def test_shape(ori=0, skew=0, xscale=1, yscale=1, pnum=(1, 1, 1), fnum=1): df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum) kpts, sifts = test_keypoint(ori=ori, skew=skew, xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale) ax = df2.gca() square_axis(ax) mpl_keypoint.draw_keypoints(ax, kpts, sifts=sifts, ell_color=df2.ORANGE, ori=True, rect_color=df2.DARK_RED, ori_color=df2.DEEP_PINK, eig_color=df2.PINK, rect=True, eig=True, bin_color=df2.RED, arm1_color=df2.YELLOW, arm2_color=df2.BLACK) kptsstr = '\n'.join(ktool.get_kpts_strs(kpts)) #print(kptsstr) df2.upperleft_text(kptsstr) title = 'xyscale=(%.1f, %.1f),\n skew=%.1f, ori=%.2ftau' % ( xscale, yscale, skew, ori / TAU) df2.set_title(title) df2.dark_background() return kpts, sifts
def plot_annotaiton_gps(X_Data): """ Plots gps coordinates on a map projection """ from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap #lat = X_data[1:5, 1] #lon = X_data[1:5, 2] lat = X_data[:, 1] lon = X_data[:, 2] fig = df2.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True, docla=True) df2.close_figure(fig) fig = df2.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True, docla=True) # setup Lambert Conformal basemap. m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=lon.min(), urcrnrlon=lon.max(), llcrnrlat=lat.min(), urcrnrlat=lat.max(), projection='cea', resolution='h') # draw coastlines. #m.drawcoastlines() #m.drawstates() # draw a boundary around the map, fill the background. # this background will end up being the ocean color, since # the continents will be drawn on top. #m.bluemarble() m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') m.fillcontinents(color='coral', lake_color='aqua') # Convert GPS to projected coordinates x1, y1 = m(lon, lat) # convert to meters # lon==X, lat==Y m.plot(x1, y1, 'o')
def TEST_QUERY(ibs): print('[TEST_QUERY]') valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() print('[TEST_QUERY] len(valid_aids)=%r' % (len(valid_aids))) qaid_list = valid_aids[0:1] print('[TEST_QUERY] len(qaid_list)=%r' % (len(qaid_list))) ibs._init_query_requestor() qreq = ibs.qreq #query_helpers.find_matchable_chips(ibs) aids = ibs.get_recognition_database_aids() qres_dict = ibs.query_all(qaid_list) for qaid in qaid_list: qres = qres_dict[qaid] top_aids = qres.get_top_aids(ibs) top_aids = utool.safe_slice(top_aids, 3) aid2 = top_aids[0] fnum = df2.next_fnum() df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True) #viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, qres, aid2, fnum=fnum, in_image=True) #viz.show_qres(ibs, qres, fnum=fnum, top_aids=top_aids, ensure=False) interact.ishow_qres(ibs, qres, fnum=fnum, top_aids=top_aids, ensure=False, annote_mode=1) df2.set_figtitle('Query Result') df2.adjust_subplots_safe(top=.8) return locals()
def show_sv_simple(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx=None, fnum=1, vert=None, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m plottool.draw_sv --test-show_sv_simple --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from plottool.draw_sv import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, chip1, chip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = vt.testdata_matching_affine_inliers() >>> inliers = aff_inliers >>> mx = None >>> fnum = 1 >>> vert = None # ut.get_argval('--vert', type_=bool, default=None) >>> result = show_sv_simple(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx, fnum, vert=vert) >>> print(result) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt colors = df2.distinct_colors(2, brightness=.95) color1, color2 = colors[0:2] # Begin the drawing fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), docla=True, doclf=True) #dmkwargs = dict(fs=None, title='Inconsistent Matches', all_kpts=False, draw_lines=True, # docla=True, draw_border=True, fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), colors=df2.ORANGE) inlier_mask = vt.index_to_boolmask(inliers, maxval=len(fm)) fm_inliers = fm.compress(inlier_mask, axis=0) fm_outliers = fm.compress(np.logical_not(inlier_mask), axis=0) ax, xywh1, xywh2 = df2.show_chipmatch2(chip1, chip2, vert=vert) fmatch_kw = dict(ell_linewidth=2, ell_alpha=.7, line_alpha=.7) df2.plot_fmatch(xywh1, xywh2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_inliers, colors=color1, **fmatch_kw) df2.plot_fmatch(xywh1, xywh2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_outliers, colors=color2, **fmatch_kw)
def plot_keypoint_scales(hs, fnum=1): print('[dev] plot_keypoint_scales()') cx2_kpts = hs.feats.cx2_kpts if len(cx2_kpts) == 0: hs.refresh_features() cx2_kpts = hs.feats.cx2_kpts cx2_nFeats = map(len, cx2_kpts) kpts = np.vstack(cx2_kpts) print('[dev] --- LaTeX --- ') _printopts = np.get_printoptions() np.set_printoptions(precision=3) print(util_latex.latex_scalar(r'\# keypoints, ', len(kpts))) print(util_latex.latex_mystats(r'\# keypoints per image', cx2_nFeats)) scales = ktool.get_scales(kpts) scales = np.array(sorted(scales)) print(util_latex.latex_mystats(r'keypoint scale', scales)) np.set_printoptions(**_printopts) print('[dev] ---/LaTeX --- ') # df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, title='sorted scales') df2.plot(scales) df2.adjust_subplots_safe() #ax = df2.gca() #ax.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') # fnum += 1 df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, title='hist scales') df2.show_histogram(scales, bins=20) df2.adjust_subplots_safe() #ax = df2.gca() #ax.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') return fnum
def TEST_QUERY_COMP(ibs): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.tests.test_ibs_query_components --test-TEST_QUERY_COMP Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.tests.test_ibs_query_components import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> # execute function >>> TEST_QUERY_COMP(ibs) """ print('[TEST_QUERY_COMP]') aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() index = 0 index = utool.get_argval('--index', type_=int, default=index) qaid_list = utool.safe_slice(aids, index, index + 1) print('[TEST_QUERY_COMP] len(qaid_list)=%r' % (qaid_list)) try: comp_locals_ = query_helpers.get_query_components(ibs, qaid_list) qres_dict = OrderedDict([ ('ORIG', comp_locals_['qres_ORIG']), ('FILT', comp_locals_['qres_FILT']), ('SVER', comp_locals_['qres_SVER']), ]) top_aids = qres_dict['SVER'].get_top_aids() aid2 = top_aids[0] except Exception as ex: if 'qres_dict' in vars(): for name, qres in qres_dict.items(): print(name) print(qres.get_inspect_str()) utool.printex(ex, keys=['qaid_list'], pad_stdout=True) raise for px, (lbl, qres) in enumerate(six.iteritems(qres_dict)): print(lbl) fnum = df2.next_fnum() df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True) qres.ishow_top(ibs, fnum=fnum, top_aids=top_aids, ensure=False) df2.set_figtitle(lbl) df2.adjust_subplots_safe(top=.8) fnum = df2.next_fnum() qaid2_svtups = comp_locals_['qaid2_svtups'] qaid2_chipmatch_FILT = comp_locals_['qaid2_chipmatch_FILT'] aid1 = qaid = comp_locals_['qaid'] aid2_svtup = qaid2_svtups[aid1] chipmatch_FILT = qaid2_chipmatch_FILT[aid1] viz.show_sver(ibs, aid1, aid2, chipmatch_FILT, aid2_svtup, fnum=fnum) return locals()
def chipmatch_view(self, pnum=(1, 1, 1), **kwargs_): """ just visualizes the matches using some type of lines CommandLine: python -m ibeis.viz.interact.interact_matches --test-chipmatch_view --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.viz.interact.interact_matches import * # NOQA >>> self = testdata_match_interact() >>> self.chipmatch_view() >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ ibs = self.ibs aid = self.daid qaid = self.qaid fnum = self.fnum figtitle = self.figtitle xywh2_ptr = self.xywh2_ptr # drawing mode draw: with/without lines/feats mode = self.mode draw_ell = mode >= 1 draw_lines = mode == 2 self.mode = (self.mode + 1) % 3 df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) show_matches_kw = self.kwargs.copy() show_matches_kw.update( dict(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, draw_lines=draw_lines, draw_ell=draw_ell, colorbar_=True, vert=self.vert)) show_matches_kw.update(kwargs_) if self.use_homog: show_matches_kw['H1'] = self.H1 #show_matches_kw['score'] = self.score show_matches_kw['rawscore'] = self.score #ut.embed() show_matches_kw['aid2_raw_rank'] = self.rank tup = viz.viz_matches.show_matches2(ibs, self.qaid, self.daid,, self.fs, qreq_=self.qreq_, **show_matches_kw) ax, xywh1, xywh2 = tup xywh2_ptr[0] = xywh2 df2.set_figtitle(figtitle + ' ' + vh.get_vsstr(qaid, aid))
def _chip_view(mode=0, pnum=(1, 1, 1), **kwargs): print('... _chip_view mode=%r' % mode_ptr[0]) kwargs['ell'] = mode_ptr[0] == 1 kwargs['pts'] = mode_ptr[0] == 2 if not ischild: df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, docla=True, doclf=True) # Toggle no keypoints view viz.show_chip(ibs, aid, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, config2_=config2_, **kwargs) df2.set_figtitle('Chip View')
def plot_rank_histogram(allres, orgres_type): print('[viz] plotting %r rank histogram' % orgres_type) ranks = allres.__dict__[orgres_type].ranks label = 'P(rank | ' + orgres_type + ' match)' title = orgres_type + ' match rankings histogram\n' + allres.title_suffix df2.figure(fnum=FIGNUM, doclf=True, title=title) df2.draw_histpdf(ranks, label=label) # FIXME df2.set_xlabel('ground truth ranks') df2.set_ylabel('frequency') df2.legend() __dump_or_browse(allres.ibs, 'rankviz')
