예제 #1
def save(root=None, formats=None, **options):
    """Save the plot in the given formats and clears the figure.

    For options, see Config.

      root: string filename root
      formats: list of string formats
      options: keyword args used to invoke various pyplot functions
    clf = options.pop('clf', True)

    if formats is None:
        formats = ['pdf', 'eps']

    except ValueError:

    if root:
        for fmt in formats:
            save_format(root, fmt)
    if clf:
예제 #2
def fplotly(fig, username, api_key):
    axes = fig.axes
    lines = axes[0].lines
    xdata = plt.getp(lines[0], 'xdata')
    ydata = plt.getp(lines[0], 'ydata')
    py = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)
예제 #3
def plotAway(data):
	username = "******"
	py = plotly.plotly(username=username, key=api_key)
	print py

	layout = { 'title': 'tweet Competitors', 'autosize': False, 'width': 550, 'height': 550,
		'yaxis': {'name': 'Count of Tweets','zeroline':False}, 
		'xaxis': {'type': 'Clients','zeroline':False},
		'barmode': 'group','bargap': 0.25,'bargroupgap': 0.3, 'bardir': 'v'}
	#'catagories': cat,'
	for a in data:
		print a.keys()
	#print input
	#response = py.plot(input,layout)
	#url = response['url']
	#filename = response['filename']

	print filename
	print response
예제 #4
def update_temp(date, temp):
    py = plotly.plotly(username='******', key='7ew737sh9i')
    r = py.plot(date,
                layout={'title': 'Raspberry Pi Temperature Status'})
예제 #5
def update_temp(date, temp):
    py = plotly.plotly(username_or_email='USER', key='KEY')
    r = py.plot(date,
                layout={'title': 'Raspberry Pi Temperature Status'})
예제 #6
def test_combinations(args, graph=False):
    py = plotly.plotly(username='******', key='uzkqabvlzm', verbose=False)
    options = [100, 10, 0.9, 4, 0.05, 10000]
    features = ["skewness", "spectral_rolloff", "energy", "sv", "spread", "centroid", "zcr", "obsi", "kurtosis"]
    electronic_y = []
    classical_y = []
    categories = []

    print '\t'.join([feature[:2] for feature in features] + ["meta", "acou", "regg", "elec", "class"])

    for i in range(1, len(features) + 1):
        combinations = [list(comb) for comb in itertools.combinations(features, i)]
        for comb in combinations:
            comb_name = ', '.join(comb)
            classifier = Classifier(args['data'], discrete_intervals=options[0], size_rule_generation=options[1], filter_list=comb)
            top_fitness = classifier.train(req_min_fitness=options[2], gen_select=options[3], mutation_prob=options[4], limit_generations=options[5])
            for feature in features:
                if feature in comb:
            sys.stdout.write(str(top_fitness['metal']["fitness"])[:4] + "\t")
            sys.stdout.write(str(top_fitness['acoustic']["fitness"])[:4] + "\t")
            sys.stdout.write(str(top_fitness['reggae']["fitness"])[:4] + "\t")
            sys.stdout.write(str(top_fitness['electronic']["fitness"])[:4] + "\t")
            sys.stdout.write(str(top_fitness['classical']["fitness"])[:4] + "\n")

            if graph:
                print "Training ended\nFinal fitness:", top_fitness

                if len(categories) > 20:
                    electronic = {
                        "name": "Metal",
                        "x": categories,
                        "y": electronic_y,
                        "type": "bar"

                    classical = {
                        "name": "Classical",
                        "x": categories,
                        "y": classical_y,
                        "type": "bar"

                    layout = {
                        "barmode": "group",
                        'xaxis': {'type': 'combination'},
                        'catagories': categories
                    response = py.plot([electronic, classical], layout=layout)
                    print response['url']
                    electronic_y = []
                    classical_y = []
                    categories = []
def update_temp():
  py = plotly.plotly(username_or_email='geekskunk', key='m5b6vstz34')
  i = datetime.datetime.now()
  proc = subprocess.Popen(["cat", "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  t = proc.stdout.read()
  r =  py.plot(i.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),float(t)/1000,
  layout={'title': 'Base Station RPi CPU Temperature History'})
예제 #8
def initPlotly(plotly_un, plotly_key):
		#Plotly handle
		py = plotly.plotly(username=plotly_un, key=plotly_key)
		print (strftime("[%H:%M:%S]: EXCEPTION ", localtime()) + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
		return False

	return py
def plotClusters(data):
    Use the plotly API to plot data from clusters.
    Gets a plot URL from plotly and then uses subprocess to 'open' that URL
    from the command line. This should open your default web browser.

    # List of symbols each cluster will be displayed using
    symbols = ['circle', 'cross', 'triangle-up', 'square']

    # Convert data into plotly format.
    traceList = []
    for i, c in enumerate(data):
        data = []
        for p in c.points:
        # Data
        trace = {}
        trace['x'], trace['y'] = zip(*data)
        trace['marker'] = {}
        trace['marker']['symbol'] = symbols[i]
        trace['name'] = "Cluster " + str(i)
        # Centroid (A trace of length 1)
        centroid = {}
        centroid['x'] = [c.centroid.coords[0]]
        centroid['y'] = [c.centroid.coords[1]]
        centroid['marker'] = {}
        centroid['marker']['symbol'] = symbols[i]
        centroid['marker']['color'] = 'rgb(200,10,10)'
        centroid['name'] = "Centroid " + str(i)

    # Log in to plotly
    py = plotly(username=PLOTLY_USERNAME, key=PLOTLY_KEY)

    # Style the chart
    datastyle = {
        'mode': 'markers',
        'type': 'scatter',
        'marker': {
            'line': {
                'width': 0
            'size': 12,
            'opacity': 0.6,
            'color': 'rgb(74, 134, 232)'

    resp = py.plot(*traceList, style=datastyle)

    # Display that plot in a browser
    cmd = "open " + resp['url']
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
예제 #10
def initPlotly():
	p = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)

	trace_1 = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'stream': {'token': stream_token[0], 'maxpoints': 5000}}
	trace_2 = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'stream': {'token': stream_token[1], 'maxpoints': 5000}}
	trace_3 = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'stream': {'token': stream_token[2], 'maxpoints': 5000}}
	trace_4 = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'stream': {'token': stream_token[3], 'maxpoints': 5000}}

	print p.plot([trace_1, trace_2, trace_3, trace_4],
		filename='Aquaponics May 15',fileopt='extend')
예제 #11
def fig_to_plotly(fig, username=None, api_key=None, notebook=False):
    """Convert a matplotlib figure to plotly dictionary

    renderer = PlotlyRenderer(username=username, api_key=api_key)
    py = plotly.plotly(renderer.username, renderer.api_key)
    if notebook:
        return py.iplot(renderer.data, layout=renderer.layout)
        py.plot(renderer.data, layout=renderer.layout)
예제 #12
def fig_to_plotly(fig, username=None, api_key=None, notebook=False):
    """Convert a matplotlib figure to plotly dictionary

    renderer = PlotlyRenderer(username=username, api_key=api_key)
    py = plotly.plotly(renderer.username, renderer.api_key)
    if notebook:
        return py.iplot(renderer.data, layout=renderer.layout)
        py.plot(renderer.data, layout=renderer.layout)
예제 #13
def main():

    filename = sys.argv[1]
    teams,year = np.loadtxt(filename,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),dtype=str)

    v0,v1,v2,v3,v4 = np.loadtxt(filename,unpack=True,usecols=(2,3,4,5,6),dtype=float)

    py = plotly.plotly(username_or_email="MatthewBellis", key="d6h4et78v5")

    plotly_title = 'NBA stats'
    plotly_filename = 'Siena_NBA_research'

    #s={'type':'bubble' ,'jitter':0.1, 'boxpoints':'all'}
    #axesstyle = {'range':[datetime.datetime(2014,1,15),datetime.datetime(2014,2,15)]}
    #axesstyle = {}
    #l={'title': plotly_title,'xaxis':axesstyle}

