def throw(self, qq, text): date = getNow.toString() self.bottle['message'].append({'text': text, 'qq': qq, 'date': date}) dataManage.save_obj(self.bottle, 'data/Function/Bottle/bottle') logManage.member_log(getNow.toString(), qq, '扔出漂流瓶:' + text) return '成功扔出一个漂流瓶,当前有' + str(len( self.bottle['message'])) + '个漂流瓶' + '\n漂流瓶不是法外之地,每条漂流瓶都有日志记录'
def read_weather(): filePath = 'data/Function/Weather/weather.txt' weather = {} if not os.path.exists(filePath): logManage.log(getNow.toString(), '天气文件缺失!') return weather with open(filePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] == '#': continue datas = line.split('#') if len(datas) < 1: continue pair = datas[0].split('=') if len(pair) != 2: continue pair[0] = pair[0].strip() pair[1] = pair[1].strip() weather[pair[0]] = pair[1] return weather
async def new_day(bot): today = str( reply = '已经重置打卡日期到' + today logManage.log(getNow.toString(), '已重置打卡日期到:' + today) print('开始重置统计信息') statistics = dataManage.read_statistics() # 读取统计信息 reply += '\n统计信息如下:' reply += '\n被踢出群数:' + str(statistics['kick']) reply += '\n退群数:' + str(statistics['quit']) reply += '\n禁言次数:' + str(statistics['mute']) reply += '\n解除禁言次数:' + str(statistics['unmute']) reply += '\n唤醒次数:' + str(statistics['awaken']) reply += '\n帮助文档获取次数:' + str(statistics['help']) reply += '\n基础功能调用次数:' + str(statistics['base_function']) reply += '\ntalk模块调用次数:' + str(statistics['talk']) reply += '\nclock_activity模块调用次数:' + str(statistics['clock_activity']) reply += '\nimage_search模块调用次数:' + str(statistics['image_search']) reply += '\ncommand模块调用次数:' + str(statistics['command']) reply += '\noperate模块调用次数:' + str(statistics['operate']) reply += '\ngame模块调用次数:' + str(statistics['game']) reply += '\n自动加一次数:' + str(statistics['auto_repeat']) reply += '\n自主回复次数:' + str(statistics['auto_reply']) reply += '\n部落冲突调用次数:' + str(statistics['clash']) reply += '\n新好友:' + str(statistics['new_friend']) reply += '\n新群:' + str(statistics['new_group']) reply += '\n戳一戳:' + str(statistics['nudge']) reply += '\n发送消息:' + str(statistics['message']) statistics['kick'] = 0 statistics['quit'] = 0 statistics['mute'] = 0 statistics['unmute'] = 0 statistics['new_friend'] = 0 statistics['new_group'] = 0 statistics['awaken'] = 0 statistics['help'] = 0 statistics['base_function'] = 0 statistics['talk'] = 0 statistics['clock_activity'] = 0 statistics['image_search'] = 0 statistics['command'] = 0 statistics['operate'] = 0 statistics['game'] = 0 statistics['auto_repeat'] = 0 statistics['auto_reply'] = 0 statistics['clash'] = 0 statistics['nudge'] = 0 statistics['message'] = 0 dataManage.save_statistics(statistics) config = dataManage.read_config() for group_id in config['test_group']: await bot.send_group_message(group_id, reply) return
def read_screen_word(): filePath = 'data/screenWords.txt' screen = [] if not os.path.exists(filePath): with open(filePath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n') logManage.log(getNow.toString(), '屏蔽词文件缺失') return screen with open(filePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: screen.append(line) return screen
def getWeather(cityName): # url="" city = dataManage.read_weather() if cityName[-1] == '市': cityName = cityName[:-1] if cityName in city: city_num = city[cityName] url = "" % city_num html = get_html(url) result = get_data(html) ans = cityName + '的天气如下:\n' for i in result: ans += str(i[0]) + ',' + str(i[1]) + ',最低气温为:' + \ str(i[3]) + '℃,最高气温为:' + str(i[2]) + '℃\n' return ans[:-1].replace('None', '(获取失败)') else: logManage.log(getNow.toString(), '查询城市:' + cityName + ',未找到该城市!') return '未能查询到该城市,请联系管理员将该城市加入字典'