def TEST_QUERY(ibs): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.tests.test_ibs_query --test-TEST_QUERY python -m ibeis.tests.test_ibs_query --test-TEST_QUERY --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.tests.test_ibs_query import * # NOQA >>> import plottool as pt >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> TEST_QUERY(ibs) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ print('[TEST_QUERY]') daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() print('[TEST_QUERY] len(daid_list)=%r' % (len(daid_list))) qaid_list = daid_list[0:1] print('[TEST_QUERY] len(qaid_list)=%r' % (len(qaid_list))) qres_list = ibs.query_chips(qaid_list, daid_list, use_cache=False, use_bigcache=False) qres_list_ = ibs.query_chips(qaid_list, daid_list) try: vals1 = qres_list vals2 = qres_list_ assert len(vals1) == 1, 'expected 1 qres in result' assert len(vals2) == 1, 'expected 1 qres in result' #assert list(qres_dict.keys()) == list(qres_dict_.keys()), 'qres cache doesnt work. key error' qres1 = vals1[0] qres2 = vals2[0] inspect_str1 = qres1.get_inspect_str(ibs) inspect_str2 = qres2.get_inspect_str(ibs) print(inspect_str1) assert inspect_str1 == inspect_str2, 'qres cache inconsistency' assert vals1 == vals2, 'qres cache doesnt work. val error' except AssertionError as ex: utool.printex(ex, key_list=list(locals().keys())) raise if ut.show_was_requested(): for qres in qres_list: top_aids = qres.get_top_aids() #top_aids = utool.safe_slice(top_aids, 3) aid2 = top_aids[0] fnum = df2.next_fnum() df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True) qres.ishow_top(ibs, fnum=fnum, top_aids=top_aids, ensure=False, annot_mode=1) df2.set_figtitle('Query Result') df2.adjust_subplots_safe(top=.8) return locals()
def dump_orgres_matches(allres, orgres_type): orgres = allres.__dict__[orgres_type] ibs = allres.ibs qrid2_qres = allres.qrid2_qres # loop over each query / result of interest for qrid, rid, score, rank in orgres.iter(): query_gname, _ = os.path.splitext(ibs.tables.gx2_gname[ibs.tables.cx2_gx[qrid]]) result_gname, _ = os.path.splitext(ibs.tables.gx2_gname[ibs.tables.cx2_gx[rid]]) qres = qrid2_qres[qrid] df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=121) df2.show_matches_annote_res(qres, ibs, rid, fnum=1, plotnum=121) big_title = 'score=%.2f_rank=%d_q=%s_r=%s' % (score, rank, query_gname, result_gname) df2.set_figtitle(big_title) viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, orgres_type + '_matches' + allres.title_suffix)
def _chipmatch_view(pnum=(1, 1, 1), **kwargs): mode = annote_ptr[0] # drawing mode draw: with/without lines/feats draw_ell = mode >= 1 draw_lines = mode == 2 annote_ptr[0] = (annote_ptr[0] + 1) % 3 df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) # TODO RENAME This to remove qres and rectify with show_matches tup = viz.show_matches(ibs, qres, aid, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, draw_lines=draw_lines, draw_ell=draw_ell, colorbar_=True, **kwargs) ax, xywh1, xywh2 = tup xywh2_ptr[0] = xywh2 df2.set_figtitle(figtitle + ' ' + vh.get_vsstr(qaid, aid))
def plot_score_pdf(allres, orgres_type, colorx=0.0, variation_truncate=False): print('[viz] plotting ' + orgres_type + ' score pdf') title = orgres_type + ' match score frequencies\n' + allres.title_suffix scores = allres.__dict__[orgres_type].scores print('[viz] len(scores) = %r ' % (len(scores),)) label = 'P(score | %r)' % orgres_type df2.figure(fnum=FIGNUM, doclf=True, title=title) df2.draw_pdf(scores, label=label, colorx=colorx) if variation_truncate: df2.variation_trunctate(scores) #df2.variation_trunctate(false.scores) df2.set_xlabel('score') df2.set_ylabel('frequency') df2.legend() __dump_or_browse(allres.ibs, 'scoreviz')
def plot_score_pdf(allres, orgres_type, colorx=0.0, variation_truncate=False): print('[viz] plotting ' + orgres_type + ' score pdf') title = orgres_type + ' match score frequencies\n' + allres.title_suffix scores = allres.__dict__[orgres_type].scores print('[viz] len(scores) = %r ' % (len(scores), )) label = 'P(score | %r)' % orgres_type df2.figure(fnum=FIGNUM, doclf=True, title=title) df2.draw_pdf(scores, label=label, colorx=colorx) if variation_truncate: df2.variation_trunctate(scores) #df2.variation_trunctate(false.scores) df2.set_xlabel('score') df2.set_ylabel('frequency') df2.legend() __dump_or_browse(allres.ibs, 'scoreviz')
def test_viz_image(imgpaths): nImgs = len(imgpaths) assert len(imgpaths) < 20, '%d > 20 out of scope of this test' % nImgs tau = np.pi * 2 fnum = 1 img_list = imread_many(imgpaths) nRows, nCols = ph.get_square_row_cols(nImgs) print('[viz*] r=%r, c=%r' % (nRows, nCols)) #gs2 = gridspec.GridSpec(nRows, nCols) pnum_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols) fig = df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(0)) fig.clf() for px, img in enumerate(img_list): title = 'test title' bbox_list = [dummy_bbox(img), dummy_bbox(img, (-.25, -.25), .1)] theta_list = [tau * .7, tau * .9] sel_list = [True, False] label_list = ['test label', 'lbl2'] viz_image2.show_image(img, bbox_list=bbox_list, title=title, sel_list=sel_list, label_list=label_list, theta_list=theta_list, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(px))
def plot_rank_stem(allres, orgres_type='true'): print('[viz] plotting rank stem') # Visualize rankings with the stem plot ibs = allres.ibs title = orgres_type + 'rankings stem plot\n' + allres.title_suffix orgres = allres.__dict__[orgres_type] df2.figure(fnum=FIGNUM, doclf=True, title=title) x_data = orgres.qcxs y_data = orgres.ranks df2.draw_stems(x_data, y_data) slice_num = int(np.ceil(np.log10(len(orgres.qcxs)))) df2.set_xticks(ibs.test_sample_cx[::slice_num]) df2.set_xlabel('query chip indeX (qcx)') df2.set_ylabel('groundtruth chip ranks') #df2.set_yticks(list(seen_ranks)) __dump_or_browse(allres.ibs, 'rankviz')
def show_name(ibs, nid, nid2_aids=None, in_image=True, fnum=0, sel_aids=[], subtitle='', annote=False, **kwargs): print('[viz] show_name nid=%r' % nid) aid_list = ibs.get_name_aids(nid) name = ibs.get_name_text((nid,)) ibsfuncs.ensure_annotation_data(ibs, aid_list, chips=(not in_image or annote), feats=annote) print('[viz] show_name=%r aid_list=%r' % (name, aid_list)) nAids = len(aid_list) if nAids > 0: nRows, nCols = ph.get_square_row_cols(nAids) print('[viz*] r=%r, c=%r' % (nRows, nCols)) #gs2 = gridspec.GridSpec(nRows, nCols) pnum_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols) fig = df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(0), **kwargs) fig.clf() # Trigger computation of all chips in parallel for px, aid in enumerate(aid_list): show_chip(ibs, aid=aid, pnum=pnum_(px), annote=annote, in_image=in_image) if aid in sel_aids: ax = df2.gca() df2.draw_border(ax, df2.GREEN, 4) #plot_aid3(ibs, aid) if isinstance(nid, np.ndarray): nid = nid[0] if isinstance(name, np.ndarray): name = name[0] else: df2.imshow_null(fnum=fnum, **kwargs) figtitle = 'Name View nid=%r name=%r' % (nid, name) df2.set_figtitle(figtitle)
def dump_orgres_matches(allres, orgres_type): orgres = allres.__dict__[orgres_type] ibs = allres.ibs qcx2_res = allres.qcx2_res # loop over each query / result of interest for qcx, cx, score, rank in orgres.iter(): query_gname, _ = os.path.splitext(ibs.tables.gx2_gname[ibs.tables.cx2_gx[qcx]]) result_gname, _ = os.path.splitext(ibs.tables.gx2_gname[ibs.tables.cx2_gx[cx]]) res = qcx2_res[qcx] df2.figure(fnum=FIGNUM, pnum=121) df2.show_matches3(res, ibs, cx, SV=False, fnum=FIGNUM, pnum=121) df2.show_matches3(res, ibs, cx, SV=True, fnum=FIGNUM, pnum=122) big_title = 'score=%.2f_rank=%d_q=%s_r=%s' % (score, rank, query_gname, result_gname) df2.set_figtitle(big_title) __dump_or_browse(allres.ibs, orgres_type + '_matches' + allres.title_suffix)
def dump_orgres_matches(allres, orgres_type): orgres = allres.__dict__[orgres_type] ibs = allres.ibs qrid2_qres = allres.qrid2_qres # loop over each query / result of interest for qrid, rid, score, rank in orgres.iter(): query_gname, _ = os.path.splitext( ibs.tables.gx2_gname[ibs.tables.cx2_gx[qrid]]) result_gname, _ = os.path.splitext( ibs.tables.gx2_gname[ibs.tables.cx2_gx[rid]]) qres = qrid2_qres[qrid] df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=121) df2.show_matches_annote_res(qres, ibs, rid, fnum=1, plotnum=121) big_title = 'score=%.2f_rank=%d_q=%s_r=%s' % (score, rank, query_gname, result_gname) df2.set_figtitle(big_title) viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, orgres_type + '_matches' + allres.title_suffix)
def plot_seperability(hs, qcx_list, fnum=1): print('[dev] plot_seperability(fnum=%r)' % fnum) qcx2_res = get_qcx2_res(hs, qcx_list) qcx2_separability = get_seperatbility(hs, qcx2_res) sep_score_list = qcx2_separability.values() df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) print('[dev] seperability stats: ' + utool.stats_str(sep_score_list)) sorted_sepscores = sorted(sep_score_list) df2.plot(sorted_sepscores, color=df2.DEEP_PINK, label='seperation score', yscale=YSCALE) df2.set_xlabel('true chipmatch index (%d)' % len(sep_score_list)) df2.set_logyscale_from_data(sorted_sepscores) df2.dark_background() rowid = qcx2_res.itervalues().next().rowid df2.set_figtitle('seperability\n' + rowid) df2.legend() fnum += 1 return fnum