    #colors = colorscale(GnBu, v4)
    colors = colorscale(diverging, v4)

    data = []
    for i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,c in zip(teams,year,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,colors):

        t = ["%s  %s" % (i0,i1)]
        #t = "%s" % (i0)
        print t
        d = {'x':i2, 'y':i3,\
            'marker': {'size':20*(i4-min(v2))/(max(v2)-min(v2)), 'opacity':0.9, 'line':{'width':1},'color':c},\

    citation = {'showarrow':False, 'font':{'size':10},'xref':'paper','yref':'paper','x':0.00,'y':-0.18,'align':'left',\
                'text':'Data source and inspiration:<br>WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?'}

    layout = {'showlegend':False,'hovermode':'closest', 'title':'','annotations':[citation],\
        'xaxis':{ 'ticks':'','linecolor':'white','showgrid':False,'zeroline':False, 'title': 'Offensive efficiency', 'nticks':12 },
        'yaxis':{ 'ticks':'','linecolor':'white','showgrid':False,'zeroline':False, 'title': 'FGR', 'nticks':12 }}

    response = py.plot(data,layout=layout,filename=plotly_filename,fileopt='overwrite')

    url = response['url']
    filename = response['filename']

    print response
    print url
    print filename
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, username, api):
        """Creates a plotly object

        username: string
                plotly username
        api: string
                plotly api
        super(PlotlyChart, self).__init__()
        self.plotly = plotly.plotly(username, api)
예제 #15
def iClustergram(data=None, row_labels=None, col_labels=None,
			row_groups=None, col_groups=None,
			row_linkage='average', col_linkage='average', 
			row_pdist='euclidean', col_pdist='euclidean',
			standardize=None, log=False, 
			display_range=3, username='******', apikey='fmnoxd2t2u'):
	## preprocess data
	if log:
		data = np.log2(data + 1.0)

	if standardize == 1: # Standardize along the columns of data
		data = zscore(data, axis=0)
	elif standardize == 2: # Standardize along the rows of data
		data = zscore(data, axis=1)

	## cluster data:
	## compute pdist for rows
	d1 = dist.pdist(data, metric=row_pdist)
	D1 = dist.squareform(d1)
	Y1 = sch.linkage(D1, method=row_linkage, metric=row_pdist)
	Z1 = sch.dendrogram(Y1, orientation='right')
	idx1 = Z1['leaves']

	## compute pdist for cols
	d2 = dist.pdist(data.T, metric=col_pdist)
	D2 = dist.squareform(d2)
	Y2 = sch.linkage(D2, method=col_linkage, metric=col_pdist)
	Z2 = sch.dendrogram(Y2)
	idx2 = Z2['leaves']

	## transform the orders of data to clustered data
	data_clustered = data
	data_clustered = data_clustered[:,idx2]
	data_clustered = data_clustered[idx1,:]
	data_to_plot = data_clustered.tolist()

	## transform the orders of row and col labels
	new_row_labels = []
	new_col_labels = []
	for i in range(data.shape[0]):
	for i in range(data.shape[1]):
	## plot clustered data using plotly
	py = plotly.plotly(username, apikey)
	d = {}
	d['x'] = new_row_labels
	d['y'] = new_col_labels
	d['z'] = data_to_plot
	d['type'] = 'heatmap'
def creatStreamingGraph(fileName, ConfigGile,chanID):
    with open(ConfigGile) as config_file:
        plotly_user_config = json.load(config_file)
    username = plotly_user_config['plotly_username']
    api_key = plotly_user_config['plotly_api_key']
    stream_token = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][chanID]
    stream_server = 'http://stream.plot.ly'

    p = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)
    layout = {'autosize': True, 'showlegend':True,'legend': {"x" : 1, "y" : 1},"xaxis": {"title":"Time"},"yaxis": {"title":"Temp (C)"}}
    p.plot([{'x': [],'y': [],"name":fileName,'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines+markers','stream': {'token': stream_token,'maxpoints': 60}}],filename=fileName, fileopt='overwrite',layout = layout, world_readable=True)
    s = plotly.stream(stream_token)
    return s
예제 #17
def generate__two_traces(ConfigGile):
    with open(ConfigGile) as config_file:
        plotly_user_config = json.load(config_file)
    username = plotly_user_config['plotly_username']
    api_key = plotly_user_config['plotly_api_key']
    stream_tokenA = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][0]
    stream_tokenB = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][1]
    data = [{
        'x': [],
        'y': [],
        "name": "Ambient Temp",
        'type': 'scatter',
        'mode': 'lines+markers',
        'line': {
            'color': 'rgba(106, 45, 172, 1)'
        'stream': {
            'token': stream_tokenA,
            'maxpoints': 60
    }, {
        'x': [],
        'y': [],
        "name": "Water Temp",
        'type': 'scatter',
        'mode': 'lines+markers',
        'line': {
            'color': 'rgba(215, 40, 44, 1)'
        'stream': {
            'token': stream_tokenB,
            'maxpoints': 60
    p = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)
               'autosize': True,
               'showlegend': True,
               'yaxis': {
                   'range': [0, 40],
                   'title': 'Temp(C)'
               'xaxis': {
                   'title': 'Time'
    s0 = plotly.stream(stream_tokenA)
    s1 = plotly.stream(stream_tokenB)
    return s0, s1
예제 #18
def plotClusters(data):
    Use the plotly API to plot data from clusters.
    Gets a plot URL from plotly and then uses subprocess to 'open' that URL
    from the command line. This should open your default web browser.
    # List of symbols each cluster will be displayed using    
    symbols = ['circle', 'cross', 'triangle-up', 'square']

    # Convert data into plotly format.
    traceList = []
    for i, c in enumerate(data):
        data = []
        for p in c.points:
        # Data
        trace = {}
        trace['x'], trace['y'] = zip(*data)
        trace['marker'] = {}
        trace['marker']['symbol'] = symbols[i]
        trace['name'] = "Cluster " + str(i)
        # Centroid (A trace of length 1)
        centroid = {}
        centroid['x'] = [c.centroid.coords[0]]
        centroid['y'] = [c.centroid.coords[1]]
        centroid['marker'] = {}
        centroid['marker']['symbol'] = symbols[i]
        centroid['marker']['color'] = 'rgb(200,10,10)'
        centroid['name'] = "Centroid " + str(i)
    # Log in to plotly
    py = plotly(username=PLOTLY_USERNAME, key=PLOTLY_KEY)

    # Style the chart
    datastyle = {'mode':'markers',
                       'color':'rgb(74, 134, 232)'}}
    resp = py.plot(*traceList, style = datastyle)
    # Display that plot in a browser
    cmd = "open " + resp['url']
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
예제 #19
def generate__two_traces(ConfigGile):
    with open(ConfigGile) as config_file:
        plotly_user_config = json.load(config_file)
    username = plotly_user_config['plotly_username']
    api_key = plotly_user_config['plotly_api_key']
    stream_tokenA = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][0]
    stream_tokenB = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][1]
    data = [{'x': [], 'y': [],"name":"Ambient Temp", 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines+markers', 'line': {'color': 'rgba(106, 45, 172, 1)'},
         'stream': {'token': stream_tokenA, 'maxpoints': 60}},
        {'x': [], 'y': [],"name":"Water Temp", 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines+markers', 'line': {'color':  'rgba(215, 40, 44, 1)'},
            'stream': {'token': stream_tokenB, 'maxpoints': 60}}]
    p = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)
    p.plot(data, fileopt='overwrite',layout = {'autosize': True, 'showlegend':True,'yaxis': {'range': [0,40],'title':'Temp(C)'},'xaxis': {'title':'Time'}})
    s0 = plotly.stream(stream_tokenA)
    s1 = plotly.stream(stream_tokenB)
    return s0,s1
예제 #20
def topfiveTags():
	listTrends = analytics.trending_concepts() 
	print "in topFive"
	client =[]
	#list should be 10 long
 	print len(listTrends)
 	for length in range(len(listTrends)):
 		#get client name
 		#print listTrends[length][0]
 	colours = ["red","yellow","blue","black","orange","green","purple"]	

 	for length in range(len(listTrends)):	
 		tags = []
		counts =[]
 		for item in listTrends[length][1]:
 			#print item
		listofDicts.append({'name':client[length], 'x': tags, 'y': counts, 'type':'bar',
			'marker':{'color': colours[length], 'line': {'color': colours[length], 'width': 3} } })		

 	for c in listofDicts:
	username = "******"
	py = plotly.plotly(username=username, key=api_key)
	layout = { 'title': 'tweet Competitors', 'autosize': False, 'width': 550, 'height': 550,
		'yaxis': {'name': 'Count of Tweets','zeroline':False}, 
		'xaxis': {'type': 'Clients','zeroline':False},
		'barmode': 'group','bargap': 0.05,'bargroupgap': 0.1, 'bardir': 'v'}
	response = py.plot(listofDicts,layout=layout)
	url = response['url']
	filename = response['filename']

	print filename
	print response
    def gen_bar(self, title, dataset):
        """Generates a plotly barchart from a dataset