def read_user(qq): global key_allow filePath = 'data/__USER__/' + str(qq) user = { 'config': { 'ai': True, 'reputation': 5, 'clash_user_tag': [], # 玩家标签 'main_clash_user_tag': 0, # 默认玩家标签 'clash_tag': [], # 部落标签 'main_clash_tag': 0, # 默认部落标签 'key': [] }, 'buffer': { 'id': 0, 'buffer': None, 'time': 'xx-xx-xx' }, 'statistics': { 'reply': [], 'RPG': [], 'card': [] }, 'date': getNow.toString() } if not os.path.exists(filePath + '.config'): with open(filePath + '.config', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('ai=false\n') f.write('reputation=5\n') f.write('clashUserTag=\n') f.write('mainClashUserTag=0\n') f.write('clashTag=\n') f.write('mainClashTag=0\n') f.write('key=*=.=。\n') f.write('date=' + user['date'] + '\n') if not os.path.exists(filePath + '.data'): config = { 'buffer': user['buffer'], 'statistics': user['statistics'] } save_obj(config, filePath) return user if not os.path.exists(filePath + '.data'): config = {'buffer': user['buffer'], 'statistics': user['statistics']} save_obj(config, filePath) config = load_obj(filePath) user['buffer'] = config['buffer'] user['statistics'] = config['statistics'] with open(filePath + '.config', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] == '#': continue datas = line.split('#') if len(datas) < 1: continue pair = datas[0].split('=') if len(pair) < 2: continue pair[0] = pair[0].strip() pair[1] = pair[1].strip().lower() if pair[0] == 'date': user['date'] = pair[1] elif pair[0] == 'clashUserTag': for i in range(1, len(pair)): if len(pair[i]) > 0: user['config']['clash_user_tag'].append( pair[i].upper()) elif pair[0] == 'mainClashUserTag' and pair[1].isdigit(): user['config']['main_clash_user_tag'] = int(pair[1]) elif pair[0] == 'clashTag': for i in range(1, len(pair)): if len(pair[i]) > 0: user['config']['clash_tag'].append(pair[i].upper()) elif pair[0] == 'mainClashTag' and pair[1].isdigit(): user['config']['main_clash_tag'] = int(pair[1]) elif pair[0] == 'ai': if pair[1] == 'true': user['config']['ai'] = True else: user['config']['ai'] = False elif pair[0] == 'key': for i in pair: if i in key_allow and i not in user['config']['key']: user['config']['key'].append(i) return user
def read_group(group_id): global key_allow filePath = 'data/__GROUP__/' + str(group_id) group = { 'config': { 'mute': False, # 是否禁言 'limit': False, # 是否限制 'nudge': True, # 是否开启戳一戳 'RPG': True, # 是否开启RPG 'limit_RPG': False, # 是否开启RPG限制 'curse': True, # 是否开启脏话 'image': False, # 是否开启图片搜索 'ai': False, # 是否开启ai 'autonomous_reply': True, # 是否开启自动回复(群内自定义的) 'repeat': True, # 是否开启自动加一 'TRPG': True, # 是否开启头骰娘 'clash': False, # 是否开启部落冲突查询 'clash_tag': '', # 部落标签 'key': ['.', '。', '*'], # 触发词 'reply_limit': 0, # 回复限制次数 'welcome': False, # 是否开启欢迎 'right_train': [], # 谁可以训练小柒 'right_activity': [], # 谁可以发起活动 'right_mute': [], # 谁可以禁言 'right_RPG': [], # 谁可以开关游戏 # ============================= 'flash': False, # 解除闪照 'member_wather': False, # 群成员监控 'revoke': False, # 防止撤回 'automatic': False, # 自动审核 'pass': '' # 加群暗号 }, 'key_reply': { 'key_at': {}, 'key': {}, 'question': {}, 'question_at': {} }, # 关键词回复 'welcome': None, # 欢迎语 'prohibited_word': [], 'statistics': { 'reply': [], 'RPG': [], 'card': [] }, 'group': {}, # 分组信息 'date': getNow.toString() } if not os.path.exists(filePath + '.config'): with open(filePath + '.config', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('date=' + group['date'] + '\n') f.write('mute=' + str(group['config']['mute']) + '\n') f.write('limit=' + str(group['config']['limit']) + '\n') f.write('nudge=' + str(group['config']['nudge']) + '\n') f.write('TRPG=' + str(group['config']['TRPG']) + '\n') f.write('RPG=' + str(group['config']['RPG']) + '\n') f.write('RPGlimit=' + str(group['config']['limit_RPG']) + '\n') f.write('curse=' + str(group['config']['curse']) + '\n') f.write('image=' + str(group['config']['image']) + '\n') f.write('ai=' + str(group['config']['ai']) + '\n') f.write('autoReply=' + str(group['config']['autonomous_reply']) + '\n') f.write('repeat=' + str(group['config']['repeat']) + '\n') f.write('clash=' + str(group['config']['clash']) + '\n') f.write('clashTag=' + str(group['config']['clash_tag']) + '\n') f.write('welcome=' + str(group['config']['welcome']) + '\n') f.write('key') for i in group['config']['key']: f.write('=' + i) f.write('\n') f.write('replyTimes=' + str(group['config']['reply_limit']) + '\n') f.write('trainRight=' + list_string(group['config']['right_train']) + '\n') f.write('activityRight=' + list_string(group['config']['right_activity']) + '\n') f.write('muteRight=' + list_string(group['config']['right_mute']) + '\n') f.write('gameRight=' + list_string(group['config']['right_RPG']) + '\n') f.write('flash=' + str(group['config']['flash']) + '\n') f.write('memberWather=' + str(group['config']['member_wather']) + '\n') f.write('revoke=' + str(group['config']['revoke']) + '\n') f.write('automatic=' + str(group['config']['automatic']) + '\n') f.write('pass='******'config']['pass']) + '\n') data = { 'key_reply': group['key_reply'], 'welcome': group['welcome'], 'prohibited_word': group['prohibited_word'], 'statistics': group['statistics'], 'group': group['group'] } if not os.path.exists(filePath + '.data'): save_obj(group, filePath) else: group = load_obj(filePath) return group if not os.path.exists(filePath + '.data'): data = { 'key_reply': group['key_reply'], 'welcome': group['welcome'], 'prohibited_word': group['prohibited_word'], 'statistics': group['statistics'], 'group': group['group'] } save_obj(group, filePath) data = load_obj(filePath) group['key_reply'] = data['key_reply'] group['welcome'] = data['welcome'] group['prohibited_word'] = data['prohibited_word'] group['statistics'] = data['statistics'] group['group'] = data['group'] with open(filePath + '.config', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() group['config']['key'] = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] == '#': continue datas = line.split('#') if len(datas) < 1: continue pair = datas[0].split('=') if len(pair) < 2: continue pair[0] = pair[0].strip() pair[1] = pair[1].strip().lower() if pair[0] == 'date': group['date'] = pair[1] elif pair[0] == 'mute': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['mute'] = True else: group['config']['mute'] = False elif pair[0] == 'limit': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['limit'] = True else: group['config']['limit'] = False elif pair[0] == 'nudge': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['nudge'] = True else: group['config']['nudge'] = False elif pair[0] == 'TRPG': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['TRPG'] = True else: group['config']['TRPG'] = False elif pair[0] == 'RPG': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['RPG'] = True else: group['config']['RPG'] = False elif pair[0] == 'RPGlimit': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['limit_RPG'] = True else: group['config']['limit_RPG'] = False elif pair[0] == 'curse': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['curse'] = True else: group['config']['curse'] = False elif pair[0] == 'image': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['image'] = True else: group['config']['image'] = False elif pair[0] == 'ai': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['ai'] = True else: group['config']['ai'] = False elif pair[0] == 'autoReply': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['autonomous_reply'] = True else: group['config']['autonomous_reply'] = False elif pair[0] == 'repeat': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['repeat'] = True else: group['config']['repeat'] = False elif pair[0] == 'clash': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['clash'] = True else: group['config']['clash'] = False elif pair[0] == 'clashTag': group['config']['clash_tag'] = pair[1].upper() elif pair[0] == 'welcome': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['welcome'] = True else: group['config']['welcome'] = False elif pair[0] == 'replyTimes': if pair[1].isdigit(): group['config']['reply_limit'] = int(pair[1]) elif pair[0] == 'key': for i in pair: if i in key_allow and i not in group['config']['key']: group['config']['key'].append(i) elif pair[0] == 'trainRight': qq_list = pair[1].split(',') for i in qq_list: if i.isdigit(): group['config']['right_train'].append(int(i)) elif pair[0] == 'activityRight': qq_list = pair[1].split(',') for i in qq_list: if i.isdigit(): group['config']['right_activity'].append(int(i)) elif pair[0] == 'muteRight': qq_list = pair[1].split(',') for i in qq_list: if i.isdigit(): group['config']['right_mute'].append(int(i)) elif pair[0] == 'gameRight': qq_list = pair[1].split(',') for i in qq_list: if i.isdigit(): group['config']['right_RPG'].append(int(i)) elif pair[0] == 'flash': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['flash'] = True else: group['config']['flash'] = False elif pair[0] == 'memberWather': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['member_wather'] = True else: group['config']['member_wather'] = False elif pair[0] == 'revoke': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['revoke'] = True else: group['config']['revoke'] = False elif pair[0] == 'automatic': if pair[1] == 'true': group['config']['automatic'] = True else: group['config']['automatic'] = False elif pair[0] == 'pass': pair = datas[0].split('=') pair[1] = pair[1].strip() group['config']['pass'] = pair[1] return group