def TEST_QUERY_COMP(ibs): print('[TEST_QUERY_COMP]') qaid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:1] print('[TEST_QUERY_COMP] len(qaid_list)=%r' % (qaid_list)) ibs._init_query_requestor() qreq = ibs.qreq #query_helpers.find_matchable_chips(ibs) aids = ibs.get_recognition_database_aids() index = 0 index = utool.get_arg('--index', type_=int, default=index) qaid_list = utool.safe_slice(aids, index, index + 1) comp_locals_ = query_helpers.get_query_components(ibs, qaid_list) qres_dict = OrderedDict([ ('ORIG', comp_locals_['qres_ORIG']), ('FILT', comp_locals_['qres_FILT']), ('SVER', comp_locals_['qres_SVER']), ]) top_aids = qres_dict['SVER'].get_top_aids(ibs) top_aids = utool.safe_slice(top_aids, 3) aid2 = top_aids[0] for px, (lbl, qres) in enumerate(six.iteritems(qres_dict)): print(lbl) fnum = df2.next_fnum() df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True) #viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, qres, aid2, fnum=fnum, in_image=True) #viz.show_qres(ibs, qres, fnum=fnum, top_aids=top_aids, ensure=False) interact.ishow_qres(ibs, qres, fnum=fnum, top_aids=top_aids, ensure=False) df2.set_figtitle(lbl) df2.adjust_subplots_safe(top=.8) fnum = df2.next_fnum() qaid2_svtups = comp_locals_['qaid2_svtups'] qaid2_chipmatch_FILT = comp_locals_['qaid2_chipmatch_FILT'] aid1 = qaid = comp_locals_['qaid'] aid2_svtup = qaid2_svtups[aid1] chipmatch_FILT = qaid2_chipmatch_FILT[aid1] viz.show_sver(ibs, aid1, aid2, chipmatch_FILT, aid2_svtup, fnum=fnum) return locals()
def _select_ith_match(mx, qaid, aid): #---------------------- # Get info for the _select_ith_match plot annote_ptr[0] = 1 # Get the mx-th feature match aid1, aid2 = qaid, aid fx1, fx2 = fm[mx] fscore2 = qres.aid2_fs[aid2][mx] fk2 = qres.aid2_fk[aid2][mx] kpts1, kpts2 = ibs.get_annot_kpts([aid1, aid2]) desc1, desc2 = ibs.get_annot_desc([aid1, aid2]) kp1, kp2 = kpts1[fx1], kpts2[fx2] sift1, sift2 = desc1[fx1], desc2[fx2] info1 = '\nquery' info2 = '\nk=%r fscore=%r' % (fk2, fscore2) last_state.last_fx = fx1 # Extracted keypoints to draw extracted_list = [(rchip1, kp1, sift1, fx1, aid1, info1), (rchip2, kp2, sift2, fx2, aid2, info2)] # Normalizng Keypoint if hasattr(qres, 'filt2_meta') and 'lnbnn' in qres.filt2_meta: qfx2_norm = qres.filt2_meta['lnbnn'] # Normalizing chip and feature (aid3, fx3, normk) = qfx2_norm[fx1] rchip3 = ibs.get_annot_chips(aid3) kp3 = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid3)[fx3] sift3 = ibs.get_annot_desc(aid3)[fx3] info3 = '\nnorm %s k=%r' % (vh.get_aidstrs(aid3), normk) extracted_list.append((rchip3, kp3, sift3, fx3, aid3, info3)) else: print('WARNING: meta doesnt exist') #---------------------- # Draw the _select_ith_match plot nRows, nCols = len(extracted_list) + same_fig, 3 # Draw matching chips and features sel_fm = np.array([(fx1, fx2)]) pnum1 = (nRows, 1, 1) if same_fig else (1, 1, 1) _chipmatch_view(pnum1, vert=False, ell_alpha=.4, ell_linewidth=1.8, colors=df2.BLUE, sel_fm=sel_fm, **kwargs) # Draw selected feature matches px = nCols * same_fig # plot offset prevsift = None if not same_fig: fnum2 = fnum + len(viz.FNUMS) fig2 = df2.figure(fnum=fnum2, docla=True, doclf=True) else: fnum2 = fnum for (rchip, kp, sift, fx, aid, info) in extracted_list: px = draw_feat_row(rchip, fx, kp, sift, fnum2, nRows, nCols, px, prevsift=prevsift, aid=aid, info=info) prevsift = sift if not same_fig: ih.connect_callback(fig2, 'button_press_event', _click_matches_click) df2.set_figtitle(figtitle + vh.get_vsstr(qaid, aid))
def test_shape(ori=0, skew=0, xscale=1, yscale=1, pnum=(1, 1, 1), fnum=1): df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum) kpts, sifts = test_keypoint(ori=ori, skew=skew, xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale) ax = df2.gca() square_axis(ax) mpl_keypoint.draw_keypoints(ax, kpts, sifts=sifts, ell_color=df2.ORANGE, ori=True, rect_color=df2.DARK_RED, ori_color=df2.DEEP_PINK, eig_color=df2.PINK, rect=True, eig=True, bin_color=df2.RED, arm1_color=df2.YELLOW, arm2_color=df2.BLACK) kptsstr = '\n'.join(ktool.get_kpts_strs(kpts)) #print(kptsstr) df2.upperleft_text(kptsstr) title = 'xyscale=(%.1f, %.1f),\n skew=%.1f, ori=%.2ftau' % (xscale, yscale, skew, ori / TAU) df2.set_title(title) df2.dark_background() return kpts, sifts
def dump_orgres_matches(allres, orgres_type): orgres = allres.__dict__[orgres_type] ibs = allres.ibs qcx2_res = allres.qcx2_res # loop over each query / result of interest for qcx, cx, score, rank in orgres.iter(): query_gname, _ = os.path.splitext( ibs.tables.gx2_gname[ibs.tables.cx2_gx[qcx]]) result_gname, _ = os.path.splitext( ibs.tables.gx2_gname[ibs.tables.cx2_gx[cx]]) res = qcx2_res[qcx] df2.figure(fnum=FIGNUM, pnum=121) df2.show_matches3(res, ibs, cx, SV=False, fnum=FIGNUM, pnum=121) df2.show_matches3(res, ibs, cx, SV=True, fnum=FIGNUM, pnum=122) big_title = 'score=%.2f_rank=%d_q=%s_r=%s' % (score, rank, query_gname, result_gname) df2.set_figtitle(big_title) __dump_or_browse(allres.ibs, orgres_type + '_matches' + allres.title_suffix)
def plot_tt_bt_tf_matches(ibs, allres, qcx): #print('Visualizing result: ') #res.printme() res = allres.qcx2_res[qcx] ranks = (allres.top_true_qcx_arrays[0][qcx], allres.bot_true_qcx_arrays[0][qcx], allres.top_false_qcx_arrays[0][qcx]) #scores = (allres.top_true_qcx_arrays[1][qcx], #allres.bot_true_qcx_arrays[1][qcx], #allres.top_false_qcx_arrays[1][qcx]) cxs = (allres.top_true_qcx_arrays[2][qcx], allres.bot_true_qcx_arrays[2][qcx], allres.top_false_qcx_arrays[2][qcx]) titles = ('best True rank=' + str(ranks[0]) + ' ', 'worst True rank=' + str(ranks[1]) + ' ', 'best False rank=' + str(ranks[2]) + ' ') df2.figure(fnum=1, pnum=231) res.plot_matches(res, ibs, cxs[0], False, fnum=1, pnum=131, title_aug=titles[0]) res.plot_matches(res, ibs, cxs[1], False, fnum=1, pnum=132, title_aug=titles[1]) res.plot_matches(res, ibs, cxs[2], False, fnum=1, pnum=133, title_aug=titles[2]) fig_title = 'fig q' + ibs.cidstr( qcx) + ' TT BT TF -- ' + allres.title_suffix df2.set_figtitle(fig_title)
def sv_view(self, dodraw=True): """ spatial verification view """ #fnum = viz.FNUMS['special'] aid = self.daid fnum = pt.next_fnum() fig = df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) ih.disconnect_callback(fig, 'button_press_event') viz.viz_sver.show_sver(self.ibs, self.qaid, aid2=aid, fnum=fnum) if dodraw: viz.draw()
def TEST_figure1(wpatch, gradx, grady, gmag, gori, hist, centers): from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 import plottool import vtool.patch as ptool print('[rotinvar] 4) Draw histogram with interpolation annotations') fnum = 1 gorimag = plottool.color_orimag(gori, gmag, True) nRow, nCol = (2, 7) df2.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(nRow, 1, nRow), doclf=True, docla=True) plottool.draw_hist_subbin_maxima(hist, centers) df2.set_xlabel('grad orientation (radians)') df2.set_ylabel('grad magnitude') df2.set_title('dominant orientations') print('[rotinvar] 5) Show patch, gradients, magintude, and orientation') df2.imshow(wpatch, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 1), fnum=fnum, title='patch') df2.draw_vector_field(gradx, grady, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 2), fnum=fnum, title='gori (vec)') df2.imshow(gorimag, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 3), fnum=fnum, title='gori (col)') df2.imshow(np.abs(gradx), pnum=(nRow, nCol, 4), fnum=fnum, title='gradx') df2.imshow(np.abs(grady), pnum=(nRow, nCol, 5), fnum=fnum, title='grady') df2.imshow(gmag, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 6), fnum=fnum, title='gmag') gpatch = ptool.gaussian_patch(shape=gori.shape) df2.imshow(gpatch * 255, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 7), fnum=fnum, title='gauss weights', cmap_='hot') #gpatch3 = np.dstack((gpatch, gpatch, gpatch)) #df2.draw_vector_field(gradx * gpatch, grady * gpatch, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 8), fnum=fnum, title='gori (vec)') #df2.imshow(gorimag * gpatch3, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 9), fnum=fnum, title='gori (col)') #df2.imshow(gradx * gpatch, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 10), fnum=fnum, title='gradx') #df2.imshow(grady * gpatch, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 11), fnum=fnum, title='grady') #df2.imshow(gmag * gpatch, pnum=(nRow, nCol, 12), fnum=fnum, title='gmag') return locals()
def plot_tt_bt_tf_matches(ibs, allres, qcx): #print('Visualizing result: ') #res.printme() res = allres.qcx2_res[qcx] ranks = (allres.top_true_qcx_arrays[0][qcx], allres.bot_true_qcx_arrays[0][qcx], allres.top_false_qcx_arrays[0][qcx]) #scores = (allres.top_true_qcx_arrays[1][qcx], #allres.bot_true_qcx_arrays[1][qcx], #allres.top_false_qcx_arrays[1][qcx]) cxs = (allres.top_true_qcx_arrays[2][qcx], allres.bot_true_qcx_arrays[2][qcx], allres.top_false_qcx_arrays[2][qcx]) titles = ('best True rank=' + str(ranks[0]) + ' ', 'worst True rank=' + str(ranks[1]) + ' ', 'best False rank=' + str(ranks[2]) + ' ') df2.figure(fnum=1, pnum=231) res.plot_matches(res, ibs, cxs[0], False, fnum=1, pnum=131, title_aug=titles[0]) res.plot_matches(res, ibs, cxs[1], False, fnum=1, pnum=132, title_aug=titles[1]) res.plot_matches(res, ibs, cxs[2], False, fnum=1, pnum=133, title_aug=titles[2]) fig_title = 'fig q' + ibs.cidstr(qcx) + ' TT BT TF -- ' + allres.title_suffix df2.set_figtitle(fig_title)