        Returns plotly object of the form:

        {'url':'', 'filename': '', 'error': 'No data', 'warning': '', 'message': ''}"""

        if not any(dataset):
            return {'url':'', 'filename': 'title', 'error': 'No data', 'warning': '', 'message': ''}

        py = plotly.plotly(plotly_usrn, plotly_secret)
        data = {'x': list(range(len(dataset))), 'y':dataset, 'type': 'bar'}

        l = {'autosize': True, 'width': 900, 'height': 600, 'showlegend': False, 'title':title}

        return py.plot([data], layout=l)
예제 #22
def save_plotly(application, label):
    """Save a Glue session to a plotly plot

    This is currently restricted to 1-4 scatterplots or histograms

    :param application: Glue application to save
    :param path: Label for the exported plot
    user = application.get_setting('PLOTLY_USER')
    apikey = application.get_setting('PLOTLY_APIKEY')

    args, kwargs = build_plotly_call(application)
    kwargs['filename'] = label

    logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(args, kwargs)

    py = plotly.plotly(user, key=apikey)
    py.plot(args, **kwargs)
예제 #23
def save_plotly(application, label):
    """Save a Glue session to a plotly plot

    This is currently restricted to 1-4 scatterplots or histograms

    :param application: Glue application to save
    :param path: Label for the exported plot
    user = application.get_setting('PLOTLY_USER')
    apikey = application.get_setting('PLOTLY_APIKEY')

    args, kwargs = build_plotly_call(application)
    kwargs['filename'] = label

    logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(args, kwargs)

    py = plotly.plotly(user, key=apikey)
    py.plot(args, **kwargs)
예제 #24
    def __init__(self, api=None):
        self.hi = True

        if not api:
            self.api = IrrigationAPI()
            self.api = api

        self.conn = None
        self.dbTable = None

        self.printer = None

        self.apikey = "d8ytNTiS45sNRIVqsluvbDTlW2eSAKxJVUNVamJLUmtJZz0g"

        self.feedid = 121835

        self.feedHist = {}

        self.py = plotly.plotly(username_or_email='kutenai', key='xhhbxk2swl')
예제 #25
def analyzeResults(options):
  Generate ROC curve and find optimum point given cost matrix
  with open(options.inputFile, 'r') as fh:
    results = pandas.read_csv(fh)
  costMatrix = getCostMatrix()
  vals = genCurveData(results,
  costs = vals['costs']
  print "The lowest expected cost with this ROC curve is: %s" % str(min(costs))
  costsArray = numpy.array(costs)
  minCostIndices = numpy.where(costsArray == costsArray.min())
  for minCostIndex in minCostIndices:
    ind = minCostIndex[0]
    print "A threshold that gives the minimum cost given the current cost matrix is: %s" % str(vals['thresholds'][ind])
  if options.plot:
    # Get connection to plotly
      plotlyUser = os.environ['PLOTLY_USER_NAME']
      plotlyAPIKey = os.environ['PLOTLY_API_KEY']
    except KeyError:
      raise Exception("Plotly user name and api key were not found in "
            "your environment. Please add:\n"
            "export PLOTLY_USER_NAME={username}\n"
            "export PLOTLY_API_KEY={apikey}")
    py = plotly(username_or_email=plotlyUser,
                verbose = False)
    plotROC(py, vals)
예제 #26
    def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
        now = datetime.now()
        a_week = timedelta(weeks=1)
        this_week = [now - a_week, now]

        qs = ArchiveTrack.objects.filter(Q(play__created__range=this_week))\

        consolodated = {}
        total = qs.count()
        y = Year()

        for count, item in enumerate(qs):
            year, didsleep = y.get_year(item.spotify_href)
            if count % 10 == 0:
                print float(count) / total * 100, '%', y.request_count
            if not year:
            if year in consolodated:
                consolodated[year] = [item]

        consolodated = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(consolodated.items()))

        py = plotly.plotly(username_or_email='EricGeorge', key='cp9m5tn1ix')
        l = {'autosize': False,'width': 1200, 'height': 600,
             'showlegend': False,
            'xaxis' : {"linecolor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)","ticks":"",
                        "showgrid": True, "zeroline": False,
                        "showticklabels": True},
            'yaxis' : {"linecolor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "ticks": "",
                        "showgrid": True, "zeroline": True,
                        "showticklabels": True}}

        print py.plot([{'y': [len(i) for i in consolodated.values()],
                        'x': consolodated.keys(),
                        'type': 'bar'}], layout=l)
def generateThreeTrace(ConfigGile):
    with open(ConfigGile) as config_file:
        plotly_user_config = json.load(config_file)
    username = plotly_user_config['plotly_username']
    api_key = plotly_user_config['plotly_api_key']
    stream_tokenA = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][3]
    stream_tokenB = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][4]
    stream_tokenC = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][5]
    stream_server = 'http://stream.plot.ly'
    layout = {'autosize': True, 'showlegend':True,'legend': {"x" : 1, "y" : 1},"xaxis": {"title":"Time"},"yaxis": {"title":"Temp (C)"}}
    data = [
        {'x': [], 'y': [],"name":"DS18B20 1", 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines+markers', 'line': {'color': 'rgba(106, 45, 172, 1)'},
         'stream': {'token': stream_tokenA, 'maxpoints': 60}},
        {'x': [], 'y': [],"name":"DS18B20 2", 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines+markers', 'line': {'color':  'rgba(215, 40, 44, 1)'},
            'stream': {'token': stream_tokenB, 'maxpoints': 60}},
        {'x': [], 'y': [],"name":"MLX90614 1", 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines+markers', 'line': {'color': 'rgba(106, 240, 44, 1)'},
            'stream': {'token': stream_tokenC, 'maxpoints': 60}}]
    p = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)
    p.plot(data, fileopt='overwrite',layout = {'autosize': True, 'showlegend':True,'legend': {"x" : 1, "y" : 1}})
    s4 = plotly.stream(stream_tokenA)
    s5 = plotly.stream(stream_tokenB)
    s6 = plotly.stream(stream_tokenC)
    return s4, s5, s6
예제 #28
    def __init__(self, source, discrete_intervals=DEFAULT_DISCRETE_INTERVALS, size_rule_generation=20, filter_list=[], log_results=False):
        Inicializa el clasificador. Toma como fuente un archivo csv y puede
        recibir como parametro opcional la cantidad de intervalos para discretizar
        los valores de los features.
        super(Classifier, self).__init__()
        self.source = source
        self.discrete_intervals = discrete_intervals
        self.features, self.train_data, self.test_data, self.result_types = self._read_source(filter_list)
        self.len_features = len(self.features)
        if log_results:
            print "Se tienen", self.len_features, "features distintos."
        self.len_data = len(self.train_data)
        self.size_rule_generation = size_rule_generation
        self.len_rules = len(self.result_types)
        self.best_rules = {}
        self.py = plotly.plotly(username='******', key='uzkqabvlzm', verbose=False)
        self.log_results = log_results

        # Cada regla tiene `size_rule_generation` reglas inicialmente creadas
        # al azar.
        # La idea es evolucionar sobre este conjunto de reglas para cada tipo
        # de reglas.
        # Una regla devuelve un valor binario, SI es result_type o NO lo es.

        self.rules = {}
        for result_type in self.result_types:
            self.rules[result_type] = []

            # Para cada tipo de regla creo `size_rule_generation` reglas al
            # azar y evaluo de forma prematura con los datos que tienen.
            for i in range(self.size_rule_generation):
                rule = Rule(self.features, self.discrete_intervals, result_type)
                rule_dict = {'rule': rule, 'fitness': self._rule_fitness(rule)}
예제 #29
def fig_to_plotly(fig, username=None, api_key=None, notebook=False,
                  resize=False, strip_style=False, verbose=False):
    """Convert a matplotlib figure to plotly dictionary and send.

