예제 #1
파일: to_bpmn.py 프로젝트: pm4py/pm4py-core
def add_inclusive_gateway(bpmn, counts):
    from pm4py.objects.bpmn.obj import BPMN
    split_name = "parallel_" + str(counts.num_para_gateways) + "_split"
    join_name = "parallel_" + str(counts.num_para_gateways) + "_join"

    split = BPMN.InclusiveGateway(name=split_name, gateway_direction=BPMN.Gateway.Direction.DIVERGING)
    join = BPMN.InclusiveGateway(name=join_name, gateway_direction=BPMN.Gateway.Direction.CONVERGING)
    return bpmn, split, join, counts
예제 #2
def parse_element(bpmn_graph, counts, curr_el, parents, incoming_dict, outgoing_dict, nodes_dict, nodes_bounds,
                  flow_info, process=None, node=None, bpmn_element=None, flow=None, rec_depth=0):
    Parses a BPMN element from the XML file
    tag = curr_el.tag.lower()
    if tag.endswith("subprocess"): # subprocess invocation
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
        subprocess = BPMN.SubProcess(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process, depth=rec_depth)
        node = subprocess
        process = curr_el.get("id")
        nodes_dict[process] = node
    elif tag.endswith("process"): # process of the current subtree
        process = curr_el.get("id")
    elif tag.endswith("shape"): # shape of a node, contains x,y,width,height information
        bpmn_element = curr_el.get("bpmnElement")
    elif tag.endswith("task"): # simple task object
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
        #this_type = str(curr_el.tag)
        #this_type = this_type[this_type.index("}") + 1:]
        task = BPMN.Task(id=id, name=name, process=process)
        node = task
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("startevent"): # start node starting the (sub)process
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
        event_definitions = [child.tag.lower().replace("eventdefinition","") for child in curr_el if child.tag.lower().endswith("eventdefinition")]
        if len(event_definitions) > 0:
            event_type = event_definitions[0]
            if  event_type.endswith("message"):
                start_event = BPMN.MessageStartEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            else: # TODO: expand functionality, support more start event types
                start_event = BPMN.NormalStartEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            start_event = BPMN.NormalStartEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
        node = start_event
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("endevent"): # end node ending the (sub)process
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
        event_definitions = [child.tag.lower().replace("eventdefinition","") for child in curr_el if child.tag.lower().endswith("eventdefinition")]
        if len(event_definitions) > 0:
            event_type = event_definitions[0]
            if  event_type.endswith("message"):
                end_event = BPMN.MessageEndEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            elif  event_type.endswith("terminate"):
                end_event = BPMN.TerminateEndEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            elif  event_type.endswith("error"):
                end_event = BPMN.ErrorEndEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            elif  event_type.endswith("cancel"):
                end_event = BPMN.CancelEndEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            else: # TODO: expand functionality, support more start event types
                end_event = BPMN.NormalEndEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            end_event = BPMN.NormalEndEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
        node = end_event
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("intermediatecatchevent"): # intermediate event that happens (externally) and can be catched
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
        event_definitions = [child.tag.lower().replace("eventdefinition","") for child in curr_el if child.tag.lower().endswith("eventdefinition")]
        if len(event_definitions) > 0:
            event_type = event_definitions[0]
            if  event_type.endswith("message"):
                intermediate_catch_event = BPMN.MessageIntermediateCatchEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            elif  event_type.endswith("error"):
                intermediate_catch_event = BPMN.ErrorIntermediateCatchEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            elif  event_type.endswith("cancel"):
                intermediate_catch_event = BPMN.CancelIntermediateCatchEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
                intermediate_catch_event = BPMN.IntermediateCatchEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            intermediate_catch_event = BPMN.IntermediateCatchEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
        node = intermediate_catch_event
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("intermediatethrowevent"): # intermediate event that is activated through the (sub)process
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
        event_definitions = [child.tag.lower().replace("eventdefinition","") for child in curr_el if child.tag.lower().endswith("eventdefinition")]
        if len(event_definitions) > 0:
            event_type = event_definitions[0]
            if  event_type.endswith("message"):
                intermediate_throw_event = BPMN.MessageIntermediateThrowEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
                intermediate_throw_event = BPMN.NormalIntermediateThrowEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
            intermediate_throw_event = BPMN.NormalIntermediateThrowEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process)
