaxis_title="dates", yaxis_title="col seperator (this is a 1-d graph)") # add fig to graphs graphs.append(fig) # TODO: graph mean of slowest mobility drop for each continent # get the means for each col continent_mean_df = m.get_continent_mean(df=m.min_week_df) # prepare a new fig fig = Figure() # y axis is constant y = list(continent_mean_df.index) for col in continent_mean_df: # get col vals x = continent_mean_df[col].values fig.add_trace(Bar(x=x, y=y, orientation='h', name=clean_str(col))) # add title and labels fig.update_layout(title="Mean of min mobility for each continent", xaxis_title="percent change from baseline", yaxis_title="continent") # add to graph graphs.append(fig) # TODO: show countries with earliest and latest min mobility # get dates col with columns in short form dates_df_week_clean = m.clean_col_name(m.dates_df_week) # countries with earliest mobility slow-down (starts with earliest country) ranks_earliest = dates_df_week_clean.apply(m.earliest_countries, axis=0).transpose() # create table fig = Figure(data=[ Table(header=dict(values=list(ranks_earliest.index)), cells=dict(values=ranks_earliest.values)) ]) # add title fig.update_layout(title="Countries with earliest min mobility") # add table to graphs graphs.append(fig) # countries with latest mobility slow-down (starts with earliest country) ranks_latest = dates_df_week_clean.apply(m.latest_countries, axis=0).transpose() #create table fig = Figure(data=[ Table(header=dict(values=list(ranks_latest.index)), cells=dict(values=ranks_latest.values)) ]) # add title fig.update_layout(title="Countries with latest min mobility") # add table to graphs graphs.append(fig) # TODO: get a table of countries with most and least mobility drop # modify min_week_df to have only baseline cols, and to have residential be consistent with other lambda functions min_week_df_mod = m.min_week_df.copy() # flip sign of values min_week_df_mod.residential_percent_change_from_baseline = -m.min_week_df.residential_percent_change_from_baseline # select columns of interest min_week_df_mod = min_week_df_mod[min_week_df_mod.columns[3:]] # 10 countries with greatest mobility drop rank_highest = m.clean_col_name(min_week_df_mod).apply( m.get_first_n).transpose() #create table fig = Figure(data=[ Table(header=dict(values=list(rank_highest.index)), cells=dict(values=rank_highest.values)) ]) # add title fig.update_layout( title="Countries that experienced greatest mobility drop") # add table to graphs graphs.append(fig) # 10 countries with least mobility drop rank_least = m.clean_col_name(min_week_df_mod).apply( m.get_last_n).transpose() #create table fig = Figure(data=[ Table(header=dict(values=list(rank_least.index)), cells=dict(values=rank_least.values)) ]) # add title fig.update_layout(title="Countries that experienced least mobility drop") # add table to graphs graphs.append(fig) # TODO: graph countries with most and least mobility drop # iterate through every location type col cols = list(m.mobil_df_new.columns[4:-1]) for col in cols: # get a sorted Series largest countries sort = m.sort(col, df=m.min_week_df.dropna()) # get x values x_1 = sort.head(10).values x_2 = sort.tail(10).values title_1 = '{}: countries with greatest drop in mobility'.format( clean_str(col)) # get y values y_1 = sort.head(10).index y_2 = sort.tail(10).index title_2 = '{}: countries with least drop in mobility'.format( clean_str(col)) if col != 'residential_percent_change_from_baseline': graph_1 = { 'data': [Bar(x=x_1, y=y_1, orientation='h')], 'layout': { 'title': title_1, 'yaxis': { 'title': "Country" }, 'xaxis': { 'title': "Percent change from baseline" } } } graph_2 = { 'data': [Bar(x=x_2, y=y_2, orientation='h')], 'layout': { 'title': title_2, 'yaxis': { 'title': "Country" }, 'xaxis': { 'title': "Percent change from baseline" } } } else: # flip title for 'residential' graph_1 = { 'data': [Bar(x=x_1, y=y_1, orientation='h')], 'layout': { 'title': title_2, 'yaxis': { 'title': "Country" }, 'xaxis': { 'title': "Percent change from baseline" } } } graph_2 = { 'data': [Bar(x=x_2, y=y_2, orientation='h')], 'layout': { 'title': title_1, 'yaxis': { 'title': "Country" }, 