    All available information about matplotlib visualizations are stored
    within a matplotlib.figure.Figure object. You can create a plot in python
    using matplotlib, store the figure object, and then pass this object to
    the fig_to_plotly function. In the background, mplexporter is used to
    crawl through the mpl figure object for appropriate information. This
    information is then systematically sent to the PlotlyRenderer which
    creates the JSON structure used to make plotly visualizations. Finally,
    these dictionaries are sent to plotly and your browser should open up a
    new tab for viewing! Optionally, if you're working in IPython, you can
    set notebook=True and the PlotlyRenderer will call plotly.iplot instead
    of plotly.plot to have the graph appear directly in the IPython notebook.

    Note, this function gives the user access to a simple, one-line way to
    render an mpl figure in plotly. If you need to trouble shoot, you can do
    this step manually by NOT running this fuction and entereing the following:

    from mplexporter import Exporter
    from mplexporter.renderers import PlotlyRenderer

    # create an mpl figure and store it under a varialble 'fig'

    renderer = PlotlyRenderer()
    exporter = Exporter(renderer)

    You can then inspect the JSON structures by accessing these:

    renderer.layout -- a plotly layout dictionary
    renderer.data -- a list of plotly data dictionaries

    Positional arguments:
    fig -- a matplotlib figure object
    username -- a valid plotly username **
    api_key -- a valid api_key for the above username **
    notebook -- an option for use with an IPython notebook

    ** Don't have a username/api_key? Try looking here:

    ** Forgot your api_key? Try signing in and looking here:

    import plotly
    renderer = PlotlyRenderer()
    if resize:
    if strip_style:
    py = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)
    data = renderer.data.get_json()
    layout = renderer.layout.get_json()
    if notebook:
        return py.iplot(data, layout=layout)
        py.plot(data, layout=layout)
    if verbose:
        return renderer.msg
예제 #30
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#import the PySerial library and sleep from the time library
import serial
import time
from time import sleep
# Future use
import math
# Import plotly graph API
import plotly

py = plotly.plotly(username_or_email="Name", key="PWD")
# Import cPickle to manage a file with all data
import cPickle as pickle

# declare to variables, holding the com port we wish to talk to and the speed
port = '/dev/ttyAMA0'
baud = 9600

# open a serial connection using the variables above
ser = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baud)

# wait for a moment before doing anything else

# clear out the serial input buffer to ensure there are no old messages lying around

# Minute to keep track in loops
minute = int(time.strftime("%M"))
예제 #31
import plotly

py = plotly.plotly("iancze", "0ttojbuvyj")

import StellarSpectra
from StellarSpectra import spectrum
from StellarSpectra import constants as C
from spectrum import DataSpectrum
import numpy as np
import sys
from astropy.io import ascii

myspec = DataSpectrum.open(

# Shift wl as close to 0.
vz = -15
myspec.wls = myspec.wls * np.sqrt((C.c_kms + vz) / (C.c_kms - vz))

def return_line_labels(wl, tol=1):
    """Given a wl array, return the nearest n line labels next to the line, that are within
    tolerance = 1 Ang of each point."""

    # for linelist_air.dat, col_starts=[3, 20], col_ends=[17, 28]
    # for linelist_kurucz.dat, col_starts=[3, 13], col_ends=[10, 20]

    lines = ascii.read(
예제 #32
파일: buildGraph.py 프로젝트: ADTL/udootemp
#! /usr/bin/python

import plotly

#username = "******"
#api_key = "7abemi2v86"

credentials = open( "plotly.credentials", "r" )
( username, api_key ) = credentials.readlines()
username = username[0:-1]
api_key  = api_key[0:-1]

py = plotly.plotly( username=username, key=api_key )

# Read one of the temp logs, break into two arrays
def extract( filename, timestamp, temp ):
  data = open( filename, 'r' )

  for line in data:
    ts, t = line.split( ',' )
    ts = ts.strip( '"' )
    t = float( t )
    timestamp.append( ts )
    temp.append( t )


udtimestamp = []
udtemp = []
예제 #33
import math
import plotly
import Quandl
py = plotly.plotly("kausk", "p24ixqvuzo")
import glob

def plot(query, name):

    mydata = Quandl.get(name,

    stockdates = [str(i[0]) for i in mydata]

    openp = [str(i[1]) for i in mydata]

    high = [str(i[2]) for i in mydata]

    low = [str(i[3]) for i in mydata]

    close = [str(i[4]) for i in mydata]

    changes = []

    for i in close:
        for j in openp:
            cf = ((float(i) - float(j)) / (float(j)))
예제 #34
def connect_to_ploty(usr='******', api='622ge3l1ww'):
    ply = plotly.plotly(usr, api)
    return ply
예제 #35
def main(list_of_list, username, key):
    """connect to plot.ly API, send data, create graph"""

    py = plotly.plotly(username, key)
    py.plot(list_of_list[0], list_of_list[1])
예제 #36
def getLabels(dataSet, centroids):
    # For each element in the dataset, chose the closest centroid. 
    # Make that centroid the element's label.
# Function: Get Centroids
# -------------
# Returns k random centroids, each of dimension n.
def getCentroids(dataSet, labels, k):
    # Each centroid is the geometric mean of the points that
    # have that centroid's label. Important: If a centroid is empty (no points have
    # that centroid's label) you should randomly re-initialize it.


x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = np.array([8, 8, 8, 8, 8])
z = np.ones((5, 9))

np.sqrt(sum((x - y) ** 2))

# END of solution -a 
# ------------------

# solution -b 
# -----------

# Lloyd’s algorithm for performing k-means clustering

import numpy as np

def cluster_points(X, mu):
    clusters  = {}
    for x in X:
        bestmukey = min([(i[0], np.linalg.norm(x-mu[i[0]])) \
                    for i in enumerate(mu)], key=lambda t:t[1])[0]
        except KeyError:
            clusters[bestmukey] = [x]
    return clusters

def reevaluate_centers(mu, clusters):
    newmu = []
    keys = sorted(clusters.keys())
    for k in keys:
        newmu.append(np.mean(clusters[k], axis = 0))
    return newmu

def has_converged(mu, oldmu):
    return (set([tuple(a) for a in mu]) == set([tuple(a) for a in oldmu])
def find_centers(X, K):
    # Initialize to K random centers
    oldmu = random.sample(X, K)
    mu = random.sample(X, K)
    while not has_converged(mu, oldmu):
        oldmu = mu
        # Assign all points in X to clusters
        clusters = cluster_points(X, mu)
        # Reevaluate centers
        mu = reevaluate_centers(oldmu, clusters)
    return(mu, clusters)

import random
def init_board(N):
    X = np.array([(random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)) for i in range(N)])
    return X

def init_board_gauss(N, k):
    n = float(N)/k
    X = []
    for i in range(k):
        c = (random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1))
        s = random.uniform(0.05,0.5)
        x = []
        while len(x) < n:
            a, b = np.array([np.random.normal(c[0], s), np.random.normal(c[1], s)])
            # Continue drawing points from the distribution in the range [-1,1]
            if abs(a) < 1 and abs(b) < 1:
    X = np.array(X)[:N]
    return X