        node = intermediate_throw_event
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("boundaryevent"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        ref_activity = curr_el.get("attachedToRef")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
        event_definitions = [child.tag.lower().replace("eventdefinition","") for child in curr_el if child.tag.lower().endswith("eventdefinition")]
        if len(event_definitions) > 0:
            event_type = event_definitions[0]
            if event_type.endswith("message"):
                boundary_event = BPMN.MessageBoundaryEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process, activity=ref_activity)
            elif  event_type.endswith("error"):
                boundary_event = BPMN.ErrorBoundaryEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process, activity=ref_activity)
            elif  event_type.endswith("cancel"):
                boundary_event = BPMN.CancelBoundaryEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process, activity=ref_activity)
                boundary_event = BPMN.BoundaryEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process, activity=ref_activity)
            boundary_event = BPMN.BoundaryEvent(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, process=process, activity=ref_activity)
        node = boundary_event
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("edge"): # related to the x, y information of an arc
        bpmnElement = curr_el.get("bpmnElement")
        flow = bpmnElement
    elif tag.endswith("exclusivegateway"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
            direction = BPMN.Gateway.Direction[curr_el.get("gatewayDirection").upper()]
            exclusive_gateway = BPMN.ExclusiveGateway(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, gateway_direction=direction, process=process)
            exclusive_gateway = BPMN.ExclusiveGateway(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, gateway_direction=BPMN.Gateway.Direction.UNSPECIFIED, process=process)
        node = exclusive_gateway
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("parallelgateway"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
            direction = BPMN.Gateway.Direction[curr_el.get("gatewayDirection").upper()]
            parallel_gateway = BPMN.ParallelGateway(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, gateway_direction=direction, process=process)
            parallel_gateway = BPMN.ParallelGateway(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, gateway_direction=BPMN.Gateway.Direction.UNSPECIFIED, process=process)
        node = parallel_gateway
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("inclusivegateway"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if "name" in curr_el.attrib else ""
            direction = BPMN.Gateway.Direction[curr_el.get("gatewayDirection").upper()]
            inclusive_gateway = BPMN.InclusiveGateway(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, gateway_direction=direction, process=process)
            inclusive_gateway = BPMN.InclusiveGateway(id=curr_el.get("id"), name=name, gateway_direction=BPMN.Gateway.Direction.UNSPECIFIED, process=process)
        node = inclusive_gateway
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("incoming"): # incoming flow of a node
        if node is not None:
            incoming_dict[curr_el.text.strip()] = (node, process, tag)
    elif tag.endswith("outgoing"): # outgoing flow of a node
        if node is not None:
            outgoing_dict[curr_el.text.strip()] = (node, process, tag)
    elif tag.endswith("sequenceflow"): # normal sequence flow between two nodes
        seq_flow_id = curr_el.get("id")
        source_ref = curr_el.get("sourceRef")
        target_ref = curr_el.get("targetRef")
        if source_ref is not None and target_ref is not None:
            incoming_dict[seq_flow_id] = (target_ref, process, tag)
            outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id] = (source_ref, process, tag)
    elif tag.endswith("waypoint"): # contains information of x, y values of an edge
        if flow is not None:
            x = float(curr_el.get("x"))
            y = float(curr_el.get("y"))
            if not flow in flow_info:
                flow_info[flow] = []
            flow_info[flow].append((x, y))
    elif tag.endswith("label"): # label of a node, mostly at the end of a shape object
        bpmn_element = None
    elif tag.endswith("bounds"): # contains information of width, height, x, y of a node
        if bpmn_element is not None:
            x = float(curr_el.get("x"))
            y = float(curr_el.get("y"))
            width = float(curr_el.get("width"))
            height = float(curr_el.get("height"))
            nodes_bounds[bpmn_element] = {"x": x, "y": y, "width": width, "height": height}

    for child in curr_el:
        bpmn_graph = parse_element(bpmn_graph, counts, child, list(parents) + [child], incoming_dict, outgoing_dict,
                                   nodes_dict, nodes_bounds, flow_info, process=process, node=node,
                                   flow=flow, rec_depth=rec_depth + 1)
    # afterprocessing when the xml tree has been recursively parsed already
    if rec_depth == 0:
        # bpmn_graph.set_process_id(process)
        for seq_flow_id in incoming_dict:
            if incoming_dict[seq_flow_id][0] in nodes_dict:
                incoming_dict[seq_flow_id] = (nodes_dict[incoming_dict[seq_flow_id][0]], incoming_dict[seq_flow_id][1], incoming_dict[seq_flow_id][2])
        for seq_flow_id in outgoing_dict:
            if outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id][0] in nodes_dict:
                outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id] = (nodes_dict[outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id][0]], outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id][1], outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id][2])
        for flow_id in flow_info:
            if flow_id in outgoing_dict and flow_id in incoming_dict:
                if isinstance(outgoing_dict[flow_id][0], BPMN.BPMNNode) and isinstance(incoming_dict[flow_id][0], BPMN.BPMNNode):
                    flow = BPMN.SequenceFlow(outgoing_dict[flow_id][0], incoming_dict[flow_id][0], id=flow_id, name="", process=outgoing_dict[flow_id][1])
                    for waypoint in flow_info[flow_id]:
        for node_id in nodes_bounds:
            if node_id in nodes_dict:
                bounds = nodes_bounds[node_id]
                node = nodes_dict[node_id]
    return bpmn_graph
예제 #3
def parse_element(bpmn_graph, counts, curr_el, parents, incoming_dict, outgoing_dict, nodes_dict, nodes_bounds,
                  flow_info, process=None, node=None, bpmn_element=None, flow=None, rec_depth=0):
    Parses a BPMN element from the XML file
    tag = curr_el.tag.lower()
    if tag.endswith("process"):
        process = curr_el.get("id")
    elif tag.endswith("shape"):
        bpmn_element = curr_el.get("bpmnElement")
    elif tag.endswith("task"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "")
        this_type = str(curr_el.tag)
        this_type = this_type[this_type.index("}") + 1:]
        task = BPMN.Task(name=name, type=this_type)
        node = task
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("startevent"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") if "name" in curr_el else str(uuid.uuid4())
        start_event = BPMN.StartEvent(name=name)
        node = start_event
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("endevent"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") if "name" in curr_el else str(uuid.uuid4())
        end_event = BPMN.EndEvent(name=name)
        node = end_event
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("event"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") if "name" in curr_el else str(uuid.uuid4())
        this_type = str(curr_el.tag)
        this_type = this_type[this_type.index("}") + 1:]
        other_event = BPMN.OtherEvent(name=name, type=this_type)
        node = other_event
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("edge"):
        bpmnElement = curr_el.get("bpmnElement")
        flow = bpmnElement
    elif tag.endswith("exclusivegateway"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if "name" in curr_el else str(uuid.uuid4())
        exclusive_gateway = BPMN.ExclusiveGateway(name=name)
        node = exclusive_gateway
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("parallelgateway"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if "name" in curr_el else str(uuid.uuid4())
        parallel_gateway = BPMN.ParallelGateway(name=name)
        node = parallel_gateway
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("inclusivegateway"):
        id = curr_el.get("id")
        name = curr_el.get("name").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if "name" in curr_el else str(uuid.uuid4())
        inclusive_gateway = BPMN.InclusiveGateway(name=name)
        node = inclusive_gateway
        nodes_dict[id] = node
    elif tag.endswith("incoming"):
        if node is not None:
            incoming_dict[curr_el.text.strip()] = node
    elif tag.endswith("outgoing"):
        if node is not None:
            outgoing_dict[curr_el.text.strip()] = node
    elif tag.endswith("sequenceflow"):
        seq_flow_id = curr_el.get("id")
        source_ref = curr_el.get("sourceRef")
        target_ref = curr_el.get("targetRef")
        # fix 28/04/2021: do not assume anymore to read the nodes before the edges
        incoming_dict[seq_flow_id] = target_ref
        outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id] = source_ref
    elif tag.endswith("waypoint"):
        if flow is not None:
            x = float(curr_el.get("x"))
            y = float(curr_el.get("y"))
            if not flow in flow_info:
                flow_info[flow] = []
            flow_info[flow].append((x, y))
    elif tag.endswith("label"):
        bpmn_element = None
    elif tag.endswith("bounds"):
        if bpmn_element is not None:
            x = float(curr_el.get("x"))
            y = float(curr_el.get("y"))
            width = float(curr_el.get("width"))
            height = float(curr_el.get("height"))
            nodes_bounds[bpmn_element] = {"x": x, "y": y, "width": width, "height": height}
    for child in curr_el:
        bpmn_graph = parse_element(bpmn_graph, counts, child, list(parents) + [child], incoming_dict, outgoing_dict,
                                   nodes_dict, nodes_bounds, flow_info, process=process, node=node,
                                   flow=flow, rec_depth=rec_depth + 1)
    if rec_depth == 0:
        for seq_flow_id in incoming_dict:
            if incoming_dict[seq_flow_id] in nodes_dict:
                incoming_dict[seq_flow_id] = nodes_dict[incoming_dict[seq_flow_id]]
        for seq_flow_id in outgoing_dict:
            if outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id] in nodes_dict:
                outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id] = nodes_dict[outgoing_dict[seq_flow_id]]
        for flow_id in flow_info:
            if flow_id in outgoing_dict and flow_id in incoming_dict:
                flow = BPMN.Flow(outgoing_dict[flow_id], incoming_dict[flow_id])
                for waypoint in flow_info[flow_id]:
        for node_id in nodes_bounds:
            if node_id in nodes_dict:
                bounds = nodes_bounds[node_id]
                node = nodes_dict[node_id]
    return bpmn_graph