'xaxis': { 'title': "Percent_change_from baseline" } } } # add graph to graphs graphs.append(graph_1) graphs.append(graph_2) # spearman correlation corr = m.mobil_df_new.corrwith(m.mobil_df_new.corona_cases, method='spearman') cols = list(map(clean_str, corr.index)) # get a table of correlations with coronavirus cases fig = Figure( data=[Table(header=dict(values=cols), cells=dict(values=corr.values))]) # add title fig.update_layout(title="correlations with coronavirus cases") # add to graphs graphs.append(fig) # encode plotly graphs in JSON ids = ["graph-{}".format(i) for i, _ in enumerate(graphs)] graphJSON = json.dumps(graphs, cls=plotly.utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder) # render web page with plotly graphs return render_template('master_1.html', ids=ids, graphJSON=graphJSON)
def index(): #First plot graph_1 = df_codes.violation_category.value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) #Second plot graph_2 = df_codes[['violation_category', 'violation_date']] categories = pd.unique(graph_2.violation_category.values) df_list = [] for category in categories: df_temp = graph_2.query('violation_category == @category').groupby( graph_2.violation_date.dt.to_period('M').rename('date')).count()['violation_date'] df_temp = pd.DataFrame(df_temp.T) # .reset_index(inplace=True) df_temp.reset_index(inplace=True) df_temp.columns = ['validation_date', 'counts'] df_temp.validation_date = df_temp.validation_date.astype('str') df_list.append(df_temp) # Table df_dates = df_codes.groupby('violation_category').aggregate(['min', 'max'])['violation_date'].reset_index() # create visuals graphs = [ { 'data': [ Bar( x = graph_1.index.tolist(), y = graph_1.values, #name = 'news', width = 0.8, marker = dict( color='rgb(0,128,128)' ) #orientation = 'h' ) ], 'layout': { 'title': 'Number of violations by category', 'yaxis': { 'title': 'Count' }, 'xaxis': { 'title': 'Category' }, #'legend': { # 'orientation': 'h', # 'x': 0.33, # 'y': 1.1 #}, 'margin': { #'l': 1 } #'width': 740 } }, { 'data': [ Scatter( x=df_list[0].validation_date, y=df_list[0].counts, name = categories[0], #marker= dict( # color ='LightSkyBlue', # size = 10, # opacity=0.7, # line=dict( # color='MediumPurple', # width=2 # ) #color = ['rgb(255, 127, 14)'] #), mode = 'lines', stackgroup='one' # define stack group ), Scatter( x=df_list[1].validation_date, y=df_list[1].counts, name = categories[1], mode = 'lines', stackgroup='one' ), Scatter( x=df_list[2].validation_date, y=df_list[2].counts, name=categories[2], mode='lines', stackgroup='one' ), Scatter( x=df_list[3].validation_date, y=df_list[3].counts, name=categories[3], mode='lines', stackgroup='one' ), Scatter( x=df_list[4].validation_date, y=df_list[4].counts, name=categories[4], mode='lines', stackgroup='one' ), Scatter( x=df_list[5].validation_date, y=df_list[5].counts, name=categories[5], mode='lines', stackgroup='one' ), Scatter( x=df_list[6].validation_date, y=df_list[6].counts, name=categories[6], mode='lines', stackgroup='one' ), Scatter( x=df_list[7].validation_date, y=df_list[7].counts, name=categories[7], mode='lines', stackgroup='one' ), Scatter( x=df_list[8].validation_date, y=df_list[8].counts, name=categories[8], mode='lines', stackgroup='one' ) ], 'layout': { 'title': 'Violation dates per category', 'yaxis': { 'title': "Count", 'showgrid': True, 'nticks': 20 }, 'xaxis': { 'title': "Dates", 'nticks': 20 }, 'legend': { 'orientation': "h", 'x':0.33, 'y':1.18 }, 'automargin': True }, }, { 'data': [ Table( header= { 'values': ["Type","Earliest<br>date", "Latest<br>date"] }, cells= { 'values': [df_dates[k].tolist() for k in df_dates.columns] } ) ], 'layout': { 'title': "Violation Dates", #'height': 800 } } ] # encode plotly graphs in JSON ids = ["graph-{}".format(i) for i, _ in enumerate(graphs)] graphJSON = json.dumps(graphs, cls=plotly.utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder) # render web page with plotly graphs return render_template('master.html', ids=ids, graphJSON=graphJSON)
def draw_graph(self, df, row, col): table_trace = Table(header=dict(values=df.columns), cells=dict(values=[df[col] for col in df.columns])) return table_trace