# END of solution - b
# -------------------

# soluton - c // better implementation 
# -----------
# Full Imports

import sys
import math
import random
import subprocess

To use plotly integration you will need to:
1. Get a username/key from www.plot.ly/api and enter them below
2. Install the plotly module: pip install plotly


    from plotly import plotly

def main():
    # How many points are in our dataset?
    num_points = 10
    # For each of those points how many dimensions do they have?
    dimensions = 2
    # Bounds for the values of those points in each dimension
    lower = 0
    upper = 200
    # The K in k-means. How many clusters do we assume exist?
    num_clusters = 3
    # When do we say the optimization has 'converged' and stop updating clusters
    opt_cutoff = 0.5
    # Generate some points
    points = [makeRandomPoint(dimensions, lower, upper) for i in xrange(num_points)]
    # Cluster those data!
    clusters = kmeans(points, num_clusters, opt_cutoff)

    # Print our clusters
    for i,c in enumerate(clusters):

        for p in c.points:
            print " Cluster: ", i, "\t Point :", p
    # Display clusters using plotly for 2d data
    # This uses the 'open' command on a URL and may only work on OSX.
    if dimensions == 2 and PLOTLY_USERNAME:

        print "Plotting points, launching browser ..."

class Point:
    An point in n dimensional space
    def __init__(self, coords):
        coords - A list of values, one per dimension
        self.coords = coords
        self.n = len(coords)
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.coords)

class Cluster:
    A set of points and their centroid
    def __init__(self, points):
        points - A list of point objects

        if len(points) == 0: 
        	raise Exception("ILLEGAL: empty cluster")
        # The points that belong to this cluster
        self.points = points
        # The dimensionality of the points in this cluster
        self.n = points[0].n

        # Assert that all points are of the same dimensionality
        for p in points:
            if p.n != self.n: 
            	raise Exception("ILLEGAL: wrong dimensions")
        # Set up the initial centroid (this is usually based off one point)
        self.centroid = self.calculateCentroid()
    def __repr__(self):
        String representation of this object
        return str(self.points)
    def update(self, points):
        Returns the distance between the previous centroid and the new after
        recalculating and storing the new centroid.
        old_centroid = self.centroid
        self.points = points
        self.centroid = self.calculateCentroid()
        shift = getDistance(old_centroid, self.centroid) 
        return shift
    def calculateCentroid(self):
        Finds a virtual center point for a group of n-dimensional points
        numPoints = len(self.points)
        # Get a list of all coordinates in this cluster
        coords = [p.coords for p in self.points]
        # Reformat that so all x's are together, all y'z etc.
        unzipped = zip(*coords)
        # Calculate the mean for each dimension
        centroid_coords = [math.fsum(dList)/numPoints for dList in unzipped]        
        return Point(centroid_coords)

def kmeans(points, k, cutoff):
    # Pick out k random points to use as our initial centroids
    initial = random.sample(points, k)
    # Create k clusters using those centroids
    clusters = [Cluster([p]) for p in initial]
    # Loop through the dataset until the clusters stabilize
    loopCounter = 0

    while True:
        # Create a list of lists to hold the points in each cluster
        lists = [ [] for c in clusters]
        clusterCount = len(clusters)
        # Start counting loops
        loopCounter += 1
        # For every point in the dataset ...
        for p in points:
            # Get the distance between that point and the centroid of the first
            # cluster.
            smallest_distance = getDistance(p, clusters[0].centroid)
            # Set the cluster this point belongs to
            clusterIndex = 0
            # For the remainder of the clusters ...
            for i in range(clusterCount - 1):
                # calculate the distance of that point to each other cluster's
                # centroid.
                distance = getDistance(p, clusters[i+1].centroid)
                # If it's closer to that cluster's centroid update what we
                # think the smallest distance is, and set the point to belong
                # to that cluster
                if distance < smallest_distance:
                    smallest_distance = distance
                    clusterIndex = i+1
        # Set our biggest_shift to zero for this iteration
        biggest_shift = 0.0
        # As many times as there are clusters ...
        for i in range(clusterCount):
            # Calculate how far the centroid moved in this iteration
            shift = clusters[i].update(lists[i])
            # Keep track of the largest move from all cluster centroid updates
            biggest_shift = max(biggest_shift, shift)
        # If the centroids have stopped moving much, say we're done!
        if biggest_shift < cutoff:
            print "Converged after %s iterations" % loopCounter
    return clusters

def getDistance(a, b):
    Euclidean distance between two n-dimensional points.
    Note: This can be very slow and does not scale well
    if a.n != b.n:
        raise Exception("ILLEGAL: non comparable points")
    ret = reduce(lambda x,y: x + pow((a.coords[y]-b.coords[y]), 2),range(a.n),0.0)
    return math.sqrt(ret)

def makeRandomPoint(n, lower, upper):
    Returns a Point object with n dimensions and values between lower and
    upper in each of those dimensions
    p = Point([random.uniform(lower, upper) for i in range(n)])
    return p

def plotClusters(data):
    Use the plotly API to plot data from clusters.
    Gets a plot URL from plotly and then uses subprocess to 'open' that URL
    from the command line. This should open your default web browser.
    # List of symbols each cluster will be displayed using    
    symbols = ['circle', 'cross', 'triangle-up', 'square']

    # Convert data into plotly format.
    traceList = []
    for i, c in enumerate(data):
        data = []
        for p in c.points:
        # Data
        trace = {}
        trace['x'], trace['y'] = zip(*data)
        trace['marker'] = {}
        trace['marker']['symbol'] = symbols[i]
        trace['name'] = "Cluster " + str(i)
        # Centroid (A trace of length 1)
        centroid = {}
        centroid['x'] = [c.centroid.coords[0]]
        centroid['y'] = [c.centroid.coords[1]]
        centroid['marker'] = {}
        centroid['marker']['symbol'] = symbols[i]
        centroid['marker']['color'] = 'rgb(200,10,10)'
        centroid['name'] = "Centroid " + str(i)
    # Log in to plotly
    py = plotly(username=PLOTLY_USERNAME, key=PLOTLY_KEY)

    # Style the chart
    datastyle = {'mode':'markers',
                       'color':'rgb(74, 134, 232)'}}
    resp = py.plot(*traceList, style = datastyle)
    # Display that plot in a browser
    cmd = "open " + resp['url']
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

if __name__ == "__main__": 

# END of soluton - c 

# solution -d
# -----------

import os
import numpy as np

# kmeans clustering algorithm
# data = set of data points
# k = number of clusters
# c = initial list of centroids (if provided)
def kmeans(data, k, c):
    centroids = []

    centroids = randomize_centroids(data, centroids, k)  

    old_centroids = [[] for i in range(k)] 

    iterations = 0
    while not (has_converged(centroids, old_centroids, iterations)):
        iterations += 1

        clusters = [[] for i in range(k)]

        # assign data points to clusters
        clusters = euclidean_dist(data, centroids, clusters)

        # recalculate centroids
        index = 0
        for cluster in clusters:
            old_centroids[index] = centroids[index]
            centroids[index] = np.mean(cluster, axis=0).tolist()
            index += 1

    print("The total number of data instances is: " + str(len(data)))
    print("The total number of iterations necessary is: " + str(iterations))
    print("The means of each cluster are: " + str(centroids))
    print("The clusters are as follows:")
    for cluster in clusters:
        print("Cluster with a size of " + str(len(cluster)) + " starts here:")
        print("Cluster ends here.")