def plot_score_matrix(allres): print('[viz] plotting score matrix') score_matrix = allres.score_matrix title = 'Score Matrix\n' + allres.title_suffix # Find inliers #inliers = util.find_std_inliers(score_matrix) #max_inlier = score_matrix[inliers].max() # Trunate above 255 score_img = np.copy(score_matrix) #score_img[score_img < 0] = 0 #score_img[score_img > 255] = 255 #dim = 0 #score_img = util.norm_zero_one(score_img, dim=dim) # Make colors scores = score_img.flatten() colors = df2.scores_to_color(scores, logscale=True) cmap = df2.scores_to_cmap(scores, colors) df2.figure(fnum=FIGNUM, doclf=True, title=title) # Show score matrix df2.imshow(score_img, fnum=FIGNUM, cmap=cmap) # Colorbar df2.colorbar(scores, colors) df2.set_xlabel('database') df2.set_ylabel('queries')
def prepare_page(self, pagenum): """ Gets indexes for the pagenum ready to be displayed """ # Set the start index self.start_index = pagenum * self.nPerPage # Clip based on nCands self.nDisplay = min(self.nCands - self.start_index, self.nPerPage) nRows, nCols = ph.get_square_row_cols(self.nDisplay) # Create a grid to hold nPerPage self.pnum_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols) # Adjust stop index self.stop_index = self.start_index + self.nDisplay # Clear current figure self.clean_scope() self.fig = df2.figure(fnum=self.fnum, pnum=self.pnum_(0), doclf=True, docla=True) ih.disconnect_callback(self.fig, 'button_press_event') ih.connect_callback(self.fig, 'button_press_event', self.on_figure_clicked)
def plot_annotationmatch(self, index, draw=True, make_buttons=True): self.select_candidate_match(index) # Get index relative to the page px = index - self.start_index pnum = self.pnum_(px) # Setup figure fnum = self.fnum fig = df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, docla=True, doclf=False) fig = ax = df2.gca() # Get viz params qres = self.current_qres aid1, aid2 = self.current_match_aids ibs = self.ibs kwargs = self.interactkw # Vizualize ax = viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, qres, aid2, self_fm=[], fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, **kwargs)[0] divider = df2.ensure_divider(ax) name1, name2 = ibs.get_annot_names([aid1, aid2]) #truth = self.ibs.get_match_truth(aid1, aid2) if make_buttons: butkw = { 'divider': divider, 'callback': self.match_reviewed, 'index': index, } if name1 == name2 and not name1.startswith('____'): self.append_button(BREAK_MATCH_PREF, **butkw) else: if not name1.startswith('____'): self.append_button(RENAME2_PREF + name1, **butkw) if not name2.startswith('____'): self.append_button(RENAME1_PREF + name2, **butkw) if name1.startswith('____') and name2.startswith('____'): self.append_button(NEW_MATCH_PREF, **butkw) if draw: vh.draw()
def plot_annotationmatch(self, index, draw=True, make_buttons=True): printDBG('[ishow_qres] starting interaction') self.select_candidate_match(index) # Get index relative to the page px = index - self.start_index pnum = self.pnum_(px) #fnum = df2.kwargs_fnum(kwargs) #printDBG('[inter] starting %s interaction' % type_) # Setup figure fnum = self.fnum printDBG('\n<<<< BEGIN %s INTERACTION >>>>' % (str('qres').upper())) fig = df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, docla=True, doclf=False) printDBG(fig) = ax = df2.gca() # Get viz params qres = self.current_qres aid1, aid2 = self.current_match_aids ibs = self.ibs kwargs = self.interactkw # Vizualize ax = viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, qres, aid2, self_fm=[], fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, **kwargs)[0] divider = df2.ensure_divider(ax) name1, name2 = ibs.get_annot_names([aid1, aid2]) #truth = self.ibs.get_match_truth(aid1, aid2) if make_buttons: butkw = { 'divider': divider, 'callback': self.match_reviewed, 'index': index, } if name1 == name2 and not name1.startswith('____'): self.append_button(BREAK_MATCH_PREF, **butkw) else: if not name1.startswith('____'): self.append_button(RENAME2_PREF + name1, **butkw) if not name2.startswith('____'): self.append_button(RENAME1_PREF + name2, **butkw) if name1.startswith('____') and name2.startswith('____'): self.append_button(NEW_MATCH_PREF, **butkw) if draw: vh.draw()
def test_viz_image(img_fpath): # Read image img = cv2.imread(img_fpath) tau = np.pi * 2 # References: # Create figure fig = df2.figure(fnum=42, pnum=(1, 1, 1)) # Clear figure fig.clf() # Build parameters bbox_list = [dummy_bbox(img), dummy_bbox(img, (-.25, -.25), .1)] showkw = { 'title': 'test axis title', # The list of bounding boxes to be drawn on the image 'bbox_list': bbox_list, 'theta_list': [tau * .7, tau * .9], 'sel_list': [True, False], 'label_list': ['test label', 'lbl2'], } # Print the keyword arguments to illustrate their format print('showkw = ' + utool.dict_str(showkw)) # Display the image in figure-num 42, using a 1x1 axis grid in the first # axis. Pass showkw as keyword arguments. viz_image2.show_image(img, fnum=42, pnum=(1, 1, 1), **showkw) df2.set_figtitle('Test figure title')
def test_viz_image(img_fpath): # Read image img = cv2.imread(img_fpath) tau = np.pi * 2 # References: # Create figure fig = df2.figure(fnum=42, pnum=(1, 1, 1)) # Clear figure fig.clf() # Build parameters bbox_list = [dummy_bbox(img), dummy_bbox(img, (-0.25, -0.25), 0.1)] showkw = { "title": "test axis title", # The list of bounding boxes to be drawn on the image "bbox_list": bbox_list, "theta_list": [tau * 0.7, tau * 0.9], "sel_list": [True, False], "label_list": ["test label", "lbl2"], } # Print the keyword arguments to illustrate their format print("showkw = " + utool.dict_str(showkw)) # Display the image in figure-num 42, using a 1x1 axis grid in the first # axis. Pass showkw as keyword arguments. viz_image2.show_image(img, fnum=42, pnum=(1, 1, 1), **showkw) df2.set_figtitle("Test figure title")
def show_multiple_chips(ibs, aid_list, in_image=True, fnum=0, sel_aids=[], subtitle='', annote=False, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --show --no-inimage python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --show --db NNP_Master3 --aids=6435,9861,137,6563,9167,12547,9332,12598,13285 --no-inimage --notitle python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --show --db NNP_Master3 --aids=137,6563,12547,9332,12598,13285 --no-inimage --notitle --adjust=.05 python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --show --db NNP_Master3 --aids=6563,9332,13285,12598 --no-inimage --notitle --adjust=.05 --rc=1,4 python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --show --db PZ_Master0 --aids=1288 --no-inimage --notitle --adjust=.05 python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --show --db PZ_Master0 --aids=4020,4839 --no-inimage --notitle --adjust=.05 python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --db NNP_Master3 --aids=6524,6540,6571,6751 --no-inimage --notitle --adjust=.05 --diskshow python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --db PZ_MTEST -a default:index=0:4 --show --aids=1 --doboth --show --no-inimage python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --db PZ_MTEST --aids=1 --doboth --show --no-inimage python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --db PZ_MTEST --aids=1 --doboth --rc=2,1 --show --no-inimage python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --db PZ_MTEST --aids=1 --doboth --rc=2,1 --show --notitle --trydrawline --no-draw_lbls python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --db PZ_MTEST --aids=1,2 --doboth --show --notitle --trydrawline python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --db PZ_MTEST --aids=1,2,3,4,5 --doboth --rc=2,5 --show --chrlbl --trydrawline --qualtitle --no-figtitle --notitle --doboth --doboth --show python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_multiple_chips --db NNP_Master3 --aids=15419 --doboth --rc=2,1 --show --notitle --trydrawline --no-draw_lbls Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_name import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, aid_list, in_image = testdata_multichips() >>> if True: >>> import matplotlib as mpl >>> from ibeis.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC >>> mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) >>> fnum = 0 >>> sel_aids = [] >>> subtitle = '' >>> annote = False >>> fig = show_multiple_chips(ibs, aid_list, in_image, fnum, sel_aids, subtitle, annote) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> fig.canvas.draw() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) nAids = len(aid_list) if nAids == 0: fig = df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), **kwargs) df2.imshow_null(fnum=fnum, **kwargs) return fig # Trigger computation of all chips in parallel ibsfuncs.ensure_annotation_data(ibs, aid_list, chips=(not in_image or annote), feats=annote) print('[viz_name] * annot_vuuid=%r' % ((ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(aid_list), ))) print('[viz_name] * aid_list=%r' % ((aid_list, ))) DOBOTH = ut.get_argflag('--doboth') rc = ut.get_argval('--rc', type_=list, default=None) if rc is None: nRows, nCols = ph.get_square_row_cols(nAids * (2 if DOBOTH else 1)) else: nRows, nCols = rc notitle = ut.get_argflag('--notitle') draw_lbls = not ut.get_argflag('--no-draw_lbls') show_chip_kw = dict(annote=annote, in_image=in_image, notitle=notitle, draw_lbls=draw_lbls) #print('[viz_name] * r=%r, c=%r' % (nRows, nCols)) #gs2 = gridspec.GridSpec(nRows, nCols) pnum_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols) fig = df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(0), **kwargs) fig.clf() ax_list1 = [] for px, aid in enumerate(aid_list): print('px = %r' % (px, )) _fig, _ax1 = viz_chip.show_chip(ibs, aid=aid, pnum=pnum_(px), **show_chip_kw) print('other_aids = %r' % (ibs.get_annot_contact_aids(aid), )) ax = df2.gca() ax_list1.append(_ax1) if aid in sel_aids: df2.draw_border(ax, df2.GREEN, 4) if ut.get_argflag('--chrlbl') and not DOBOTH: ax.set_xlabel('(' + chr(ord('a') - 1 + px) + ')') elif ut.get_argflag('--numlbl') and not DOBOTH: ax.set_xlabel('(' + str(px + 1) + ')') #plot_aid3(ibs, aid) # HACK to show in image and not in image if DOBOTH: #ut.embed() #ph.get_plotdat_dict(ax_list1[1]) #ph.get_plotdat_dict(ax_list2[1]) ax_list2 = [] show_chip_kw['in_image'] = not show_chip_kw['in_image'] start = px + 1 for px, aid in enumerate(aid_list, start=start): _fig, _ax2 = viz_chip.show_chip(ibs, aid=aid, pnum=pnum_(px), **show_chip_kw) ax = df2.gca() ax_list2.append(_ax2) if ut.get_argflag('--chrlbl'): ax.set_xlabel('(' + chr(ord('a') - start + px) + ')') elif ut.get_argflag('--numlbl'): ax.set_xlabel('(' + str(px - start + 1) + ')') if ut.get_argflag('--qualtitle'): qualtext = ibs.get_annot_quality_texts(aid) ax.set_title(qualtext) if aid in sel_aids: df2.draw_border(ax, df2.GREEN, 4) if in_image: ax_list1, ax_list2 = ax_list2, ax_list1 if ut.get_argflag('--trydrawline'): # Unfinished #ut.embed() # Draw lines between corresponding axes # References: # import matplotlib as mpl import vtool as vt # !!! # #invTransFigure_fn1 = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform #invTransFigure_fn2 = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform #print(ax_list1) #print(ax_list2) assert len(ax_list1) == len(ax_list2) for ax1, ax2 in zip(ax_list1, ax_list2): #_ = ax1.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #bbox1 = (0, 0, _.width * fig.dpi, _.height * fig.dpi) # returns in figure coordinates #bbox1 = df2.get_axis_bbox(ax=ax1) #if bbox1[-1] < 0: # # Weird bug # bbox1 = bbox1[1] print('--') print('ax1 = %r' % (ax1, )) print('ax2 = %r' % (ax2, )) chipshape = ph.get_plotdat(ax1, 'chipshape') #_bbox1 = ax1.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #bbox1 = (0, 0, _bbox1.width * fig.dpi, _bbox1.height * fig.dpi) bbox1 = (0, 0, chipshape[1], chipshape[0]) aid_ = ph.get_plotdat(ax2, 'aid') aid_list_ = ph.get_plotdat(ax2, 'aid_list') index = aid_list_.index(aid_) annotation_bbox_list = ph.get_plotdat(ax2, 'annotation_bbox_list') bbox2 = annotation_bbox_list[index] print('bbox1 = %r' % (bbox1, )) print('bbox2 = %r' % (bbox2, )) vert_list1 = np.array(vt.verts_from_bbox(bbox1)) vert_list2 = np.array(vt.verts_from_bbox(bbox2)) print('vert_list1 = %r' % (vert_list1, )) print('vert_list2 = %r' % (vert_list2, )) #for vx in [0, 1, 2, 3]: for vx in [0, 1]: vert1 = vert_list1[vx].tolist() vert2 = vert_list2[vx].tolist() print(' ***') print(' * vert1 = %r' % (vert1, )) print(' * vert2 = %r' % (vert2, )) coordsA = coordsB = 'data' #coords = 'axes points' #'axes fraction' #'axes pixels' #coordsA = 'axes pixels' #coordsB = 'data' #'figure fraction' #'figure pixels' #'figure pixels' #'figure points' #'polar' #'offset points' con = mpl.patches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=vert1, xyB=vert2, coordsA=coordsA, coordsB=coordsB, axesA=ax1, axesB=ax2, linewidth=1, color='k') #, arrowstyle="-") #ut.embed() #con.set_zorder(None) ax1.add_artist(con) #ax2.add_artist(con) #ut.embed() #verts2.T[1] -= bbox2[-1] #bottom_left1, bottom_right1 = verts1[1:3].tolist() #bottom_left2, bottom_right2 = verts2[1:3].tolist() ##transAxes1 = ax1.transData.inverted() #transAxes1_fn = ax1.transData.transform #transAxes2_fn = ax2.transData.transform #transAxes1_fn = ut.identity #transAxes2_fn = ut.identity #coord_bl1 = transFigure.transform(transAxes1.transform(bottom_left1)) #coord_br1 = transFigure.transform(transAxes1.transform(bottom_right1)) #coord_bl1 = invTransFigure_fn1(transAxes1_fn(bottom_left1)) #print('bottom_left2 = %r' % (bottom_left2,)) #coord_bl1 = (5, 5) #coord_bl2 = invTransFigure_fn2(transAxes2_fn(bottom_left2)) #print('coord_bl2 = %r' % (coord_bl2,)) #coord_br1 = invTransFigure_fn1(transAxes1_fn(bottom_right1)) #coord_br2 = invTransFigure_fn2(transAxes2_fn(bottom_right2)) ##print('coord_bl1 = %r' % (coord_bl1,)) #line_coords1 = np.vstack([coord_bl1, coord_bl2]) #line_coords2 = np.vstack([coord_br1, coord_br2]) #print('line_coords1 = %r' % (line_coords1,)) #line1 = mpl.lines.Line2D((line_coords1[0]), (line_coords1[1]), transform=fig.transFigure) #line2 = mpl.lines.Line2D((line_coords2[0]), (line_coords2[1]), transform=fig.transFigure) #xs1, ys1 = line_coords1.T #xs2, ys2 = line_coords2.T #linekw = dict(transform=fig.transFigure) #linekw = dict() #print('xs1 = %r' % (xs1,)) #print('ys1 = %r' % (ys1,)) #line1 = mpl.lines.Line2D(xs1, ys1, **linekw) #line2 = mpl.lines.Line2D(xs2, ys2, **linekw) # NOQA #shrinkA=5, shrinkB=5, mutation_scale=20, fc="w") #ax2.add_artist(con) #fig.lines.append(line1) #fig.lines.append(line2) pass return fig
def dump_feature_pair_analysis(allres): print('[rr2] Doing: feature pair analysis') # TODO: Measure score consistency over a spatial area. # Measures entropy of matching vs nonmatching descriptors # Measures scale of m vs nm desc ibs = allres.ibs qrid2_qres = allres.qrid2_qres def _hist_prob_x(desc, bw_factor): # Choose number of bins based on the bandwidth bin_range = (0, 256) # assuming input is uint8 bins = bin_range[1] // bw_factor bw_factor = bin_range[1] / bins # Compute the probabilty mass function, each w.r.t a single descriptor hist_params = dict(bins=bins, range=bin_range, density=True) hist_func = np.histogram desc_pmf = [hist_func(d, **hist_params)[0] for d in desc] # Compute the probability that you saw what you saw # TODO: could use linear interpolation for a bit more robustness here bin_vals = [ np.array(np.floor(d / bw_factor), dtype=np.uint8) for d in desc ] hist_prob_x = [pmf[vals] for pmf, vals in zip(desc_pmf, bin_vals)] return hist_prob_x def _gkde_prob_x(desc, bw_factor): # Estimate the probabilty density function, each w.r.t a single descriptor gkde_func = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde desc_pdf = [gkde_func(d, bw_factor) for d in desc] gkde_prob_x = [pdf(d) for pdf, d in zip(desc_pdf, desc)] return gkde_prob_x def descriptor_entropy(desc, bw_factor=4): 'computes the shannon entropy of each descriptor in desc' # Compute shannon entropy = -sum(p(x)*log(p(x))) prob_x = _hist_prob_x(desc, bw_factor) entropy = [-(px * np.log2(px)).sum() for px in prob_x] return entropy # Load features if we need to if ibs.feats.cx2_desc.size == 0: print(' * forcing load of descriptors') ibs.load_features() cx2_desc = ibs.feats.cx2_desc cx2_kpts = ibs.feats.cx2_kpts def measure_feat_pairs(allres, orgtype='top_true'): print('Measure ' + orgtype + ' pairs') orgres = allres.__dict__[orgtype] entropy_list = [] scale_list = [] score_list = [] lbl = 'Measuring ' + orgtype + ' pair ' fmt_str = utool.make_progress_fmt_str(len(orgres), lbl) rank_skips = [] gt_skips = [] for ix, (qrid, rid, score, rank) in enumerate(orgres.iter()): utool.print_(fmt_str % (ix + 1, )) # Skip low ranks if rank > 5: rank_skips.append(qrid) continue other_rids = ibs.get_other_indexed_rids(qrid) # Skip no groundtruth if len(other_rids) == 0: gt_skips.append(qrid) continue qres = qrid2_qres[qrid] # Get matching feature indexes fm = qres.cx2_fm[rid] # Get their scores fs = qres.cx2_fs[rid] # Get matching descriptors printDBG('\nfm.shape=%r' % (fm.shape, )) desc1 = cx2_desc[qrid][fm[:, 0]] desc2 = cx2_desc[rid][fm[:, 1]] # Get matching keypoints kpts1 = cx2_kpts[qrid][fm[:, 0]] kpts2 = cx2_kpts[rid][fm[:, 1]] # Get their scale scale1_m = ktool.get_scales(kpts1) scale2_m = ktool.get_scales(kpts2) # Get their entropy entropy1 = descriptor_entropy(desc1, bw_factor=1) entropy2 = descriptor_entropy(desc2, bw_factor=1) # Append to results entropy_tup = np.array(zip(entropy1, entropy2)) scale_tup = np.array(zip(scale1_m, scale2_m)) entropy_tup = entropy_tup.reshape(len(entropy_tup), 2) scale_tup = scale_tup.reshape(len(scale_tup), 2) entropy_list.append(entropy_tup) scale_list.append(scale_tup) score_list.append(fs) print('Skipped %d total.' % (len(rank_skips) + len(gt_skips), )) print('Skipped %d for rank > 5, %d for no gt' % ( len(rank_skips), len(gt_skips), )) print(np.unique(map(len, entropy_list))) def evstack(tup): return np.vstack(tup) if len(tup) > 0 else np.empty((0, 2)) def ehstack(tup): return np.hstack(tup) if len(tup) > 0 else np.empty((0, 2)) entropy_pairs = evstack(entropy_list) scale_pairs = evstack(scale_list) scores = ehstack(score_list) print('\n * Measured %d pairs' % len(entropy_pairs)) return entropy_pairs, scale_pairs, scores tt_entropy, tt_scale, tt_scores = measure_feat_pairs(allres, 'top_true') tf_entropy, tf_scale, tf_scores = measure_feat_pairs(allres, 'top_false') # Measure ratios def measure_ratio(arr): return arr[:, 0] / arr[:, 1] if len(arr) > 0 else np.array([]) tt_entropy_ratio = measure_ratio(tt_entropy) tf_entropy_ratio = measure_ratio(tf_entropy) tt_scale_ratio = measure_ratio(tt_scale) tf_scale_ratio = measure_ratio(tf_scale) title_suffix = allres.title_suffix # Entropy vs Score df2.figure(fnum=1, docla=True) df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 1)) df2.plot2(tt_entropy[:, 0], tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy1', 'score', 'Top True') df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 2)) df2.plot2(tf_entropy[:, 0], tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy1', 'score', 'Top False') df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 3)) df2.plot2(tt_entropy[:, 1], tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy2', 'score', 'Top