def test_max_number_reverse(self):
     strokes = ('12345*67890', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'0987654321{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_non_sequential_number(self):
     strokes = ('18302', )
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
 def test_long_number_reverse(self):
     strokes = ('125*70', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'07521{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_max_number(self):
     strokes = ('12345-67890', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'1234567890{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_reverse_key(self):
     strokes = ('3*8', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'83{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_long_number(self):
     strokes = ('125-70', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'12570{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_edge_numbers_left(self):
     strokes = ('5-7', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'57{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_edge_numbers_both(self):
     strokes = ('5-6', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'56{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_separated_numbers(self):
     strokes = ('1-9', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'19{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_edge_numbers_right(self):
     strokes = ('2-6', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'26{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_contains_non_star_medial(self):
     strokes = ('1ㅏ', )
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
 def test_contains_final(self):
     strokes = ('1-ㅎ', )
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
 def test_length_two(self):
     strokes = ('1', '0')
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
 def test_length_one(self):
     strokes = ('12', )
     text = lookup(strokes)
     assert text == f'12{OPERATOR_ATTACH}'
 def test_length_zero(self):
     strokes = ()
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):