# Calculates euclidean distance between
# a data point and all the available cluster
# centroids.      
def euclidean_dist(data, centroids, clusters):
    for instance in data:  
        # Find which centroid is the closest
        # to the given data point.
        mu_index = min([(i[0], np.linalg.norm(instance-centroids[i[0]])) \
                            for i in enumerate(centroids)], key=lambda t:t[1])[0]
        except KeyError:
            clusters[mu_index] = [instance]

    # If any cluster is empty then assign one point
    # from data set randomly so as to not have empty
    # clusters and 0 means.        
    for cluster in clusters:
        if not cluster:
            cluster.append(data[np.random.randint(0, len(data), size=1)].flatten().tolist())

    return clusters

# randomize initial centroids
def randomize_centroids(data, centroids, k):
    for cluster in range(0, k):
        centroids.append(data[np.random.randint(0, len(data), size=1)].flatten().tolist())
    return centroids

# check if clusters have converged    
def has_converged(centroids, old_centroids, iterations):
    if iterations > MAX_ITERATIONS:
        return True
    return old_centroids == centroids

# END of solution - d
# -------------------

# solution -e 
# -----------

# k-means clustering method to cluster image pixels into k partitions.
# Method takes input RGB  image and k value, returns a binary image which has
# different labels for different segments. In the output image, each
# input pixel value is replaced with the mean value it is assigned to.

import os
from random import randint
import time

from skimage import io
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# creates RGB pixel object from image pixels
class RGB:
    def __init__(self, rgb_pixel):
        self.r = int(rgb_pixel[0])
        self.g = int(rgb_pixel[1])
        self.b = int(rgb_pixel[2])

    def __str__(self):
        return ''.join("r:" + str(self.r) + " g:" + str(self.g) + " b:" + str(self.b))

# creates Centroid object from coordinates and rgb pixel
class Centroid:
    x = 0
    y = 0
    rgb = RGB(np.zeros(3))

    def __init__(self, xy):
        self.x = xy[0]
        self.y = xy[1]

    def __str__(self):
        return ''.join("x:" + str(self.x) + " y:" + str(self.y) + " rgb:" + str(self.rgb))

# calculate_rgb_distance(pixel, centroid)
# input     - image and centroid Pixel(r,g,b)
# returns   - euclidean distance between two rgb pixels
def calculate_rgb_distance(pixel, center):
    p1 = np.array((pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b))
    p2 = np.array((center.r, center.g, center.b))
    return np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)

# pick_random_xy(shape)
# input     - RGB image matrix shape (rows, columns, rgb)
# returns   - random pixel(x,y) coordinates
def pick_random_xy(shape):
    return [randint(0, shape[0] - 1), randint(0, shape[1] - 1)]

# k_means(image, k)
# input     - rgb image matrix
#           - k number of clusters
#           - difference threshold to stop the algorithm loop(optional)
# returns   - labelImage, labeled image matrix
#           - centroids, k centroids after calculation
def k_means(image, cluster_count, mean_diff_threshold=5.0):
    time_start = time.time()

    # create a matrix of zeros with the same shape to store centroid index assignments for each pixel
    label_image = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
    print "label count k:", k
    print "total mean diff threshold:", mean_diff_threshold

    # k-means algorithm
    # STEPS:
    # 0 - Choose k random centroid coordinates
    # For each pixel x:
    # 1 - Calculate rgb distance of x from each centroid
    # 2 - Assign x to closest centroid's cluster
    # For each centroid c:
    # 3 - Calculate rgb means of assigned pixels for that c (move the centroid)
    # repeat until all x are stable

    # 0 - Choose k random centroid coordinates
    centroids = []
    for i in range(cluster_count):
        c = Centroid(pick_random_xy(image.shape))   # set random coordinates
        c.rgb = RGB(image[c.x][c.y])                # set rgb values

    iteration_count = 0

    while iteration_count < 10:         # repeat until all x are stable, max 10 iterations

        percent_diff = 0.0              # holds percentage in mean change

        # k x 3 dimensional array to hold cluster values, will be used to calculate new means
        cluster_values = np.ones((len(centroids), 3))
        cluster_pixel_counts = np.ones((len(centroids)))

        # 1 - Calculate rgb distance of x from each centroid
        for x in xrange(image.shape[0]):
            for y in xrange(image.shape[1]):

                image_pixel = RGB(image[x][y])
                min_dist = 255
                min_dist_index = 0

                for idx, m in enumerate(centroids):

                    distance = calculate_rgb_distance(image_pixel, m.rgb)

                    if distance < min_dist:
                        min_dist = distance
                        min_dist_index = idx

                # 2 - Assign pixel to closest centroid's cluster(index)
                label_image[x][y] = min_dist_index

                # record pixel values to calculate means
                cluster_values[min_dist_index][0] += image_pixel.r
                cluster_values[min_dist_index][1] += image_pixel.g
                cluster_values[min_dist_index][2] += image_pixel.b
                cluster_pixel_counts[min_dist_index] += 1

        # 3 - Calculate rgb means of assigned pixels for their centroids
        for idx, m in enumerate(centroids):
            previous_sum = m.rgb.r + m.rgb.g + m.rgb.b
            m.rgb.r = int(cluster_values[idx, 0] / cluster_pixel_counts[idx])
            m.rgb.g = int(cluster_values[idx, 1] / cluster_pixel_counts[idx])
            m.rgb.b = int(cluster_values[idx, 2] / cluster_pixel_counts[idx])
            current_sum = m.rgb.r + m.rgb.g + m.rgb.b
            # total percent change in cluster means
            if previous_sum > 0:
                percent_diff += (abs((current_sum - previous_sum) / float(previous_sum))) * 100.0
                percent_diff = 0.0

        iteration_count += 1
        print "total percent difference in means", percent_diff, "iteration", iteration_count

        if mean_diff_threshold > percent_diff > 0.0:
            print "\nStopped at percent difference in means:", percent_diff
            print "total iterations:", iteration_count
            print "total time spent:", '%0.3f ms' % ((time.time() - time_start) * 1000.0)
            print "\ncalculated cluster means:"
            for idx, m in enumerate(centroids):
                print centroids[idx].rgb

    return label_image, centroids

# load RGB image, alpha channel removed
fileName = os.path.join('strawberry.png')
inputImage = io.imread(fileName)

# number of clusters/centroids
k = 4

# run k-means algorithm on input
binaryImage, centroid_array = k_means(inputImage, k)

outputImage = np.zeros_like(inputImage)

# apply cluster centroid means to assigned pixels
for x1 in xrange(binaryImage.shape[0]):
    for y1 in xrange(binaryImage.shape[1]):
        outputImage[x1][y1][0] = centroid_array[int(binaryImage[x1][y1])].rgb.r
        outputImage[x1][y1][1] = centroid_array[int(binaryImage[x1][y1])].rgb.g
        outputImage[x1][y1][2] = centroid_array[int(binaryImage[x1][y1])].rgb.b

# create plots and save output image
fig = plt.figure()
imgOrig = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0))
imgOrig.imshow(inputImage, interpolation='nearest')
imgOrig.set_title('Original Image')

imgLabeled = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 1))
imgLabeled.imshow(binaryImage, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')
imgLabeled.set_title('Labeled Image')

imgOutput = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0), colspan=2)
imgOutput.imshow(outputImage, interpolation='nearest')
imgOutput.set_title('Output Image')

plt.savefig('label-' + str(k) + '-output.png')
예제 #37
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute('select * from test_table')
            for row in cursor.fetchall():

            # append lists to a list
            all_data.extend([name, age])

            # close cursor, connection

        return all_data

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Instantiate
    new_db = TestDatabase("test_database")

    # call our instance methods
    all_data = new_db.search()

    print all_data == [['Bobby', 'Michael', 'John'], [10, 20, 20]]

    py = plotly.plotly("GET_YOUR_OWN_USERNAME", "GET_YOUR_OWN_KEY")
    py.plot(all_data[0], all_data[1])

예제 #38
파일: run.py 프로젝트: kromond/arduino-api
    raise e

# Extract the credentials from the config file
username = plotly_user_config["plotly_username"]
api_key = plotly_user_config["plotly_api_key"]
stream_tokens = plotly_user_config["plotly_streaming_tokens"]
if "show_this_many_points" in plotly_user_config:
    maxpoints = plotly_user_config["show_this_many_points"]
    maxpoints = 500

# Make the initializing plotly request
# Pass all stream tokens from the config file into this plot
p = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)
res = p.plot(
    [{"x": [], "y": [], "stream": {"token": token, "maxpoints": maxpoints}} for token in stream_tokens],
    filename="Stream from Yun",

if "stream-status" in res and "All Streams Go!" in res["stream-status"]:
    status = "Plot initialized at: {url}\nwith token(s): {tokens}".format(
        url=res["url"], tokens=", ".join(stream_tokens)
    status = "Error initializing plot: {msg}".format(msg=res["error"])
import plotly
import csv
import time
import datetime
from WeatherUndergroundForecast import WeatherUndergroundForecast