True') df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 4)) df2.plot2(tf_entropy[:, 1], tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy2', 'score', 'Top False') df2.set_figtitle('Entropy vs Score -- ' + title_suffix) viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis') # Scale vs Score df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 1), docla=True) df2.plot2(tt_scale[:, 0], tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale1', 'score', 'Top True') df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 2)) df2.plot2(tf_scale[:, 0], tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale1', 'score', 'Top False') df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 3)) df2.plot2(tt_scale[:, 1], tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale2', 'score', 'Top True') df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 4)) df2.plot2(tf_scale[:, 1], tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale2', 'score', 'Top False') df2.set_figtitle('Scale vs Score -- ' + title_suffix) viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis') # Entropy Ratio vs Score df2.figure(fnum=3, plotnum=(1, 2, 1), docla=True) df2.plot2(tt_entropy_ratio, tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy-ratio', 'score', 'Top True') df2.figure(fnum=3, plotnum=(1, 2, 2)) df2.plot2(tf_entropy_ratio, tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy-ratio', 'score', 'Top False') df2.set_figtitle('Entropy Ratio vs Score -- ' + title_suffix) viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis') # Scale Ratio vs Score df2.figure(fnum=4, plotnum=(1, 2, 1), docla=True) df2.plot2(tt_scale_ratio, tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale-ratio', 'score', 'Top True') df2.figure(fnum=4, plotnum=(1, 2, 2)) df2.plot2(tf_scale_ratio, tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale-ratio', 'score', 'Top False') df2.set_figtitle('Entropy Ratio vs Score -- ' + title_suffix) viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')
def _start_interaction(self): #self.fig = df2.figure(fnum=self.fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) self.fig = df2.figure(fnum=self.fnum, doclf=True) ih.connect_callback(self.fig, 'close_event', self.on_close) register_interaction(self) self.is_running = True
def select_ith_match(self, mx): """ Selects the ith match and visualizes and prints information concerning features weights, keypoint details, and sift descriptions Args: mx (int) - the ith match to visualize qaid (int) - query annotation id aid (int) - database annotation id CommandLine: python -m ibeis.viz.interact.interact_matches --test-select_ith_match --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.viz.interact.interact_matches import * # NOQA >>> self = testdata_match_interact(mx=1) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ ibs = self.ibs qaid = self.qaid aid = self.daid fnum = self.fnum figtitle = self.figtitle rchip1 = self.rchip1 rchip2 = self.rchip2 aid = self.daid same_fig = self.same_fig = mx print('+--- SELECT --- ') print('qaid=%r, daid=%r' % (qaid, aid)) print('... selecting mx-th=%r feature match' % mx) if False: print('score stats:') print(ut.get_stats_str(self.fsv, axis=0, newlines=True)) print('fsv[mx] = %r' % (self.fsv[mx], )) print('fs[mx] = %r' % (self.fs[mx], )) """ # test feature weights of actual chips fx1, fx2 = fm[mx] daid = aid ibs.get_annot_fgweights([daid])[0][fx2] ibs.get_annot_fgweights([qaid])[0][fx1] """ #---------------------- # Get info for the select_ith_match plot self.mode = 1 # Get the mx-th feature match fx1, fx2 =[mx] fscore2 = self.fs[mx] fk2 =[mx] kpts1 = ibs.get_annot_kpts([self.qaid], config2_=self.query_config2_)[0] kpts2 = ibs.get_annot_kpts([self.daid], config2_=self.data_config2_)[0] desc1 = ibs.get_annot_vecs([self.qaid], config2_=self.query_config2_)[0] desc2 = ibs.get_annot_vecs([self.daid], config2_=self.data_config2_)[0] kp1, kp2 = kpts1[fx1], kpts2[fx2] sift1, sift2 = desc1[fx1], desc2[fx2] info1 = '\nquery' info2 = '\nk=%r fscore=%r' % (fk2, fscore2) #last_state.last_fx = fx1 self.last_fx = fx1 # Extracted keypoints to draw extracted_list = [(rchip1, kp1, sift1, fx1, self.qaid, info1), (rchip2, kp2, sift2, fx2, self.daid, info2)] # Normalizng Keypoint #if hasattr(cm, 'filt2_meta') and 'lnbnn' in cm.filt2_meta: # qfx2_norm = cm.filt2_meta['lnbnn'] # # Normalizing chip and feature # (aid3, fx3, normk) = qfx2_norm[fx1] # rchip3 = ibs.get_annot_chips(aid3) # kp3 = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid3)[fx3] # sift3 = ibs.get_annot_vecs(aid3)[fx3] # info3 = '\nnorm %s k=%r' % (vh.get_aidstrs(aid3), normk) # extracted_list.append((rchip3, kp3, sift3, fx3, aid3, info3)) #else: # pass # print('WARNING: meta doesnt exist') #---------------------- # Draw the select_ith_match plot nRows, nCols = len(extracted_list) + same_fig, 3 # Draw matching chips and features sel_fm = np.array([(fx1, fx2)]) pnum1 = (nRows, 1, 1) if same_fig else (1, 1, 1) vert = self.vert if self.vert is not None else False self.chipmatch_view(pnum1, ell_alpha=.4, ell_linewidth=1.8, colors=df2.BLUE, sel_fm=sel_fm, vert=vert) # Draw selected feature matches px = nCols * same_fig # plot offset prevsift = None if not same_fig: #fnum2 = fnum + len(viz.FNUMS) fnum2 = self.fnum2 fig2 = df2.figure(fnum=fnum2, docla=True, doclf=True) else: fnum2 = fnum for (rchip, kp, sift, fx, aid, info) in extracted_list: px = viz_featrow.draw_feat_row(rchip, fx, kp, sift, fnum2, nRows, nCols, px, prevsift=prevsift, aid=aid, info=info) prevsift = sift if not same_fig: ih.connect_callback(fig2, 'button_press_event', self.on_click) df2.set_figtitle(figtitle + vh.get_vsstr(qaid, aid))
def plot_scores(hs, qcx_list, fnum=1): print('[dev] plot_scores(fnum=%r)' % fnum) topN_gt = 1 topN_ranks = 3 qcx2_res = get_qcx2_res(hs, qcx_list) data_scores = [] # matching scores data_qpairs = [] # query info (qcx, cx) data_gtranks = [] # query info (gtrank) # Append all scores to a giant list for res in qcx2_res.itervalues(): # Get gt scores first qcx = res.qcx top_cxs = np.array(res.topN_cxs(hs, N=topN_ranks, only_gt=False)) gt_cxs = np.array(res.topN_cxs(hs, N=topN_gt, only_gt=True)) top_scores = res.cx2_score[top_cxs] np.intersect1d(top_cxs, gt_cxs) # list of ranks if score is ground truth otherwise -1 isgt_ranks = [tx if cx in set(gt_cxs) else -1 for (tx, cx) in enumerate(top_cxs)] qcx_pairs = [(hs.cx2_cid(qcx), hs.cx2_cid(cx)) for cx in top_cxs] # Append all scores data_scores.extend(top_scores.tolist()) data_qpairs.extend(qcx_pairs) data_gtranks.extend(isgt_ranks) data_scores = np.array(data_scores) data_qpairs = np.array(data_qpairs) data_gtranks = np.array(data_gtranks) data_sortx = data_scores.argsort() sorted_scores = data_scores[data_sortx] # Draw and info rank_colorbounds = [ ((-1, 0), df2.GRAY), ((0, 1), df2.TRUE_GREEN), ((1, 5), df2.UNKNOWN_PURP), ((5, None), df2.FALSE_RED), ] print('[dev] matching chipscore stats: ' + utool.stats_str(data_scores)) df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) # Finds the knee df2.plot(sorted_scores, color=df2.ORANGE, label='all scores') # Plot results with ranks within (low, high) bounds colorbounds_iter = reversed(list(enumerate(rank_colorbounds))) for count, ((low, high), rankX_color) in colorbounds_iter: datarank_flag = utool.inbounds(data_gtranks, low, high) rankX_xs = np.where(datarank_flag[data_sortx])[0] rankX_ys = sorted_scores[rankX_xs] if high is None: rankX_label = '%d <= gt rank' % low else: rankX_label = '%d <= gt rank < %d' % (low, high) if len(rankX_ys) > 0: df2.plot(rankX_xs, rankX_ys, 'o', color=rankX_color, label=rankX_label, alpha=.5) rowid = qcx2_res.itervalues().next().rowid df2.set_logyscale_from_data(data_scores) df2.set_xlabel('chipmatch index') df2.dark_background() df2.set_figtitle('matching scores\n' + rowid) df2.legend(loc='upper left') df2.iup() fnum += 1 score_table = np.vstack((data_scores, data_gtranks, data_qpairs.T)).T score_table = score_table[data_sortx[::-1]] column_labels = ['score', 'gtrank', 'qcid', 'cid'] header = 'score_table\nuid=%r' % rowid column_type = [float, int, int, int] csv_txt = utool.util_csv.numpy_to_csv(score_table, column_labels, header, column_type) print(csv_txt) #utool.embed() return fnum