await message_processing.kick_group(bot, event) # 群名片修改 @bot.on(MemberCardChangeEvent) async def member_change(event: MemberCardChangeEvent): await message_processing.member_change(bot, event) # 群消息撤回 @bot.on(GroupRecallEvent) async def member_change(event: GroupRecallEvent): await message_processing.group_recall_message(bot, event) # ========================================================== # 启动机器人 if not init: logManage.log(getNow.toString(), '——————————————————————————\n启动失败!!!\n') print('文件缺失!') exit(0) thread = threading.Thread(target=watcher_bot) thread.start() qq = bot.qq name = message_processing.get_name() logManage.log(getNow.toString(), name + '(' + str(qq) + ')初始化成功,开始运行!') try: # 机器人启动 except websocket.exceptions.NetworkError: print('网络错误') except SystemExit:
async def administrator_operation(bot, event, message, qq, name, group_id, mode, bot_config, config, statistics, right, group_right): bot_qq = bot_config['qq'] bot_name = bot_config['name'] master_qq = bot_config['master'] message_len = len(message) message4 = message[:4] message5 = message[:5] message6 = message[:6] message7 = message[:7] message8 = message[:8] need_reply = False need_at = False reply_text = '' reply_image = '' # =================================================================================== # =================================================================================== # 主人权限 if message == '主人帮助': if right < 1: reply_image = command.help_master() else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == bot_name + '关机': if right < 1: logManage.log(getNow.toString(), bot_name + '关机!') await bot.send(event, '小柒已关机~请手动重新启动小柒') print('退出') sys.exit() else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '查看机器人信息': if right < 1: reply_text = '机器人名字:' + bot_name + '\n机器人QQ:' + str( bot_qq) + '\n主人QQ:' + str(master_qq) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message4 == '删除文摘' and message_len > 4: if right < 1: tmp = message[4:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = talk.delPoem(int(tmp)) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message4 == '删除情话' and message_len > 4: if right < 1: tmp = message[4:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = talk.delLoveTalk(int(tmp)) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message4 == '删除脏话' and message_len > 4: if right < 1: tmp = message[4:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = talk.delSwear(int(tmp)) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message7 == '添加黑名单 群' and message_len > 7: if right < 1: tmp = message[7:].strip().split(' ') if len(tmp) == 2 and tmp[0].isdigit(): reply_text = add_blacklist_group(int(tmp[0]), tmp[1], bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message7 == '添加黑名单 人' and message_len > 7: if right < 1: tmp = message[7:].strip().split(' ') if len(tmp) == 2 and tmp[0].isdigit(): reply_text = add_blacklist_member(int(tmp[0]), tmp[1], bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message7 == '移除黑名单 群' and message_len > 7: if right < 1: tmp = message[7:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = remove_blacklist_group(int(tmp), bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message7 == '移除黑名单 人' and message_len > 7: if right < 1: tmp = message[7:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = remove_blacklist_member(int(tmp), bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message6 == '修改版本信息' and message_len > 6: if right < 1: reply_text = change_version(message[6:].strip(), bot_config) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message7 == '修改机器人名字' and message_len > 7: if right < 1: reply_text = change_bot_name(message[7:].strip(), bot_config) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message7 == '修改机器人QQ' and message_len > 7: if right < 1: tmp = message[7:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = change_bot_qq(int(tmp), bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True # 屏蔽词不用strip,因为可能有一些带空格屏蔽词 elif message8 == '添加全局屏蔽词 ' and message_len > 8: if right < 1: reply_text = add_screen_word(message[8:]) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message8 == '删除全局屏蔽词 ' and message_len > 8: if right < 1: reply_text = del_screen_word(message[8:]) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '查看全局屏蔽词': if right < 1: reply_text = view_screen_word() else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '查看管理员': if right < 1: reply_text = str(bot_config["administrator"]) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message5 == '添加管理员' and message_len > 5: if right < 1: tmp = message[5:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = add_administrator(int(tmp), bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message5 == '删除管理员' and message_len > 5: if right < 1: tmp = message[5:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = del_administrator(int(tmp), bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message4 == '开启脏话' and message_len > 4: if right < 1: tmp = message[4:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = add_curse_plan_group( dataManage.read_group(int(tmp)), int(tmp)) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message4 == '关闭脏话' and message_len > 4: if right < 1: tmp = message[4:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = del_curse_plan_group( dataManage.read_group(int(tmp)), int(tmp)) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '清空每分钟回复条数': if right < 1: statistics['lastMinute'] = 0 dataManage.save_statistics(statistics) reply_text = '清空成功!' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '开启涩图' and mode == 1: if right < 1: reply_text = add_image_search_group(config, group_id) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '关闭涩图' and mode == 1: if right < 1: reply_text = del_image_search_group(config, group_id) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True # =================================================================================== # =================================================================================== # 管理员权限 if not need_reply: if message == '管理员帮助': if right < 2: reply_image = command.help_administrator() else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message5 == '添加贡献者' and message_len > 5: if right < 2: tmp = message[5:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = add_contributors(int(tmp), bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message5 == '删除贡献者' and message_len > 5: if right < 2: tmp = message[5:].strip() if tmp.isdigit(): reply_text = del_contributors(int(tmp), bot_config) else: reply_text = '格式错误' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '查看贡献者': if right < 2: reply_text = str(bot_config["contributor"]) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '查看黑名单 人': if right < 2: reply_text = str(bot_config["blacklist_member"]) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '查看黑名单 群': if right < 2: reply_text = str(bot_config["blacklist_group"]) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message4 == '添加文摘' and message_len > 4: if right < 2: poem_list = message.split(' ') del poem_list[0] reply_text = talk.addPoem(poem_list) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message4 == '添加情话' and message_len > 4: if right < 2: love_talk_list = message.split(' ') del love_talk_list[0] reply_text = talk.addLoveTalk(love_talk_list) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message4 == '添加脏话' and message_len > 4: if right < 2: swear_list = message.split(' ') del swear_list[0] reply_text = talk.addSwear(swear_list) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '文摘条数': if right < 2: reply_text = talk.numPoem() else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '情话条数': if right < 2: reply_text = talk.numLoveTalk() else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '脏话条数': if right < 2: reply_text = talk.numSwear() else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '版本信息' or message == '查看版本信息': if right < 2: reply_text = '当前版本为:' + bot_config['version'] else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif (message == '开启脏话' or message == '脏话开启') and mode == 1: if right < 2 or group_right < 2: reply_text = add_curse_plan_group(config, group_id) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif (message == '关闭脏话' or message == '脏话关闭') and mode == 1: if right < 2 or group_right < 2: reply_text = del_curse_plan_group(config, group_id) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True # =================================================================================== # =================================================================================== # 贡献者权限 if not need_reply: if message == '贡献者帮助': if right < 3: reply_image = command.help_contributor() else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message5 == '添加回复 ' and message_len > 5 and mode == 1: if right < 3: stringList = message.split(' ') if len(stringList) == 3: reply_text = add_question_reply(stringList[1], stringList[2], config, group_id) elif len(stringList) == 4: reply_text = add_question_reply_at(stringList[1], stringList[2], stringList[3], config, group_id) else: reply_text = '格式错误!请检查空格' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message5 == '删除回复 ' and message_len > 5 and mode == 1: if right < 3: stringList = message.split(' ') if len(stringList) == 3: reply_text = del_question_reply(stringList[1], stringList[2], config, group_id) elif len(stringList) == 4: reply_text = del_question_reply_at(stringList[1], stringList[2], stringList[3], config, group_id) else: reply_text = '格式错误!请检查空格' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message5 == '添加回复*' and message_len > 5 and mode == 1: if right < 3: stringList = message.split('*') if len(stringList) == 3: reply_text = add_question_reply(stringList[1], stringList[2], config, group_id) elif len(stringList) == 4: reply_text = add_question_reply_at(stringList[1], stringList[2], stringList[3], config, group_id) else: reply_text = '格式错误!请检查星号' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message5 == '删除回复*' and message_len > 5 and mode == 1: if right < 3: stringList = message.split('*') if len(stringList) == 3: reply_text = del_question_reply(stringList[1], stringList[2], config, group_id) elif len(stringList) == 4: reply_text = del_question_reply_at(stringList[1], stringList[2], stringList[3], config, group_id) else: reply_text = '格式错误!请检查星号' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message6 == '添加关键词 ' and message_len > 6 and mode == 1: if right < 3: stringList = message.split(' ') if len(stringList) == 3: reply_text = add_key_reply(stringList[1], stringList[2], config, group_id) elif len(stringList) == 4: reply_text = add_key_reply_at(stringList[1], stringList[2], stringList[3], config, group_id) else: reply_text = '格式错误!请检查空格' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message6 == '删除关键词 ' and message_len > 6 and mode == 1: if right < 3: stringList = message.split(' ') if len(stringList) == 3: reply_text = del_key_reply(stringList[1], stringList[2], config, group_id) elif len(stringList) == 4: reply_text = del_key_reply_at(stringList[1], stringList[2], stringList[3], config, group_id) else: reply_text = '格式错误!请检查空格' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message6 == '添加关键词*' and message_len > 6 and mode == 1: if right < 3: stringList = message.split('*') if len(stringList) == 3: reply_text = add_key_reply(stringList[1], stringList[2], config, group_id) elif len(stringList) == 4: reply_text = add_key_reply_at(stringList[1], stringList[2], stringList[3], config, group_id) else: reply_text = '格式错误!请检查星号' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message6 == '删除关键词*' and message_len > 6 and mode == 1: if right < 3: stringList = message.split('*') if len(stringList) == 3: reply_text = del_key_reply(stringList[1], stringList[2], config, group_id) elif len(stringList) == 4: reply_text = del_key_reply_at(stringList[1], stringList[2], stringList[3], config, group_id) else: reply_text = '格式错误!请检查星号' else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message7 == '关键词回复概率' and message_len > 7 and mode == 1: if right < 3: reply_text = edit_key_probability(message[7:].strip(), config, group_id) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif (message == '添加复杂回复' or message == '创建复杂回复') and mode == 1: user = dataManage.read_user(qq) user['buffer']['id'] = 5 user['buffer']['buffer'] = group_id dataManage.save_user(qq, user) reply_text = '请在小柒的指引下完成复杂回复的添加~请问你的触发该回复的触发词是什么呢?