# This script will download the lastest forecast data every hour and upload the results to plotly for viewing
KEY_FILE = 'keys/plotly_api_key'
with open(KEY_FILE,'r') as api_key:
    plotly_username = csv.reader(api_key).next()[1]
    plotly_api      = csv.reader(api_key).next()[1]
py = plotly.plotly(plotly_username, plotly_api)

HOME_TOWN  = 'Wilmington'

wundergnd = WeatherUndergroundForecast()
wundergnd.state = HOME_STATE
wundergnd.town  = HOME_TOWN

while True:
    print "Updating at ",datetime.datetime.now()

    # Temperature
    times,temps = wundergnd.get_temp_forecast()
def call_plotly(list_of_list,username,key):

    """connect to plot.ly API, send data, create graph"""

    py = plotly.plotly(username,key)
예제 #41
파일: app.py 프로젝트: alansendgi/bottle
import os
from bottle import run, template, get, post, request
from plotly import plotly
from numpy import *
from random import randint

py = plotly(username='******', key='qqli2tgsw5')

index_html = '''View your plot results at {{ plot_url }}'''

def form():
    return '''<h2>Graph via Plot.ly</h2>
              <form method="POST" action="/plot">
                X1 min: <input name="x1_min" type="text" />
                X1 max: <input name="x1_max" type="text" /><br/>
                X2 min: <input name="x2_min" type="text" />
                X2 max: <input name="x2_max" type="text" /><br/>
                X3 min: <input name="x3_min" type="text" />
                X3 max: <input name="x3_max" type="text" /><br/>
                <input type="submit" />

def submit():
    x1_min = int(request.forms.get('x1_min'))
    x1_max = int(request.forms.get('x1_max'))
    x2_min = int(request.forms.get('x2_min'))
    x2_max = int(request.forms.get('x2_max'))
예제 #42
def main(argv):
    total = len(argv)

    if total < 3:
        print "Utilization: python topicmodelling.py <input_csv_file> <saved_models_filename> <no_topics>"

    i_file = str(argv[1])

    filename = str(argv[2])

    no_topics = argv[3]

    if os.path.isfile(i_file):

        # Read articles from tsv

        articles = read_articles(i_file)

        # Pull out the titles/abstracts of each article
        # articleDocs = [x["title"] for x in articles]
        articleDocs = [x["abstract"] for x in articles]
        # articleDocs = [" ".join([x["title"], x["abstract"]]) for x in articles]

        # stopword list
        stopwords = stop_word_list()

        # Process them to clean bag of words
        # articleDocs = process_articles(articleDocs,stopwords)
        articleDocs = process_articles_gensim(articleDocs)

        # create gensim dict,corpus with the tweet bodies
        dictionary, corpus = put_in_dict_corpus(filename, articleDocs)

        # create TF-IDF model and corpus
        model, corpus_tfidf = tf_idf(filename, corpus)

        # Running LDA and printing results #comment just to run lsi
        myLDA = lda(filename, corpus, dictionary, int(no_topics))

        LDAtopics = myLDA.show_topics(topics=int(no_topics), topn=20, formatted=False)
        i = 0
        lda_topics_words = {}
        for t in LDAtopics:
            print "LDA Topic %i" % (i)
            print "======="
            topic_score = []
            for w in t:
                topic_score.append((w[1], w[0]))
                print "%-*s %f" % (15, w[1], w[0])
            lda_topics_words[i] = topic_score
            i += 1

        # Running LSI and printing results
        myLSI = lsi(filename, corpus_tfidf, dictionary, int(no_topics))
        LSItopics = myLSI.show_topics(num_words=20, formatted=False)
        i = 0
        lsi_topics_words = {}
        for t in LSItopics:
            print "LSI Topic %i" % (i)
            print "======="
            topic_score = []
            for w in t:
                topic_score.append((w[1], w[0]))
                print "%-*s %f" % (15, w[1], w[0])
            lsi_topics_words[i] = topic_score
            i += 1

        # Running HDP and printing results
        myHDP = hdp(filename, corpus_tfidf, dictionary)
        myHDP.print_topics(topics=20, topn=10)

        n_t = list(xrange(int(no_topics)))
        topic_doc_count_lda = dict((t, 0) for t in n_t)
        topic_doc_count_lsi = dict((t, 0) for t in n_t)

        for i in range(0, len(articles)):
            print "\n"
            print "=" * 80

            print "Document Title: ", articles[i]["title"]
            print "Document Abstract: ", articles[i]["abstract"]
            print "Processed Document: ", articleDocs[i]
            print "TF_IDF Corpus: ", str(corpus_tfidf[i])
            print "Matrix format: " + str(corpus[i])
            print "Topic probability mixture: " + str(myLDA[corpus[i]])

            # comment just to run lsi
            print "LDA:"
            print "Topic probability mixture: " + str(myLDA[corpus[i]])
            prob_topic_no_lda = sorted(myLDA[corpus_tfidf[i]], key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
            for j, each_lda in enumerate(prob_topic_no_lda[:2]):
                j += 1
                print "%d Maximally probable topic LDA: topic #%s" % (j, str(each_lda[0]))
                # print 'Topic words: %s' % myLDA.print_topic(each_lda[0],4)
                print "Topic words: %s" % show_top_topics(lda_topics_words, each_lda[0], 4)

                if str(each_lda[0]) in topic_doc_count_lda:
                    topic_doc_count_lda[str(each_lda[0])] += 1
                    topic_doc_count_lda[str(each_lda[0])] = 1

            print "-" * 80

            print "LSI:"
            if myLSI[corpus[i]] != []:
                print "Topic probability mixture: " + str(myLSI[corpus_tfidf[i]])
                prob_topic_no_lsi = sorted(myLSI[corpus_tfidf[i]], key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
                for k, each_lsi in enumerate(prob_topic_no_lsi[:2]):
                    k += 1
                    print "%d Maximally probable topic LSI: topic #%s" % (k, str(each_lsi[0]))
                    # print 'Topic words: %s' % myLSI.print_topic(each_lsi[0],4)
                    print "Topic words: %s" % show_top_topics(lsi_topics_words, each_lsi[0], 4)

                    if str(each_lsi[0]) in topic_doc_count_lsi:
                        topic_doc_count_lsi[str(each_lsi[0])] += 1
                        topic_doc_count_lsi[str(each_lsi[0])] = 1
                print "No LSI model due to blank tfidf-corpus"

            print "=" * 80

        print "=" * 80
        print "=" * 80

        py = plotly.plotly("somyamohanty", "94wksibtod")

        print "LDA documents/topic"

        x_lda = []
        y_lda = []
        label_lda = []
        for k, v in topic_doc_count_lda.items():
            print "Topic %s in LDA models has %s number of documents" % (str(k), str(v))
            label = show_top_topics_plot(lda_topics_words, int(k), 4)
            topic_str = "Topic - " + str(k)

        layout = {
            "title": "LDA Topic-Document Distribution - " + str(no_topics) + " topics",
            "xaxis": {"title": "Topic"},
            "yaxis": {"title": "Number of Document"},

            [{"x": x_lda, "y": y_lda, "type": "bar", "name": "Number of Docs", "text": label_lda}],
            filename="lda_" + str(no_topics),

        lda_plot_dict = {"x": x_lda, "y": y_lda, "labels": label_lda}
        print "\n"

        print "LSI documents/topic"

        x_lsi = []
        y_lsi = []
        label_lsi = []
        for k, v in topic_doc_count_lsi.items():
            print "Topic %s in LSI models has %s number of documents" % (str(k), str(v))
            label = show_top_topics_plot(lsi_topics_words, int(k), 4)
            topic_str = "Topic - " + str(k)

        layout = {
            "title": "LSI Topic-Document Distribution - " + str(no_topics) + " topics",
            "xaxis": {"title": "Topic"},
            "yaxis": {"title": "Number of Document"},
            "xref": "paper",
            "yref": "paper",
            "showarrow": False,
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0,