def show_sv(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, homog_tup=None, aff_tup=None, mx=None, show_assign=True, show_lines=True, show_kpts=True, show_aff=None, fnum=1, refine_method=None, **kwargs): """ Visualizes spatial verification CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-spatially_verify_kpts --show """ #import plottool as pt # GEt Matching chips kpts1_m = kpts1[fm.T[0]] kpts2_m = kpts2[fm.T[1]] wh2 = vt.get_size(chip2) # # Get Affine Chips, Keypoints, Inliers if show_aff is None: show_aff_ = aff_tup is not None else: show_aff_ = show_aff if show_aff_: (aff_inliers, Aff) = aff_tup chip1_At = vt.warpAffine(chip1, Aff, wh2) #kpts1_mAt = ktool.transform_kpts(kpts1_m, Aff) chip2_blendA = vt.blend_images(chip1_At, chip2) # # Get Homog Chips, Keypoints, Inliers show_homog = homog_tup is not None if show_homog: (hom_inliers, H) = homog_tup #kpts1_mHt = ktool.transform_kpts(kpts1_m, H) chip1_Ht = vt.warpHomog(chip1, H, wh2) chip2_blendH = vt.blend_images(chip1_Ht, chip2) # # Drawing settings nRows = (show_assign) + (show_aff_) + (show_homog) nCols1 = (show_assign) + (show_aff_) + (show_homog) nCols2 = 2 pnum1_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols1) pnum2_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols2) #in_kwargs = dict(rect=True, ell_alpha=.7, eig=False, ori=True, pts=True) #out_kwargs = dict(rect=False, ell_alpha=.3, eig=False) in_kwargs = dict(rect=False, ell_alpha=.7, eig=False, ori=False, pts=False) out_kwargs = dict(rect=False, ell_alpha=.7, eig=False, ori=False) def _draw_kpts(*args, **kwargs): if not show_kpts: return df2.draw_kpts2(*args, **kwargs) def draw_inlier_kpts(kpts_m, inliers, color, H=None): _draw_kpts(kpts_m[inliers], color=color, H=H, **in_kwargs) if mx is not None: _draw_kpts(kpts_m[mx:(mx + 1)], color=color, ell_linewidth=3, H=H, **in_kwargs) def _draw_matches(px, title, inliers): dmkwargs = dict(fs=None, title=title, all_kpts=False, draw_lines=True, docla=True, draw_border=True, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum1_(px), colors=df2.ORANGE) __fm = np.vstack((inliers, inliers)).T df2.show_chipmatch2(chip1, chip2, kpts1_m, kpts2_m, __fm, **dmkwargs) return px + 1 from plottool import color_funcs colors = df2.distinct_colors(2, brightness=.95) color1, color2 = colors[0], colors[1] color1_dark = color_funcs.darken_rgb(color1, .2) color2_dark = color_funcs.darken_rgb(color2, .2) def _draw_chip(px, title, chip, inliers, kpts1_m, kpts2_m, H1=None): if isinstance(px, tuple): pnum = px df2.imshow(chip, title=title, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum) px = pnum[2] else: df2.imshow(chip, title=title, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum2_(px)) if kpts1_m is not None: _draw_kpts(kpts1_m, color=color1_dark, H=H1, **out_kwargs) draw_inlier_kpts(kpts1_m, inliers, color1, H=H1) if kpts2_m is not None: _draw_kpts(kpts2_m, color=color2_dark, **out_kwargs) draw_inlier_kpts(kpts2_m, inliers, color2) if kpts2_m is not None and kpts1_m is not None and show_lines: __fm = np.vstack((inliers, inliers)).T df2.draw_lines2(kpts1_m, kpts2_m, __fm, color_list=[custom_constants.ORANGE], lw=2, line_alpha=1, H1=H1) return px + 1 # # Begin the drawing df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(nRows, nCols1, 1), docla=True, doclf=True) px = 0 if show_assign: # Draw the Assigned -> Affine -> Homography matches px = _draw_matches(px, '%d Assigned matches ' % len(fm), np.arange(len(fm))) if show_aff_: px = _draw_matches(px, '%d Initial inliers ' % len(aff_inliers), aff_inliers) if show_homog: if refine_method is None: refine_method = '' if len(refine_method) > 0: refine_method_ = '(%s) ' % (refine_method, ) else: refine_method_ = '' px = _draw_matches( px, '%d Refined %sinliers' % (len(hom_inliers), refine_method_), hom_inliers) # # Draw the Affine Transformations px = nCols2 * show_assign #if show_aff_ or show_homog: if show_aff_: #px = _draw_chip(px, 'Source', chip1, aff_inliers, kpts1_m, None) #px = _draw_chip(px, 'Dest', chip2, aff_inliers, None, kpts2_m) px = _draw_chip(px, 'Initial Warped', chip1_At, aff_inliers, kpts1_m, None, H1=Aff) px = _draw_chip(px, 'Initial Blend', chip2_blendA, aff_inliers, kpts1_m, kpts2_m, H1=Aff) #px = _draw_chip(px, 'Affine', chip1_At, aff_inliers, kpts1_mAt, None) #px = _draw_chip(px, 'Aff Blend', chip2_blendA, aff_inliers, kpts1_mAt, kpts2_m) pass # # Draw the Homography Transformation if show_homog: #px = _draw_chip(px, 'Source', chip1, hom_inliers, kpts1_m, None) #px = _draw_chip(px, 'Dest', chip2, hom_inliers, None, kpts2_m) #px = _draw_chip(px, 'Homog', chip1_Ht, hom_inliers, kpts1_mHt, None) #px = _draw_chip(px, 'Homog Blend', chip2_blendH, hom_inliers, kpts1_mHt, kpts2_m) px = _draw_chip(px, 'Refined Warped', chip1_Ht, hom_inliers, kpts1_m, None, H1=H) px = _draw_chip(px, 'Refined Blend', chip2_blendH, hom_inliers, kpts1_m, kpts2_m, H1=H)
def show_descriptors_match_distances(orgres2_distance, fnum=1, db_name='', **kwargs): disttype_list = orgres2_distance.itervalues().next().keys() orgtype_list = orgres2_distance.keys() (nRow, nCol) = len(orgtype_list), len(disttype_list) nColors = nRow * nCol color_list = df2.distinct_colors(nColors) df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) pnum_ = lambda px: (nRow, nCol, px + 1) plot_type = utool.get_arg('--plot-type', default='plot') # Remember min and max val for each distance type (l1, emd...) distkey2_min = {distkey: np.uint64(-1) for distkey in disttype_list} distkey2_max = {distkey: 0 for distkey in disttype_list} def _distplot(dists, color, label, distkey, plot_type=plot_type): data = sorted(dists) ax = df2.gca() min_ = distkey2_min[distkey] max_ = distkey2_max[distkey] if plot_type == 'plot': df2.plot(data, color=color, label=label, yscale='linear') #xticks = np.linspace(np.min(data), np.max(data), 3) #yticks = np.linspace(0, len(data), 5) #ax.set_xticks(xticks) #ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_ylim(min_, max_) ax.set_xlim(0, len(dists)) ax.set_ylabel('distance') ax.set_xlabel('matches indexes (sorted by distance)') df2.legend(loc='lower right') if plot_type == 'pdf': df2.plot_pdf(data, color=color, label=label) ax.set_ylabel('pr') ax.set_xlabel('distance') ax.set_xlim(min_, max_) df2.legend(loc='upper left') df2.dark_background(ax) df2.small_xticks(ax) df2.small_yticks(ax) px = 0 for orgkey in orgtype_list: for distkey in disttype_list: dists = orgres2_distance[orgkey][distkey] if len(dists) == 0: continue min_ = dists.min() max_ = dists.max() distkey2_min[distkey] = min(distkey2_min[distkey], min_) distkey2_max[distkey] = max(distkey2_max[distkey], max_) for count, orgkey in enumerate(orgtype_list): for distkey in disttype_list: printDBG('[allres-viz] plotting: %r' % ((orgkey, distkey),)) dists = orgres2_distance[orgkey][distkey] df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(px)) color = color_list[px] title = distkey + ' ' + orgkey label = 'P(%s | %s)' % (distkey, orgkey) _distplot(dists, color, label, distkey, **kwargs) if count == 0: ax = df2.gca() ax.set_title(distkey) px += 1 subtitle = 'the matching distances between sift descriptors' title = '(sift) matching distances' if db_name != '': title = db_name + ' ' + title df2.set_figtitle(title, subtitle) df2.adjust_subplots_safe()
def test_ori_extract_main(): """ CommandLine: python -m pyhesaff.tests.test_exhaustive_ori_extract --test-test_ori_extract_main python -m pyhesaff.tests.test_exhaustive_ori_extract --test-test_ori_extract_main --show Example: >>> # GUI_DOCTEST >>> from pyhesaff.tests.test_exhaustive_ori_extract import * # NOQA >>> test_ori_extract_main() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import pyhesaff from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 from plottool.viz_keypoints import show_keypoints import vtool # NOQA import vtool.image as gtool import vtool.keypoint as ktool np.set_printoptions(threshold=5000, linewidth=5000, precision=3) # Read data print('[rotinvar] loading test data') img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('jeff.png') imgL = gtool.cvt_BGR2L(gtool.imread(img_fpath)) detect_kw0 = {} detect_kw1 = {'scale_min': 20, 'scale_max': 100} detect_kw2 = {'scale_min': 40, 'scale_max': 60} detect_kw3 = {'scale_min': 45, 'scale_max': 49} # Remove skew and anisotropic scaling def force_isotropic(kpts): kpts_ = kpts.copy() kpts_[:, ktool.SKEW_DIM] = 0 kpts_[:, ktool.SCAX_DIM] = kpts_[:, ktool.SCAY_DIM] vecs_ = pyhesaff.extract_vecs(img_fpath, kpts_) return kpts_, vecs_ def force_ori(kpts, ori): kpts_ = kpts.copy() kpts_[:, ktool.ORI_DIM] = ori vecs_ = pyhesaff.extract_vecs(img_fpath, kpts_) return kpts_, vecs_ def shift_kpts(kpts, x, y): kpts_ = kpts.copy() kpts_[:, ktool.XDIM] += x kpts_[:, ktool.YDIM] += y vecs_ = pyhesaff.extract_vecs(img_fpath, kpts_) return kpts_, vecs_ # --- Experiment --- kpts0, vecs0 = double_detect(img_fpath, **detect_kw0) kpts1, vecs1 = double_detect(img_fpath, **detect_kw1) kpts2, vecs2 = double_detect(img_fpath, **detect_kw2) # kpts3, vecs3 = double_detect(img_fpath, **detect_kw3) kpts4, vecs4 = force_isotropic(kpts3) kpts5, vecs5 = force_ori(kpts3, 1.45) kpts6, vecs6 = shift_kpts(kpts5, -60, -50) kpts7, vecs7 = force_ori(kpts6, 0) kpts8, vecs8 = force_ori(kpts7, 2.40) kpts9, vecs9 = force_ori(kpts8, 5.40) kpts10, vecs10 = force_ori(kpts9, 10.40) # --- Print --- # ---- Draw ---- nRow, nCol = 1, 2 df2.figure(fnum=2, doclf=True, docla=True) df2.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True, docla=True) def show_kpts_(fnum, pnum, kpts, vecs, title): print('--------') print('show_kpts: %r.%r' % (fnum, pnum)) print('kpts = %r' % (kpts, )) print('scales = %r' % ktool.get_scales(kpts)) # FIXME: this exists in ibeis. move to vtool #dev_consistency.check_vecs(vecs3) show_keypoints(imgL, kpts, sifts=vecs, pnum=pnum, rect=True, ori=True, fnum=fnum, title=title, ell_alpha=1) show_kpts_(1, (nRow, nCol, 1), kpts3, vecs3, 'kpts3: original') show_kpts_(1, (nRow, nCol, 2), kpts4, vecs4, 'kpts4: isotropic + redetect') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 1), kpts5, vecs5, 'kpts5: force_ori + redetect') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 2), kpts6, vecs6, 'kpts6: shift') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 3), kpts7, vecs7, 'kpts7: shift + reorient') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 4), kpts8, vecs8, 'kpts8: shift + reorient') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 5), kpts9, vecs9, 'kpts9: reorient') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 6), kpts10, vecs10, 'kpts10: reorient')
