def quintic_curve_fitting_and_plotting(ind_filename: str,
                                       dep_filename: str) -> None:
    """Graph a scatter plot and a quintic curve of best fit of the independent and dependent
    variables indicated by ind_filename and dep_filename respectively
        - ind_filename != ''
        - dep_filename != ''
    independent_name = pd_with_pandas.get_name(
        ind_filename)  # title for the x-axis
    lists = pd_with_pandas.filenames_to_lists(ind_filename, dep_filename)
    ind_list, dep_list = lists[0], lists[1]

    n = len(ind_list)
    y_values = []
    variables = curve_fit(quintic_function, ind_list, dep_list)
    for i in range(n):
        y_value = quintic_function(ind_list[i], variables[0][0],
                                   variables[0][1], variables[0][2],
                                   variables[0][3], variables[0][4],

    variables = (ind_list, dep_list, y_values)

    plotting_data_with_curve(independent_name, variables)
def exponential_equation_of_best_fit(ind_filename: str, dep_filename: str) -> str:
    """Returns the exponential equation of best fit as a string for the dependent and independent
    variables indicated by dep_filename and ind_filename respectively
        - independent_name != ''
        - variables != ()
    lists = pd_with_pandas.filenames_to_lists(ind_filename, dep_filename)
    ind_list, dep_list = lists[0], lists[1]

    optimal_values, covariance = curve_fit(exponential_function, ind_list, dep_list)

    return 'y = ' + str(optimal_values[0]) + ' ^ x ' + ' + ' + str(optimal_values[1])