            [{"x": x_lsi, "y": y_lsi, "type": "bar", "name": "Number of Docs", "text": label_lsi}],
            filename="lsi_" + str(no_topics),

        lsi_plot_dict = {"x": x_lsi, "y": y_lsi, "labels": label_lsi}

        plot_data = {"lda": lda_plot_dict, "lsi": lsi_plot_dict}

        with open("50_def_alpha_plot_data.json", "w") as f:
예제 #43
import plotly
import numpy
from scipy import signal

py = plotly.plotly('gurio', '4y7balp80g')

def autocorr(x):
    result = numpy.correlate(x, x, mode='full')
    return result[result.size/2:]

x_args = []
y_args = []
prev_day_args = []
diff = []
day_num = 1
cur_day = ''
prev_day = ''
sum_per_day = 0
lagged_sum = 0
mean_price = 0
amount_of_ticks = 0
ticks_per_day = 0
value_per_ticks = 2	
inp_line_args_array = []
big_lag = 24
small_lag = 6

file = open('USDJPY_130101_131231', 'r') 
parameters = file.readline()[:-2].split(',')
예제 #44
import datetime
import serial
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import plotly

tokens = ['token1', 'token2']
username = '******'
api_key = 'plotly_api_key_here'

p = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)
streams = [plotly.stream(token) for token in tokens]

# Initialize plot with stream tokens
print p.plot([{
    'x': [],
    'y': [],
    'type': 'scatter',
    'stream': {
        'token': token,
        'maxpoints': 40
} for token in tokens],
             filename='Atlas Streaming Multiplexer',

# Set multiplexer to read 00 by setting S0 and S1 to low
S0_pin = 18
S1_pin = 22
예제 #45
                "name":"Stoping times averages (%s)" % rang,
                "line":{"opacity": 0.3,

#response = plotly.signup(username, email) #Signup

username = str(raw_input("Username: "******"e-mail: "))
key =  str(raw_input("Key: "))

py = plotly.plotly(username, key)

response = py.plot(collatzTrace,collatzAverages)

url = response['url']
filename = response['filename']

if url:
    os.system('firefox %s' % url)
    #os.system('explorer %s' % url)
    #os.system('google-chrome %s' % url)

#This https://plot.ly/~GermanJimenez/0
import os
import plotly

py = plotly.plotly(username=os.getenv("PLOTLY_USERNAME"),

categories = ["1GB Server", "30GB Server"]

CloudServers = {
    "name": "Cloud Servers",
    "x": categories,
    "y": [
    "type": "bar"

PerfCloudServers = {
    "name": "Performance Cloud Servers",
    "x": categories,
    "y": [
    "type": "bar"

PerfCloudServersHVM = {
    "name": "Performance Cloud Servers (HVM)",
    "x": categories,
예제 #47
def connect_to_ploty(usr='******', api='622ge3l1ww'):
    ply = plotly.plotly(usr, api)
    return ply
예제 #48
import plotly
import csv
import time
import datetime
from WeatherUndergroundForecast import WeatherUndergroundForecast

# This script will download the lastest forecast data every hour and upload the results to plotly for viewing
KEY_FILE = 'keys/plotly_api_key'
with open(KEY_FILE, 'r') as api_key:
    plotly_username = csv.reader(api_key).next()[1]
    plotly_api = csv.reader(api_key).next()[1]
py = plotly.plotly(plotly_username, plotly_api)

HOME_TOWN = 'Wilmington'

wundergnd = WeatherUndergroundForecast()
wundergnd.state = HOME_STATE
wundergnd.town = HOME_TOWN

while True:
    print "Updating at ", datetime.datetime.now()

    # Temperature
    times, temps = wundergnd.get_temp_forecast()
    timesfl, feelslike = wundergnd.get_feels_like_temp_forecast()

    # Snowfall
    times_snow, snow = wundergnd.get_snow_forecast()
예제 #49
# 1) Setup plot.ly

# <markdowncell>

# Import plot.ly with python api [see https://plot.ly/api/python/getting-started ],
# sign in, create shortcut to plot.ly object and check version:

# <codecell>

import plotly

username = '******'  # my username
api_key = 'a35m7g6el5'  # my api key

py = plotly.plotly(username, api_key)  # shortcut to plot.ly object
plotly.__version__  # check ploty.ly version

# <markdowncell>

# Define a function to embed plot.ly graph in IPython notebook [ref. http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/plotly/IPython-plotly/blob/master/Plotly%20Quickstart.ipynb ]:

# <codecell>

from IPython.display import HTML

def show_plot(url, width=1000, height=500):
    s = '<iframe height="%s" id="igraph" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" src="%s" width="%s"></iframe>' %\
    (height+50, "/".join(map(str,[url, width, height])), width+50)
    return HTML(s)
예제 #50
import plotly

py = plotly.plotly('JohnnyLam', 'T4JhRZWvDWXlqWl0EXxv')

a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
b = (2, 3, 5, 6, 1)

py.plot(a, b)
예제 #51
import plotly 

py = plotly.plotly(username='******', key='**put your api key here**')


while y>=0:

예제 #52
# SPI port on the ADC to the GPIO Pins on the Raspi
SPICS = 25

# set up the SPI interface pins
# temperature sensor connected channel 0 of mcp3008
adcnum = 0

#init plotly
py = plotly.plotly(USERNAME, API_KEY)

response = py.plot([{
    'x': [],
    'y': [],
    'name': TEMP_LEGEND,
    'type': chart_type

print(b.GREEN + "========================================================")
print("Successfully Posted to Plot.ly! Here is your Graph info:")
예제 #53
import plotly
py = plotly.plotly("dkens", "qcskp0copu")

from numpy import *

# generate some random sets of data
y0 = random.randn(100) / 5. + 0.5
x0 = random.randn(100) / 5. + 0.5

y1 = random.standard_cauchy(20)
x1 = random.standard_cauchy(20)

x = concatenate([x0, x1])
y = concatenate([y0, y1])

scatter0 = {
    'x': x0,
    'y': y0,
    'name': 'normal',
    'type': 'scatter',
    'mode': 'markers',
    'marker': {
        'size': 4,
        'opacity': 0.5
scatter1 = {
    'x': x1,
    'y': y1,
    'name': 'cauchy',
    'type': 'scatter',
import os
import plotly

py = plotly.plotly(username=os.getenv("PLOTLY_USERNAME"),

categories = ["Dhrystone",
              "Execl Throughput",
              "File Copy 1024",
              "File Copy 256",
              "File Copy 4096",
              "Pipe Throughput",
              "Pipe-based Ctx Switch",
              "Process Creation",
              "Shell Scripts (1)",
              "Shell Scripts (8)",
              "Syscall Overhead",
              "System Score",

CloudServers = {"name": "Cloud Servers",
           "x": categories,
           "y": [2070.26666666667,
예제 #55
import plotly
from pickle import load
from numpy import array, mean, vstack

py = plotly.plotly("Mehlins", "vq0aqwkoz4")

with open('fixed5', 'rb') as f:
    results = load(f)
bests1 = mean(array([result['best_fitnesses'] for result in results]), axis=0)
averages1 = mean(array([result['average_fitnesses'] for result in results]),
final_bests1 = [result['best_fitnesses'][-1] for result in results]

with open('adapt', 'rb') as f:
    results = load(f)
bests2 = mean(array([result['best_fitnesses'] for result in results]), axis=0)
averages2 = mean(array([result['average_fitnesses'] for result in results]),
final_bests2 = [result['best_fitnesses'][-1] for result in results]

with open('sigmas', 'rb') as f:
    results = load(f)
sigmas = mean(array(results), axis=0)

indexes = range(len(bests1) + 1)

trace1 = {'x': indexes, 'y': bests1}
trace2 = {'x': indexes, 'y': averages1}
trace3 = {'x': indexes, 'y': bests2}
trace4 = {'x': indexes, 'y': averages2}
trace5 = {'x': indexes, 'y': sigmas}