def _viz_keypoints(fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), **kwargs): df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) show_keypoints(chip, kpts, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, **kwargs) if figtitle is not None: df2.set_figtitle(figtitle)
def test_ori_extract_main(): """ CommandLine: python -m pyhesaff.tests.test_exhaustive_ori_extract --test-test_ori_extract_main python -m pyhesaff.tests.test_exhaustive_ori_extract --test-test_ori_extract_main --show Example: >>> # GUI_DOCTEST >>> from pyhesaff.tests.test_exhaustive_ori_extract import * # NOQA >>> test_ori_extract_main() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import pyhesaff from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 from plottool.viz_keypoints import show_keypoints import vtool # NOQA import vtool.image as gtool import vtool.keypoint as ktool np.set_printoptions(threshold=5000, linewidth=5000, precision=3) # Read data print('[rotinvar] loading test data') img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('jeff.png') imgL = gtool.cvt_BGR2L(gtool.imread(img_fpath)) detect_kw0 = { } detect_kw1 = { 'scale_min': 20, 'scale_max': 100 } detect_kw2 = { 'scale_min': 40, 'scale_max': 60 } detect_kw3 = { 'scale_min': 45, 'scale_max': 49 } # Remove skew and anisotropic scaling def force_isotropic(kpts): kpts_ = kpts.copy() kpts_[:, ktool.SKEW_DIM] = 0 kpts_[:, ktool.SCAX_DIM] = kpts_[:, ktool.SCAY_DIM] vecs_ = pyhesaff.extract_vecs(img_fpath, kpts_) return kpts_, vecs_ def force_ori(kpts, ori): kpts_ = kpts.copy() kpts_[:, ktool.ORI_DIM] = ori vecs_ = pyhesaff.extract_vecs(img_fpath, kpts_) return kpts_, vecs_ def shift_kpts(kpts, x, y): kpts_ = kpts.copy() kpts_[:, ktool.XDIM] += x kpts_[:, ktool.YDIM] += y vecs_ = pyhesaff.extract_vecs(img_fpath, kpts_) return kpts_, vecs_ # --- Experiment --- kpts0, vecs0 = double_detect(img_fpath, **detect_kw0) kpts1, vecs1 = double_detect(img_fpath, **detect_kw1) kpts2, vecs2 = double_detect(img_fpath, **detect_kw2) # kpts3, vecs3 = double_detect(img_fpath, **detect_kw3) kpts4, vecs4 = force_isotropic(kpts3) kpts5, vecs5 = force_ori(kpts3, 1.45) kpts6, vecs6 = shift_kpts(kpts5, -60, -50) kpts7, vecs7 = force_ori(kpts6, 0) kpts8, vecs8 = force_ori(kpts7, 2.40) kpts9, vecs9 = force_ori(kpts8, 5.40) kpts10, vecs10 = force_ori(kpts9, 10.40) # --- Print --- # ---- Draw ---- nRow, nCol = 1, 2 df2.figure(fnum=2, doclf=True, docla=True) df2.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True, docla=True) def show_kpts_(fnum, pnum, kpts, vecs, title): print('--------') print('show_kpts: %r.%r' % (fnum, pnum)) print('kpts = %r' % (kpts,)) print('scales = %r' % ktool.get_scales(kpts)) # FIXME: this exists in ibeis. move to vtool #dev_consistency.check_vecs(vecs3) show_keypoints(imgL, kpts, sifts=vecs, pnum=pnum, rect=True, ori=True, fnum=fnum, title=title, ell_alpha=1) show_kpts_(1, (nRow, nCol, 1), kpts3, vecs3, 'kpts3: original') show_kpts_(1, (nRow, nCol, 2), kpts4, vecs4, 'kpts4: isotropic + redetect') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 1), kpts5, vecs5, 'kpts5: force_ori + redetect') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 2), kpts6, vecs6, 'kpts6: shift') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 3), kpts7, vecs7, 'kpts7: shift + reorient') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 4), kpts8, vecs8, 'kpts8: shift + reorient') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 5), kpts9, vecs9, 'kpts9: reorient') show_kpts_(2, (2, 3, 6), kpts10, vecs10, 'kpts10: reorient')
def plot_scores2(hs, qcx_list, fnum=1): print('[dev] plot_scores(fnum=%r)' % fnum) qcx2_res = get_qcx2_res(hs, qcx_list) all_score_list = [] gtscore_ys = [] gtscore_xs = [] gtscore_ranks = [] EXCLUDE_ZEROS = False N = 1 # Append all scores to a giant list for res in qcx2_res.itervalues(): cx2_score = res.cx2_score # Get gt scores first #gt_cxs = hs.get_other_indexed_cxs(res.qcx) gt_cxs = np.array(res.topN_cxs(hs, N=N, only_gt=True)) gt_ys = cx2_score[gt_cxs] if EXCLUDE_ZEROS: nonzero_cxs = np.where(cx2_score != 0)[0] gt_cxs = gt_cxs[gt_ys != 0] gt_ranks = res.get_gt_ranks(gt_cxs) gt_cxs = np.array(utool.list_index(nonzero_cxs, gt_cxs)) gt_ys = gt_ys[gt_ys != 0] score_list = cx2_score[nonzero_cxs].tolist() else: score_list = cx2_score.tolist() gt_ranks = res.get_gt_ranks(gt_cxs) gtscore_ys.extend(gt_ys) gtscore_xs.extend(gt_cxs + len(all_score_list)) gtscore_ranks.extend(gt_ranks) # Append all scores all_score_list.extend(score_list) all_score_list = np.array(all_score_list) gtscore_ranks = np.array(gtscore_ranks) gtscore_ys = np.array(gtscore_ys) # Sort all chipmatch scores allx_sorted = all_score_list.argsort() # mapping from sortedallx to allx allscores_sorted = all_score_list[allx_sorted] # Change the groundtruth positions to correspond to sorted cmatch scores # Find position of gtscore_xs in allx_sorted gtscore_sortxs = utool.list_index(allx_sorted, gtscore_xs) gtscore_sortxs = np.array(gtscore_sortxs) # Draw and info rank_bounds = [ (0, 1), (1, 5), (5, None) ] rank_colors = [ df2.TRUE_GREEN, df2.UNKNOWN_PURP, df2.FALSE_RED ] print('[dev] matching chipscore stats: ' + utool.stats_str(all_score_list)) df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) # Finds the knee df2.plot(allscores_sorted, color=df2.ORANGE, label='all scores') # get positions which are within rank bounds for count, ((low, high), rankX_color) in reversed(list(enumerate(zip(rank_bounds, rank_colors)))): rankX_flag_low = gtscore_ranks >= low if high is not None: rankX_flag_high = gtscore_ranks < high rankX_flag = np.logical_and(rankX_flag_low, rankX_flag_high) else: rankX_flag = rankX_flag_low rankX_allgtx = np.where(rankX_flag)[0] rankX_gtxs = gtscore_sortxs[rankX_allgtx] rankX_gtys = gtscore_ys[rankX_allgtx] rankX_label = '%d <= gt rank' % low if high is not None: rankX_label += ' < %d' % high if len(rankX_gtxs) > 0: df2.plot(rankX_gtxs, rankX_gtys, 'o', color=rankX_color, label=rankX_label) rowid = qcx2_res.itervalues().next().rowid df2.set_logyscale_from_data(allscores_sorted) df2.set_xlabel('chipmatch index') df2.dark_background() df2.set_figtitle('matching scores\n' + rowid) df2.legend(loc='upper left') #xmin = 0 #xmax = utool.order_of_magnitude_ceil(len(allscores_sorted)) #print('len_ = %r' % (len(allscores_sorted),)) #print('xmin = %r' % (xmin,)) #print('xmax = %r' % (xmax,)) #df2.gca().set_xlim(xmin, xmax) df2.update() #utool.embed() # Second Plot #data = sorted(zip(gtscore_sortxs, gtscore_ys, gtscore_ranks)) #gtxs = [x for (x, y, z) in data] #gtys = [y for (x, y, z) in data] #gtrs = [z for (x, y, z) in data] #nongtxs = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(gtxs[0], gtxs[-1]), gtxs) #min_ = min(gtxs) #max_ = len(allscores_sorted) #len_ = max_ - min_ #normsum = 0 #ratsum = 0 #gtxs = np.array(gtxs) #nongtxs = np.array(nongtxs) #for ix in xrange(min_, max_): #nongtxs_ = nongtxs[nongtxs >= ix] #gtxs_ = gtxs[gtxs >= ix] #numer = allscores_sorted[gtxs_].sum() #denom = allscores_sorted[nongtxs_].sum() #ratio = (1 + numer) / (denom + 1) #total_support = (len(gtxs_) + len(nongtxs_)) #normrat = ratio / total_support #ratsum += ratio #normsum += normrat #print(total_support) #print(ratsum / len_) #print(normsum / len_) #print(ratsum / allscores_sorted[min_:max_].sum()) #print(normsum / allscores_sorted[min_:max_].sum()) #index_gap = np.diff(gtxs) #score_gap = np.diff(gtys) #badness = (index_gap - 1) * score_gap #np.arange(len(gtxs)) fnum += 1 return fnum
def plot_clusters(data, datax2_clusterx, centroids, num_pca_dims=3, whiten=False): """ Plots centroids and datapoints. Plots accurately up to 3 dimensions. If there are more than 3 dimensions, PCA is used to recude the dimenionality to the <num_pca_dims> principal components """ # from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 data_dims = data.shape[1] show_dims = min(num_pca_dims, data_dims) if data_dims != show_dims: # we can't physiologically see the data, so look at a projection print('[akmeans] Doing PCA') from sklearn import decomposition pcakw = dict(copy=True, n_components=show_dims, whiten=whiten) pca = decomposition.PCA(**pcakw).fit(data) pca_data = pca.transform(data) pca_clusters = pca.transform(centroids) print('[akmeans] ...Finished PCA') else: # pca is not necessary print('[akmeans] No need for PCA') pca_data = data pca_clusters = centroids K = len(centroids) print(pca_data.shape) # Make a color for each cluster colors = np.array(df2.distinct_colors(K, brightness=.95)) data_x = pca_data[:, 0] data_y = pca_data[:, 1] data_colors = colors[np.array(datax2_clusterx, dtype=np.int32)] clus_x = pca_clusters[:, 0] clus_y = pca_clusters[:, 1] clus_colors = colors # Create a figure fig = df2.figure(1, doclf=True, docla=True) if show_dims == 2: ax = df2.plt.gca() df2.plt.scatter(data_x, data_y, s=20, c=data_colors, marker='o', alpha=.2) df2.plt.scatter(clus_x, clus_y, s=500, c=clus_colors, marker='*') ax.autoscale(enable=False) ax.set_aspect('equal') df2.dark_background(ax) if show_dims == 3: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') data_z = pca_data[:, 2] clus_z = pca_clusters[:, 2] ax.scatter(data_x, data_y, data_z, s=20, c=data_colors, marker='o', alpha=.2) ax.scatter(clus_x, clus_y, clus_z, s=500, c=clus_colors, marker='*') ax.autoscale(enable=False) ax.set_aspect('equal') df2.dark_background(ax) #ax.set_alpha(.1) #ut.embed() #ax.set_frame_on(False) ax = df2.plt.gca() waswhitestr = ' +whitening' * whiten titlestr = ('AKmeans: K={K}.' 'PCA projection {data_dims}D -> {show_dims}D' '{waswhitestr}').format(**locals()) ax.set_title(titlestr) return fig