(只能包含文本和艾特消息,你可以随时输入“*取消创建*”来取消,星号不可以省略哦~)' need_reply = True elif message == '查看复杂回复' and mode == 1: if not config['key_reply'].__contains__('complex'): reply_text = '没有开放的复杂回复触发词' else: if len(config['key_reply']['complex']) != 0: reply_text = '开放的复杂回复触发词如下:' for key, value in config['key_reply']['complex'].items(): reply_text += '\n' + key else: reply_text = '没有开放的复杂回复触发词' need_reply = True elif message7 == '删除复杂回复 ' and mode == 1: key = message[7:] if config['key_reply']['complex'].__contains__(key): del config['key_reply']['complex'][key] dataManage.save_group(group_id, config) reply_text = '删除成功~' else: reply_text = '没有该触发词' need_reply = True elif message == '申请权限' and mode == 1: if group_right == 0: member_list = await bot.member_list(group_id) if len( > 10: reply_text = add_contributors(qq, bot_config) if reply_text == '添加成功~': reply_text = '申请贡献者权限成功,可以输入“贡献者帮助”获取管理指令,需要更高权限的请前往' + bot_name + '官方群(479504567)找主人要' elif '正确' in reply_text: reply_text = '因为未知原因申请失败,请稍后重试' else: reply_text = reply_text.replace('他', '你').replace( '该成员', '你') else: reply_text = '你的群需要超过10人,请去' + bot_name + '官方群(479504567)找主人要权限' else: reply_text = '你并非群主(群需要超过10人),请去' + bot_name + '官方群(479504567)找主人要权限' need_reply = True # 屏蔽词不用strip,因为可能有一些带空格屏蔽词 elif message6 == '添加屏蔽词 ' and message_len > 6 and mode == 1: if group_right < 2 or right < 2: reply_text = add_group_screen_word(group_id, config, message[6:]) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message6 == '删除屏蔽词 ' and message_len > 6 and mode == 1: if group_right < 2 or right < 2: reply_text = del_group_screen_word(group_id, config, message[6:]) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '查看屏蔽词' and mode == 1: if group_right < 2 or right < 2: reply_text = view_group_screen_word(config) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif message == '清空屏蔽词' and mode == 1: if group_right < 2 or right < 2: reply_text = clear_group_screen_word(qq, group_id, config) else: reply_text = '权限不足,请输入"我的权限"查看' need_reply = True elif (message5 == '创建分组 ' or message5 == '添加分组 ') and message_len > 5: group_name = '' i = 5 while i < message_len: if message[i] != ' ' and message[i] != '@': group_name += message[i] else: break i += 1 if len(group_name) > 0: member_text = message[i:] members = analysis_qqs(member_text) reply_text = add_group(group_id, config, group_name, members, qq) else: reply_text = '格式错误!' need_reply = True elif message7 == '添加分组成员 ' and message_len > 7: group_name = '' i = 7 while i < message_len: if message[i] != ' ' and message[i] != '@': group_name += message[i] else: break i += 1 if len(group_name) > 0: member_text = message[i:] members = analysis_qqs(member_text) reply_text = append_group(group_id, config, group_name, members) else: reply_text = '格式错误!' need_reply = True elif message7 == '删除分组成员 ' and message_len > 7: group_name = '' i = 7 while i < message_len: if message[i] != ' ' and message[i] != '@': group_name += message[i] else: break i += 1 if len(group_name) > 0: member_text = message[i:] members = analysis_qqs(member_text) reply_text = remove_group(group_id, config, group_name, members) else: reply_text = '格式错误!' need_reply = True elif message5 == '删除分组 ' and message_len > 5: group_name = message[5:].strip() reply_text = del_group(group_id, config, group_name) need_reply = True elif message5 == '查看分组 ' and message_len > 5: group_name = message[5:].strip() # reply_text = '暂时不能查看分组' reply_text = await view_group(bot, group_id, config, group_name) need_reply = True elif message == '清空分组': reply_text = clear_group(group_id, config, qq) need_reply = True elif message == '分组列表' or message == '查看分组列表': reply_text = view_all_group(config) need_reply = True if need_reply: if message != '贡献者帮助' and message != '管理员帮助' and message != '主人帮助': logManage.member_log(getNow.toString(), qq, message + "; 执行结果:" + reply_text) else: logManage.member_log(getNow.toString(), qq, message + "; 执行结果:参见command.py里的帮助内容") return need_reply, need_at, reply_text, reply_image